HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-10-15, Page 2t I 1 7 t trirk, it nzet 'Pr!. vinze •:.1D tap ...a t ," e.A..amaz-e 14.7an lave sh -r, Tnaks =1:71 it? crons :he P.rrvn• tis, • -ritriej e7t ‘14:3:3) rAlt ri 1111.1 • th.t. =Lit rirInn.i.z.r..11: 7. I ....intSit:12.. ‘'D J.C.1 ,With, ghat: pareata, IL-. and ALvs. ger- San llsigrm, 24btnt Cutxas saaa. 'famiy. spent Suad*' with her alai-Tr, Lawson=Vary. of PaWley. Mrs. B.arry Stewart, of Winnipeg ,archer here io.st 'Wedneszlv go vier at the home of her siaer, Mrs. F.,tra WelwnO0. Oa azaday U.:r. 41 Mrs. Norman Weitrood end 11Irs. V"nd the week-ati at the home nt Mr. And Mrs. George Cameron. of "tViriasor. Mr. Eam Walwood returns to Weemitio=er Einspital this We- day, Xr. and Mrs. Fred l'Ers..1;ett- bea T.if-fbt and Ilta. Vint= E.merson spent Sunday at Ferous and Elora. Miss 1'.....r.rjazy Stint. 1f' "ilargrr., .spe-= aim Week-will with and len. • use.11 S.itchie, Imiglide. On Sun- :day, they arid Mr. and Mrs. Bain:. alit- ehie, of Ashfielti. visited St the it of the latter's sou. Mr. J. C. 'ce ?1~tte lee Mr. Boy, 1,1vGee, of Miteineler, spent the Ilveet-End 'with his father. Benry McGee, and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. toy Wry-Iris End fern- ta Toronto, slime the ww.k-end with Mr. and Xis. Chester Case snare of '..1"nroharry. and with Mr. and Mrs. it Cranston of St. Augustine. Mrs. Mary Galtroi*+, or Dea-alt- 'spent the week-and with her sister. 1C-"S. Etchie. and relatives in E. 'We- wanosh. AL-s. James DOW. Mrs. W. Dow and Donald, spent last Thursday at the .13.nme of :hair sister. .Mr` .filbert. 'Wight of Arkona. Ma. Wight bad been a patiera in r.str-liroy Taasphal. Mm. and Mts. W. and daughter of Taranto. ape= the week-,end at the home /if 'Bev. and Mrs. W. Z. War.. 'The Lthes ily -erednerl home last Ivetda from visithig with Dr. =ad Mrs. Dmmia Watt in the Queen Coatior.,, Islands B C. Mrs. gene Paterson. of Toronto. spent the week-end with her soother. Mrs. Win. Tulor. Mr. I-lamset Pardon and Zr. Edward Mc' Clencen, who span: the pas: few -weeks in Furnen, Saskatchewan -re- rt...,-neci home an Thursasy. vs et- les. mother ad AL-s. Puriint: encamp- spied t.ii= home anti will spear: a Jew *weelm hest. I'Lr. and Mrs. Truman Beatty, of Toronto. ape= the week-end az the home o'f' her uncles. Mr. 3es. and Wt.. Chas. Martm and with Mr. and Mrs. Bet- Thompson. W=. Peacock- Mr. and Mrs W. Peacock end froni4-. Bluevale.. and Mr. and Mrs. ifuthert, Esli. af Winglike= spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5012r Craig. IL-. and Mrs, Charles Feicrin= and John. of End ma. Sam cook,r re and Mr. Pat Souk= ai chc-iiprr span: Sunday ver..h. 11-, and Jas. Falconer. Mr and Mrs. Win rnderwood„ 'Tn.-0=a anent the week-end at the home of lies narenth. and Mrs. Jas. McDrnth. Mr. and .11.m. -4.richie Peterson. of .sp=rt the weak-ens at the home of his brother. Xr. Albert Pat- =son. