HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-11-12, Page 6'elOCW.7.t==',7eMtMICIVC-1CIEVM41Atar41VetetetelentaKtC{MX-WCZegze-tebetVC-414144A r,k What could be finer for Christmas? A 2 B LCV Canada's Greatest Watch Value! Pitt nusnu CELLEN CY "Jar 11 *els N ferrets Mansion torel $4150 $57 50 Mil time to talk time payments, DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller -:. Certified Watchmaker Phone 59 " Wingham elono0,011 !ONO NOTICE Ratepayers of the Town of Wingham are hereby reminded for` the final date for payment of taxes for the year 1952 is Saturday, November 15th. W. A, Galbraith, Clerk-TreaSurer Qk SERVING THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AS ONE BIG COMMUNITY When notified of death in a distant city we fake immediate charge through our membership in the ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE. Our affiliation with members of this professional association enables us to serve the entire nation as One Big Community. Established moderate fees protect the family finances. The contributory services of competent, dependable funeral directors throughout the country make for efficiency, economy and the family's peace of mind. Serving everywhere at all hours, every.night and day. S. J. WALKER ' - FUNERAL HOME - Wingham Phone 106 or 189 COB CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn for delivery to your farm. Low Moisture Content. Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Courteous Service +t, Assured. Samples may be seen at— JOHN BUMSTEAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham Puppies Like This are available at a reasonable price, from registered champion stock. to, Jim Cameron Wingham Phone 461 'PAGE BIB. TIJE WINGI-IAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1952' .o.11,41•11.11111.11•11411111.110•1/11111•11•11, FOR SALE 'CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re- lief, Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. FOR SALE-0 ,H, Prudhonune and Son, BeemsviBe, for Better Fruit and Nursery Stock of all types. Order now for spring delivery.. Local representative, Frank Eidt, 753-J. lrrb USED PIANOS FOR SALE—Largest selection of new and used pianos in Western Ontario (refinished like new). Free delivery, Smitty's Piano Sales, Hanover, Ont. 22rrb FOR SAT ail-20-Watt P.A, System including two speakers, platform and desk wands, "Turner" 99 Microphone and Stewart-Warner Record Changer, 60 cycle, 78 R F M Apply Rev, R. A. Brook, Box 54, Bluevale, Ont. 12* FOR SALE—Kitchen range (Wing- ham ;lassie) with reservoir. Apply to Lyle Brothers, phone 11-7 Wroxeter. 12* FOR SALE--Ladies' whtie tube skat- es, size 6, in A-i condition. Phone 7434-2, 12b FOR SALE- -Table electric saw, 6- inch blade, never been used, per- fect condition, without motor half price. APPlY Percy Biggs, phone 298-H. lee FOR SATeel Beach Range, white enamelled, with reservoir and warming closet. Condition, like new. Apply Bill Elston, phone 735-W-3, 12b USED PIANOS—Gerhard-Heintzman Doherty, Nordheimer and Morris. All good instruments in trouble-free condition, pitched untuned, guaran- teed. New and used alto and tenor saxaphones in stock. Garnet E. Farrier, Whitechurch, Phone 711J1, 12b FOR SALE—wine coat, good as new, Apply Box 177, Advance-Times. 12* FOR SALE—Renfrew Cream Separ- ator, almost new, for quick sale. Box 178, Advance-Times. 12* FOR SALE—Girls' 3-piece winter coat set, red with white fur trim, size 3, also boy's skates size 1. Mrs. Ann Nicol, Minnie St. 12* FOR SALE—A quantity of cedar— lady's tube skates, white boots, size 4, in like new condition. W. A. Franck, Wingham, Route 1, or phone Wroxeter 1-2. 12* WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 FOR, SALE FOR SALE.-Lionel Electric Train, like new. Extra track and switches. Full value $40.00, sell for 525,00. F. Wroxeter phone 11r6, 12* WANTED Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co., Sea- forth, E. Andrews, hauler, Phone collect 861r11, 27rrtb FOR RENT F OR RENT—Heated three_room apartment and bath, heavy duty wiring, residential and central. Box 174. 5b FOR RENT-a-Furnished house for the winter months. Apply P. 0, Box 17. 12:19b HOUSE FOR RENT--3 miles from Wingham with hydro and water also dry maple for sale, Gershon Johnston, phone 71.9:J-1. 12* F OR RENT—Heated three-room apartment and bath, heavy duty wiring, residential and central. Box 174, 12b FOR RENT—Four rooms upstairs partially heated, private bath and „ entrance, good location. Phone 699. 12* WANTED WANTED--Two saw-dust burners. Apply Box 176 Advance-Times. 12b WANTED—Used windmills and gas- oline engines in exchange for elec- tric water systems. Irving Keyes, Glamis, Ont,, phone Paisley 114r4. 