HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-11-19, Page 804=4,41.1•0100.1.114•11•Hle.011.111•100111.1,11411111KHMNp.M130111.111110.11.111,041MR•111.4•11 1411111.11111.M14141111.11111100, BLOW-thou bitter wind-blolv COLEMAN keeps cold away I Sometimes it is quite a problem to make an older style house oil building as comfortable as the new. If it's a room or two or three-a small heater will do the job. There is a rated capacity for each area, from a small room to a big store . . . Coleman Oil Heaters are designed for all shapes and sizes of houses. It's Getting Late Check Heating Now MACHAN BROS. PLUMBING and HEATING ....1•1•0011•0411100•11.11.0411111/4CMKNOSIK.1.1.11•11.1.11*41•011.1,,,S.0.21)1,41M.0410.3....1•31:04.61141•011•311.0.10040., Young Men:s, Fur-collared BOMBER JACKETS Regular $17.50 $ 1 1.99 SALE MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS ralijetsj;jj".50 $19.95-54.95 MEN'S SUITS Values to $75.00 REDUCED $29.95- $39.95- $44.95- $54.95 GIFT . PRETTY PANTIES & BRIEFS Values to $1.29 49c - 69c 89c HANNA & CO. LTD. WINGHAM FAG gxouT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER lar 191 1......sorrorarealeSIRIPM FOR COLD .41 SHOPPING DAYS RELAX MADAM : 11111111111150110 ,,, ness. The hymn "Jesus Loves Me," was sung. Mrs, Smith led in prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The report of the Sectional meeting held recently at Auburn, was given. .A, 'special offering was taken for the building o f the training school at Toronto, which amounted to $50. Plans were made for a pie social to be held on November 25th., when a film will be shown. The election of officers took place with all the officers being re- turned. The meeting closed with the benediction. Personals Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McDowell and David, were Toronto visitors on Fri- day and visited at the home of Mr. Albert Nethery of Hamilton, on Friday night and Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Walpole, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and child- A CUP OF HOT CHOCOLATE ren, of Crewe, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Fred Cook, Mrs. J. L, McDOWell has sold her farm to Mr. Gordon Smith, and she has purchased the home of Mr Orval Pyle, which will be moved to a corner of the farm, Mr. and Mrs. John Manning of Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox. Mr Hiram Lindsay has moved his household effects to his new home at Auburn, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Perkins and Mrs. Davis, of Exeter, visited on Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Camp- bell. Mr, and Mrs. John Gear and family of Kitchener, spent last week with Mrs. Chas. Smith and other friends and attended the funeral of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Thos. Gear. Mrs, Bailey and her son, Mr. John Bailey, of Cass City, Michigan, attend- ed the funeral of Mrs, Gear on Thurs- day. Mr, Armond McBurney accomp- anied them on their return home. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Snell were Windsor visitors on Sunday. A number from the community at- tended the funeral on Thursday of Mrs. Thos. Gear, who passed away on Tuesday at the Wingham Hospital, where she had been a patient for the past three years, Mrs. Gear was for- merly Lexie Morton and was in her 83rd year, She leaves one son, John, of Kitchener, to mourn hen passing. The symapathy of the community is extended. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Cook were London visitors on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hanna and babe, of Belgrave, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Mr .and Mrs. Douglas Campbell were London visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Walter Cook spent the week- end with Mrs. Jean Kechnie and other friends. On Sunday Mr. and,Mrs. Cook visited with Mrs. Ida Petts of Blyth, Mr. Lawrence Campbell spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. Victor Campbell and Mrs. Campbell of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell, Jasper and Jeanette Snell, visited on Sunday with friends at Linkland. SELL PHONE SYSTEM DONNYBROOK WM.S. and W.A. The W.M.S. and W.A. met at 'the home of Mrs. H. Jefferson on Tues- day afternoon with 15 ladies in at- tendance, Mrs. R, Chamney was in charge of the program and the meet- ing was opened by singing a hymn, followed by prayer and the Lord's prayer in unison. Misses Louise Jef- ferson and Grace Thompson contri, buted a piano duet. Mrs, N. Thompson read an article on Korean Relief, Mrs. H. Jefferson and Mrs, N. Thompson gave reports on the Sectional meeting held at Auburn. Mrs. J. C. Robinson gave a reading on Christian Steward- ship. Mrs. Chas, Jefferson and Mrs. N. Thompson sang "Anywhere with Jesus" and the chapter in the study book was read by Mrs. E. Robinson. