HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-11-19, Page 2'AGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES neW•icr. Picture News from GILL AIRING AN ARIA to an audience of hundreds of thonnsnds would have been beyond the wildest dreams of annhitious young singers a few years ago. New, every Sunday night, the radio program "C-I-1„ Singing Smrs of Torncerow" offers rhii tl riIling experience to two young Cnet2.dians . . . and Alows them to compete fat C-I-L musical awards worth over $z.,00,0. CHAMPION MATERIAL for skiers is light, warm nylon. Now under- way, C-I-rs new plant at Mait- land, Oar, will make Canada self-sntlEcienr. in all cher:lin/Is needed to make this wonder fab- ric. Textile nvsnufacentrers. w Ill get double 'r,b.g, TaactitY they now receive. Payou ki7ow? BEAUTY AT THE aAsmn Home- makers En.d that a .C4-1„ Cello- lose Spongez a beauty .for so many and wonderfully rant and leng-Lastinen too. Avail- `1,".e now ilex attractive colours —bine, green, ,coral, and nay. nal. SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMISTRY It has been estimated that approxi- mately ,35.0D0,01.10 acres of clay soils exist in the agricultural areas of Can- ada, One way and another, from baby bonuses to various types of pensions, two Canadians in every nine are on How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 Lbs. New Pep 175=2:nds irbo 'wirer couk.‘ r•stm ve4at nay bores. No macro Daly trabs. 2e6.3.0-v3. "Tber Zt pc-rs tot ballm Derr- it It Pryt roc 7„,n, O. Ira=ret na=tsbetnab...z.=..D.Da'ttear vaa.T.g- .sue irtez rou cam e you. 1-17,wceurfax-r or -get-o.N.^,utmlar' st:,e, oral W4."Try Ost=eiTccie Talus for zrur TA=da, k5Y arreL, arir 1c4.1.7. .k$ ••••1111114,4M+1•1,4111110.4M1.....M.0011 •1.1.0•11 PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS — HORSES „, :- WNL STONE SoNS)110:4.,,,, PHONE COLLECTZ, ,,- HASELEOVE'S SMOKE SHOP - for - Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS • • ";' • -7 Ct ti .% - 11-'k For. Growing Boys ey love to learn when its only fun . MECCANO SETS and DINKY TOYS Many new that s-- '''rhave to he seen to :ea:y appTez,:lte modem !EZ 1 and .t.83aatian watk tzgethEr, ERIECM1 n'ned ent. ttanl ened ;e- at-Elms of a v. Give tFen the net=e lake Donald Rae & Son HARDWARE have the tools to do your n,,s•- 744; .te aik.frnii....eRinainn :Lot" CHAS, BEVEL IMPERIAL OIL Ltd. Farm Trade Agent Al ways a fa,..v-le Health is Wealth with Growing Boys IMPERIAL. ES S 0 S ERVIC E Phone 730 Wingham Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled An aft Horses for Slaughter MOULD UP PEDIMPTLY JIM) EFFECIMITLY C. B y ;I &FL ilIngt.nnnt For vier, better controlled pick-up and safer stops cm :onse paced snow—even on glare ice—come to us the re-,,c:`:donsiT snow-ice tire , . . the Suburbanite Look at the features of this amazing tiebi BRST SNOW-ICE TIRE BAR NONE FOR CITY AND SUBURBAN DRIVING ... 1556 GRIPPING, BITING EDGES ... RUNS QUIETER ON THE HIGHWAY . 4it BEST TRACTION — FORWARD AND RE- VERSE 4g, TREAD GROOVES CUT SIDE-SLIP TO' A MTNIMUM FOR SURE WINTER STARTS LET US INSTALL A GOODYEAR °`FACTORY-FRESH" BATTERY. 543 * T,M,11 a Ouo4aar Tho d Pvt,ler C:orlipcmy of Carmelo, nmrred Walpole About COO applicants are aud!t:cr..ed each season befere. the 4-4 yOUZI-CF• singers ore chosen to oppeor cis "C-14. ,Singing Stars of Tamarrow?4 ,Auditian teams tour the country from coast to cone' giving .everfarte. an equal op- portonity to be heard by experts. .FEN'S OF BELGRAVE Fred Cook Suffers Broken Shoulder in Freak Accident Mr. Fred W. Cook was taken to the ved and a very successful evening Wingham General Hospital, on.S.'atur- Jbrought to a close. Nethery with I he. had suffered a broken clinical a bean Church met at the home of Mrs. the shenider day for s-rays, where it was found The Ladles" Guild of Trinity .A.n.g- Mr. Cook was injured while helping C, H. Wade, in charge. Ail joined in and possible broken ribs. c. the ores de r-"t, mm Mr. C, R. Conites unload a cattle beast.. ' „....Tigring the by ,nin ..0 God of L.,0„.„, Cl 'ile truck backed up and crushed King of Peace," fel:owed by prayer Mr, Cook against the leading shute. and a Scripture reading. A quilt was L.O.L. Elects Officers ' quilted during the afternoon. Arrange- The annual meeting of the L.O.L. ments were emnpleted. to cater to the 40-2 was held in the Orange Hall, with . Morris Federation banquet. The next about members turning out. meeting will be held the last Thurs- 41) The County Master paid the lodge day in November at Mrs. A-Montgorn- a visit and gave a very i nteresting., ery's home. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served by the talk, after which he conducted theeln ection of officers, assisted by Bra. R. hostess. 