HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-10, Page 3on be calfof the society, Mrs, O. ,. ` Anderson presented Mrs, Scott w4lh'' la beautiful wall mirror. Mrs. Setott thanked the members for their iniorl remembrance and wished them thee 'best in the work of the ltUssiOnaarff Society. SUBURBANITE* AMAZING NEW SNOW'ICE TIRE by GOODIVEAR: Actual tests on taxis, police cruisers, salesmen's autos— cars that do most winter driving—prove the Suburb- anite is the best snow-ice tire ever developed. See us today for Suburb- anite by Goodyear —and get. safe, trouble-free driving this winter. For sure winter starts let us install a Goodyear "Factory-Fresh" Battery. - - ootk,r „,, T.M. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber „ Company of Canada, Limited. r--- *1858 gripping edges! Amazingly quiet running. Tread grooves cut side-slip to a minimum! Best traction, for- ward and reverse! Keep Ready for Cold Weather Ahead WINTER LUBE SERVICE! Our winter-proofing service includes lubricating chassis, changing oil and transmission lubricants and adding anti-freeze! Drive in today! Bring your car to us and know that it's thoroughly checked and ready for safe driving! All work done by experts . . , factory charts carefully followed. Stop in soon! Wingham Motors Telephone 139 nun YOUR (AR HERE FOR I --------------- .... • PHONE: 78 You can be sure that your guests will welcome this year-around favourite —always in perfect taste. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd.. ESBECO LIMITED 658 ERIE STREET, STRATFORD, ONT. "Coke"Is a registered trade-mark FOR 816GER HATCHES OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE Tye EK'RA pROfir FoR Yo IN BREEDER 'MASH Howson & Howson, Wingham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale J. C. Scharbach, Teeswater DON'T PUT 61,71, THE BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, 8055. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYING EGGS FOR HATCHING Wen A SPECIAL FEW. WHE-E-W ! AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU, DOC. YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELL THE BOSS ABOUT YOUR GOLDEN £66 8RerofemAsii. WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, BILL? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER'S FAULT. A FERTILIZED EGG MUSTCONTAIN STORED UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTORS TO HATCH A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWING. LOOK AT THIS FERTILE EGG, BILL. IT IS MADE UP OF THE SHELL:•ALB1.1 MEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE EGG BEFORE SHE. SEALS IT IN THE SHELL. IN 21 DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUST GROW A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GOING FOR NEARLY 10 DAYS AFTER HATCH! NG. TRATt A BIG 4.108 AND IT NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH. COME AND GET IT, GIRLS ROE GOLDeN EG6 FOR GOLDEN EGGS. THERE'S SURE SENSE IN WHAT YOU SAY, DOC. ROE GOLDEN EGG MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET-AND IT'S ONLY A FEW CENTS EXTRA FOR THIS SPECIALLY MADE BREEDERS' MAS 21,44/1/ \A‘ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IA 1952. OWIN1111111111111111111.11MIM#111111 1/11;10.1111/ THE WIN GIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THIPlitar On streets and highways, in homes and in buildings of every kind, you are protected and served by electric light. • • • For a few cents a day.. REMINISCING ... ............... n "... .! 01 ........ . . f ...... lll ll FORTY YEARS AGO On Wednesday evening of last week at the close of Choir practice in St. Paul's Church, Mr. Thos Jones was presented with a handsome umbrella by members of the choir, on the eve of his returning to England. Rev. E. H, Croly expressed regret at Mr. Jones removal, and Mr. P, Jenkins made the presentation. Mr. Jones will be /hissed in the Choir and in the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's. He left on Wednesday of this week for his Eng lish home. The council met on Monday even ing for general business. By-law 661, to •assist the Jackson Manufacturing Co. to locate a factory for making clothing in Wingham, was read a sec- ond time, and the agreement being satisfactory, it was ordered to be pub- lished in the Advance, By-law 662, Providing for issue