30,13,27bEte. SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH Business now open in Huron County. Trade well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-423-189 Montreal. 5b NOTICES HELP WANTED=FEMALE WANTED--Capable'girl or woman for general housework and some plain cooking. Private room. Apply to Mrs. E. J. 11, Wright, 811 Talbot Street, London, Ontario, telephone 7-3162. lab CARS FOR SALE FOR SAT,F.--1 model A Ford, all reconditioned, new battery, good tires. Apply F. Spielvogel, phone 579-W. 12* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-toom suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel, 14rrb LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, 2rrb FOR SALE—Two storey house in lower Wingham, hydro, new fur- nace and built-in cupboards, 214 acres good land, small barn and chicken house. Apply Robt. Thomp- son, phone 403.112 after six. 5-12* FOR SALE-7 roomed house in Lower Wingham, immediate possession. Apply Harry Newell, Shuter St. 5:12* CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb :FOR. SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT—Store and living quarters above, good base- ment, and cistern, also 7 room house and cistern at hack of store, hydro through building, all to one party, or rent in, apartments to eccomano,. date 3 families, Apply George A. Meehan, Mitchell, R. R. 1, 15rrla FOR SALE OR RENT-7 roomed house in Lower Wingham, immedi- ate possession, Apply Harry Newell, Shuter St. 12* LOST a LOST—red alligator wallet between Walker Store and Dominion Store, Tuesday afternoon, containing a large sum of money. Reward, Phone 166, Wingham, 12b POULTRY FOR SALE FOR SALE-60 Pullets, Rock and Hampshire, laying. Mark Arm- strong, phone 717-J-2, 12* FOR SA7.111-100 White Leghorn pullets, laying. Apply to Jack Kerr, R.R, Wingham, phone 608-J-4. 12* FOR SALE-300 Red-Rock pullets, priced to sell. Apply Chas. Cook, Belgrave, phone 6184-12, Wingham. 12b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two pure-bred shorthorn bulls, 13 months and 15 months, one dark and one roan. Also two ram lambs, part Sussex and part Oxford. James Forster, R, R, 1, Lucknow, Phone 43-r-12. 1* ensalF.T.LANEOUS HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone MI rrb FOR ARTIFICLAL service from this farmer owned, licensed, non-profit, growing co-operative Association, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25.00 for a life mem- bership, $5.00 per cow for members, and 56.00 per cow for non-members. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation, R.R. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. For service contact: Len Fischer, hUldmay, 60r11. or Norman J. McKee, Teeswater 141r4. 13,27,etc. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Anson Galbraith, wish to extend their heart- felt thanks and appreciation to all their many neighbours and friends for all the beautiful floral tributes, sym- pathy, and many acts of kindness shown them in their recent bereave- ment. Thanks to Rev, Buchanan, Dr. Pal- mer, Mrs. Morrey and her fine staff of nurses. All their kindness was deeply appreciated. The Galbraiths' kindness shown them, in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, Matthew Bailey who officiated at the services. 12* IN MEMORIAM ALLAJN—In loving memory of my dear husband, Andrew Allan, who passed away one year ago, Novem- ber 18, 1952, Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near, —Ever remembered by his wife, Mrs. Susan Allan. • 1.2* N MEMORIAM SEWERS—In loving memory of our darling son, Allan, who passed away two years ago November 14th, 1950, We wonder why he had to leave us, H e was like a flower in bloom, So young, so fair, so loving, Yet called away tob soon. Though tears in our, eyes often glisten, And our fates are sometimes sad There Is hover a night, nor a morning But we think of the loved one we had, RAE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, November 5th„ 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, Murray Rae, Wing- ham, twins, a son and daughter. DUCHARME—In Wingliam General Hospital, on Sunday, November 9th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, Verdon Du- charme, Wingham, a daughter, CHL'TTLEBURGH—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Nov- vember 9th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Chettleburgh, Wingham, a daughter. 1VicADAM—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, November 10th., 1952, to Mr. "and Mrs. Donald Mc- Adam, Glenannan, a son, CURRIE—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, November 10th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. R, John Currie, Wingham, a daughter. DUBEAU—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, November 11th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Du- beau, Teeswater, a 1952. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q. C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 29:5:12b Mrs. Ward Sharpin and fsmily wish The meeting opened and the vice- to express their heartfelt thanks and president, Glen Coultes, gave the call appreciation to all their many neigh- to worship. The Mission Band purpose All persons having claims against the estate of Angus McKinnon, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the twenty-first day of September, A.D., 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the fifteenth day of November, A.D. 1952, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fifteenth day of November the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-eighth day of October, A.D. 1952. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for executor. 29:5:12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS County of Bruce, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the thirty-first day of October, A.D. 1952, are noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-ninth day of Nov- ember, A.D. 1952, full particulars of their claims an writing, Immediately after the said twenty-ninth day of November, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. CRAWFORD & HETHERrNOTON Wingham, Ontarie, Solocitors for Executor, 12:19:26b IN MEMORIAM SEWERS—In loving memory of our little nephew, Allan Sewers, Who passed away at the age of four years, Nov, 14, 1950, Memories are treasures, no one can Steal Death be a heartbreak, no one can !Bruce Presbytery !Meets at Cape Croker The Belmore circuit was represent- ed at the meeting of Bruce latesbytery by Rev, 3, PI, Martin and Mr. Alfred lailejnger in the United Church, Cape Crokar, last Thursday. Delegates were present from all the pastoral charges, clergy and laymen. The chairman, Rev. H, Lawson,'Kincardirie, presided, Interesting reports were given by the various committees. Dr. E. M. Aitken, Hamilton, president of Hamilton Con- ference, making his annual visit, brought a challege to the members on the work of the church in Canada and overseas. The superintendent of Mis- sions, Dr. S. B. Stokes, London, spoke of the phenominal growth of Can- adian cities and of the challenge to the church to provide churches for these new housing areas. Dr. A, Bee- croft, Wingham, spoke of the new radio mission of evangelism, inaugur- ated by London Conference, calling attention to the program each Sunday afternoon at 1.45 over CKNX, led by Dr. John Short, Toronto. Those who had not visited the reserve before were deeply impressed by the sub- stantial, stone church and the work of the church at Cape Croker. At the dinner in the hall, served by the ladies of the local congregation, Chief Jones told the history of work of the church on the reserve and thanked the Pres- bytery for their interest in the band. The work is prospering under the leadership Of Mr. Bowers, BEIRAVE United Church W. A. The W. A. of Knox United Church, Belgrave, met in the basement of the church on Wednesday, November 5th. The president, Mrs. L. Hopper, pre- sided and conducted a short devotion- al period, The various reports were received and the business arising dealt with. The various committees were appointed and final arrange- ments made for the bazaar, which is to be held the last Wednesday in November. It was decided to purchase some flowers for the church altar Eleven responded to the roll call. The call was received and the meeting closed, At the regular weekly progressive euchre party in the Belgrave com- munity centre, on Wednesday evening, prizes for high scores went to Mrs. Gordon Pengelly and Mr. P. D. Mc- Lean, low went to Mrs. Herb Wheeler and Mr. John .E. McCallum, Personals Mrs, John McGill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maddocks, at Orange- ville. Mrs. E. Stapleton is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jamieson, Mrs. Margaret Field and Mrs. Pearl Penny, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson. smaller children went to their room, where they were told stories by Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Coultes read a chap- ter of our story. Barry Logan and Wayne Pletch took up the offering, which amounted to $2.06. Marilyn Pen- gelly and Jean Hanna distributed the World Friends, The hymn, "Jesus the Very Thought of Thee," was sung. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Miss Lois Mason spent a Week in Toronto with her sister, Miss Mildred Mason. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Gaunt and fam- ily visited on Sunday with Mn and Mrs. W. G MacKay, at Exeter, Miss Barbara Gaunt returned to London after spending the week-end here. Mr. Harris Purdon of Tobcrmory, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Cal- vin Robinson. Mrs, Arthur Anderson and Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Jarratt, of Hensall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Mrs, Kilpatrick returned home with them after spending the past five weeks in London and Hensell, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Vincent and Mrs, Clifford Logan and Ralph, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and family, of London, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rymer and Garth of St. Catharines, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Taylor. All attended the diamond wedding anniversary of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Humphrey, on Sunday, at St Helens. Bill Taylor has returned from a trip to Victoria, B.C. He had been harvest- ing at Milk River, Alta, THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Evidence accumulates that the bottle club cannot be conducted with- in the law. Its members can order their liquor delivered to the bottle club premises and, having identified every case and every' bottle with their own names, can frequent the place and, drink their own liquor. This ie within the law. But what about the proprietor who has turned his house into a beverage room for the conven- ience of the club members? Certainly the club membership fees would not make it worth his while to run a bottle club beverage room. He is party to some more profitable transaction. Does he get a commission on every case that is delivered to his premises? If that's the transaction, then he runs the risk of being charged with boot- legging for he is participating in the sale. Of course' if he supplies liquor to his customers from cases or bottles that are not identified as the personal property of a club member, then he is bootlegging, The bottle club is Wn attempt to evade the Canada Temper- ance Act. It is very gratifying that in Huron County the vigilance of the officers of the law is unmasking the bottle club.—ADVT. DR. CAMPBELL SPEAKS AT W.D.H.S. COMMENCEMENT (Continued from page one.) Intermediate certificates: Frances Aitken, Barbara Allen, Marguerite Appleby, Della Armstrong, William Barwick, Thelma Bennett, Donald Biggs, Beverley Brooks, Lillian Bruce, Kathleen Carter, Robert Catheis, Donna Cerson, Gloria. Clark, Hugh Cook, Donna Coupland, Janet Dea- ner, Neil Eadie, Marie Elliott, Mar- jorie Elliott, Norma Felker, IVIarguere ite Ford, Berva Gallaher, Robert Gammage, Donna Gerrie, John Gib- son, William Gibson, Lorraine Hanna, Marie Harris, Jean Henderson, Elmer Henderson, William Henning, Ken- neth Holmes, Marion Hull, Gordon James, Jean Jewell, Catherine Keat- ing, William Laidlaw, Ronald Lamont, William Leslie, Raymond Lott, Donelda MacDonald, Marlene Mac- Kenzie, Dephine McArthur, Reginald McElrea, Donna McGlynn, Donald McKague, Anis McKee, Janice Mc- Kee, Donald McKinnon, Robert Mc- Murray, Lavarre McNair, Marlene McQuarrie Audrey Mahood, Murray Mulvey, Marjorie Pettiplace, Robert Rann, Frances Rettinger, Catharine Riddicic, Ross Smith, Guelda Staple- ton, Shirley Stephenson, Barry Sym- Joyce Thomas, Barbara Waddell, ons, Arnold Taylor, Joan Thomas, Norman Walpole, Albert Watson, Ruth Webb, David Webster, Robert Westlake, Douglas Widdis, Rae Why- took, Eileen Wray, Wesley Wray, Diplomas Given Secondary school graduation diplo- mas: Keith Anderson, P at ri ci a Brophy, Elizabeth Carter, Bodie Craig, John Crawford, Isobel Dennis, Donald Dickison, John Freudman, James Gaunt, Donald Gibson, Bever- ley Garbutt, Kinloch Grewar, George Hall, Delores Hamilton, Jean Hob- den, Lawrence Hutton, Donna Jeffs, Saly Lou MacWilliam, Helen Nichol- son, Stewart Nimmo, George Porter, Marlene Schumacher, Coleen Stobo, Mary Tofting, Marion Toyer, Lois Webb, Thomas Webster (commer- cial), Jean Bain, Mildred Cook, June MacDonald, Marilyn McLean, Norma Moffatt. A. D. MacWilliam Trophy for best athlete in school, John Crawford. Scholarships Lions Scholarship for highest mark in school, Lois Thompson; Kinette Scholarship, highest mark on eight papers, Barbara Gaunt. Making the presentations were Frank Thompson, James A. Little, James Armstrong, A. H. MacTavish, and Dr. W. A. McKibbon. Why Wait for Santa? - Want Ads will get it now! BIRTHS PIANO—privately owned, in excel- lent condition, priced to sell, phone 255, Wingham. 12b NOTICE—Get your logs or wood cut fast and economical. Two saws to FOR SALE-1 pr. men's skates, size I serve you. Mel, Jermyn, Bluevale, 9: 1 pr. girl's skates, size 7; 1 6-volt, Phone 53r12 Brussels. 12:19;26* car radio; 1 6" turning lathe. Phone 254-W, evenings. 