HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-10, Page 7tettetteleflaffiteMeDevaletWeletett$001 BLUSTERY S1 4TIllII LOTION Kerr's Drug Store .40121100100040101M-DasltIsltablaslOar Mohawk Rally Fails To Trip Clinton A last period rally by the Mohawks wasn't enough to beat Clinton in the exhibition game here Saturday night, which the visitors won 7-5, Missing a number of their key play- ers, the Mohawks never really got going until the last period, when five Clinton penalties helped them earn some goals. It was Clinton's game most of the way, the visitors showing an aggressive type of play which had the locals baffled, Referees George Zuk and Sparlty Weiler had their hands full handing out penalties, in- cluding one for misconduct, Wingham scored a lone goal in the first period to Clinton's three. Two more in the second put the visitors out in front 5-1, Until Wingham's rally in the third Clinton was lead- ing 7-1, Five penalties in a row kept Clinton short-handed and gave the home towners a chance to score four. It wasn't enough. THANK YOU I wish to thank the . Ratepayers of How= ick Twp., who elect= ed me Deputy= Reeve. I will do my best to merit your confidence. The Season's Greetings to Tall Art Gibson 11101 J. Brown, Mrs, E. S. Lewis; ree,-sec., Mrs. Chas. Hopper; corres.-sec., Mrs. B. Cruikshank; treas., Mrs. W. Van- Wyck; Christian Stewardship sec , Mrs, Wm, Field; Systematic Giving see., Mrs. A. J. Fox, Mrs. Geo, Ross; Associate Members' sec., Mrs. N. Mc- Laughlin; Missionary Monthly see„ Mrs, Bert Armstrong; Temperanee see„ Mrs, C. Finglancl; Community Friendship sec., Mrs, J. Blake; Sec. of Communion, Mrs. Frank Edgar; Supply sec,, Mrs. Fingland; pianist, Mrs. W, A. Beecroft; assistant pianist, Mrs Alton; convener of Social Com- mittee, Mrs. H. Carmichael; Supt. of Mission Band, Mrs. Earl Hamilton; Supt. of Baby Band, Mrs, W. F. Burg- man; auditor, Mrs:1"W. Heughan. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the social committee, I APPRECIATE YOUR CONFIDENCE AND WILL ENDEAVOUR TO WARRANT YOUR TRUST HUGH CARMICHAEL THANKS To the Electors of Howick Towaship I am deeply apprec= iative of your fine support in electing me as Reeve. I will do my best to serve you in the future. HARRY MAY .4itcsiotwouram owowalimwmawolowou maw awl LUXURIOUS CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to the people of Wingham for my election t o the council for 1953 FRANK R. HOWSON .1.11111101•11.111M.MILTMMIlli 0110011.011010001 0•112A, •s* MY SINCERE THANKS 1) TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED ME ON DEC. 1st Harvey Timm Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughter TTP PROMPTIN AND CFIPICTENTL) E. I T. Strong IN THE R.C.A.F. Hanna s Ladies Shoppe • Mantle and Portable Radios WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1952 41,111MEMIMIIIMME1101111111111111111111111111111111.11111+ THE WINGFIAM ADVANCE-TIMES rAGE SEVEN • Walkerton Earns Fourth Win Walkerten Wunderbars added a victory over Wingham to their un- defeated record on Friday for a to- tal of four wins and one tie in five starts. The Mohawks were on the short end og. Friday night's 5-2 score. The scoring chores for the Wing- ham boys were handled by Bob Ritter and Morley ChirIn who netted one each in the second frame. There was no score in the first, Zuk was kept off the score sheet but was credited with two assists. • . Wingham-Goal, Murray, defence, Westlake, Pym; centre, Murray Stain- ton; wings, Ritter, Lockridge; subs, H. Chinn, M. Chinn, Morris Stain- ton, Dewbury, Fry, Hall, Tervit, Wil- son. Mount 'Forest Laces Wingham Mohawks A small crowd of hockey fans were disappointed in the poor showing made by the Mohawks against Mt. Forest in the local ice house Tues- day evening last week. The visitors took the honors 