The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-10, Page 6tir P.,'Sf71,4 1 UNBREAKABLE CRYSTAL! SWEEP SECOHD:HALDIIILV171 DUST-TIGHT CASEI PAY ONLY e 25 • vligy Welch Emerged haw NM DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER Certified Watehmaker PHONY B9 WIN(}H~IM Let it Snow Let it Blow! EVERY DAY'S A PERFECT DRYI G DAY WITH THE Westinghouse CLOTHES DRYER You never need to lift another heavy 'basket of soggy, wet clothes when it's so easy to own a Westinghouse Clothes Dryer. Dryyour laundry "fresh-air sweet" in any weather the auto- matic Westinghouse way, Pattisoia RADIO & ELECTRIC 5 M imes as concentrated a s a lotion TIFFANY HEALING HAND CREAM with CHLOROPHYLL el:. $1.25 C i:'$2.50 Prevents and Heals Chapped and Roughened Skin (M) Cosmetic C.:writers Everywheris TURKEYS Fresh Killed, Delivered 7 lbs. & over Dressed Gob. 50c Hen 60c Oven Dressed ..Gob. 65c Hen 75c NO ORDERS ACCEPTED AFTER 15 DEC. R. J. McMURRAY Phone Wingham 735 J 3 26-3-10b Dead Stock DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY 'FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collect Paillifilefittart 128w Durham 398 GORDON YOUNG LIMIT= Free Delivery PHONE WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET a JOHN BUMSTEAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham itetwateetstmVetatatc-tometetstestetmetsteeitertssrtSvit414PatetCsMetete Po xilriagifre SEE US FOR YOUR photographicCluistmas Gift KOD AK AND BROWNIE CP MOO S ORIES KODAK FILMS • ACCESS YOUR YOUNGSTER CAN DEVELOP AND PRINT- MS 'OWN SNAPSHOTS WITH T E Kodacraft PHOTO-LAB OUTFIT to Easy to use, this Outfit will provide hours of fun. No darkroom is needed as negatives can be developed in the Kodacraft Roll-Film Tank and prints made on Kodak Velite Paper in a lighted room. See it here. lanville Hammerton Phone 199 PHOTOGRAPHER Wingham 212a,M2191-2t,,t-21910t2b,W-121-20-211:9=n2t.741-4-2t91-2M9191! TRAVEL BY TRAIN for a Happier Holiday An Ideal Christmas Gift! A Prepaid Rail Ticket! Make your reservations now for that holiday train' trip home. You have your choice of restful sleeping accommodations or cheerful day coaches ... grand meals in the dining car . .. room to stretch your legs and visit your friends enroute-'. What's more, we can have a drive- yourself car waiting for you when you step off the train. TRAVEL BY TRAIN ARRIVE RELAXED, REFRESHED AND IN A HOLIDAY MOODS Information and reservations from any Canadian Pacific office, your own trawl, agent it STATION AGENT WINGHAM' BISSELL'S "GRAND "GRAND RAPIDS" The gift with an all-year lift. She'll remember you every- day if you give her a quick- 'aliening "Grand Rapids" sweeper. Get yours today. In just the right price rang.. ea+ YBAN3 01' SWILL PROOSINS .1....44.10MMEM • PRICE $8.95 WALKER'S HOME FURNISHINGS PAGE SIX. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1953 FOR SALE CRESS CORN SAL`vE for sure re- lief, Your druggist sells Cress Cal- lous Salve too, relieves quickly. USED PIANOS FOR SALE—Largest selection of new and used pianos in Western Ontario (refinished like new), Free delivery, Smitty's Piano Sales, Hanover, Ont. 22rrb A CHESTERFIELD—s u i t e from Schuett's, Mildmay, for your home for Christmas. Two-piece suites at $119.00, $149.00, $189.00, $249.00, $279.- 00; $319,00. Twenty suites in wide variety of styles, covers, colors. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay and Mt. Forest. 3:10b NEW small satin walnut piano at Schuett's, Mildmay, reduced to $595.00. Other new pianos $535.00 to $875.00. Ten good used pianos at the Mildmay Furniture Store, Free delivery. 3:10b 2 STORM WINDOWS, 29"x66"; 1 Storm window 28"x671,42'; 2 Win- dow sash and glass 28"x66"; 2 mob- iltread tires 710x15. Can be seen at Canada Packers, Apply E. R. Har- riSen: 3* LANE—Cedar Chests, Rubber and Feather Pillows. "Gibbard" occas- ional furniture at the Mildmay Fur- niture Store, Lovely gifts, Schuett'S of Mildmay, 3;1412 CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models... Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 FOR SALE 2 STORM WINDOWS, 29"x66"; storm window 28"x671/2 "; 2 window sash and glass 28"x66"; 2 snow nohitread tires 710x15. Can be seen at Canada Packers, apply E. R. Harrison. 10* 1VIAR.CHAND OIL SPACE HEATER, medium size, nearly new; Annex coal and wood heater, good condi- tion. Ted Martyn, Lower Wing- ham, phone 725-w-1. 10* CHILD'S SIDEWALK FIRE TRUCK, good as new, used only a few times, Apply Mrs. Harold Elliott, Bluevale, phone 709-w-4, 10* SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES, de- livered to your house, Phone 92. 10,17* TWO ATLAS TIRES, new, 670x15, one tube, wholesale price. Phone 599-3, 10b QUEBEC HEATER, large size, phone 604-j-4, 10b MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb pAQP IN QR PHONE and have your Xmas supply of Laura Secord candy set aside now. 1,-2,-3,-5 lb. Boxes at Kerr's Drug Store, 10b FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb SELL YOUR POULTRY, cream and eggs to your Wingham Co-Operative to receive highest prices. By using our locker storage for storing lower grades of poultry, you realize great- er profits. We will give you immed- iate trucking service. rrb MOTHERS—Leave your children with me when you are doing your Christmas shopping. Farm chil- dren welcome; rates reasonable. Mrs. Bowie, 39 Carling Terrace. 10* FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT—Store and living quarters above, good base- ment, and cistern, also 7 room house and cistern at back of store, hydro through building, all to one party, or rent in apartments to accommo- date 3 families. Apply George A. Machan, Mitchell, R. R. 1. 15rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel. 14rrb LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE, 6- room house in good condition, with hydro, telephone, and new 3-piece bath, town water with 14 acre land, small barn and fruit trees situated in Brussels on Turnberry Street, price $2700, must be sold immediate- ly. Apply to Kenneth Beggs, Brus- sels, Ontario. 10* DEALERS WANTED TO SELL BABY CHICKS and turkey poults for one of Canada's oldest established and largest Canadian Approved Hatcheries. Liberal com- mission paid. Feed dealers, farmers, implement dealers, agents for nurs- eries, cream truck drivers and others, make excellent agents. Send for full details, Box No. 186 Ad- vance-Times. 10,17b 110111.0- SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well establish- ed, Excellent opportunity. Full time, Write at once, Rawleigh's Dept. ML- 453-189, Montreal. 3:11b CARS FOR SALE 1937 FORD COACH, good motor, cheap, E. W. Sellers, Bluevale, phone 610-w-13. 10b 1935 FORD COUPE, owned by the late James Moir, apply Joe King, phone 606-w-3. 10b USED TRACTOR, Model D Case, Tractor, Hammer Mill, New Spread- er, Used Spreader, all priced to sell, Russell Farrier, phone 89, Wingham, 10* LOST BLACK STEER, 2-year-old. Phone 12r2, W roxeter. 10* POULTRY FOR SALE GEESE and three months old Collie Pups, nicely marked. Phone 12r2, Wroxeter. 10* DRESSED TURKEYS for Christmas. Mrs. Clara Scott, phone 735-J-2. 10* TEN PIGS, nine week's old. Joseph Schneider, Wingham Junction, phone 646-w-12. 10* THREE GEESE AND GANDER, to keep over. Phone 725-w-4. 10b DRESSED TURKEYS for Christmas, Gobblers, 50 cents a lb., Hens 60 cents a lb. Orders taken till Dec. 15th. Apply Jim Coultes, Phone 743-w-2, 10b 0111410E POSITIONS OFFICE POSITIONS—for a young man and for a young girl, Good education and business training are required. Sonic experience desirable. Good future prospects for a young man of real ability. Apply in writing to Box 185, Ad- vance-Times, 10,17b NOTICE NOTICE RE GARBAGE COLLEC- TION—Garbage collection for 25th will be collected on Friday, Dec. 26th. Collection as usual January let. 10* ROOMS FOR RENT TWO DOWN STAIRS ROOMS for housekeeping, in Gorrie, phone 23-r-7, Wroxeter. 10b THREE ROOMS, self contained, heated apartment, suitable for a- dults only. Box 187 Advanee-Times. 10b WANTED Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co., Sea- forth, E. Andrews, hauler. Phone collect 851r11. 27rrtb IN MEMORIAM WEBB—In loving memory of a dear, wife and mother who passed away two years ago, Dec. 10, 1950. Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Free from sorrow and pain. And when our life's journey is ended We know we shall meet again. —Ever remembered and sadly miss- ed by husband and family. 10* IN MEMORIAM HAMILTON—In loving memory of Mrs. Robert Hamilton, who passed away one year ago. Ever remem- bered by her husband and family. 10* BIRTHS CASLICK—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, December 2nd,, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Cas- lick, a daughter. TAYLOR—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 3rd., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, R. R. 1, Belgrave, a daughter. GHENT—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 4th„ 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ghent, Teeswater, a son. WALSH—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 4th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. James Walsh, R. R. 3, Blyth, a son, FOXTON—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 4th, 1952, to Mr.'and Mrs, Wayne Fox- ton, R. R. 2, Wingham, a daughter. WILL—In, Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Thursday, December 4th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Will, Wroxeter, a daughter. MOFFATT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, December 6th„ 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Cedril Moffatt, R. R. 1, Wingham, a son. HENNING—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, December 8th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Henning, R. R.1, Bluevale, a daugh- ter. IN MEMORIAM HENDERSON—In loving memory of our dear mother, Isabella Hender- son, who passed away December 14, 1951. There's a sad and sweet remembrance, There's a memory fond and true, There's a token of affection, mother, And a heartache still for you, —Sadly missed by sons Dan and Tennant of Wingham and Marg- aret and Sadie, Toronto. 10* CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Samuel McBurney and fam- ily wish to thank all their friends and neighbours who sent floral tributes, cards, and for the many other acts of kindness and sympathy at the time of their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. Nimmo, Dr. Con- nell, Dr. Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and the hospital staff. 10b The family of the late Mrs. J. W. Gamble wish to thank friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy shown them in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Rev. J. W, V. Buchanan and to Dr. Palmer, 10b I take this opportunity to thank Dr. Palmer and Dr. Connell and Mrs. ,Morrey and staff and for the letters, cards, treats and gifts, especially No. 18 and No. 10 schools, sent to me while in hospital. Lenore Feigel 10* Mrs. Ed, McBurney wishes td thank her many friends and neighbours for all the kindness and sympathy shown her during her recent sad bereave- ment and for the beautiful floral tri- butes and cards of sympathy. 10* George S. Lackie and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness shown to them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. E. W. Todd and Dr. R. B, Palm- er of Wroxeter 10b Mr. Gordon Walker wishes to thank his many friends who were so kind to him during his illness and while confined to Wingham General hospital and also to Victoria Hospi- tal, London also to the ones who offered transportation for himself and family and to the nursing staff and Drs. Busby, Connell and Corrin. Albert G. Vincent-wishes to thank all his friends who remembered him with cards and flowers, while he was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Special thanks to Dr. S. Busby and the nursing staff. 10b Christmas Vesper Service The national CGIT vesper service, observced by groups throughout Can- ada every year, is to be held in Wing- hem. United Church, this Sunday evert., ing, at 7 o'clock. The church congre, gation and ell the friends of the CGIT movement are invited to share in this lovely service, Again this year carol singing, the telling of a Christmas story, and the candle-lighting cere- mony will be part of the service. The Wingham CGIT will form the choir HAY TOWNSHIP RETURNS COUNCIL No new councillors were nominated at the Hay Township nomination meeting and the Clerk declared the old council re-elected for the year 1953, as follows: Reeve Earl Camp- bell; Councillors, V Becker, L. H.1 Rader, Gus Roche, and Irvin Willert. For the School Trustees, Elmer Rowe, Leonard Erb, Lloyd Hendrick and E. B. Horner. The latter who has been a member on the board. since its in- auguration did not wish to stand and so was excused from office.—Zurich Herald, BELHAVE Mr. Gordon Wilkinson, of Binbrook, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nethery, of Sar- nia, visited with relatives here. Mrs. Jack Johnston, Mrs. James Walsh, Mrs. Thomas Smith and Miss Amy Smith, visited in Listowel, THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Christmas is coming! For the child- ren that means the happiest time of the year. For the officers of the law it means the busiest time of the year. It's the excessive drinking done at Christmas that gives the police their annual Christmas problem. It's the office parties during the Christmas season and the more or less intoxi- cated drivers that are the result of these parties that create the ugly situation. It's a blasphemous mockery in a so-called Christian land that the cele- brating of the coming of Christ should be the occasion of the year's biggest spree. So now the warning is out "If you drink, don't drive"— —"If you drive don't drink." Flo'', safety's sake don't drink. At a much higher level— —for Christ's sake don't drink at Christmas.—ADVERTISEMENT. LOCAL AND PERSONAL —Miss Ruth Mitchell of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Jas, —Brian Metcalfe has returned from a course at Camp Borden and will be assisting on his father's farm for the winter, —Mr. and Mrs. Miller Davis spent the week-end in Toronto, visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs. Edwin Ryan and Mr. Ryan. —Mr: Gordon Walker has returned from Victoria Hospital, London, A SERVICE of distinguished olusraohir •-• at prices that vary as greatly as family n•Els. S. J. WALKER Funeral Home WINGHAM PHONE 106 or 189 COB CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn for delivery to your farm. Low Moisture Content- Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Courteous Service Assured. Samples may be seen at— Sell for Christmas Cash with Classified Ads 114419190etetlietetetetatetateteiraeleteleleteleteieteletelttetetelVelMeteletWetetelenleOZ:ZetetZeniteleteleteWetaleteKtetentleleieteleitiVele1311 and hope that the Belgrave CGIT will where he underwent a major opera- join them for the evening, lion. His many friends join in wish- ing him a speedy recovery. • , '