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cesemnre. a. Brairdard. and IL-. Jerry Forsythe. a! Windsor. spent the week-end 'with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morrison. • Mr. illiPylec Gillespie, of Eitchm seen4- the week-end at the home ,crr his flhP liathn, mid with .11s. Z. ..=111espie. Mr. and Mrs. r4rn.M47, Farrier and :sou of Long Branch, anti Miss Win- .nitred Farrier. of Toronto. spent the week-end at the home e_ their mar- fres. Mr and Mrs W. B. Farrier. Mr. and IL-s. Clifford Ferrier and 're Eincerdine. -dated there on Sun- , dry. Mr. and 3\!...`-s. Basil Thompson and fanav, spent the week-end at the home of tier nererth. Mr. iota Moo--E. Mr. and Mrs. Eenmeth Dickson. of Belmar-, -visited there an Sunday. Mr. mid Mrs. Floyd Bath and daugh- -tars. of Beiwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Curran and family. of Si. Relens. with zithers le the family !Irons this Ells sib eipmit Sunday with their nos- es= Mr. and Mrs. Babert Pardon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casunare and inrraly tie' P. et.-.olia, her. WW1 Its. Era Casernora.. of Sriattord. Mr. mid 4,142:1 tits iviDATAIN BtlY5 ham banal Fri. Oct 17 1 11 0 1 11 10 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 01 1 10 11 1 1 at Wingtn-,-r Outhsis Ven„7,er BrOthers, PAY**r-re-, W. Bar*. Wer,ge- Editor limber Audit Barest ot =Magian ,11.11."..bn•-",ted en Snond Class 'PaSt ire Dept Sobserp/5on BUZ, - One Tear tt.52), =maths .Z.:1.26 an advance • S. L-VW Nrr.' War: Fa Rage Z:1.5i.1 per Fear Adve "- Banes at artPli"-rtiO^ MAN WHO STAYS ALIVE las: week. a h.:757:hiOr: Ell "LVILic171 -1- c, The Lan:- b::t LS L. :1'7 ' ••e• '.- were .F.If...4 -irdta.-. tylfittIlize -..f hi:. 1.1.t.zi-z-r1- ,.- • SL'ieLlif.:7. wrki, Iv ere :::t ne :s ::-,-1.... .r..e is =ens 7•::t-7- Vt.%',7i..: ES L i:C.774:."2:S: I, gll ... 4.• 71f"..1.7 • rat ZILS 1.1-17,L. belter. 41:1:•"; 'eve pie C:F=.7..ry f2:71'ffit awe VMS esa.-att. rom :h.. •:%* 7 .7 - a:1 the an:1 2.13-;- M:km "VVe vsar:'e :hest n5-r, !se. 7:',17 he is Sae ItaTher :re eviSer,t1:y MAIN DESTROYERS OF HIGHWAYS' 7111Z the. 1."1 that as -::-Treases L.111:+1:171:, '17; 7r7I•r. with pzzetts sait:1::s.S•atkry 21:7: rani Jamie 4•4"?.. mr. and zaadt Wine:tarn. have hem `:.siring IDS form rxir ts• plant an :hr. v.-eeks a: /he ham of his. brother Su▪ ndmr yeevious ranting tiOOT. :.•:!ve•Mr. 2.-)E.-V54 See. .1Trali-, at Vanginth. titfferen: air-parts order -it, snare a Sash sperm. flylng liverne Mr. ima Mrs. Jahn P-mrou: and Iron- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. PI-ham Mr Geo sPenr the week-,eni Ea the brims of Ea,h= sale lass ziaho=ta., rd ?aim- s=a-•E:. Mrs. Ewaxt: MPitorson, and e:...sznn misc. miss 3.8sarief. of with other Rintoul in this Land= and 1L-a roma visited ar Sunday at the :name Mr End Mrs. C.F=I: Canning and Mr.as and Ifss :_;earge MeClenaghan ;son- of Toronto. were recent visthars stern: 2ormparr-, Tama- with Ms. and ire. Norman Coni=es. to spew the weet-ena wth "gic.