HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-10, Page 2and Mrs. Thos. Parker.
Buds of Premise ..A.lission Band 1 c) -
Jamie ,Sanderscn presided for the
December meeting of the Buds of
Premise Mission Band en Monday c'ej,
.afternoon, Anne Douglas was pianist i „e
and David Sanderson read the minutes,; ;) •
Paul Statist led in prayer and his
sister, Elaine, read, the Scripture v
lesson, "The Christmas Story." Mrs. g)
David Statia. reviewed the final chap-
ters of the study hook, "Where the e
Carp Banners Fly." The opening hymn
was "Can a Little Chird Like Me?", "d
The members joined in the Christmas:
Carol, "Away in a Manger." Bert Po-.
oaluyleo sang as a spiel, "It came upon ,;)
the Midnight Clear." Mr. Todd, mini-;
ster of the United Church, gave the -...
children some fine thoughts on the c,
real meaning of Christmas. The meet-
ing was arranged by the leader, Mrs,
Allen Munro assisted by Miss Gilberts ..
Mrs. A. Sperling and daughter,
t-Tneel, spent Sunday with. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred F.11iott, in Listowel .
Friends in iiete. district were sad-
dened to hear of the death of Mr.
Harry Ferguson, of Gorrie, and extend
sympathy to Mrs. Ferguson and fam-
ily in their bereavement
Mrs, Frank Sanderson left on Fri-' y
day for Toronto, where she will reside
with her daughter, Miss Eleanor San-
Gov. Muir spent Friday in Galt. Their ' o
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Doig also Mr.
daughter, Miss Evelyn Doig, Kitch-
ener, returned with them for the I
week-end. i 9 It4 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown spent al
few days in Toronto where they were -i .:Ateicat.A5c,%15,6%5AWAVAtiglitgAg, AtOGINg. , a,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jack- .!
now...lovely fragrances that last!
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Custom Cologne sticks, 1.25.
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Eltr 1,11iuslia AbAnzurr Q,zits
Published at Wingharn, Ontario
Wenger .Brothers, .Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor
Member Audit. .Boreau of Cirenlation.
Authorized as Second Class Mail Pest Office Dept.
$71;tbscriptloti Rate - One Year $2.5a, Si-v Menths $125 in advance
A, .p.40 per year Fe-reign. Rate $3 5:..3 per year'
.A.dvertesing Rates on application
We were agreeably surprised last Friday evening to
find a good-sized crowd of townspeople waiting outside
the new addition to the public school for the opening
ceremonies. The weather was urn particularly inviting.
and it was therefore an indication that the people of Wing-
ham are sincerely interested in matters of ednzation. The
fact that they should be so has little to do with the matter,
for the saute rule canill. but does not apply to all civic
More than -1-i.10 guests registered in the new building
that evening and it was eneonseaging to note the interest
with N.Vhich. every detail of the addition was examined.
Perhaps, at long last. parents are aware of the tremend-
ously important place our school system occupies in a
fast-changing society.
The addition to the school has cost a lot of money—
$11:,00a Not too many years ago we would have believ-
ed the board insane and the town on the verge of financial
collapse after completing such a project. But that Money
has not been spent foolishly. Apparently ell the taxpay-
ers are definite in their opinions that without good schools
all other civic, improvements are a waste of time.
Perhaps -i'-‘e already have enough organizations in this
town, but to our way of thinking there is one that is still
needed . . a Home and School Club. In a group of this
kind the enthusiastic interest which was so evident at the
school opening could be harnessed into the most fruitful
sort of activity. A parent-teacher club of this sort should
provide the perfeet vehicle for obtaining the maximum
usefulness of every education dollar. In the clab
teachers :C4Ii:d to parents the reasons for new
moves in scnon. activities: could easily get increased
co-operation through better derstanding. The parents
could, a: the same time. air the Problems which crop up
at home an thereby enable the teachers to ha -
understandi they are con-
T here is neestion about the influence of both home
and school - the traeing of our yeeengstees. It is gen-
erally believed that they share about equally in their in-
fluence over the child. Then why should these TWO vital
influences not be working together to co-operate in the
rearing of ever finer citizens.
Many other communities have found the Home and
School Club to the final an.2 vita/ link necessary for
the best of results in education. Is there any reason why
we should nnt have the eame exnenence in A
D. l‘facNaughton read the address-
!es. Mrs, Win. Hart .and Mrs. David
Stabs made the presentations, Both.
