The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-10-15, Page 64 110,-!;,,,ltltrun-4011►."-o-o.0....-10,.. A An 4(071," • 'SERYINOTHE ENTIlta COUNTRY AS ONE lilt COMMUNITY iirt) Whose notified of death in a distant city we We immediate .cheroe through our membership in the AS$QPIATM 1,1144RA.4 DIRECTORS Wrtjpg,.Our affiliation e4th...mernisere of this Pt9,4100001 MI900* enables to to save the entire notion es One ,big Community, 'Ettablidrd, moderate fog* protect the fesnily finances, The contributory service! pf competent, dependable funeral directors throughout the. country rook,. for efficiency., economy end, the Comity's peace of mieSff Serving •everywhere 0 alt hours every refight and don S. J. WALKER FUNERAL HOME - Wingham Phone 106 or 189 —Mr. and JAM. Miller Davis spent the week-end in Buffalo, North East and as04asailla IS A. —Mrs. Goo. McMurdo ,of Toronto, Is visiting with friends and relatives in town for •a few weeks. —Miss Belle Martin returned to her home here on Wednesday after spend- ing two weeks in Detroit. —Miss Florence Barber, of Tor- onto, spent the Thanksgiving week- end at her home in town. --Mr, 40 Mrs, Ted Elliott and son, Brad, of Exeter, spent the week-end visiting with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Carmichael, Patsy and Peter, spend the holiday week-end with London relatives, —Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mutrie and Mr. Malcolm Kerr spent the holiday week- end with Mrs, Jean Crump, Diagonal Road. —Mr. and Mrs. Del Ewing, Douglas and Janna, of Collingweod, spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Gannett. Mi. Harry Watkins, Mrs. I. Tate, Miss Rose Symonds and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Davis, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. E, M. Snell on Sunday. —Misses Margaret and Jean Mit- chell were home from Toronto over the Thanksgiving week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. J. A. Fox is back home after a few days in the Wingham General Hospital, where she received treat- ment after fracturing her leg last week in a fall from a ladder. —Miss Helen Louise Pocock visited at her home over the Thanksgiving week-end. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Pocock and is a first year student at the O.A.C. Guelph. —Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Levy, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Labelle and child- ren, of Stratford, visited on Sunday at the home of Miss Minnie Barber. Mrs. R. D. Mason returned to. Strat- ford with them. —Mr. and Mrs. 0, C Gorrell, and two sons, Peter and David, of Port I Credit, Mr, C. J. Heughan and Miss, Coleen Arrowsmith, of Toronto, visited over the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs,aW. A. Heughan. —Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger were in London 'on Friday, attending a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers As- sociation, Guests at their home herej during the holiday week-end were Miss Ethel Wenger, of Toronto; Mr.1 and Mrs. William Beckett and daugh- ter, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray MeEachern and family, of Dorset. WESTFIELD Miss Lorna Buchanan, of London, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack - ilBuchanati' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bakker and family have moved to their new home at Blyth. Miss Minnie Snell of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. 3. L. McDoWell. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, of Walton. Miss Mary I. Tenney; of Brantford, was a week-end guest at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook. ELI Only ELGIN has the uraPower Mairtspriwe 8tar-tirtied accinatcy! Stnarteat styling! And the DuraroVier Mainspring elietinates 0}% of all repairs due to steel Main. spring failurcs.NeWtIgins ?ilea *Ohl $42.50 arattetatestss, rtsateitte MID CROMPTON • JEWELLER tiertilios Watoternaief aliOnnMOInioneininatursliaelialeassine loillnialatin SAVE ON itaeggy* 1. -etiktx: - 166 war EISELER anti SON Vtlizigtiam, Ont. rots SURVEYS AND rttSMATilS L , ettittillett * Olt sibitztts * WAIN WOOS st and Service the Rest IIKE SitCw///thimertir illEAT Trr-tt"--' -Itts A OIL *MOMS * I'' ,GE' SIX WINQUAM ADVANCE.IIMES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER' llah, 19 shoot your Personal Arrow here! It newt misses it's target. ..„..„...„ „,. Don't be misled. only during the Rexall ORIGINAL One Cent Sale can. you get TWO regular size packages' for the price one, plus only le. -Over" gpa bargains to choose from, lYtarle Year calendar :for Olean days, WED- N.ESDAY,. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. October 15, 16, 17 and 1$. McKibbonS, the Rexall Drug Store, Watch our ads closely, The biggest monesasaving event of the Season is coming very soon, Get ready for big bargains at the .1:Wean Fall One Cent Sale, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY,'Oetoher 15, 10, 17, and 18, at McKibboos, The Drug Store, FOR SALE ' 'PRESS CALLOUS SALVE relieves quieklY. Yonr Drnggist tient; Cress. Corn Salve —for aura relief too. * FOR SALE-0 Pradheitnine arid SOO, Bearoaville, for Better Fruit :Ana Nursery Stock of a types. Order now for spring delivery, Local represeptative, Frank 7534. lrrb FOR SALE—Enterprize Oil Space Heater, like new, very reasonable, Itlay be seen at Rae's Hardware, Phone 27, 15;22:29* riRESSMAKING—Ls.dies' and child- ren's wear. Mrs. Ada Sanderson, residence beside power house in Lower Winghe.m. 15;22* FOR SALE-1 Finley 4 burner Elect- ;lc range, nearly new, $1504 1 Sher- lock & Manning piano, mohogany finish, excellent condition, 1 solid mahogany melodeon, converted into ladies desk, antique. Apply 7$2J. 15b FOR SALE—Genuine Heintzm a n piano, like new, apply Box 166. FOR SALE— Girl's 8-piece winter outfit, in red with leopard fur, good quality, size 4. Good condition. Price #10, Mrs. 4, Donaldson, Carling Ter- race. 15* FOR SALE—Modern style coal and wood range, white enamel finish, very low price, for quick sale. Harold Wild, Diagonal Rd., phone 508. 15* FOR SALE—Nine piece dining room suite, call 640 - W - 12. 15b FOR SALE-1 Beaver Cook Stove, good condition, cheap, 1 play pen with draft board and pad. Apply Mrs, W. J. Henderson, Josephine St., phone 5115. 15* FOR SALE—Girls' blue whiter coat, with fur trim, only worn 6 times, size 14. Apply phone 741W21. 15" FOR SALE—Flowering size mixed tulip bulbs, special 35c dozen or $2.50 per hundred. Phone 298R. Percy Biggs. 15* FOR SALE—NEW refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., and new washing machine, mov- ing to 25 cycle area, would like to sell. Phone 96W. 15* ADD NEW BEAUTY to your home as you heat it with a handsome Duo- Therm Chippendale Fuel Oil Heater. This furnituee styled, full-size console offers comfort-insurance for your home at low fuel cost. Rich mahogany finish. See it during Silver Jubilee 'Super-Value Time, at Pattison Radio & Electric. WORK WANTED WANTED—General housework by girl, Apply box 167, Advance-Times. 15* WATERLOO M,M. TRACTORS AND. MACHINERY A complete line of farm implements, Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-46 Hudson, 4-door re- conditioned motor, new tires, $450„ or best offer. Jim Paisley, R, R. 1, Glenannan, 15* FOR SALE-1948 Dodge custom five passenger coupe one owner since new. Blue in colour and has White wall tires, Excellent condition throughout, Will sell outright or take 19$0 or 41 model in good con- dition in as part payment, Phone Wingham 418 for information. 15* HELP WANTED ORGANIST WANTED— Applications will be received until Nov. 1st, 1952, for the position of organist and choir leader of Bluevale United Church, with duties to commence Jan. 1st, 1953. Herbert M. Garnise, R.R, 4, Wingham. 815b HELP WANTED—Houseware Parties need dealers, men or women, for part time work. Apply to Box 163, Advance-Times. 815b MEN:—Here's your opportunity to earn a better than average income. You can make big money year round selling nationally advertised Watkins Products in nearby rural locality. Neither capital nor ex- perience necessary. We train you. Write Dept. 0-W-2, The Watkins Co., 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. 1 :8:15 :22 :29 SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-J-453-189, Montreal. 1 :8 :15 POULTRY FOR SALE FOR SALE-28 new Hampshire Rork pullets, ready to lay. Apply Don Stapleton, Phone 60434. 15* FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT-3 room, self contained, heated, suitable for business couple. Box 165. 15b APARTMENT FOR RENT—Modern one bedroom heated apartment, available soon. Elmer Wilkinson. 15b FOR RENT-3 room apartment, no children; apply to Miss Sanderson, Shuter st. 15* FOR RENT—Semi-detached dwelling, for rent, 26 John St. 15b FOR RENT-2 rooms, ground floor, private entrance, conveniences, Ap- ply R. Trigger, ,phone 609. 15b APARTMENT TO RENT—six rooms on Josephine street, main block, with clothes closets, hot and cold water, heavy duty "aired, possession on or before November 1. Apply box 164 Advance-Times. 8rrb FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT—Store and living quarters above, good base- ment, and cistern, also 7 room house and cistern at back of store, hydro through' building, all to one party, or rent in apartments to accommo- date d families, Apply George A. Machan, Mitchell, R, R. 1, 15rrb REAL ESTATE FOP, SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner jot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite, Harold Edgar, pitting 481, Listowel, 14rrb /STINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A, Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb FOR SALE-35 acres bush consisting of pied, poplar and elm. )Apply Arnold Vint, phone 640w13. 8:151s WANTED Dead or disabled animals promptly renloved. Darlieg Se Cos Sea- forth, E, AndreWs, header. Phrase collect 8510.1. 