-4 Mild- of Wanlmosh- red MeMetaghan and Mr and M.-e. aims. Pairu'tl and Ma..., •41Pt fn sornin and vr,oriar.pharg this sat- tester. Mrs. 7"..ara.d. Walker. •nrilay Mr. sad AL-a 7.1eare Meraparly and Mr. and Mrs purdah and ;sons. mid Mr F•tenk Tiommacir. sad Mr. and Ms. Ems: from this divt,ir± =tended the the WaliteNTayior w.r.zirPinp: at St iflorms0 sale of .-a-m.ataras of ar SECU:dr*^. :•••or.. Fore= at *tidily. Mr. and MrsDot: Arbuckie ad Dr- and M"-s. 2W: anti Ta:- 1:Ewe. See= the week-end at the home l eae XT. 3s.: rain. of ahrralE0E- and of his he It: vcro, Ashnerit.. and Dr, and Mrs. Richard Jrafin and fan- with other Sam Watranost and Wing- ittv of Fleshes/on spent the -week-mid ham rel=f1t- IiLt- and Mrs Irviint.. Conn an visited or. Sunda;- with and Mrs Zahn White Eineardine. Vir and AL-a..7..S.7.7T Taw% and ism., Br-ig•ht spoor the trend with her warmth _Ms. and Mrs Eat :110Cienaghar.. Mr and Mrs Maim -"EcTrionagnt and sat A11. hae: of ;' E.C.:tahener lEr said Mrs Jarc - Irazrre ti± EP:iv:town ran Mr. and Mrs. Parker arid faintly of Illintavra, =fled there Simitity Mr. and Xis. 74:23Z: 'Ur spent Stittag:: at the r.: of their son. lelr. mite' IlicCieradinat 7.1Ltc and 1Ers. :7as. Gill y of Part spent tee week-end a: .thE bone EJ=a thei: 11S.TIZt; Mrs Johnston It r. and 31'"--e Cur Ems.... anti child- rm visited or. Sunday St the home- of .her aunt Mrs ::Itcdor. Szatt P4pley. The 1.17.11S of the Trailed Mturvb here will hair: its thanhotiering meet- ing :this Friday- 3.i---eWrT with the \IVIES.. their husbands and the Presbyt=tar Churth. The 15 Oto CPx/M.A.) Minciljant N' lieethlg Shmrer wgprogiomv, orgosna oth, irr.......................- 1 .34.-s,:rzt ircit--02 and Mrs, ftte Watson, Toronto, tipent Ow week-o34 with Itr, 'a 1W-umbra:a .7maztiQr., Ilaitt-vi on Mao and go. fieo. 091i/te* at 4. Wawa. day with Xt.. an.d litre. Er.mt Oage-illOgli, and ME. and Pli-J$. JVA.Nrt Pvw- lama. It'll of gtrnttord, 't,161t0 th,,,re on SIM.. ri-ris,SAS Peeil and Irenv Paton, 44 i day. I I 01111111111111111111311111111;1101115311311:111r11113151:1111:11t1IWININ 1111111111:11111111111111W4 B N lE THE FOLLOWING USED TRACTORS HAVE BEEN DRASTICALLY CUT IN PRICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK. N B B B B Huron Motors Ltd. B Ford & Monarch LIIISIIII1IM1111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111111111111131111111111K113111111111111111111»1tille B Phone 237 A. D.MacWilliarn Wing am rIZITINIIII1111111111111111111111112111111111111111111411111311111111111:11LISINIMUMMINIIra 44 NA/ 0_11 ut A)trattrr timr$ rJrsek1 TWO THE i.VINGI-5.?W ADVANFE-TTMES CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS SERVE PUBLIC WELL 71 cei1. la-as Nat.: •.:-,12 Nerrspzerptl- week Irmize,-.: States. Canai:la 0.-;,,es 7.1 i7.4. 1-.--11 -4:.--Nr...:.we tz as . sz:11. :::ever-..1-e2ess the idea., :le :r .z if,eas. spreats . .. 7}:, t -i.-ut-43-,-;:. In .7:y LVI'l '"1".pnr-r•-rr::.ty Z :Yr EtW .I.::111r ID Z..,1:S1'ZASE the'.11S4.