'McMurray. ' Miss Muriel Brydges, Stratford, visited with her parents. Mr. and Mils.Election results are as follows; P. M. H. Nethery; Master, W. Scott; W. Brydges, last week. Honor Newlyweds At -a dance held on Friday evening in the Forester's Hall, Beigrave, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill licalen- ....', Bruce; Second Lecturer, Geo., aghan, newlyweds Ross Anderson ad- Grigg: Tyler. A. Cook: Committee dressed the couple and Norman Cook Men, Athol Brune, J. Taylor. A. Neth- presented them, with a purse of mon- er,Y. j. McCallum and W. Mason. ev, on behalf of the commu,olitvia.e hEalinf. the Federal goverment's payroll. After the members were installed expressed a word of thanks into .their .new offices, lunch was ser-, of his bride and himself. Tiffin's Or- chestra supplied the music for danc- ing. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Hart/in., Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hunk -. Mrs. Earl. Ander- son and Karen spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. John Andersen and Mrs. Nel- son `t-Berg-Jag visited in Toronto. Mrs. Herb Wheeler with her daugh- ter. Mrs. Wilfred Pic tin? Toronto. Mie,ses Amy and Irene Smith spent .• Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell. Miss Marjorie Elliot:, Whitecinarch, with Miss Lorraine Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walsh and faTaily. Blyth, and Mr. 3fantiri Grassy-. with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cent e. Winsthann , Mrs. Morgan Henderson and Eliza- ! beth. with Mrs. J. Currie and Mrs. I , Thomas Brydges. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hayes and Mrs. W,121 I--''-man, have rennried to Syria,. Ohlo7,--after spending a week with Mrs. Thomas Brvdges. I Mr. Cliff Kelly, Lencion, visited at i his home here. 1., Mr. and Mrs. Bo 'n Helm and feneily. Luclicrtow, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ..! Cneenbell and family. I Mr. and Mrs. Williar.d An-mist-rang i and fartalF, with Miss Martha 2-term- .,. :strong in Windsor. . ' -Mr_ and Mrs...Cern Blank and Char- lie, of Britton. v.lith Mr. and Mrs. Jas.; 'Walsh and faTeily, Mrs. Neil. McCrea is spendir.g a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mtn Ray 'P'annea. and baby • spent Sunday wtth Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor Westfield. WINEAM MEMORIAL SHOP WIWNESS)414 NOMIUM 19, Seated at the head table were: gra, Dave Carruthers, Immediate past 4e0-. retary; Mrs, Robert Campbell, mediate cause president; lvfrrs. Wm. lirownile, president; Mrs" Georg Soiling, first vice-president; Mn,a Percy (Moon, secretary. This group have been active community work and have given slip z3Itatance to many worth-while pro„ ,• • pets. They also boast a hospitaliza„.- lion plan. 3 Guaranteed 3/4 7 0 Trust Certificates I A profitable investment for your regular savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificates . . — are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest — pay 3X% interest, payable half-yearly — are short term-5 years — are authorized investment for trust funds — have no fluctuation in principal In 5 years $415.24 accumulates to $500.00. Invest wisely and well THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPOR ATION READ OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE ir2 My k., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie 104 SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork - Carpentry Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham Town Clerk, Qrabb presented a statement to the Council on Monday night, showing that insurance pre.m- hulls on the arena amount to almost WO a year, ."And I don't know where 'the money to pay them is coming from," he added. The rate is ;23 per 41,000. Members said, even at that, 'insurance ctmmanies are not at all particular about accepting this rise. 'The town would pay out the cost of the rink in insurance in 41) years. It was said that dances held by the Parks "-'trd have rot been profitable, Mr. 3rarld'evita wondered how small towns, facing such charges, could also instal artificial ice and make it pay.. -We would be glad to hear from any- one who has any ideas as to bow to make money at the rink", said Mayor • Fox. It was suggested that advertising space be sold at the arena, which -might net a revenue of about WO and pay for sonic of the insurance,— Chesley Enterprise. D. Id., G. Nethery; Chaplain. Thos. Thompson; .Rec Sec., B. Buchanan: Treas. and Fin. Sec., S. Scott; Mar- shall, Jas. McCallum; First Lecturer, ESGERSOLL %%INGHAM 5fil MEMORIALS We realise our obligation when we fill your ordef for s Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of =ending serviceabil- ity. Design. and worlerwinehip are of the finest, and our .prices are most moderate. CLNETMEIT LETTER.DiO Promptly Done CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED — h40,NTREAV COSTS ARE 11101I Mary Hastings Banquet Held The Wingham Hustlers, a branch of the Mary Hastings Club, met at the , Queen's Hotel on Friday evening for their first annual banquet. There were 38 members present and the evening was so successful that It was decided to mak e the dinner an annual event,