HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-11-26, Page 7Wingham Town Team `C' Basketball Loop • Wingliam's town basketball team will this year have an entry in the Intermediate C group of the London and District Ontario Basketball As- sociation. The north group consists of four teams, Wingham, St. Marys, Clinton R.C.A.F., and Clinton town team, The entry fee for each team is $10 and a guarantee fee of $10, Referees are appointed by the London and District Referees' Association. Members of the team from Wing- ham are; Bob Henderson, Des 33ro- phy, Jack Lloyd, Sack Hobden, Ron Murray, Jim Currie, Jerry Higenell, and Bill Conron, Jerry Hegenell is the captain of the 1952-53 squad and Bill Conron is the playing coach. The schedule is'as follows Nov. 24 — Clinton RCAF at Clinton Town, Nov. 25 — St. Marys at Wingham. Nov, RCAF Dec. ham. Dec, 27 --. St. Marys at Clinton 2 — Clinton Town at Wing- 5 — Clinton RCAF at St, CITIZENS OF WINGHAM As one of the candid- - ates for your 1953 Coun- cil, my name will appear on the ballots in next Mondays' election. I have already served you for four years as a member of the council, and if re-elected, will, make every effort to see that the Town of Wing- ham is wisely governed. Your support at the polls will be sincerely • appreciated. Hugh Carmichael And 4 Schedules November 19—Goderich at Walkerton 21—Wingham at Walkerton Goderich at Kincardihe 24—Kincardine at Walkerton 25—Wingham at Goderich 26—Mt, Forest at Kincardine 28—Kincardine at Goderich 28—Palmerston at Walkerton 29—Durham at Seaforth Listowel at Wingham December 2—Listowel at Goderich Mt. Forest at Wingham Kincardine at Seaforth 3—Orangeville at Walkerton Palmerston at Kincardine 5—Listowel at Kincardine Durham at Goderich Wingham at Walkerton 6—Palmerston at Wingham Mt. Forest at Seaforth 9—Palmerston at Goderich Kincardine at Wingham 10—Mt. Forest at Walkerton Orangeville at Kincardine 12—Durham at Kincardine Seaforth at Kincardine 13—Listowel at Seaforth Goderich at Wingham 15—Durham at Walkerton 16—Orangeville at Wingham Seaforth at Goderich 17—Walkerton at Kincardine 19—Wingham at Kincardine Listowel at Walkerton Mt. Forest at Goderich 20—Palmerston at Seaforth 23—Walkerton at Goderich 26—Orangeville at Goderich 27—Seaforth at Wingham 29—Seaforth at Orangeville Goderich at Listowel 30—Walkerton at Wingham Goderich at Durham Orangeville at Seaforth January 2—Kincardine at Palmerston 3—Seaforth at Listowel Durham at Wingham 5—Walkerton at Listowel Goderich at Palmerston Orangeville at Mt. Forest 6—Wingham at Seaforth Kincardine at Orangeville 7—Walkerton at Durham 9—Kincardine at Goderich Wingham at Listowel Walkerton at Palmerston Seaforth at Mt. Forest 10—Kincardine at Wingham Palmerston at Durham Goderich at Orangeville 12—Walkerton at Goderich , Palmerston at Orangeville 13—Seaforth at Durham ELECT Robt. A. POWELL AS COUNCILLOR in Wingham FOR 1953 6 years' experience in Turnberry Township Council Marys. Dee, 8 — Wingham at Clinton Town, Dee. 11 — Clinton Town at Clinton RCAF, Dec. 12 — Wingham at St, Marys, Dec, 15 — St. Marys at Clinton Town Dec, 16 — Clinton RCAF at Wing- ham. Dec. 18 — Wingham at Clinton RCAF, Dec. 19 — Clinton Town at St, Marys. Jan, 5 — Clinton RCAF at Clinton Town. Jan. 6 — St Marys at Wingham. Jan. 8 — St. Marys at Clinton RCAF, Jan, 13 — Clinton Town at Wing- ham. Jan. 16 — Clinton RCAF at St. Marys. Jam 19 — Wingham at Clinton Town. Jan, 22 — Clinton Town at Clinton RCAF. Jan. 26 — Wingham at St. Marys. Jan. 26 — St, Marys at Clinton. Jan. 27 Clinton RCAF at Wing- ham, Jan, 29 — Wingham at Clinton RCAF. Jan, SO.—Clinton Town at St. Marys Marys. W.O.A.A. Group 1 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IS SOLICITED BY ROY ADAIR Candidate for Reeve for, 1953 THREE YEARS' MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE ONE YEAR—TOWN COUNCIL TWO YEARS—DEPUTY REEVE To 'keep An Urban Reeve on your County Read Commission who has two years yet to serve. Ills interest is the maintenance of your roads and streets. VOTE for Economic and Honest Administration VOTE ROY ADAIR ..0.0.1111.0.•0414moo.”001.0.0411Moram.0410.04!0.0m.4•,-- THANKS To the Electors of Wingham: The confidence you placed in me in giving 'me an acclamation as your Deputy=Reeve for 1953 is sincerely appreciated. The contracts I have made with the rural municipalities through their representa= tives during my 20 years of business with them will, I believe, prove beneficial to the town. The town's interests will be my interests. Again, my sincere thanks. JOE KERR Having served several years as Councillor, I would appreciate your support for re=election for 1953. Elmer Wilkinson 0.1•04•••011111.111410M-04.141•1 A—Blue Grass Luxury Bath Salts, Bath Soap and Dusting Powder ... $9.50 B --Blue Grass busting Powder and Flower Mist ... $4.25 C—Blue Grass Hand Lotion and Bath Soap ... $2.75 D--Blue Grass Flower Mist and Hand Lotion $3.50 E.