-.1 1\-il.. :r 7dE.Z,t7S. 7,2da'SparterS i'lg:f-.1 1 , 1"1:::77..;'•7r.7: servize to their . .. hir:: tl:ir).- ..--, .s`•.:;'1' -1'," Y.S--)7.;7'..7.7.77 .1.171=1.-1170.. F-'7.7,7 :.• 7:71 L7-7: .:•.72. er I a ''':Zit'''"''''' ."` TEtrIZe. ::--7-77-1:77O -ali011. E.•;-'-itt:'-. :::"..7.: :;‘,Z?:71. 4 7:7 5:-.7.7eSS EV7it4 7.-t e_1- .., _ 721. I ,..-t 17-...e.-.11ii-.-Ti :a :t.-a-. - s•zzzess ...:,-I:17.is var.!ee laith tver? L-:::11:•rit-,- 11..47-= • .7'.•:)Z7.1c'''' :-."" ' are Z.- Z4 -.-espapers. J. he take ei-feztive3y. The:: E :heir CA-77.. area. any :7:M7.S ne.-crs :ake : AND WHO GETS THE MEAT? f ..te average riT7,7, ever. ar...irnal The t Vet 47••• •rtver :he 1.-.eer hit tale 4.• rr.t. See= 1"-O.Z• i hi: Ettv- .!...3tt the sar.-2ein ;ter- ren :ler wzri11:1 lei S*-27.17.1f-7 tn :11% a ttees1 :ie:•ti" 7nect.F. re A :•.?"::"EllSe ,i eel •`":71l7;7177,7,.. Nancy of L.ardar- spiv: the we..i- this district ..ricrac ii-m=. -a Vineaa lit 7a17:.- 17 end with her parsa. Xr and Mis -ver this week. Chas Marais A"..'iss Ohre fiery rz' Lis: owe-2 Firis•- 1-7.r. and lErs..2 1Lersteth Barkimu . pi--a: stet% spmh limas: sit her borne newlyweds rezurned at Thursday bare tram their honeymoon spent s Norte- Mr and Mrs. .4-tigne. Falenner and est Ontario- ii,iirr. sr.:tut shurircv 17.17.1.% her grand- r.imai-i-taic deals r=ationsupper • ;vas held at the Mime zd Mr. and M..-a. Caaires. am Friday fTerzng vritt • tin= ronples ir etr-entienet Mr. EVE Mrs janies. Znialaw and Mr. and Mrs Elroy LradiEr- and hal.y visher: am Sinidey wiz= Ms and Mrs r."`aints-a-3 iught:s and Mr and Mr felOZZI: '17, Oliver 111a1--%•`-.ien. af .;ader2e.r. WIES of lEtick and TrIeleal are ir.vireri t atteml. :I r. and Mrs- await Janet and Donald. visited m. Sunday with Zr. arta Alliaret" Ziattat, of St. Many from this di=r1r. amended the putt" t ,flort.e. 4r7..c-e ni Ia. Tas-.ez M"'-a.f.ar.t. raid Fesrish Abaf- f= me Tuesday. Min Selma who has beim visithag with her OrSZQT. S-.3- Mr. and IL-a Caraerat 4-74"rttior.s E.114 her: MeQuillir soli Ptiir relatives in IiIIITECERCH Mr. and Mrs Zeirne Beecrzat stn:: rarears. End W. Seri 3w'-gap of nal** Ear_nert aZ Laitit=. arr:ved latent- hwe thia- plane ar Sunday and Mr End Mrs.1vIrles Ste :,retie. spent • =rue down in Ms. Braid Gaunrs Shahs at the -home ot ins sister zorner belt`. They sae the week.--me Dean •-e-anan of S'nellit. af-s-r,-,e3 that the meat is err= ta.-i samerlaritalile. anti ?Km, -4Tur• ze sauna=. szt=4,ft •-the va,..iit-me at the 2 =.1- :120=1.9 Of 112.. and Mais. .Gearge C.`.4217fie. :firm-1f there hay:Tams :ID !le rine :Jose 1-..iv-ani . bets. 7.) SiTopoht, and Delia, seas and iMr. and Mrs Currie attended the :he zrze :7 =CO be :lei's-el-ed. ..Tabn. land= spe= the -tre._*-ofd azpin-TELviec wedding in .9P7rill--rai Iasi W5=3 d 22-most appeal- Gra-er-t-nern at the home a! her br=lter. Zr.jab.