HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-10, Page 5Special Cash Prices For Saturday December 13th - Breakfast Bacon .. lb. 40c Back Bacon . . lb. 80c Cottage Rolls lb. 52c Fresh Pork Sausage 2 lbs. 65c Fresh Side Pork . • lb. 38c Shoulder Roast of Pork lb. 40c Butt Roast of Pork lb. 45c Fresh Ground Beef • lb. 50c Shoulder Roast of Beef lb. 55c Rib Roast of Beef, Rolled lb. 60c Rolled Boiling Beef lb. 50c Fresh Ground Suet Alw;ays on Hand A. J. Lockridge BUTCHER Phone 35 Wingham 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111110111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111linla CROSSETT tSPEIE IMF" WELL, WELL MR PECK-' DID YOU HAVE A NICE VACATION IN YOUR USED CAR FROM CROSSETT MOTORS DID I!-THE CAR VVA5. SWELL! EASY PIPING - VERY FAST AND ECONOMICAL-.TO RUN.. MY WIFE DID ALL THE DRIVING. GREAT-, THEN ALL YOU HAD TO 00 WAS SIT BACK AND ENJOY -THE. SCENERY -ER YFS e4cEPT r HAD To HOLD THE STEERING WHEEL. 1952 MERCURY sedan, green, automatic transmission, white wall tires, very low mileage, radio. 1951' MERCURY sedan, green, radio, sun visor. 1951 FORD custom sedan, green with overdrive. .with radio, sun visor, very low . mileage. 1950 FORD custom sedan, black 1951 METEOR custom sedan, 1950 METEOR, coach, maroon, with overdiive. 1948 PONTIAC sedan, with radio. 1947 OLDSMOBILE sedan. 1947 CALE,VROLET coach. 1940 DODGE sedan. 1939 CHEVROLET coach. 1937 PONTIAC coach. 1936 FORD coach. TRUCKS (2) 1949 FORD 34-ton Pick- ups, 1947 FORD one-ton Express. 1951 MERCURY three-ton, with racks. 1951 Sales- Over 500 New and Used Cars and Trucks-There must be a Reason! Open Evenings till 10 p.m. SfilTORS LI MI IT E D 1414AtilAk cilms.‹, 4 S ... tianamismania "American Beauty" $2.69 "Radio Special" - $5.25 "Air Flow" Wagons $9.95 "Highway Transport" $14.25 - $16.95 C.C.M. Wagons $16.95 - $17.50 WAGONS 77! ,•••777:77.7r477.777,-7., . TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS Steel Runners Baby Sleighs $3.99-$4.35, $5.95-$6.75 4 ft. $5.50 5 ft. $6.95, 6 ft. $8.50 Flat Wood & Steel Runners $4.50-$5.50, KIDDIE CARS $6.95 = $7.95 t 0.0 (I1 .01 6 Children's Steel Pull Toys, with seat and handle, 25-inch over all $9.95 21-inich over all $7.95 Fire Engine with siren $12.95 (30-inches overall) All Steel Wheel-Barrows $3.95 Streamline Electric Train $25.95 (CoMplete with Transformer) Safety-lectric train Express Set $6.75 Hafner Cechanical Train $4.95 (Automatic Stop and Start) Farm Implement Sets Massey-Harris Tractors Minnetoy Steel Shovels OUTFITS GIRLS' FIGURE SKATES size 10 - 2 $10.95 size 3 - 10 $13.95 to $15.95 $4.09 $2.25 $4.30 Steel Trucks $1.50, $1.69, $2.29, $3.50 Bass Drums 69c $1.79, C. C. M. Tricycles $15.95 $19.95 $21.00 $23.95 $24.95 PHONE '3 0' '447 ky ity qflA • • Electric Drills 1/4” $15.95 Home Utility 1/4" $27.95 Black & Decker %" $54.95 ELECTRIC RAZORS Sunbeam $31.95 Packard, half price $12.50 ( TWIN HEAD ) STAINTON HARDWARE AND FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- WEDNESDAY, Dgiognag 10, 195? THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ruti Iwo • One hundred and three members of the Ladies' Auxiliary, the Howick Legion and their wives, sat down to a turkey banquet in the Gorrie Community Hall, on Thursday even- ing. They were served by the ladies of ,the Anglican church. Wm. McCann, president of the Howick Legion, was master of ceremonies, 