—Blue Grass Dusting Powder, Petal Wafers and Bath Mit .. $5.50 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Re-elect W. F. Burgman COUNCILLOR for the 1 YEAR 1953 Your vote and influence will be appreciated. glam.n..1.1141mman•MgainTo...1.01111,041.111411•0411111.0411.1•0 Your Vote and influence for Frank R. Howson for 1953 Counsellor will be much appreciated, Blue Grass ns fet • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO • Light, delicate, distinguished Blue Grass is a favoured fragrance . . . particularly in gaily be-ribboned Blue Grass Bath Sets. Each Set a gift of wonderful luxury to make her bath time a fragrant time)! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I. • • • • • McKibbons :41111 DOUG STOttf,' WINGHAM PHONE 53 project being the Dunker Construc- tion Company of Kitchener. Initial work at the site of the new industrial firm on Highways 4 and 0 in the southern sector of the town, took the form of excavating and grad- ing for the construction of the pri- vate railway siding for the use of the factory. This portion of the building program was carried out by the Ed. Waetcher .7 contractors of Fortnaaa.,. with activity within the area ceasing for a number of days pending the awarding of the main contract for the factory construction,—Walkerton Alex. aid. —It's time for ECONOMY. Vote ROY ADAIR—your Reeve for 1953. SINCERE THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who indicated their confidence in me at the nomination meeting on Monday evening. The Town of Wingham has before it a promising future, and as your Mayor for the coming year I shall faith= fully endeavor to serve this community and work unceasingly for its progress and prosperity. DeWitt Miller Shown here are just a few of the many, many Gifts, attractively priced for a Man's Christmas. Come on in - the selections are fine 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 •11 1 1 11 1 1 1• 1 11 1 11 1• 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1• 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 a 4 11 11 11 • 11 S 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 s t il s ul u t Il if i l l1 1 •31 11 1 11 11 1 11 1 • 1 11 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES rAtjE fiEV4PM,;' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1952 welimmatiwormillancsmitne For: I Careful Spending, Progress, Betterment of Wingham ; The contract for the construction of the new million-dollar National Carbon Limited industrial plant at Walkerton has been awarded, the suc- cessful bidders for the large building and the FI ••••'' (e, Neckties ... a wide selec- tion; the kind he'd choose for himself $1.50 to $2.00 15.00r-"`...:4Ns• Genuine leather belt; black or tan, Handsomely gift pack- aged $1.50 What every man needs more of: fine handkerchiefs; gift boxed. Give him a "warm hand" (or •Iwo) with fur-lined gloves $5.95 A smart number for a smart guy: knitted sports shhirt; suede ,k gabar- dine.; color choice $7.95 & $8.95 A flannel robe for snug evenings at home; with matching bag $16.50 Thrill him to his toes in toast-warm socks; plain and fancy $1.00 to $2.25 I SA D MEN'S, WEAR Kincardine at Listowel Walkerton at Mt. Forest 15—Mt. Forest at Orangeville Wingham at Pairnerston 16—Listowel at Mt, Forest Seaforth at Walkerton Goderich at Kincardine 17—Wingham at Durham 16—Orangeville at Listowel Durham at Palmerston 20—Walkerton at Wingham Kincardine at Durham 21—Goderich at Mt. Forest 22—Listowel at Orangeville 23—Kincardine at Walkerton Durham at Mt. Forest Seaforth at Palmerston 24—Goderich at Wingham Listowel at Palmerston 26—Walkerton at Orangeville Kincardine at Mt, Forest Palmerston at Listowel 27—Listowel at Durham 28—Mt. Forest at Palmerston Goderich at Seaforth Wingham at Kincardine 29—Orangeville at Durham 30—Wingham at Goderich Walkerton at Kincardine 31—Mt. Forest at Listowel Durham at Orangeville February 3—Durham at Listowel Wingham at Mt. Forest Orangeville at Palmerston Walkerton at Seaforth 5—Wingham at Orangeville Palmerston at Mt. Forest 6—Goderich at Walkerton 7—Mt. Forest at Durham Club Contact Men Goderich, J. E. Evans, C.P.R.; Lis- towel, Cully Rocher; Wingham, Chas. Hodgins; Seaforth, Mr. Baldwin; Mt. Forest, D. Shore; Palmerston, E. Gray, High School Principal; Durham, I. El- vidge; Orangeville, Ray Gillespie or Jack Gregg; Kincardine, Dwight Cougtler, Bank of Montreal; Walker- ton, Clarence Schmaltz, Hartley House. KITCHENER IIIRM AWARDED CONTRACT — vote CROSSETT VOTE PURDON For Councillor on MONDAY, DEC. 1 Elect a man who has al- ready served on your council. If re-elected I will support a careful spend- ing program and a bet- ter and more progress- ive Town of Wingham. Your vote and influence will be greatly appreciated VOTE PUROON To the Electors of Wingham: I hope the Voters of Wingham will support me on December 1st. IF ELECTED AS COUNCILLOR OF WINGHAM I WILL DO MY BEST. Earl Hamilton for Council rt-dinemaniviimantimommannikv..w.,;trA.