HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-10-15, Page 11Wingha-:_E Su bias Warm Air Furnaces are available NOW FOR HOME HEATING COMFORT THIS WINTER! MAKE SURE IT'S A WINGHAM SUNBLAST Speed, Efficiency, Economy PIPE AND PIPELESS MODELS - ROUND OR SQUIRE CASINGS COMPLETE AIR CONDITIONING FURNACES sissssinsi.'s,snsnniinin ..n;snsnssnAssni,snnissn, s....n.f..nnsonnsissnisniinn APPEARANCE PLUS VALUE ,c-son s-nnsfe, PERFORMANCE PLUS ECONOMV SVNBLAST Conditioning tuft Sold in Wingharn by Hiseler & Son, Howard Fsiller, Percy Clark, Madan Bros., Winghans Metal Fabricating For any kind of Electrical Installation or Repair Winners of the Draw at Teeswater Fair were: I sf--3,(,iOO "Wat t ',1ectropail— M1•s. Thomas P. Teeswater 2nd-1,500 Watt Eicetrapaii— Mrs. R. g. Holmes, Clinton BURKE ELECTRIC li t il l i tE t 1 11 1 3 1( 11 11 1 U U 1 U U U N U 1 n U U N 1 it" N sir DER 15t1n 1952 V.VINGHAM .ADVANCE-TIMES 11404 moor minumilontiiitoomiusiumpoillimpilampolimp•14130•10[0•11ailis N41f.5 OF OEFLIVORg : ARM ,,.. . w . . winter Wear N 'p • a N N a with W.I. Members Tour Creamery And Newspaper Office spent the last two months. They end ningssisnississoismoisisisasiscosississoisocisconciciassissincsiconscookisonssoinioissonsosnoss: JoYed the trip, but were glad to see • the hills of Carrie if again,. :after con- tending with ashatchowan mud for couple of months. Mr, .and Mrs, 1100410 Martin and family, of Owen Sound, spent •Thanits,-, giving with his parents, 13,ev, and Mrs. H. Martin. Brussels : C. & G. Krauter Co. Clinton !: Wise & Bateman Gorrie G. S. Xing & Son Kincardine : Ken Johnson, W. J. Portice ss. FEATURING New Stock ,SEE OUR New Pape Jackets Modelled in Recent Movies by Alan Ladd, William Holden, and other stain. • The October Ineeting of the We- i men's Tnstituto was in charge of the = convener for Agriculture and. Indus- try, Mrs, Fred Johann and Mrs, Ebner Jeffrey, Instead of the regular meets ing, they pl anned rIr1 son's Creamery, Teeswater, and Printing office of the Teeswater News, let was d bae Ugi k r P.Itliri;kirglit4torthe year and anyone who didn't On missed a real treat, Twenty ladi es, accepted .- tionl, from 4.30 last 't- 1 day, were guests of the Creamery. Mr, Iss W, Thompson and Mr. Stewart Jo- hann, and other Members of the staff, *I did everything in their power to allow a and eNplain the different activities they are engaged in, The ladies saw how'cream was tasted, tested and pas- teurized. The big churn which turns 1 out 1500 lbs, of butter at a time was put in motion, of tio t ,henthey showed the stacksbig butter in the cooling room, being prepared for printing. The -69 ladies were fascinated by the big machine which prints and wraps but-' • ter, 45 prints, per minute; and watch- ed it for some time. Mr. Thompson presented each ladY T. with a pound of butter to take home. fi Cold storage was shown and the pro- ' f l eaLsok sintf taken throughe the p eggs, The eeruity bfrlrs build- ! we ing where chickens are plucked and gradedirT tiernrpen market,. balso took the W. I. members to see the Teeswater swirn- i ming pool, with the beautiful new • News office and were guestsofthe from thereatlhlethlaedieeqe = editor, Mr. Worrell, He kindly show- ed his Linotype in operation and the ii marvellous way it separates letters and makes typesetting so much easier and quicker. He also showed papers is being printed and afterwards cut to separate the sheets, Each lady was - presented with, a beautiful address a • N U surprise, all the ladies were invited upstairs to Mr. and MPS, Worraird apartment, where .they, assisted by and Mrs, W. Thernpli90, served a most delicious lunch, A .soelel. half hour gra°. enjoyed. Tho Lz4u joined in ho who had . Such an interesting .and instructive. afternoon .paaatbte, Mr, and Mrs. Man IVAtekford and children of Toronto, spent the week. end with Mri and MrS,'Wra, WESUEY s rsoKsii$ The Marriage of Miss Mildred Preiss of I3arriston, anr111eYZeey, son o the IrateLevisN1ey and Wesley, of Harriston, took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Paul Preiss of Beirnore, on Saturday, Oct- ober 11th., at 2.30 o'clock. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Martin, The bride wore a street-length dress of rust net over taffetas With a cor- sage of Pink carnations, Miss Marion Preiss dressed in moonlight blue moire taffeta, with a corsage of pink car- nations, was her sister's bridesmaid, Mr, Arthur Meirs, of Harriston, sup- ported the groom. A buffet luncheon was served to about 40 guests in the dining room, which was decorated with sweet peas, esters and dahlias, The bride's mother wore navy faille crepe and the groom's mother, a grey wool suit. The bride wore a gray rayon jersey dress with red accessories for travelling to Toronto, Sarnia and other points. The happy couple will reside in Har- .8.50,000 FIRE PROTECTION .PLAN FOR BLYTH A $50,000 Fire Protection expendi 11 - ture for the Village of Blyth was t I' li X from fire hazard. The members of the Village Coun- cil expect to meet, probably later this week, with a representative of the BURMISEAL Spot Resistant — Crease Resistant Water Repellent will endure many dry-cleanings also THE FINEST PARKAS - TOPCOATS - • ISARD'S Men's Wear REFRESH ! DRINK • a Listowel : Schlinirds Plumbing and HeatIng Mildn'iay » F. J. Arnold & Son Teeswater • G. J. Dickinson Whitachurels z Nat, ThonssOn book, suitably inscribed as a souvenir meetin at the home of Mrs. John of the occasion. Then, as a complete g White last Tuesday, with an attend- ance of 27 ladies and some children. Quilting was done, and arrangements were made for a turkey supper to he held in the church on October 21st. Lunch was served by the liostessas, Mrs. George Harper, Mrs, Ernest Wy- lie and Mrs. Alan Darling, PersonaLs. Mrs. Alvin Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. James Austin and Mrs. Fred Johann visited with. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Walker, near Belgrave, last Tuesday. son. BORN-In Walkerton Hospital, on Monday, October 6th., to Mr. and Mrs. Herman. Tegler (nee Grace Ing- lis), a daughter. BAKER'S BREAD is GUARANTEED GOOD The regular meeting of Trinity W. A, was held on Thursday afternoon, in the basement of the church with an astendance of 18 members and 1. visitor. The afternoon was spent quilt- ing for the bazaar, The president opened the meeting with the Scripture reading, Corinth- ians 15, verses 1-12, and all repatecl Aston. the members prayer In unison, Mrs. Anniversary Services Strong, the secretary, read the minus Mantosh church will hold Anniver- es of the last meeting and the roll call sary services next Sunday, October was answered with a verse on the 19tin, at 11 a.rn, and 7.30 pm. Rev. R. word Missionary. Reports of the W. A. H, Turnbull, of Bedford Park United and Guild were given by the treasurer, Church, Toronto, a former pastor, will Several thank you cards were read be guest speaker. to the members. Mrs. Wm. Sothern McIntosh W. AL gave a report on the Little Helpers. McIntosh W. A. held their October Arrangements were completed for they Fall Bazaar which is to be held in the church basement in the near future, The new study book "Thine is the Glory" was introduced by Mrs. Emerson. Hargrave. Mrs. Gamble read poem,a on a hymn of Thanksgiving. The meeting closed with the Bene- diction. Lunch was served at the close by two members. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutherford 4114 John, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Darling and family after church on Sunday. the Dr week-end . of T mr,aonrodat, spentmors W, Elliott. 1304 J, H.-Martin and Mrs. Martin visited this past week with their daughter, Mrs. Dixon, her husband' and of Warren, Ont. Mr, and 11Irs. P. Warwick of Lon- don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Merkley and other Mern- berg of their family. Mr, and Mrs, N. Runkla spent the week-end with relatives at fleaforth and Cromarty, Mr, arid Mrs, Harry Milne and Mr, and Mrs. Eugene (Kennedy, of Cuiross, were supper guests of Mr, and Mrs, Jolin Fitch Jr., on Tuesday evening. MINCH • $2,8,19,400,600, a .26.8 gain over 1950. lit Mrs. Curie spent last week In Strat- ford with her daughter, Mrs, Alex n Marshall:, and Mr, Marshall. Mr. Wm. Kenney,. Mr. Harvey Hugh- die and Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Hugh- die,. and son, Harold,. all of Elea.forth, visited on Sunday with Mr„ .and Mrs. Neil McNeill. Fn. Mrs. Fred Johann held a :family- * gathering on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. ss. 