HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-03, Page 8Simplicity is Keynote in New School Addition Painting and Decorating by Elmer Wilkinson utinnutinintniiiiinniatimunutinintisionemnininimutain JO; laze "LEAVES NOINWON MARIO," 1 1 "Colorize?' Paints Used Throughout. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii . PAGE gX.Q.1•11.4 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WIIIONSDAT; DECEMDIER 3, 1951 Public School Addition to Be Officially Opened Frideky. Kindergarten is `Bright and Cheerful it one of the cheeriest rooms in the school. Special chairs and seats have been purchased. A portion of the alphabet and numerals are shown on the asphalt tile floor, while the other walls not shown have scenes from fairy tales painted on them. —Staff Photo. Ten months ago, on January 8th, of this year, the first sod was turned at the corner of John and Frances Sts„ for the new public school addition which will be officially opened this Friday evening when Mayor Gurney cuts a ribbon at the John St, entrance, This bright, eye-pleasing building is a credit to the community and will be open for public inspection, along with the main public school building on the same evening. Latest Design Some of the latest innovations in teaching methods and equipment have been incorporated into this newest addition to Wingham's teaching facil- ities. It is a T-shaped, one storey, brick structure containing three class- rooms, kindergarten, office, wash- rooms and corridors. It is so designed that classrooms can be added to the north and West. Concrete block with brick veneer was used mainly in its construction, New Wing Features Latest Design in School Buildings board lighting takes the strain from the children's eyes. Cloakrooms are dm contained in individual classrooms so that teachers may supervise the child- ren as they are preparing to leave the building. Well-Lighted When you, first enter the building you are struck by the cleanliness and simplicity of the rooms and furnish- ings. The corridors and washroom floors are of terrazzo while the class- room floors are asphalt tile. Full side- wall lighting is provided in each class- room by full-length windows. Modern fluorescent lighting and special black- LUMBER and MILLWORK • for the ' PUBLIC SCHOOL ADDITION WAS SUPPLIED by windows on the right look out over the school grounds. The terrazo floor and modern lighting are shown to good effect. —Staff Photo, Sch.00i Board Has Overcome Many Problems During Year frills has been a busy year for the The manager' of Wingham Metal Fab- Wingham Public School Board, who 1 Heating Herb has worked night and have done a notable job on this build-,day on thiS new building project. ing project. All of the hoard members • Assisting him as chairman of the have their own businesses and jobs I property committee was the other to look after, which means that any ;Board member from Ward 4, Alton time given to the public school work i Adams, Alton, who is in his sixth year must be taken out of their leisure 'of this work, is the manager of the hours and in many cases from their Lyceum Theatre. He has worked hand business hours. This fact, while it , in glove with Herb on this project and seems to be taken for granted by ;has also sacrificed a great deal Of his many citizens, coupled with the fact = time. that the public school board is spend- IGeorge R. SOU, from Ward one, is ing a great deal of our money this q the chairman of the finance commit- year, makes the load much heavier 'tee anti has served the longest of any and the responsibility greater. The member of the school board, a total of work of the public school board mem- 12 years, Charles Lloyd, representing bers is probably the least unsung ,of Ward three, of the firm of C. Lloyd, any of the municipal offices in Wing- and Son, has the second longest re- ham and yet it is one of the most im- cord of service, 11 years altogether. portant. We would like to give credit Harold Wild, from Ward two, an em- at this time to men like: ployee of Fry and Blackhall, has six herb Fuller, chairman of the board, years experience. Hartley Smith, Ward who represents Ward 4 and is corn- three, local dairyman; Scott Reid, mencing his 7th year on the board. Ward two, CKNX chief radio engin- eer, and Dave Murray, Ward one, machine shop proprietor, are all serv- ing their second years. INSTALLS AUX. UNIT In keeping with its aim to have the best equipped hospital for its size in the country, the Saugeen Memorial Hospital is installing an auxiliary power unit. This will consist of a gasoline operated generator that will provide a total of 1500, watts, This much wattage will permit emergency lights for the entrance, hallways and kitchen. It Will also provide an emer- gency lighting system for the oper- ating room and delivery room. Out- lets for the use of the oxygen tents will also be installed so that in the event of a power failure the oxygen tents may be kept in operation for seriously ill patients.—Southampton Beacon. Kindergarten The kindergarten which has win- dows on two sides, is 'a cheerful room with the alphabet and numbers work- ed into the linoleum tile on the floor. Nursery rhyme figures decorate the walls and there is even an individual washroom especially designed for the first year children. No Slouching An interesting feature of the class- rooms are the latest style desks and chairs, especially designed to keep the children sitting upright in their seats, and overcoming the common habit of slouching. These chairs are uncom- The first public school was built fortable if the student slouches, on the corner of John and Leopold Decoration sent eight-room school was built on Sts. in Wingham, It was a small, frame building which was soon great- ly overcrowded that in 1878 the pre-the corner of John and Frances Sts. tel colours were chosen to give a strik- ing effect in each classroom. The en- interior decoration of the school. Pas- Special attention was given to the tire building is heated by hot water, Large Increase supplied through a converter system This building proved quite adequate installed in the main building's boiler until abont 1949 when overcrowding again beeame apparent, especially in room. Individual thermostats control the Junior grades, The enrollment in the temperature of each classroom. 