of debentures for $15,000 was read and ordered to be published in the Times. The ncessary $20,000 having been raised by subscription, the Jackson Manufacturing Company of Clinton, will now proceed to put in a plant for the manufacture of boys' clothing at Zurich. A gasoline engine will supply the power. A -dynamo for light and beat for the pressing irons will be a part of the plant, The Baptist church now used as a school house, will be used by the company. At the Picture House on Thursday and Friday evening, December 12th and 13th., will be shown "Twenty Years in Sing Sing," the story of the marvellous escape from prison of an; innocent man, Don't miss this three- reel picture, the first of that length ever shown, Rev. H, R. McRae, of Cranorook, was presented with a purse of gold by his congregation prior to leaving for his new charge of Armow. lie bad been 36 years with the Presby- terian congregation at Cranbrook, 0 - 0 - 0 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Mayor Thomas Fells surprised him. self and his friends at the pronoun- ced verdict at the polls on Monday, when he was returned for the third time by a majority of 59 over the coin- bined votes of his two competitors, and a majority of 183 over Mr, W. H, Willis, who came second. Following is the voting by polling sub-divisions. Ward No. 1 50 22 67 Ward No. 2 93 17 48 Ward No. 3 107 43 48 Ward No. 4 120 27 59 Ward No. 5 54 15 19 424 124 241 The people have spoken on the Arena by-law, refusing the financial assistance asked to assure the main- tenance and operation of the skating rink, and by all constitutional usages their verdict must be accepted. Mr. J. J. Ferguson left yesterday for Florida to spend the winter. Ladies of Wingham and vicinity are asked to note that J, 0, Habkirk will have a Mar celler at his tonsorial par- lor on Saturday, December 10th. Mr, and Mrs. Howard L. Sherbdndy, of Los. Angeles, arrived in Wingham on Tuesday evening and are stopping with Dr. and Mrs. Ford. It is quite probable they will remain in town, and if present plans materialize, the Wingham Rubber Co. in which Mr. Sherbondy is interested will become active. The program at the Lyceum theater included Rin Tin Tin in "Tracked by the Police," Johnny Hines in "All Aboard" and Jack Mulhall and Doro- thy MacKaill in "Subway Sadie." 0 - 0 - o 14.1E'LEEN YEARS AGO On Thursday, December 2nd., Mr. Littleproud, Penny Bank Inspector, visited Wingham Public School and addressed the pupils. His topic was "Dollars and Sense" and in his talk he stressed the value of thrift. In his Save Fuel NOW'S THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR STORM SASH WINDOW UNITS MADE-TO-ORDER CAMPBELL & GORBUTT SASH MANUFACTURERS Diagonal Rd. Wingham report he stated that the accounts were in wonderful condition, and that he was pleased with the number of depositors. The pupils have on deposit at present $1,568.62, Fred L. Davidson was re-elected on Monday as Reeve for his fifth term. His majority was 124 over his oppon- ent T,, R. Bennett, The vote was not a very heavy one, being 275 less than at the election two years ago. J. H, Crawford headed the poll for the Council in which there is only one change, Joe Evans, a newcomer to the local municipal field, did well, coming third. The 1938 council will be J, H. Crawford, R, H. Lloyd, J, J. Evans, R 5, Hetherington, W. VanWyck and E. Wilkinson. Mr, Henry T. Thomson has sold the Wingham Produce to Messrs. J, How- ard Sloan and Robert C, Stewart, of Toronto, who took possession last week. On behalf of the citizens of this district we extend to Messrs. Sloan and Stewart a hearty welcome. Sunday evening will be Community Singing Night in Wingham for the next two weeks, Plans have been com- pleted to swell this years' Wingham Christmas Tree Fund by the proceeds from two nights of the popular cur- rent diversion, "community singing." 