= !n-e-eb-enid. Mr. and Wm. 7:`-ltirrill" and tam elk"vE wave •-* fit trt.. -- 4z"1.714717.ir • -•: 142•°' .7 :F..'S.SeS. azwin; grit; aidiarm, rd Taranto. visit- Mobs: thou attended the Woletees am- ern -4,e Ttr...ISOI: 7:7O ed thm-e on Monday :=L-the Car ward= it4uelph fa a• two tarrASS It'ar-:,: be 4..“"*. L -• ....." 4""t- '''' 4" cak e. 1- I- ity yrsited ria sanday ea, the itnrnp re Mr. 37-rer.k Morkinnell and Bobby, Miss "Cie.M Maskowski end crympamsate r.-a!r ir ,7 7:21ME,..:c7eS LI the swian.mor. g-A_•,den -=0.,,n,&. of A C, Guelph. stn ei are .se =:s e: mrrease _hen We rfoth were twa at ail- 'the vg-h-earl sh zne• .trntv's heri. isrl.S3S 2-7:7 hard tot Jimire Farme...-s who went with- Miss Eleanore Wiginmini of Tintaria aze not. as :7741/:,7- va.. Job:L. east acrieul,liraal -22.1.17n7 selmal, sae= the -42e SE."-ert" O.! 7.1.1..-Ise who I:Se represenuctre. on swine err4rhing ,c'ek-end whir her amts. Mr. a and the • t. • •Sa• MX' ZOOM: Parmess. r.r_ this ! MSS C24'217-41. of TOM:1M are mailman la:ward r•-their their bus trip IsPeih the v7-h-er.d. at the home e •t-in to Ridgewn 0r Saturday. Ms Lemlie Wishanan. For Lovlier Homes DECO..TE WI WALLPAPER A wisehitble Wallpaper for every roam. Price range 45e per single roll. and tip. Wallpapers in whim and desipis. fir per single roll and nyt A few new port...=rs included: in tins trim range. the now Puma. Float Papers rile and alio-Jet patterns for kitili= and bathroom in rose. blue and ITle per single roll ,A7-5,77; A17477 .-r,'=.x. Ram: LCTS AT :SELF '..?== The WitipaperShop 1...-tetntst at -..r-eisor.ne 74 TM= whri 7.-3.0,41f1 alive-date 11-13.,:.: has ,11 peri,D-nal ha;viliness. eteenth Sunday after Children's Pay Serriee Chtra Sabo:J*1 acer:=41- rayer Seri St. Atdrew's Chr.rth. now..,love y fragrances that last! U US to In o new d es IrAttilifT I 5 nur wonderful new scents .,;-17:1ati to last-and last-. ace: ;alt: Custom Colognes are .scars £1,="treaa-alwayr as trot sod fresh as the first whiff out of the hotile. Exotic, Floret, Tailored sad 'Woodsy frai-antes are specially designed for these personalities. Oust= Cologne etirks, 1.25. Liquid Colognes, 1.15. RR 'S DRUG STOP. QUALITY COSMETICS Farmers Attention! -1931 Ford 8N Tractor -1931) Ford .8N Tractor 190 Ford SN Tractor -1948 Ford 8N Tractor 1-1942 Ford Ferguson Tractor with new Used two-furrowli plows, cultivators pulley _U above Trani= thaftInghb trrethatrnicd and in A-1 sfiape. an now for the winter months. V Have syou been thinking about modernizing Four home: 'Why put it off any longer? Your prams of a modern kitehen or bathroom, an extra room in the al& can be a reality. Let Beaver Lumber show you how! Ask about our Home Improvement Final/CO Plan. This tan ussist you in carrviulz out your dreams at a rot of a$ low aa per month. Write-Drop in.or call )3ti War., Our staff will be glad to discuss rout remodelling problems with you. 'FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT DELIVERY COURTEOUS SERVICE sas !Me Show /dewed by a Dime / 4 and 010 TIME * b•ko.aoevallsmuiW**0.1**d*ihksiliisai • 3.**1 I 3 BEAVER LUMBER pa