Sanderson and Mrs. Allen spoke ;
82 MacLeanmeeting
tines social in December with the
recreation committee in charge of ar-
rangements. They are as follows:
Billy Henning, ,Raymond Neil, Ron
f Higgins, Bernell Smith. Winnifred
Munro and Anne McNaughton. Glenn
McMiehael and Donald Gibson were
named as a committee to attend an
executive meeting of the Huron Pres-
byter - on Wednesday evening. Twen-
ty-one members and visitors answered
Though we risk repetition o: sentiments formerly
expressed, it is time to acknowledge the fine work oi those
members Of 717.1unizipai councils who will not sit az the
reason for:e!natten that most of these men do ius: that.
appears in pre-election advertising, in which the candi-
dates promise their best, and perhaps we have for this
volition, have given their- best in :he public interest_
have all become accustomed to the stock phrase which
board next year. -Without exception the men who are
retiring either at the behest of ihe voters or of their own Todd. Following the meeting the
lug '.he Women's Institute which
young people enjoyed games. " I
mysterious parcels for all, gave a sea-1
sonable setting to the December meet-1 i
Icy Mountaires' and prayer by Rev.4
was held in the Masonic Club rooms;
A gaily-lighted Christmas tree, with I
Women's Institute I
There was a day when there was a good deal of pres- cm Wednesday afternoon with an at-'
tenflanze of 115 members and visitors. tige in connection with election to prablic office. That The peesidene Mrs. John Teeee, pre- I was at a time when councillors were not shouldered with seded and Mrs, Harvey Tliee-e secre-3
the mass detail which is so prevalent eine to regale:ions tary. preented the minutes. Mrs.W.,,
7, MacLean was named to chose emanating from the provincia: and other government Chris=a.s present.. fee Robert Riley- i bodies. In other words, the task of being councillor calls adopted sailer of tyre gronp. A gilt
money was received from a formed for the abilites of a truly devoted puba servant
efforts (err enemmunities would be much the poorer. Stade. Mrs. Alien Munro, Mrs. How-
ard Wylie and Mrs. Roy- Telex-ter. Tale..--
* ing part to the program were: '11,51e,s,
Gelbena Howes and, little Darleen
Brothers. who favoured with solos;
IS IT TIME FOR THE WARD SYSTEM?, Mrs. Harold Durst eave a reading. j
"A Weaw'n's Purse,"" a piano solde,
echrise-ree- Melodies," hv Anne Doov-q
There has, been considerable talk in, recent years as to :es firs. Lyle Brothers. was pian4t3 I
whether or ot the tY,,wns and towships IVeslern seed led in Assembly singing, The i
Ontario should be votir,-- by wards in order to pronerlv
distribute representaticn. It may be supposed that there "i7,:traffg!:-;:voca-a:s.:-Tee-.--seTin,et,----1
is no az.z=rate way of finding out without trvia.,-. but on i -Heve Will You Spend Christmas'!"
the surfeee it wonld appear that the system ins -much to The sPeer drew a word P;t-tre cf
how mazy In::: speed the day: the commend it.
The cornplaint is frequently heard after township
t.lection5.1 that ail the conucillt,rs are from one or two
isolated areas in the municipality. It the townships were
odevEilel into wards an.i the residents in that area voted
on.,1:.• for their own nepre--,ettatives. the prat, would he
overcome. fin the other hand. the &int tni.zzht !lastly be
ltade that a lown5.1,:ip iL4= not such a large and that
its voters should have their say above an council members.
rather than lust one.
Perhaps the tilte is net ripe for a chanze of this kind.
but it is worth thinkin;.• abut, In fact anything which
will in any way our e:et'toral an‘d. keel,
voters arive to the importance of the ballot is worthy of
Mrs. George St. Marie and son, I
Andy, of Clifford, were week-end vis- CAtioc.04 voitgovreasfiteevoiwo
itors with Mrs. Andrew Adams and ,
Mrs. W. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Wing-
ham, are visitors at the hone of Mr.
and .Mrs. W. J. Smith, 2nd. line of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol spent
Sunday with Mrs. McGowan and dau-
ghters. Misses Clara and Ida of Blyth.
A sale of household furniture was
held at the home of the late Clifford
White on Saturday afternoon. The
residence was purchased by Mr. Rus-
sell Walker, of the village.
SON and
Ties - Socks
Belts - Gloves
Sport Caps
Wagon Coats
Ski Pants
Knee Breeches
Hockey Clothes
Wed. Dec. 10 3 tem.—Ladies' Guild Annual Meet-
Wed. Dec. 10-7 p.m.—Confirmation Class.