'and Mrs John Aitken, Jean. arid Billie, of Walkerton, and Mrs. Aitken, and I Mrs. Smith and Iris, of Elmwood, were also guests. Messrs. Walter Horton, Ralph Dick- Ilisson„ Alex 'Inglis, Ivan Mawhinness :George Nickel, Everett Dustann, Bruce, :Tom arid Charlie Darling. all returned this week, from the harvest fields in :Western Canada, where they have Mr, and Mrs. John Warden and. Lin- da, of Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Jeffrey on. Saturday.' approved at a public meeting, Mrs, George Harkness and Jean, of The Village Council had previously Toronto, spent the holiday rveek-end sought permission from the Board to with the Harkness families. go ahead with the prole' t without II Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dawson of Tor- V seeking a. vote from the ratepayers. • onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr. Moore presided at the meeting Mrs. Dickson and family, which was attended by the Village Mr. Hartley Aitken of Brownies, Council and a rather small represen- _ .Saskatchewan, is spending some time tative group of ratepayers. ill visiting his brother, Mr. Robert Aitken The proposed water system will ne- Ins and other relatives, cessitate the drilling of a. well, a on pressure system, and new water • BORN-In Kiricardin' enInospital, 07 Sunday, October 5th., to Mr. and Mrs, mains which will he laid Ile as to Stewart Aitken (nee Eietta Nickel), tilOiss Within the Corporation adequate and immediate protect/0n U a Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grant and son, ,HageY Engineering Co, of Fort Erie, David, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. land while it is not known to what LS 'and Mrs. Thomas Abraham over the extent the work may he carried a week-end. through this fall, the Council antici- Mr. arid Mrs. E. Zinn, Mr.. and Mrs. pates going ahead with the project -111 PI Elmer Jeffrey and Margaret, and Mr. as quickly as possible, and Mrs. Alan Darling, Harvey and Lois, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Er- Canadian farmers' cash income s_s ,'win Zinn and family, of Dungannon,! during 1951 reached a record peak of I • on Thanksgiving. Dead Stock DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collect Palmersitois 12,310 Durhara GORDON YOUNG LIMITED if 11111111M1311111111b,stirwslisimitatittialatitarmil.111,11i! a ii U 3 x S Wingham Phone 474 Play Kin-Keno The Game You Play at Home . mmot OOOOOOOOOOOO Jan1w4.101 OOOOOO iloolit..olutimoorthIrminilOofiliolimmigistw011fmleponteiMilii•roM11401,,W000meximiimil Ype111•41.• 4.7••••..1401.44/.1 111(1XiillISLIIKEIS'111111111111111•111111115111111ilifISSISSIOSSILIIIin N WITH A complete range for every car. DEFROSTING FANS Trieo high speed tYPe. Keeps windshield clear of frost and ,-,orideagatiou 51.70 MOTO-MASTER 'XETI.O. GIL Flaws freely in sub-zero tem- peratures and assures elms-tent and sufficient lubreiation at all times Gallon 8139' Moto-Masiter ANTI-FREEZE Efficiency and economy is assured by using genuine Moto- Master „ will not boil away at normal motor temperatures,. Got your supply now-be ready when the weather breaks Per 1 gal. scaled can $2.48 114EYF WATIM 10.1A113:8 They're going fast but if you act quickly we can still fit you out with a heater you will be proud of. Let us Save you ripwards of 25% on, that heater. Moto-Master PERMA WILL. ANTI-FREEZE with Etheiensi Glyeal base Pet qt. $1,28 Per gal- $4.38 .e.tx) DEFROSTERS Glass shields and electrical eiernents. Four suntien cups. Deluxe $3.:35 OVERNIGHT KNOWS; HEATERS The best engineered and r1(& practical engine heater. Vet" airepie installation, IOW onerats Irrg Gnat 711:EASIOSTATg Their fur.etirai is to rase motor tnnIperatnness quickly and retain it for efficient hat water heater PerfarmatiSe. lover many ootgat atm stol rnos,r SIIIEL.1) SETS :for :piste for an wirtrinsva and downs Assures clear vision and presses a revelation Of efficnoric7 tO all users ige 5 ss... • AtalatrmliStAullit ItalralUsamiiit Aciksiflat sueeessor to. kurftiovs. trifOrY. 1:1114111fititiSil11; trill:Miit it Ita • NO OTHER CONDITION WOULD ALLOW A BAKERY TO STAY IN BUSINESS GOLDEN CREAM BREAD, fresh daily, is chuck full of all the vitamins, and tastefulness one expects of Better Bakery Products. AcINTY E BAKERY if$,NN.; t Phone) OA 11.111111111101111111ilitialitallainsillilatifialfililfillOginiillifiliffillial W Nell A 11/1`LA ST FURNACES Whale By Western Foundry co Ltd. FOR 50 YEARS MAKERb OF nom RANGES, HEATERS * AND FURNACES, WINGslAIA, iCartintlin3