12* FOR SALE—Bookcase, corner cup- GIRL OR WOMAN to clerk in store . board (inside done in pastel shade); in Wingham Apply by letter only small table; child's table and to post office box 178, Wingham. chairs. Phone 3664. 12* 126 son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Alice Sutherland, late of the Town of Wingham, in the Coufity of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to the Trustee Act that all cred- itors and others having claims against the estate of the late Alice Sutherland, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, Q. C., the Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or be- fore the fifteenth day of November, A. D., 1952, and that after such date, the Executors will proceed to distrib- FOR SALE—Pet pups, part terrier, ute the said estate, having regard only Apply A, G. Campbell, R.R. 1, Wing- to the claims of which they shall then ham, phone 45. 12* have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-seventh day of October, A.D., SO dear Cod win you take a message heal, To our dear Allan in Heavens above? Deep in our heart, a Memory is kept, dust tell him how much we miss him Of our darling nephew, we Will never And give him all our love. forget. Lovingly remembered and sadly Always remembered by George, missed by Mommy and Daddy. Jhrtetn and 31trimid Drehriukhrl, 12b FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- car. Phone now and ask Stewart NOTICE TO CREDITORS pro- tection when you finance your next A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb All persons having claims against the estate of Richard Charters, late GO LNTO BUSLNESS for yourself. of the Town of aVingham in the No collections. No stock. Take or—County of Huron, Retired Farmer, ders through interesting method for :who died on or about the tenth day latest style knitted garments, lin-of September. A.D. 1952. are notified genie, children's and infant's wear, to send e to the undersigned on or which are fully guaranteed or full before the fifteenth day of November, purchase price refunded. Immediate' A. D. 1952. full particulars of their delivery. High earnings. Full or clairns in writing. Immediately after .. day T h ea flitberraarayana s' will starting b e open on Saturday S a t u part_time Representatives wanted the said fifteenth day of November Write today for information. Ho-..the assets of the said testator will November 15th, instead of evenings, for tyre winter months. Mar Wear, Simcoe. Ontario, be distributed amongst the parties I Miss Eileen Holmes, of London, with 5:12:19b entitled thereto, having regard only r her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph to claims of which the executrix shall Holmes. then have notice. Mrs. Thos. Smith, Amy and Irene, DATED this twenty-eighth day of i visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary October. A.D. 1952. Mahoffy, of Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Lorne Harmer and family and Mrs. Alice Allen, of Fullerton. Wingham, Ontaria V Mr. and Mrs. George Martin and Solicitors for executrix Mr. Martin Grasby, visited with Mr. 29:5:12 and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and family, of Thorndale. Mrs. Louis Hayes and Mrs. Wm. NOTICE TO CREDITORS !carman, of Elyria, Ohio, flew from 1 Cleveland, to London, and are spend- ing a week with the former's mother, pars. Thomas Brydges, at Belgrave. Miss Annie McNichol spent Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holmes, W. I. ! The Community Activities meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 18th., at 2.30 p.m. The conveners are: Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs. Ed. Wight- man., The roll call with be answered by telling of a trip you enjoyed on a holiday this summer. The address is the report of the Area Conven- tion. Music by Misses Margaret and Ann Wightman. A demonstration will be given on Christma's gift wrapping by Mrs. C. Walsh. The lunch commit- tee are Mrs. A. Scott, Mrs. E. Wight- man, Mrs. J, Walsh, and Mrs, C. R. Coultes. CARD OF4.11AJ.NK..S Happy Hearts Mission Band hours and friends for all the acts of was repeated and the hymn, "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus," was sung. Evelyn Mailers read the Scripture, Ann Wightman gave a prayer, Linda C,oultes read a story followed by the All persons having claims against roll call. The minutes of the last meet- the estate of Charlotte E. Murray, late ing were read followed by the hymn, of the Village of Whitechureh in the l "Take My Life and Let It Be." The MORTGAGE INSURANCE May be arranged to guarantee the fulfilment of your plans. CONSULT— F, C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462