9-4, • Morris Stainton scored the first goal of the game at 5.30 in the first un- assisted, followed-by Ab. Chinn in the same frame, but Sheffield of Mt. For- est came back with a pair and a third was notched up by Riley. Morley Chinn and Ritter tallied in the second to be .matched by a pair for the visitors. The Mount Forest crew sewed it up in the third stanza by netting four goals. C.W.L. The regular monthly meeting of the C.W.L. of Sacred Heart Church was held on Monday, December 1st,, in the parish hall, The president, Mrs. Alf. Lockridge, opened with prayer. The roll call and minutes were read by Mrs. Bob Clark. Mrs. Wilfred White gave the Treasurer's report. It was decided to set aside a sum of money from the proceeds of each euchre party to be held this winter, l to oomPirchase card tables. Plans were I opetett.edfor the annual Mrs. Sloseer and Margaretstm con Brophy are in charge of the program. !Mrs. N. Smith and MrS. Clark will decorate the tree. A Christmas party i and exchange of gifts were enjoyed after the meeting, C.Y.O. Meets I The Catholic Youth Organization of Sacred Heart Church met in the par- ish ha-ll on Sunday evening, December .7th.;--with an attendance of 16 mem- bers. The meeting was presided over by president Des Brophy, and opened with the C.Y.O. prayer and theme song. Correspondence dealt with included a letter from C.Y.O. of Sacred Heart Church, Walkerton, inviting members to a social evening in Walkerton, on Sunday, December 14th. The treasur- er's report was given by Mr. Alex Sproal, Miss Sally Slosser conducted a religious quizz, while Miss Mary Hihn delighted her audience with several accordion numbers. The Spir- itual committee will provide the pro- gram for the next meeting, the 2nd. Sunday in January. Lunch was served by Misses Mary Hihn, Audrey and Lenore Ste. Marie. Sacred Heart HNS Holds First Breakfast A communion breakfast and organi- zational meeting was held Sunday in the hall of Sacred Heart Church, in Wingham. The occasion was the for- mation of the Holy. Name Society. This group is being revived at Sacred Heart, after a number of years of in- atcivity. Father Remy Durand, pastor of Sacred Heart, welcomed 35 men to the communion breakfast table, and also introduced the speaker, Dr. McCarthy, vice-rector of St, Peter's Seminary, of London. Father McCarthy outlined the aims of the Holy Name Society in his inter- esting address. He pointed out that the Holy Name Society is a, more or less, I 4.4.1..c...os0.miwooloo.o.n.am.00memre•MirOW I wish to express my thanks to the people of Howick who voted for me on Monday Ted Newton modern society, distinctive in North America, being founded a little over 50 years ago by the Dominican Fa• there of the United States. Dr. McCar- thy said that the long range plan of the Society is to foster among Catholic men good citizenship for both church and state. The more immediate plan is the elimination of profanity in speech. He pointed out that profanity has decreased somewhat in recent years, for after all it had its origin in ignorance. More through education and enlightenment, plus the efforts of such groups as the Holy Name Society, have done much in this regard to help the situation. Father McCarthy also said that this Society is not a service club or fraternal organization, but rather spiritual. Its primary aim is to help its members lead good, Chris- tian lives, After the breakfast, the election of officers was held with John Brent be- ing elected president, Gerry Brophy, vice-president, and Andy Anstett, sec- retary-treasurer. Elections Held at Christmas Meeting Red candles and Christmas decora- tions made an appropriate setting for the Christmas meeting of the Woman's Missionary Sosiety in Wingham Unit- ed Church, under the leadership of