27-rrtb MISCELLANEOUS HAVE 3.101[11f Sewing Alttebine .aerr- iee4 by trained and SaPerieneed Meal Alt Pladtea .4900.104 for re- Pair. Worlc gUaratiteed, We $e up and .deliVer, Phone 665, rrb pE14., YOUR CREAm, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for Your COnvenienee we have aft your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery, Lockers available to everyone. trip. FIND OUT bow you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb CONS1UILT your WIngbaita Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dent- onstration of latest sewing machine models... Free sewing course with every Purchase. Phone 865. rrb WANT LOW-COST CIRCULATING HEAT, for any small space heating need? See the Duo-Therm Radiant Circulator, A handsomely streamlined heater that gives clean, workless heating comfort, at amazingly low fuel costs. A special during Duo- Therm's Silver Anniversary "Super Value Timer See it now at, Pattison Radio & Electric. CHILDREN'S PIANO LESSONS by the Toronto Conservatory's approv- ed Kelly-Kirby Kindergarten Me- thod. This course is especially designed for chillren, 3-8 years old. NO PIANO NEEDED FOR FIRST YEAR, Mrs. James Craigen, Qualified In- structress, John St., phone 5473' for interview. Two more children needed for another Tuesday morning and Friday morning class. 15rrb CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Jerry Casemore are deeply grateful for the beautiful floral tributes, many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy tendered to them in their recent ber- eavement. Special thanks to Dr. W. A, Crawford, Rev. Parker anti Currie's Funeral • Home. Mrs, Edward Marsh. 15b Mr, Norman Wade wishes to con- vey his thanks and appreciation to all who so kindly remembered him while in Victoria Hospital, London, and since his return home. The cards, visits, flowers and treats were very much appreciated. 15* IN tIEMORIAM MOFFAT—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John 3. Moffat, Wingham, who passed away one year ago, October 13th., 1951. Our thoughts wander as daylight fades, To the Happy days of yore And how sweet to remember him, For his kindness and his love. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family. 15* NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Ritchie, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the fourteenth day of Sep- tember, AD. 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-fifth day of October, A.D. 1952, full particulars of their claims in writ , ing. Immediately after the said twen- ty-fifth day of October the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this second day of October, A.D. 1952. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingharn, Ontario Solicitors for the, executors. 81522b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of John E. Nicholson, late of the Town ship of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; put, saant to The Trustee Act. that all cre- ditors and others having claims against the estate of the late John E. Nicholsort, are required tb send liar. titulars of their claims, duly verified, to 3, W. Bushfield, Q.C., the Solicitor for the Administratrix of the said Estate, on or before the twenty-third day of October, AD. 1952, and that after such date the Achnitilstratrix will proceed to distribute the said ess tate, having regard only to the clairea of which She shall then have had no. flee, DATED at 'Wingham, Ontario, this sixth day of October A.D,, 1.952. S. W, BUSHFIIELIS; Q.C, Wirightua, Ontario, SOlialtor for the Adrainistratrix 81522b BIRTHS STAPLETON--In Winghara General Hospital, op Tuesday, October 7th., 1952, to M. and Mrs. Kenneth Stapleton, Wingham, a son. 13AKKER—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on 'Wednesday, October 8th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Rein Bakker, St, Helen's, a daughter, GROSE—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, "October 12th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, N. J. W. Grope, a daughter, Deborah Kathleen. STRAUFF—In Whigham General Hos- pital, on Monday, October 13th., 1052, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strauff, R. R. 2, Teawater, a son. HUMPHREY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, October 13th., 1052, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hum- phrey, R. R, 2, Lucknow, a son. BEECROFT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, October 14th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft, R. R, 1, Belgrave, a son. DEYELL—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, October 14th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deyell, Wingham, a son. IRELAND—In Wingham General Hospital, op Tuesday, October '14th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ire- land, Teeswater, a son. IN MEMORIAM ROBERTS In loving memory of Charles A. Roberts, who passed away October 18th., 1951. Ever re- membered by his wife, Lloy, and sons, Jack and Richard. His memory is as dear today, As in the hour he passed away. 15b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Ida Cynthia Sherk, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the tenth day of October, A. ,D., 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the first day of November, A. D. 1952, full par, ticulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said first day of November the assets .:of the said. testator will bo ,distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims, of which the ex- ecutor shall then have notice. DATED this fourteenth day of October, A. D., 1052. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executor AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th., 1952 at 2 p.m. Of the late CHARLIE BONNETT'S HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at ' Eph. Parish's Barn, at the end of Patrick Street West 1 oil cook stove, 1 cook stove, wood or coal Royal Princess Pat, 1 electric 2 burner stove, 1 small 1 burner stove, 1 Davenport, 1 small kitchen table, 1 round end table, 4 kitchen chairs, 1 leather rocker, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 toaster, kitchen utensils, dust mop, broom, hammer, shoe lath, hand tow- els, tea towel!, bed clothes, Bed springs and mattress, 1 eight day clock, 1 alarm clock, trunk, Swede saw, stove pipes, 1 walking cane, plunger, whitstone, rake, 2 shovels, fork, axe, hoe, wash tub, oil can and other small articles, TERMS—CASH. L. G; Bryce, Auct- ioneer. EPH, PARISH, Executor, 15b MORTGAGE SALE OF Real Property in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday, the 31st, day of October, 1952, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the ()face of Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, by L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: Let No. 16 in the 12th eon- cession of the Township of Turnberry in the county of Huron, containing 88 acres More Or less. Oii the said property is said to be a one and one-half story brick veneer house; frame barn on Stone foundation 40 ft. by 50 ft.; drilled well. The farm IS clay arid gravel "loam, IS two and one-half Miles frOm School, six miles front 'Si/Ingham and four Miles from TeekrWater, TOME Test pet eent of the purobste Money to be paid down ht the tittle of sale, balance to be paid within thirty days, FM' full particulars arid eonditioris f sale appl to the undersigned. DATED at Wingbarn the fourteenth day of October, A. 11;102, CRAWFR OD IIETHERINGT014 Wingharn, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee Ix G. HAS= Wingham, Ontario, Utitiettee A number from Westfield attended the Anniversary services at Donny- brook on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mrs. J. B, Ford and Sally Taylor, of Comber, were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Frank'Campbell and Miss Winni- fred. Mr. Jim Snell, of Nile, and Mr. and Mrs. John Gear and family, of Kit- chener, spent the week-end with Mrs. 3, L. McDowell and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDowell visited at Eugenia Falls and Beaver Valley on Sunday, Mr, arid Mre. Arthur Brooks, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman. Mra, Elwin Taylor, Norma and Ed. of Brussels, visited on Monday with Mrs. J, t McDowell. IN MEMORIAM STE, MARIE—In loving memory of our dear husband and father, who passed away, October 15, 1951. No one knows how much we Miss you No one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered since we lost you, Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is riot a day dear Francis, That we do‘not think of you, —Sadly missed arid ever remembered by wife and family. 15" Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughtcy TwitEn IT PROMPTLY AND, Ei411( 1ENTLY C. AJBACHER Intl 'fiiigttt *IL Witigilitiirt Laura McBurney Wed in Wingham St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Winghatn, was decorated with gladioli, fern and candelabra, on Saturday at 3 p.m., when Laura Margaret McBur- ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John O. McBurney, of Belgrave, became the bride of Kenneth E. Barbour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour, of RR 2, Lucknow. Rev. W. H. T. Fulton officiated at the ceremony assisted by Rev, Alex Nimmo. Organist was Harold Victor pym, Wingham, and the soloist was W, B, Cprtron, Wing- ham, who sang "Because" and "Give Me Your Hand." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore, a white, ballerina- length gown of nylon net over, taffeta with accordian-pleated skirt, chantilly lace jacket with peplum, lily-point sleeves and Peter Pan collar. Her finger-tip veil was held by a small tiara of white satin, encrusted with seed pearls. The bride wore a double strand of pearls, the gift of the groom, and carried a cascade bouquet of Bet- ter Time roses and stephanotis. Miss Eileen Holmes, of London, the maid-of-honour, wore a cornflower blue, ballerina-length, strapless gown of nylon net over taffeta with full gathered skirt. Her matching jacket was edged with lace and rhinestones arid her headress was a bandeau of white gardenias and cornflower blue net. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Phyllis Bar- bour, R. R. 2, Lucknow, was similarly gowned in orchid nylon net over taf- feta and wore a headdress of orchid net and bandeau of white gardenias. She carried a bouquet of white carna- tzons. Groomsman was Allan Barbour, of Brigden, Ont and the ushers were Alan McBurney and Carl McClena- ghan. The bride's mother received, at 'the reception held at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, in a navy blue sheer dress with white accessories and corsage of red roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother in a Royal blue dress with black velvet accessories and cor- sage of pink roses. For travelling the bride chose a navy blue suit with navy and white accessories and corsage of dusky pink carnations, They will honeymoon in the Muskoka district. Upon their re- turn they will reside at R R 2, Luck- now. Guests were present at the wedding from London, Liman, Orangeville, Lucknow arid Wingham, Highlights Prom The High School LITERARY MEETING by Clifford Coultes The" first literary meeting of the new term was held in the town hall on Friday, October 10, at 2,30 p.m, The meeting was opened with "0 Canada" played by Helen Haines. Mr. 'Curtis, of the MacLean-Hunter publishing company addressed us, ex, planting the magazine campaign. In his speech Mr. Curtis stressed the value of the experience to be gained by participating, He displayed prizes to be won for points gained. Donald Dickisori, out new presi- dent, opened the program with an address. He began by welcoming new students to the school, arid urged us all to take pert in different activities, "The More you put into a thing, the more you get out of it," said Don, regarding taking part In the 'Lit' programs, He thanked the student body for the position he °cantles, and outlined activities planned by the r `Loit! executive for this year, The minutes were read by Lois Webb in the absence of Ruth Webb', the secretary, Patricia Rider sang a. very beautiful solo, 'Bluebird of Hap- piness', with Catherine Keating at the, piano. Pat responded to an enepre. Next came a poem by Clifford Coul- tes—never mind that . . but it was. "De Stop Heem Short", and it was. very well done. Catherine Keating' played a piano solo, in her usual. excellent style. We were presented with another of W.D.H.S.'s dramatic triumphs.. "The Man in the Bowler Hat", pre- sented by the Senior Drama Club, under the supervision of Miss Mc- Gregor. Everybody saw it, there iVas so much hilarious laughter at ear- tarn points—especially during the fond embrace of Joyce Thomas and Bob McMurray—that some of us are not sure yet what it was all about. Those taking part were Mack Cam- eron, the bad man; Grant Merrick, the henchman; George Hall, and Iso- bel Dennis, the young couple; Bob McMurray, and Joyce Thomas were the hero and heroine; and Jim Gaunt, the Man in the Bowler Hat. Neil Eadie atterapet'irto prove the axiomatic supremacy of male over female by the playing of another piano solo, "The Blue Tango." It would be hard to judge whether he succeeded or not, even with an en- core. George Porter, our new editor, read the journal which he had pre- pared, revealing choice bits of gossip as well 4as presenting something for us all to think 'about—for instance, our need for a new school, which everybody always talks about and nobody does anything about, Inter- esting things were revealed about teachers and pupils alike. Mr. Hall gave the critic's remarks, praising the talent and co-operation shown. Isobel Dennis again presid- ed at the keyboard as the meeting' was closed with the national an- them. Gordon H. Forbes, Listowel Man, Passes Gordon Howard Forbes, a painter who lived most of his life in Listowel, died October 8th in Victoria Hos- pital, London, after an illness of two months, He was in his 53rd year„ Born in Elma Township, a , son of the late Samuel Forbes and Elizabeth Lannin, he was a member of Christ Anglican Church, Listowel. Surviving are: his wife, the form- er Winnifred Marie Taylor, of Barrie, whom he married in 1919; two sons, Harry Gordon, Kincardine, and John, L., of Listowel; three daughters, Mrs. Ralph N. (Doris) Saint, Wingham; Mrs. John (Elaine) Barton, Listowel; Mrs. J. D. (Elizabeth) White, Van- couver, B.C. One brother, Lloyd Forbes, of Stratford, one sister, Mrs. Norman Sehade, Listowel, and five grandchildren also surVive. The funeral was held Saturday, October 11th, at 11 . a.m. front the McLaughlin-Reid Funeral Horne, Lis- towel, with Rev. F, H. Paull offici- ating, Pallbearers were L. Siddal, W., Neable, D. Schade, T. Wilson, E. Yost and S. Heisser, The flowar bearers were W. Henry, 0. Orth, Saint, G. Hammer, C. Barton, W. Mc- Laughlin, S. Peach and E. Wahl. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery, Listowel, A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Licensed Municipal Auditor 55 South Street, Goderich . Telephone 343 P RESCRIPTION S sins filled Iii ,'tort M t orrinnrr will, your l'Irvuq ,tin's torthec /I / Kerr's Drug Score