HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-03, Page 5111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111011111M111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111 fAs PIEIEDIr CROSSETTOtoto44_ eniE141-, WELL, OAP !PECK- DID NO(Ii.HAVE NICENACATION IN1 YOUR USED CAR FROM CROSSETT MOTORS DID 1!-THE CAR WAS SWELLS EASY RIDING -VERY FAST AND ECONOMICAL TO RUN •• MY WIFE DID ALLTHE 1' GREAT 'THEN ALL YOU HAD To DO WAS 5I -r BACK AND ENJOY -THE. SCENERY -ER siE5 e)<CEPT r HAD To HOLD THE STEERING WHEEL. 1952 MERCURY sedan, auto- matic transmission, radio, white wall tires, green. ....11141111INIMM 1951 METEOR custom sedan, radio, sun visor. 1951 FORD custom sedan, over; drive 1951 MERCURY sedan, radio, sun yisor, green. 1.960 FORD custom sedan, black 1950 METEOR custom coach, overdrive. 1947 OLDSMOBII.E sedan, grey. 1947 CHEVROLET coach. 1937 CHEVROLET coach, 1931 PONTIAC coach. TRUCKS (2) 1949 FORD 1A-ton Pick-ups, red.. 1951 Sales— Over 500 New and Used Cars and Trucks—There must be Reason! Open Evenings till 10 p. MOTORS' LI !MI ITEM WINGHAM,ONY. v 414/3.4.,4T649 gram. Twelve ladies responded with a verse on "Peace" In answer to the Jell call. In the absence of Mrs, F. Johann, Mrs, J, Harper read the chap- ' ter from the study book, entitled, "Along African Trails". Mrs. W. Bel- lagh read the Scripture lesson and 'Mrs. Martin gave a temperance read- ' ing, The meeting closed with prayer; by Mrs, Newans, after which the hostess served a dainty lunch. I A rink comprised of Messrs. Clark Renwick, Wm. Elliott, Ivan Haskins, George Inglis and Lloyd Montgomery took part in the bolispiel at Port Elgin last week-end and came home with desk lamps as prizes, Card Party The card party convened by Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins last Monday night was well attended. Both euchre and solo were enjoyed. The winners for the euchre were !Mrs, Dave Eadie, Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. Justin Will and Mr. Tony St. Marie. For the solo win- : ners were Miss Priscilla Willie and Mr. Elmer Haskins, I At time of writing Mrs. Jas, Inglis is in Walkerton Hospital recuperating after an operation. Her many friends here join in hoping that she may soon be well again, Miss Joy McNee has been suffering from an attack of mumps, but we are pleased to report she is well on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Tegler and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Torn Inglis and attended the baptismal service. Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas and baby daughter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson and family. Miss Joyce Darling R. N., of London, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Darling. Miss Mar- garet Darling of St. Marys, was also home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCullough, of Toronto,- spent Saturday with 'ell. and Mrs. Zinn and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Mundell, Miss Agnes Johnston return- ed to Toronto with them. Quite a number from .here attended and enjoyed the bountiful turkey sup- per in the Presbyterian Church, Tees- water last Wednesday night. This district was well represented at the banquet in the Community Hall, Formosa, last Thursday evening, spon- sored by the Federation of Agriculture of Culross and Carrick. Mr. C. H. Millard of Toronto, was guest speaker. Baptismal Service At the Presbyterian Church on Sun- day afternoon, the sacrament of bap- tism was administered by the minister, Rev. Matthew Bailie, to James Hugh, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Darling Jr., and to Marlene Ann, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Inglis. Mrs. Alvin Mundell sang a very fitting number, 'I think when I read that sweet, story of Old." Mr. Nelson Hunkin visited his bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Carlyle Cornish, in Seaforth Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ballagh spent the week-end with friends in Kiteh- oenvmeerrr. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Mr s. Scott and Miss Bessie visited Robert Breen, of Turnberry. Corning Events The Young People of the Presby- terian Church are planning a congre- gational supper to be held December 8th, at 7 p.m. 3* BIRTH TUCKER—To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tucker (Marjorie Renwick), of Guelph, on Friday, November 28th, 1952, a daughter. MAYOR BEGINS FIFTH TERM IN WALKERTON Walkerton Nominations for officers who will serve as the town's municipal board for 1953, held on Friday last, awarded Mayor Harry T.. Buehlow, the position of chief magistrate for the fifth consecutive term, thus equalling the five-year in office record of form- er mayor John B. Erdman. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES rh.or rxrit Y.4:014,340., mogul= s, oss 0 Every Kitchen Needs ..r—rtrrt. i • ' - No need to stew over Mother's Gifts. Let her do the stewing and ' cooking with some new equipment in the kitchen. `--W.greZ~AV-WaTrIS KITCHENWARE for CHRISTMAS JOSEPHINE STREET AT 5 VORNERS PLUMBING and HEATING SERVICE Reavie Motors 20--21St 20-7-70-n one.; Telephone 241 Wingham Mom and Pop :Make a Merry Christmas and a nappy New Year. for Something for Christmas Glassware to fit many Occasions Think it over carefully then come in looking— Plates, dishes, tumbl- ers and many other low price. suggestions. SUBURBANITE * AMAZING NEW SNOWICE TIRE by GOOD EAR * T.M. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Canada, Liehted. MORTGAGE INSURANCE May be arranged to guarantee the fulfilment of your plans. CONSULT— F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 Actual tests on taxis, police cruisers, salesmen's autos— ears that do most winter driving—prove the Suburb- anite is the best snow-ice tire ever developed. See us today for Suburb- anite by Goodyear—and get safe, trouble-free driving this winter. For sure winter starts let us install a Goodyear "Factory-Fresh" Battery. *1856 grIpplog edges! *Amazingly quiet running. Treat grooves cut side-slip to a minimums "t'llest traction, for- ward and reverse! guest speaker. Roll call — 4'A home- made Christmas hat and wear it." The members are reminded to bring Bona- , ions for the Christmas cheer boxes. Mrs. Brothers will be in charge of ;carol singing. There will be an ex- change of Christmas gifts to the vakie of 25e, Hostesses are Mies Hazelwood, Mrs. Les. Douglas and Mrs, Frank Earls, W.M.S. The December meeting of the. Wo- rnen's Missionary Society of the United Church will be held ha the church parlours on Friday, December 12th, at. 3 p.m. Mrs, Roy Hunter and Mrs.. D, S. McNaughton are arranging the meeting, MI the ladies are cordially invited to attend 0* BENUE 3* ten, spent a few days with Mrs. E, Staple-1 days at her home here last week. Mrs, Harvey Stapleton, London,l, Mrs, Dave Armstrong spent a few 1 (tom /_ Misses June MacDonald of Wing- IT'S NOT Too L TE ham, Amy and Irene Smith, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hunking, of 9 Auburn, on Sunday, Ross and Charlie Procter, ..of Bur-11 lington, and Stewart Rolph, of Ham- ilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Procter. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Johnston and Mrs. Thomas Smith, spent a day in Listowel, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, of Seaforth, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jack 1VIcBurney, Mr. Jim Anderson, 0. A C., of Guelph, visited with his parents, Mr. and rs, Earl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rezansoff, of St. Catharines, visited with relatives here, The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. Archie Montgomery with the president, Mrs, C. H. Wade, asking the members to join in singing "Joy to the World." The rector Rev. W, E. 9 Bramwell, led in prayer and Mrs. A. Higgins read the Scripture, Cards were distributed. Plans were complet- ed for the annual bazaar, and all accounts were ordered paid. The elec- tion of officers was held with the 9 !following results. Hon-president, Mrs. J. VanCamp; president, Mrs. W. Bry- dges; 1st, vice-president, Mrs. L. Vannan; secretary, Mrs. C. H. Wade; treasurer, Mrs. C. Nethery; card treasurer, Mrs. F, Shoebottom; Quilt convener, Mrs. C. McGill; visiting ANY MAJOR ITEM DELIVERED ON committee, Mrs. A. Perdue, Mrs. N. McCrea, Mrs. A. Higgins, Mrs. L. Vannan and Mrs. C. Nethery, The meeting was closed with prayer and CHRISTMAS EVE lunch was served by the hostess, as- Haven't you been secretly planning a real, surprise 06 sisted by her mother, Mrs. B. Jackson. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Brydges were: Mr. and for her some day? Let's talk it over NOW. Mrs. Bill Johnstone and baby son, of Luckow; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Downie, • Long Term Easy Payments Kincardine; Miss Muriel Brydges, Stratford and Mr. Eldon Rousselle, Capreol. • Modern Home Convenience, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Snowden were Comfort and Health host and hostess to the 9th line euchre club last Wednesday evening, when • Trade-in for Down Payment nine tables of cards were played. High prize winners were Mrs. Harry Cook and Ernest Snowden. Consolation priz- es went to Jean Naylor and Wm. Humphrey. Corning Events A Christmas Concert will be held December 11th, at 8.30 p.m., in S.S. No. 13, East Wawanosh (Scott's School.) Everybody welcome. 3b WROXETER COMING EVENTS Christmas Meeting The Women's Institute will hold its December meeting on Wednesday af- ternoon of this week in the Masonic Club rooms, at 2,30 o'clock. Mrs. Thos. Parker will have charge of the motto, "It is more :blessed to give than to receive." Rev. E. W. Todd will be the Phoiie 414 Cec. Walpole SASH PITTSBURG - STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodw9rk -Carpentry - Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham BELMORE YAW. The regular meeting of the Y,P.U. was held in the basement of the church on Sunday evening, November 30th. The meeting opened with a song service consisting of Christmas carols. The call to worship was taken from Phil, 3;14,15 and hymn 552 was sung, Jean Dickson read the Scripture, Col. 3;1-1'T and Robert Inglis led in prayer, Roll call was responded to by naming a mission field. George Nickel sang a solo, "Master Let Me Walk with Thee" and the topic, "Every Christian a Mis- sionary", was taken by Kenneth Dick- son. A Bible quiz was conducted by Marion Mundell. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction, Women's Missionary Society The regular meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was held ThurSday afternoon, November 26th, at the home of Mrs. John Harper. Mrs, Norman Newans was the leader for the pro- At the regular progressive euchre party on Wednesday evening, Novem- ber 26th, in the Belgrave Community Centre, eight tables were in play. High prizes went to Mrs. J. Wheeler and Bill Black, low prizes went to Mrs, Ray Crawford and John E. Mc- Callum. Mc ill's Radio A0 CALL McGILL'S FOR RADIO ILLS 4t, rA5A:5XVIZOftgAgftilA5.11150gAgAt56-4 Satin $1.98 to Jersey $3.75 Brushed Rayon - Suggestions LADIES— Umbrellas Cardigans Lounging Pyjamas Gloves , Scarves Housecoats Shirts & Blouses Handbags Handkerchiefs Hosiery Bed Jackets SALE Special Pr&Christmas Sale at P EIDON'S 100 LADIES' COATS TO OFFER AS MUCH AS $15 to $20 OFF also GIRLS' COATS, sizes 8 to 14 REDUCED TO CLEAR NOW Don't wait for a February Sale when you can buy and save as much now. Be sure to visit Purdon's in Wingham. We have a wonderful selection of Xmas gifts in Ladies' and Children's Wear and Dry Goods. Give 'Lingerie' for Christmas Pyjamas - Polo $2.98 to Jersey $5.00 Flannelette PURDONS Nighties - Satin $2.98 to Jersey $6.75 Nylon Nylon Slips - $2.95 to Lace Trim $4.95 for Christmas - GIRLS--- Jackets Pyjamas Shoulder Bags Mitts and Gloves Sweaters FOR THE HOME— Blankets Car. Rugs Tablecloths Bath Sets Rugs, Scatter & Broad Bedspreads Cushions TO ORDER Wingham , 4 0.1 (.1 pedal Cash For Saturday December 6th Breakfast Bacon lb. 40c Back Bacon lb. 80c Cottage Rolls lb. 50c (Fresh Pork Sausage 2 lbs. 65c Fresh Side Pork . lb. 35c Shoulder Roast of Pork .. • • 44444 . lb. 38c Butt Roast of Pork lb. 45c Fresh Pork Hann Roast lb. 50c Centre Cut . • lb. 58c Fresh Ground Beef lb. 50c Shoulder Roast of Beef lb. 55c Rib Roast Rolled lb. 60c Rolled Boiling Beef lb. 50c A. J. Lockridge BUTCHER Phone 35 Wingham I 01111111111111111111111110111100010011.111$011101111111111111010101 *1111 1111111111111010111110111111111010111111111111011101 A.. .. . iii t I iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiii iiiiiiiii 1101141111111(1111ftlittllYillifinlif0