HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-03, Page 4W.441110.•••1141.11,0••1140991•11.1.111100.10.11.1110.141.01•0.1•11•11•1240100.10.1•111N1.1111.0...0411111.041111•14) SHER BONDY 'S We Feature - Home Cooking. Meals & Lunches Excellent Fountain Service The Finest Quality Candy English Toffee - Chocolates Home-made Brittle 0.100.11•0411.04•11.0111.41.11.00....1M0.11110IMM10...10•11.114•1111141.0411.11.1MOO .611141, ..—`3.-1-1----4----->, Is FEED SERVICE tFOUR REASONS WHY you should make 4 the mill which displays this sign your balanced 1; feeding headquarters: kl) it is the home of SHUR-GAIN Feeds—the Feeds which eontain all the proteins, minerals and vitamins necessary for fast growth or high production. CZ) There is a SHUR-GAIN Feed for every animal on your farm. (3) You can have your own grain balanced with SHUR-GAIN Concentrates to give a balanced ration. (4) There :are NO better feeds than SHUR-GAIN Feeds at atly -price. !Make your local Feed Service Mill your balanced feeding headquarters for SHUR-GAIN saves and makes you money. CANADA PACKERS LIMITED WINGHAM — ONTARIO '.,U.Ali.II,t ItIlStI iu.l..i..aloI,uq; 1..g Q.lfl ItghI III l .............. ,,,,, ,,,,,, 1 ,,,,,, it'll ,,,,,, 11111111111112 ,,,,,, NVEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8, ID IPAILGE: trol[nit THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TI1VIUS Jellied Carrot Salad Dissolve a package of pineapple flavoured gelatine with one cup of hot water and 1 cup of cold water. Stir in 1 tsp, lemon juice and set to jell. When partly thickened add 1 cup grated carrot lightly sprinkled with salt, Save Fuel H. J. CORNISH & Co. Certified Public Accountants H. J. Cornish L. F. C6rnish D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. HIGHLIGHTS from the , HIGH SCHOOL 0000•011•=40=0•000111==•••••••••••m.allarr, WINDOW UNITS MADE-TO-ORDER IMPERIAL Esso SERVICE IMPERIAL OIL Ltd. Farm Trade Agent CAMPBELL & GORBUTT SASH MANUFACTURERS Diagonal Rd. Wingham And then it happens. Your teacher has the nerve to tell you that it's not "LOOTENANT" but "LEFTENANT," What would you do? Quit school? I've been trying to do that for the past five years but my father won't let me. 0 - 0 - 0 Well, once again the Christmas exams are over. Last week as you looked around Wingham District High you looked upon a very quiet, down- cast group of students. Even the us- ually gay niners looked worried. Some of them even went to the extremes of studying! Mr. Ferguson was having quite a time marking his papers, it seems. He kept running around to all the rooms especiaaly room 4, where Mr. Madill presided, The two woult: immediately go into a huddle, then The Absurdities of English Spelling by Neil Stainton Spelling isn't just the subject likely to make or break you as an upper school student, but for me at least it presents quite a problem—one which I have been unable to overcome ever since my school days began, and will probably continue to do so through- out my entire life. Why? I've asked myself this question many times. Is it because I don't try? Because I just wasn't born a good speller? I don't think so, I believe the answer is the absurdity of English spelling. There are numerous words that I might use to illustrate my point, better ones probably than those which I have chosen but just for an example let up look at the word "CHAMOIS." Spelling the word as it is pronounced it would be "SHAMY." Now I'm will- ing to bend a little either way, but some of these spellings have me bend- ing both ways. I'll go along with the "CHAM" part of the word, but that "OIS"—how does that fit in? Now let us suppose you are a new Canadian subject. You've been study- ing the English language for about six months, In that time you have come upon strange spellings and pro- nunciations, but you're not alarmed because you have such oddities in your own language. Then one day in class you come upon the word "LIEUTEN- ANT"---right away you say "LOOT- ENANT." You say to yourself, "Fine! Good! At last I'm catching on to this!" Mr. Ferguson, with a grin would go back to the Home Economres roorn,, OlitACRIVAVAlleAVOWAVM: This was all very Mysterious, arid I, some of Us