'Thos. Ritchie, proposed the toast to the ladies, to which Mrs, Mel. Allan responded. Mrs. Allan is president of the Ladies' Aux- iliary. Ches Merriam, of Tara, was the guest speaker. He also presented two past presidents 'with medals; Thos, Ritchie, for two years service, and J. H. Wylie, for one year as pre- sident, Other speakerb wete Rev, W. R. Tristram and Geo, Inglis, Zone Commander, both members of the local branch. A social time was then enjoyed, including a sing song, cards and dancing. Tea and Bazaar A huge basket of lovely mums cen- tred the large tea table in the S. S. room on Saturday *afternoon, when group 2 of the United Church W. A. held their tea and bazaar. Mrs, John Montgomery, Mrs. Etta Day, Mrs. J. W. V. Buchanan and Mrs. Robt, Har- rison poured tea, The tea tables were centred with bright yellow mums and evergreens. Ruth Ann Hueston, Col- leen Donnelly, Ruby. Taylor, Marie Hastie, Mrs. Edgar Dane and Mrs. Harold Bell were serving. Mrs, G. Dane and Mrs. K. Hueston were in charge of the baking table; Mrs. Ger- ald Galbraith, the farmer's table. Mrs. Jas. Edwards and Mrs. Fred Hynd- man, aprons, Christmas gifts and par- cel post, Mrs. Delbert Clegg. Leader Training School Misses Grace Edgar and Mary Thornton, Glen McMichael, Raymond Neill and Roy Bridge attended the Junior Farmers' leader training school in Walkerton, on Friday, About 65 Junior Farmers from the counties of Huron, Bruce, Perth, Wellington and Grey were present. Dick Hillard, Tor- onto, Provincial secretary, and David Telletterio of Milton, Provincial pres- ident, addressed the gathering. Miss Jean Scott, of Home Economics, and Miss Jean Holmes, of the Provincial Board, Stratford, were also speakers. Euchre and Dance The L.O.L. sponsored a euchre and dance on Friday evening in the Com- munity Hall, Fordwich Orchestra sup- plied the music. Ladies having highest scores at euchre were, Mrs. Justin Will and Mrs. Mel Gilkinson; gentle- men, Mr. Justin Will and Mr. Torn Vittie, • BIRTH WILL-In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Thursday, December 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Will, a daugh- ter, Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Stinson, Detroit, were recent visitors with Mr. Sam Stinson. Mrs. Robt. Ashton left last week to spend the winter months with her daughter in Monkton. Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. J. W. Gamble were Mr. and Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Lena Werner and Mrs. Inez Waugh, of Mitchell. Mrs, Gordon Underwood visited her daughter, Mrs. Ed, Stewart and Mr, Stewart in Harriston, over the week- end, Mr. and Mrs, J, H, King and Mr. Harold King spent Wednesday in Tor- onto, Mrs, King is staying in Toronto for some time to visit her sister, Miss Agnes Lawson. Mrs. Tom Edgar returned on Fri- day from the Wingham General Hos- pital after having her tonsils removed on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stringa and family have moved to Ayr. Mr. and Mrs, Stringa came here from Holland over a year ago. Thursday night was the first of the public school hockey games in Wingham, when Bluevale won over Gerrie, 5-3. Miss Burns is a patient in the Tor- onto General Hospital, taking treat- ments for an arthritic condition. Mrs. 3, W. V. Buchanan has her right arm in a cast, having broken it in a fall on the street, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lennox