Mrs. R. R. Hobden. The theme, "Christmas, the Season of Birth and Re-Birth", was carried out in the devotions and singing of carols, Passages of Scripture, telling of the birth of Jesus, were read by Mrs. George Ross, Mrs. F. R. Howson and Mrs. W. J Greer, These were ta- ken from the new, revised edition of the Bible. A reading which told the meaning and significance of different Christmas customs was given by Mrs. H. Carmichael. She said that the best loved carol is, "God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen", which was then sung by Mrs. Carl Bondi. In connection with the study book, Mrs. A. J. Fox had prepared a paper telling of the activities for one day, in the life of a family living in an Af- rican village, This was read by Mrs. Hobden. Mrs. B. Cruikshank was nam- ed convener of a committee to look after sending Christmas treats to the shut-ins in the congregation. All con- tributions for these boxes are to be left at the church early on the after- noon of Friday, December 19th. The report of the nominating com- mittee was presented by Mrs. Alex Coutts and the following are the of- ficers for 1953: President, Mrs. Roulston; vice-pres- idents, Mrs. G. N. Underwood, Mrs. W. 41111021B006111110201111713=1RIMIZIWINB. FOR WINTER WEAR POPULAR SEWS RUBBER. FOOTWEAR GLOVES - LEATHER GOODS Wilkie's Ankle Support4 SKATES SHARPENED HARRY BROWNE Sales SHOES Repairs Wed., Dec. 3 B=12 Thur., Dec. 4 N=44 Fri., Dec. 5 0=70 Sat., Dec. 6 G=46 Mon., Dec. 8 0=61 Tues., Dec. 9 G=59 Back Numbers N=31, 1.22, 0=74, N=38, N=34, 0=67, N=32, 1=24, 1=26, 1=21, B=2, 0=62 G=54, B=3; B=14, N=45, 0=71, 1=23. B=7, B=5, 1=28 G-55, B-10, 0=68 1=17, G=56, G=53 0=72, N=40, 0=64 G=60, G=52, 1=16 1=20, G=48, N=39, B=15, B=4, 1=25 G=57, B=9, B=13 1=19, N=33, 0=69 G=50, 0=73, N=42 $400 still to be won KINSMEN CLUB OF WINGHAM -hristmas Trees re er Phone Orders 561j Wingham WHAT'S COOKING FOR THIS CHRISTMAS? wz,z,vfmr.:4,r424cmx-tc-tze,.,z-vvv,m4veta.:m;:aztz44vvc/oz.vxtvozczeri.sztvvviz, CI oresalasavalgl IDInaZia'ar,MWZIDeainIZMXDZATI,MI-De,V,'..eiZi441n24M-4-3W)Marr.)1inirM-Mitali00a'alti*: IT SHOULD BE COOKED ON THE INGLIS "TAPPAN" ELECTRIC RANGE Thank You I wish to thank the Electors of Howick Township for their splendid suport. Wishing one and all the compliments of the Festive Season. Frosted With Late . . Designed With A Lovely Lady In Mind .. For inspired Christmas glftlag, lavish array of feminine lingerie in a wealth of styles, Tops flamenco-tiered skiff on filled hip and midriff taffeta slip. Tailored slip with nylon net bodice trims gored skirt. White nylon. Comisole.top slip with Alencon-type lace trim on bodice, hem. Bottom: Molded midriff slip with net and satin bodice and flounce. 1.01101140$4000":510A0A01601166166$40MAM1106111165X01061VALI If you are between 18 and 40, with Grade 8 education or better, you can join the RCAF to train as an Aero Engine, Airframe,. Radio-Radar or In- strument Technician. You will be well paid, and at the end of your service you will be entitled to a pension or substantial gratuity. Men are also needed for air- crew training. For full information . contact the mobile recruiting Officer in WINGHAM TOWN HALL Tues., Dec. 16th by the best known names and zt refreshingly new line and Style in Floor Lamps Boudoir Lamps, Bed Lamps, Table moos and Other Styles are popular suggestions of something daughter to fill a Spot in their best teen): McGill's Radio CALL McCILL'S FOR RADIO ILLS C. BRUBACHER Phone 6081v1 RA. 1, Winghamna-00-P.,,:stlietrOtt-AVAp/r11-01000101t--Ms-Wc-Wic-rorM oto Pis O 4 plate and large working surface. 0 "Tel-IT-Set" Automatic Controls. O Appliance Outlet with Automatic Timer. 0 Exclusive "Visualite" Oven Window. 0 Warming Closet-Utensil Storage, See Them Today - Delivered Christmas Eve good for son or