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. Mr. Washington closed the meeting with prayer, The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Chainney, Miss Elaine Jefferson and Mrs. R. Chamney were among those from Au- burn and vicinity who took the bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and Diane, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Henderson at Kippen. ST. HELENS Plans are being completed for the annual bazaar and tea under the aus- pices of the Women's Association of the United Church. W. M. S. Mrs, Edward Barbour opened her home for the November meeting of the W. M. S. and the W. A. on Wednes- day afternoon with 15 ladies present Mrs. W. I. Miller was in the chair for the W.M.S. Mrs. G. MacPherson read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. L. Woods led in prayer and Mrs. Cameron had charge of the chapter from the study book. Mrs. E. W. Rice gave the report of the sectional meeting held at Bel- grave. Mrs. MacPherson, Mrs, L. Woods and Mrs, Chas. MacDonald Were appointed as nominating com- mittee. Mrs. Jas. Curran presided for the W.A., Mrs. T. J. Todd read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, L. Woods, the lesson thoughts, Plans were com- pleted for the bazaar. A nominating committee composed of Mrs. W. I. Miller, Mrs, J. Cameron and Mrs, W, D. Rutherford was appointed. At the conclusion lunch was served with Mrs. C. Taylor and Mrs. E. W, Rice as hostesses, • Born-In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, November 14th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington, of R. R, 1, Lucknow, a daughter. Personals Miss W. D. Rutherford and Miss Ann Todd were week-end visitors In Toronto.pnw W. C, McGregor of Chicago, spent last week as guest of his sister, Mrs. George Stuart and Mr. Stuart. Mr, and Mrs, Irving Hunter, Mr. and Mrs George Sa]keld and Joseph, of Goderich, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mc- Quillin and with Mrs. Gordon. Mr, and Mrs. John Qunnigham and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickson and fam- ily, of Walkerton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. E, J, Thom and with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin. Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and children, of Bluevale, visited with Mr. John McQuillin and other relatives recently. Big pantry bill: In 1951 Canadians spent $3,000,000,000 on food, A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Licensed Municipal Auditor 55 South Street, Goderich Telephone 343 The., finest grades of paper are made AIIMMOITP from rag pulps, rags made from vege- table fibre are washed, bleached and then broken down into pulp. Poison ivy, one of the most toxic members of the sumac family, grows wild in all provinces of Canada ex- cept Saskatchewan and Albert. WESTFIELD W, M. S. The members of the W. M. S. held their meeting on Wednesday after- noon with 19 present. The devotional programme was in charge of Mrs, Harvey McDowell. The meeting open- ed by singing "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus," followed by prayer by Mrs. Chas. Smith. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Fred Cook from Psalm 91, Mrs, Alva McDowell gave a reading on Africa, A solo "I Would Love to Tell You What I Think of Jesus," was rendered by Mrs. Donald Snell. Reading by Mrs. Lloyd Walden, "Is it Nothing to You, 0 Ye Christ- ians." The new study book on Africa was presented by Mrs. Harvey Mc- Dowell. The hymn, "Jesus Saves" clos- ed this part of the meeting and the president was in charge of the busi- Meet your friends in comfort on cold shopping days in Wingham. Drop in at the Foxton Dairy for a light snack and coffee and change walk to talk for a few minutes. Fast friendly service. Busy days and a few minutes' rest make a good combination. THE FOXT DAL:' WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET Subscribers of the Goderich Towh ship Municipal Telephone System, at a meeting held in the Town Hall, Clin- ton, on Tuesday evening, voted 134 to 59 in favour of selling their telephone system to the Bell Telephone Company • .• of Canada' '"Vr*i4-Z.jtSK- - e- 1-AV,Me.-414--e-ZwEr • A , A ••,.• !.,41k ''4% 11.0ertq.0.1,., • Bannis opal Winter Ends Sat., November 22 - Pre Christmas Event - Savings Galore For Quality Buying at Thrifty Prices LADIES' DRESSES • COATS SUITS • REDUCED 1 % to 3 5 % MISSES' ALL=WOOL SWEATERS Assorted Stylings Values to $5.95 $3.98 SALE Hanna's Men's Wear Pre-Christmas Shopper's Special WHITE SHIRTS Sanforized Regular $4.50 SALE PRICE Christmas Ties Silks Satins Wools Reg. to $2.00 Sale 89c MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS Values to $8.95 SALE PRICE $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 MEN'S Odd Pants Values to $14.95 SPECIALS AT $3.95 - $4.95 $6.95 and $8.95 GABARDINE TOPCOATS All Wools - Rayon Blends Values to $59.50 $24.95 $ A 95 Hannan' Ladies' Shopp 'e is pleased to present these outstanding PRE=CHRISTMAS offerings. Every item a Real Saving. Angora Snuggle=down Tam & Glove Nite Gowns & Sets Pajamas Regular $3.95 Regular $5.95 Sale $3.29 Sale $3.99 Guaranteed Firsts Regular $1.75 Sale 99c Christmas Slip Special Gift-lovely numbers ,taken from our regular stock. Fashioned for long wear and smooth comfort. A real gift for yourself or a dear friend. Values to $4.95 Till Saturday at $1 09-$2.49$2.99 111111.0. All-wool Plaid Casual Shirts Values to $10.50 SALE $4.95- $695 Spun Nylon Men's Ankle Hose Sale 79c shrunk $2.99 Wro--200-V-ROZI OkP,P.e.Wrn-WrOM-PP/MPA-R,ORM-20,WAMPA-40-7A.NrMre-nr-PM IntOrNMIVAMti- r