have moved to the apartment in Miss Emma Irwin's home. Mr. and Mrs. Harld Bell were hon- ored at a reception on Wednesday evening in the Community Hall, when they were presented with a gift of money. Fordwich orchestra supplied music for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Bell were married recently in the West and will make their home on the 11th con. Mrs, Nelson Steurnol is confined to Wingham Hospital, where she will have to undergo surgery. Allan Watson, who has been em- ployed at the Bennett farm for the last few years, underwent an appen- dectomy in the Wingham General Hospital on Thursday. At a meeting of Huron Co. L.O.L., Thomas McInnes was elected to the office of Deputy Master. Bill Strong, Bob Cathers and Pete Campbell will be in charge of the Arena for the skating season, Mr. Edgar McKercher, of Rose- town, Sask., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley Strong, Miss Mae Watters, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor with her sister, Mrs. Cliff Dodds, and Mr. Dodds. Misses Margaret Dixon and Ella Dixon, of Atwood, called on friends here on Sunday, A number from this district were in Exeter on Friday night for the "Achievement Night" of the 4-H clubs, NOrninations for the village police trustees will be held on Friday at 2 p.m. in the clerk's office. Mrs. Ken Hastie has been ill for the past two weeks with flu. Friends are hoping there may soon be an im- provement in her condition, Shiny, dark-blue beetles, the size aR ladybirds, are almost .miraealowilr succeeding where chemicals have fail ed in the extermination or goat-weed, a scourge of British Columbia ?arm-. ens, NEWS OF GQRRIE Canadian Legion & Auxiliary Banquet Attended by 103 PLUS - 6e. VALUES ralkDOWMAIIMMONOW-MAIVMAgaliVRWAVMAKOWitialirigirialWAVaitiMMAVOWDOWDOWAVAVAV5IWMMMOWASEAVAVOIVAICOWAgaNst' IDEAS _ /, 1,46, ...a Dolls $1.49, $1.69, $2.98 All Rubber Dolls Cuddle Dolls 85c Scotty Dolls $1.60 Teen age Bobby Sox $5.95 Barbara Ann Scott $5.99 Fairy Dolls $4.99 Sweetums Dolls $3.950k. Pullan Dolls 24 inch $7.95 Walking Doll $4.69, $9.95 DOLL BUGGIES $6.50, $7.50, $14.95, $17.50 CONVERTIBLE DOLL BUGGIES $15.95, $22.95 Westclox Wrist Watch $9.95 = $11.95 Electrical Gifts General Electric Tea Kettles $9.95 Automatic Toasters $19.95 Samson Automatic Toasters $29.95 Electric Corn Poppers $8.95 Electric Perculators $21.95 Westinghouse Streamline Automatic Irons $9.95 Sandwich Toasters $8.95, $13.50, $16.95 Musical Tops 79c, $1.05, $1.59 Horns $1.00 Children's Electric Iron $1.65 Children's Plastic Dish Set 59c, $2.98 China $1.05 Aluminum 90c, $2.10 Gene Autry Ranch Outfits 2 guns & belt $2.98, $4.98, $6.50, $5S5 Table & Chair Sets $11.75 Children's Set Tools . $3.75 - $4.95 Panda Bears $1.79, $2.69, $7.75 Teddy Bears $3.19 Doll Cribs $2.75, $2.55, $1.65 Rubbe" Animal Farm Sets $2.59 SKATING Girls' White C.C.M. Skates & Boots sizes 9-3 ..$8.95.sizes 4-10 ....$11.95 C.C.M. BOYS' & MEN'S SKATES Boys' & Girls' Skating Outfits sizes 6 - 12 $5.50 Boys' sizes 9-2 $8.95 sizes 3-5 $9.95 & $11.75 Men's sizes 6-12 $13.95, $14.95, $19.95, $24.95, $31.50, $36.50, $52.00 DOLLS TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN AT STAINTON Hardware 0, $2.95 ittlrix,5i10AoOSOAOie"OXOMOME51-45Xtg3tkSVOS/AOAM3k5A5*5XVXWM/gMc5-VACOXMIVSVSV'Ag5Xtgft:Ms:SWoVaSVAVAsi*sVAOSt4s8,SVAta,Ak5Sa telOWG'