17-jWThiharn—Revolver—Club held'a Class Match in the Armouries on Tuesday evening, The winners in the various classes were: Class A—C. M. Simmons, Exeter, 95; Frank Sturdy, 92; Don Cleghorn, 91. Class B—Earl Gray, Ed, Williams, A. Worrell, of Teeswater. Class C—C. R. Yeoman, Henry Jensen, Dr. W. A. McKibben. BELHAVE The 9th line euchre club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cham- ney on Thursday evening, December 4th, Eight tables of cards were played with high scores being won by Mr. andMrs. Mark Armstrong, low scores went to Mrs. Bert Thompson and Richard Chamney. This also was the forty-fifth wed- ding anniversary of the host and host- ess and wedding cake was served, also a beautiful decorated cake with can- dies centred the lunch table, Follow- ing lunch, an address was read by Bert Thompson and an electric toast- er presented by John McBurney. With Elaine McDowell at the piano, all sang "For they are Jolly Good Fel- lows." Mrs. Chamney, on behalf of her husband, thanked everyone for their kind gesture and thoughtfulness and the evening came to a close with a tap dance by Milton Bruce. The following is the address: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Chamney: It is with a great deal of pleasure that we, your friends and neighbors, are gathered here this evening to honor you and to offer you our sin- cerest congratulations on this very special occasion, your forty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. Truly God has blessed you abund- antly, when we look around us and see the broken homes where death has parted the loved ones. During these years among us, you have proved to be true friends and faithful neighbours, We all hope that you may be spared many more years of health and happiness together. We ask you to accept this gift in remem- brance of this occasion as a token of the esteem in which you are held in this community. Signed on behalf of the ninth line euchre club. Bert Thompson Lewis Stonehouse John McBurney Clarence Hanna Missionary Society Meets The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. Leitch on Monday, December let, The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs Leitch, followed by the minutes of the previous meeting and the tre- asurer's report, A business period fol- lowed and it was decided to send for the study book for 1953. Sick and shut-in visits were recorded. The Scri- pture lesson was read by Mrs. Ken Scott and Mrs. 0, G, Anderson led in prayer. lViissioriary of the month, "Miss Ida White," was given by Mrs. G. Nichol- son and Mrs. McBurney told the Christmas Story, Following this Mrs. J. Dunbar gave the Glad Tidings news and led in prayer. The election of officers for 1953 was held and the following were elected: president, Mrs. John McBurney; first vice president, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson; 2nd. vice president, Mrs, Garner Nic- holson; secretary, Mrs. Athol Bruce; treasurer, Mrs, Ken Scott; home help- ers secretary, Miss Agnes Mason; literature secretary, Mrs. Clifford Purdon; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Ross Anderson; Welcome and Welfare secretary, .Mrs. Art Scott; Press sec- retary, Mrs. 0, G. Anderson; auditors, Mrs, 0, G. Anderson and Mrs. Levi Bieman Following the election of officers, the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was served and at the close, an address was read by Mrs. Joe Dunbar in honor of Mrs. R. J. Scott, who has left to reside in Wingham and who had been a faith- ful member of the Society for a num- ber of years. MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR CO. 1952 Designs Now Being Shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 2:6:1, Wingham for Appointment or Write 508 Bathurst Street. Toronto O PHONE STONE'S FOR e PROMPT REMOVAt OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS — HORSES WM.:STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT WINGHAM 561 J INGERSOLL '21 In few other parts of the world do so many people enjoy the comfort, con- venience and prosperity that Hydro provides. Your local Hydro takes pride in the planning, control and maintenance which bring you the innumerable benefits of electrical power. The industries and business houses that make many of our jobs possible and contribute so much to our prosperity, are almost wholly dependent upon electrical power. Wingham Utilities Commission gomenio.•••••••••}....a. Cee. Walpole SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork - Carpentry - Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham MILLS TIRE and. Battery Service' Phone 148 VVingharnr- Make Coke part of your holiday greetings •1 cf iGibe k© Co c By Roe Farms Service Dept VG 8-23 Ca se