Were beginning to wonder. It wouldn't have anything to do with the football game would it? The exam results will be Published within two weeks. We then hope to see the grade niners enjoying themselves once more, Sandra Smith TRACTOR REPAIRS NOW WHILE YOUR EQUIPMENT IS IN LITTLE USE We are catering especially to the farmers throughout North Huron County in getting the most and best use of their dollar invest- ment in tractors and motorized equipment. SAVE WITH SERVICE RELIANCE MOTOR SERVICE Bus Station — Gas — Confectionery MagitrE,M9111101/, You're Sure to "Ring the Bell on Christmas, When You . . CHOOSE HERE THE Every Present Has a Happy Future in Some Man's Lite ! Compliment his good taste — and yours — with a gift chosen from our %vide assortment of the things men wear with pride and pleasure! We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ffi ffi ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT WINGHAM I MEMORIAL SHOP 'Phone 256 R. A. Spa en 4/16.64karammer. MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR CO. 1952 Designs Now Being Shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276J, Wingham for Appointment or Write 608 Bathurst Street. Toronto hII ,,,,,,,, 1.1n11111111111111111111i ,,,,,,,,, 111111111in lllllllllllllllll ARTIIRITIC,PAIN 10. Don't suffer night and day—with dullj wearisome aches—or sharp, stabbing Pains. Lead, on active life again. Take Templeton's Canada's larg K est- oprietary medicine specially made to bring longed-forrctief to sufferers from arthritic or rheumatic pain. 7-041 65e'TEMPLFTON'S $1,35 tAtsViteMAgrAgAgSlaWAOMM5410...t4Wec.WW56;AggitgAie4", NON'S THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR STORM SASH 1111/110 RORK KONOMIIII Apple Mincemeat Pie 2% cups thick applesauce 1% cup canned mincemeat 113 cup brown sugar 2 tbsps. butter pastry dough Combine applesauce, mincemeat, sug- ar and butter. Line a 9 inch pie plate with pastry and fill with mix- ture. Roll out remaining dough, de- sign and top over moistened edge of lower pastry. Press edges together with fork, Bake in electric oven of 425 degrees for 35 mins. DRINK BE G REFRESHED 08/90 FOR MIR TOP MEN ! ...•11•0411•01:0111MIKW MEIVINALS Homemakers! When Ameri- Cgtm.4 visit our homes during the week- end they will r6VIV:3 tunny election in- cidents. They may also recap that the President of the U. S. proclaimed the first Thanksgiving on November 27, in 1789. Be prepared for a "chinwag" and plan now to prepare traditional Thanksgiving foods. Our suggestions are quick and easy dishes such as Pumpkin soup, Roast cured ham, Apple prune dressing, Browned po- tatoes, Mashed turnips, Jellied carrot salad, Mincemeat pie and Tea or Coffee. Pumpkin: Soup . % cup strained pumpkin 1 can cream chicken soup 11,4 cups milk salt and pepper Combine cooked pumpkin, condens- ed chicken soup, milk and seasoning Heat to steaming point. Serves 7. Apple-Prune Dressing 3 cups diced bread 2/3 cup melted butter 1 'cup diced apples 34 cup diced prunes '6. cup nut meats 1 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. lemon juice Combine and bake in greased cus- tard. cups for 20 mins. during baking period for roast pork. Mashed Turnips Cook match-size pieces of turnip in salted water for 25 mins. Drain and mash. For 6 to 7 servings add 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. brown sugar and 1 tsp. finely grated orange rind. Beat. Reheat over hot water. Serve. IIIMMIN=11•••••• YOU CAN'T BEAT GEORGE CAMERON Authorized Ronson Repair Depot All kinds of Lighters and Pipes Repaired Cameron's Billiards WINGHAM -:- ONTARIO For faster, better controlled pick-up and safer stops on loose or packed snow—even on glare ice—come to us for the revolutionary snow-ice tire . . . the Suburbanite by Goodyear! ,Look at the features of this,,amazing tirel BEST SNOW-ICE TIRE BAR NONE FOR CITY AND SUBURBAN DRIVING ... 4 1856 GRIPPING, BITING EDGES ... * RUNS QUIETER ON THE HIGHWAY . IS BEST 'TRACTION — FORWARD AND RE- VERSE ... 44 TREAD GROOVES CUT SIDE-SLIP TO A MINIMUM, FOR SURE WINTER STARTS LET US INSTALL A GOODYEAR "FACTORY-FRESH" BATTERY. 5.63 * T,M. The Goodyear The & Rubber Company of Canada, Limited A'S 11 W AR