1947 was 247 pupils and for years back The principal's office, located just the number of pupils had varied only off the lobby, will also be used as El 8 to 10 either way. A survey taken in nurse's room, where all children in the 1947 showed a definite increase would school will receive medical check-ups. come in the next four to five years An intercommunication system is in with a possible 380 in September 1952. Under these circumstances the board use throughout the entire school which could see no other alternative than to enables the principal to speak to any make provision for this increase and or all the rooms, A radio receiver in to also look to the future for further 'the principal's office can transmit expansion. After a debenture issue for programs of special interest through- $115,000 had been approved by the out the entire school. town council work was commenced on the addition. Mowbray Awarded Contract Mr. Gordon Adamson, e.ef Toronto, was engaged as architect, Suitable plans having been drafted, the con- tract was let te„Mowbray construction CO. of Wingham and work began on the project on January 8th., 1952. Work continued through the spring and summer months until completion with the classrooms being occupied on November 3rd., 1952. The new addition was planned to he in operation at the beginning of the 1952 term and at that time 378 children were enrolled. The necessary accom- modation has-therefore been supplied to accommodate the present needs. A survey taken one month ago shows that the number of pre=school age children is still definitely on the rise. All indications show that by 1956 U Staff at School Enlarged to 13 The influx of pupils into our public school has made it necessary to en- arge the teaching staff, which now numbers 13. Principal T. S. Beattie, who teaches Grade VIII, must also look after the countless administra- tive details connected with his staff and the student body. Members of the staff and the grades they teach are: Miss Myrtle Deans, Grade VII; Mrs. Grace Webster, Grade V; Mrs. Velma Shera, Grade IV; Miss Phylliis Johns, Grade II; Miss Agnes Williamson Grade I; Mrs. Vera Elliott, Kindergarten; Mr. A. J. H. MacDonald, Grade VI; Miss Verna McLaughlin, Grade III; Miss Ediith Beacom, Grade II; Miss Jean Pen- nington, Grade IV and V; Miss Grace Golley, Grade I; Mrs, Marie Douglas, Music Superintendent; Caretaker, Roy Manuel, tiorlalummilimilswimutisiimismowimommtlaileinr. i COMPLIMENTS OF it il ii ii. ..Dave Hutcheson .. ill ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ii ii on • 1 at ii THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ADDITION M WINGHAM -:- . PHONE 124 i 9iiiimifiniummliwpwriiiiimmiumissisocimminummaiimmismil ''ftlegtv04, The first grade of the new addition to the public school is a very important one, especially to the first graders. The section of the kindergarten shown in the above photo looks out onto John sereet, The side of the morn toeing the east is also glassed in, making The above photograph was taken looking along the main corridor of the new building, toward the attrac- tive main foyer. The clossrooms are to the left, and SKATES SHAUPENED HARRY BROWNE -e-rzwarfozozozw. "WILKE'S" FAIVIOUS ANKLE SUPPORTS FOR COMFORT and SAF11TY North American Life and Casualty Co, Head Office -- Winnipeg All Types of Insurance Super Life Plans for Children Sickness w Accident Coverage Hospitalivati en with medical- surgical benefits (individual or group coverage) CONTACT Wingbarn nepregehtative FORD MURRAY Phone 582-i .4""io.1.4 ",eeem me tee S**,e- e •a te Public School Was Erected in 1878 .It is not necessary to go outside as the addition is connected to the main building by a covered walkway. While our attention is drawn natur- ally at this time to the new building, we must not forget the splendid con- dition of the original school. This building has passed its 74th Birthday but is still in excellent repair, both in- side and out, and provides light, cheery, classrooms and all modern conveniences required for modern educational methods. This will be an opportunity for the public to include an inspection of this building, as well as the new-addition on the evening of December 5th. At this time all class- rooms will be open and 'the teachers will be present. an additional 100 children will be at- tending Wingham Public School, bringing the total at that time to a possible 480. U N U U N N N U N N U U U U U U U U N a U Ii • BEAVER LUMBER Company Limited WINGHAM ,wissommonuommommunnummosurr. C. Lloyd 81, Son Lid. Manufacturers of Doors Used in the New Public School Addition. COMPLIMENTS of WINGHAM 11111111111111111110111111111111111111111•11111111111•11usisimmitimusammummcninsumunimminnitinmenmanniminituis TO "E• N N N N N N is N N N N • • N N a The Wingham Public School Boaid, The Staff and Pupils ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING Of THE NEW ADDITION TO The Wingham Public School We are proud to have been the contractors Mowbray Construction Co. Limited General Contractors BEST WISHES