Thurs., Dec. 11—Altar Guild Meeting at the home U
of Mrs. Gee. Beattie.
Fri., Dec. 12-6 p.m. Church School Christmas
GIFTS for the home
• Shelly China Dinnerware.
• Bone. China Cups & Saucers.
• Cut Glass Salt & Peppers.
• Crystal Pieces in the 'lovely Dream
Flower Pattern.
An Attractive Selection of
Many Small Gift Items froM' which to choose.
See our selection at
ereseiente Airs. Vern i)ennv. for the -
To those who have completed their tasks• on mum- g„,,.. ,e, b,---eee .'Named to suck the I
cipal councils we werald say -thank you". for without NTIlrf SZME..F., were Mrs. Harvey Reldt. Mrs. D.' i
Soldier in the trenches; those in far
.away Vases who will listen tide
radio for news of the .festive day at
1-::me. and the gathering together rf
our own part of the emt.
try: the giving of gifts and feasting,
Be finally called to mind the real
Meaning of Christmas, the meaning of
the Christ Child, the ;Saviour of the
Nrs. D S. liacNaughton gave s~ few
highlights of the provincial Board 1
nteeeng She had Ire:ently. attended in
Tor -,nto lolvgght of the meeting I I
was the presentation of Life member,.
sL'i' zert..f.cates and pits to Mr&
Proli Sanderson. .forho is ,".a.%.-...rtg
and to Mrs .1
'Allen, I chatterla.temb.tr W:Lheter
Er eh Mrs W T Ms:to:sit =4 Mrs.
GP-1_DE 5-Jea'- eolmpson. SO: Paul ;ler Sunday cast. The organist, Mrs.
, Slat a. 74.5: Davie Sanderson. 74.5 Lyie Brothers, played Christ-mg ;
John Magee, EY; E et Poealueeko. 50. carols before the servize began. The
James D. Skykcar, Teacher. choir sang an anthem with Gilbert
Young People's Union Howes taking the solo. During the
Glenn McMichael president of the past. week the choir was rearranged
Young People's Union, of the 'United to give more room and also lower the
Church. presided at the semi-monthly organ to a proper posit:ea, The ehan-
meeting held in the church school- eel and pulpit were moeed fororard.
eaten on Monday evening. Donald Gib- Salem Group Name Officers for
son read the lesson, choosing psalm The annual meeting...of Women's
ler!. Plans were made to hold a Christ- Associadon of Salem United Church
was held in the church parlours on
Tuesday, December 2nd., with a good
attendance. The afternoon was spent
in quilting. The following officers
were appointed, for the corning year:
president, Mrs. Stanley Gallaher; sec-
retary-treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Cope-
land: good, cheer donvener, Mrs. Mor-
rison Sharpin; flower committee Mrs.
Charles Cathers, Mrs. Thos. Parker,
Mrs. Stan Hayes and Mrs. Jack WE -
the roll cell Rev. E. W. Todd gave tits; organist, Mrs. Wm. Bolt; assist - liersereau. He was eventually assisted
a td alk on the work of the kite., ions in ant, Mrs. Harvey Copeland; ""nonce on board the Mantadoc by deck hands
Angola, illustrated with slides. The consenittee, Mrs. W. A. Cathers, Miss of that vessel, who lowered a ladder to
meeting closed with Bishop Hebe.rs' Minnie Linklater and Mrs. Williern assist him--Goderich Signal-Star.
aNiris.edonary hymn_ "From Greerdands,
I With only one more day to go before
completing- a season of cabling on the
Great Takes, Thomas Mersereau, 19,
Fort William, a member of the crew
of the Scotiadoc, in winter storage
here, was drowned last week in the
Goderich harbor.
According to police, Mersereau fell
into the water as he was crossing
from the steamer Mantadoc to his own
vessel, The two ships are berthed side
by side at the eastern end of the elev cI -
ators with the Scotiadoc on the out-
Attempts Rescue
Joseph De Caste, Winnipeg, a ship-
mate of Mereseau, jumped into the
water in an unsuccessful attempt to
re.suce his friend. He dove beneath
the surface of the icy water three or
four times but was unable to locate
Sport Shirts
Fine Dress Shirts
Lounge Sweaters
Scarves - Mitts
Working Gloves
Driving Gloves
Wagon Coats
Dress Trousers
Felt Hats Suits
Third Sunday in Advent
11_10 m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon
The Rector
2.3.t p.m. Church School
7.+X4 p.m. —Evening Prayer & Sermon
The Rector
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