HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-10-1, Page 5Ago aw ANEW THE SIGNAL, The 111)16 rale tt,. I Tio. townoo.,1 111)th faii fair awl HER NERvEs l'1114t had' il14% lave wag to seined lair Was' 144.1d 4,1111 W1441414.40.1ila • .111,1 1.11.1 ‘4..11 1,11. 11 a cold weather was fairly well , ;Rath: her • 1.14414., BABIES • BETTER NOW\ livr, in ,wetioug 114i,' fait are • Their needs are well looked after at our store. Baby Foods, Bottles, Nipples, Soothers, Rubber Panties, Rubber Sheeting, "the iinci that wears," 'Talcums, Creams for chafing, Bath Theimometers• .• CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Godencli Phone 90 The Square LANES. 14opt* Itt11.,-: the rec. tit 1.6111. Vegetable Compound put the farKit•I in a hurry •i.tatii Chatham, Ontario. -"I started to ig'et ulna to wenn). atteuiiim. • • . weak after my beeond child stas 601111.. 'this wiok 1% 1:1 !II' Ow and kept on /ettini -""114ast toe at 1/1111.11111i.,41.- Moiainy Mr. awl Mre. Gilbert Vint 'and Elsie nen. visitor,. at ittrafford for a cioiple of days the taller 4411144 of last week• Mr. awl Mrs. W ill law Ital.in work and was so bad w4th my nerves that 4 . UNDERWEAR aberdasher and Dry -Cleaner one 339 Notice To Electric Light Users Specials at Price's Grocery Libby's Pork and Beans, regular 15c, 2 tins for I 25c. Try Schneider's Sautages, 25c lb. Goods delivered free tour orders solicited I am instructed by the Hy- dro Commission to cut off all light and power users who are in arrears AND CHARGE ONE DOLLAR foi connect- ing the service again. So I hope those in arrears will pay at once and save expense. J. B. KELLY Treasurer W. Price Grew, Elgin Ave. noderleb Phiale 350 4 Mr tvit..tier. Miss Myra ' ble Compound and took four bottles of ••f ti. late Love. of Martmeli. 11.4 ). .1.114•rs* convention to he held al day of September, 19n. I am still ! • 9' li• awl tap ke .t .r Thur.listy MO Friday ..4 my own work and washini. Of Col,. • • •itig to !to. I don't feel well every ay beeatwe 1 ••• I*. °pet tins week. Mr. Harvey Miller, our idaelismitli. ,- expected to arrive how.. trout the West the latter end lit the week. M s 11 Campbell has gone Or don't /let mr reit as the ball, is so • pound an a ;tuition to be with her daughter, Mrs. until cure . My AA lt7N. Chao. Alton. 1 night and not be the least frIghtene,1 • since taking it. I ean stay alone day or ani still taking the Vegetable Com-..; t* 111 o•rt ices a reed • led with Might. help-. LICKNOW 1.1.TKNIIIW. Sept. 30. -The putilk selfool teacher* ire attending the ltruee waiters' convention, which li• 1 eptiit the week -end „with friends here. I 'rile lady bowlers spent a phaisaut twine a local -jitney.- St. l'eter's church will have harvest Ca Gunn. of Londou. will trillliiiiei uni'rning and *wooing service. thesis! musk. *111 be given hy the choir. MSC 14414/1 Jean Itoug las have returned from a t iree OM with frieuda at .Teeswater. • The Fall Var.-The ihucknow fall falr. held on Friday 1111%, drew a large erowd to the village. and all vrere well pleased with the exhibition. The main - ' and 1 will answer letters from women , ....,.. • • \-_-_-1Irs. CHARLES CARSON. 27 Forsythe l'I'',..1111:,: III- vacation with his tau- Altreet, Chatham. Ontario. ents. Mr fuel Mrs Wm. Tlfoufif-fif. . Mra. Carson is willing to write to any Mr. 1.1.q\ ink Atlaws, of Tenant., e. or WOMILII suffertng from feniale -N1.11,1114' llir parents. Mr. awl Mi.- 'T. ELTHEA HE IH'TOHER 3 'tit Pi yen. There i. •t it ring. lighting act Wu '1 "THE IRON MI LE" fruits an work aud nnteit. 11 here n itt unto of tile r'ii v the Ada • t; 44444 11. - Fltral Widow A Sliffia111 111111111. 105. • 6011 AND 1100 LA , 1.11111 IN NEW IORK" rornmonsa . part tent:40y st.'4••ling few with relatives the uethew fun. 41. this wkwk. lite tick could 31r• J. Govier. who e••:a him firm congratulate them.. a high merit. The Wow lilir 11411i 1111144111't 114, griktlik4b4 414 Aid a thriving lapilli CARLOW • West Street Barber I Shop anci Beauty Parlors (Opposite Post Oily, i Your pat rnintiete -.4 41i,•it..I 1 • 44441-thcry 16. i...ve an anti ion 441114 .4 4 ..1 notiechold effects tid Mr. ttended and good prices W. Hebert -on. of Col- itirsday er of the Cleveland's Good Bread \\ Its delicious Hator ift a Min* *111- er 4.11f .4111•11‘1141,11 Mill hi' glad If you an. 11, ainaaly a visitant- dieation fff its finality. ME -SMARTEST of NEW COATS Wino:taut oh Sal 11,414, • The 101114 4414111441.0 1,14, %UM* 1„.14.11 leas ti•fl wer.• malts 3116. 411141 their. It111101.1.. their hint Itatik.rowi E. U. Cleveland i'Done 1'4 4 The W. nen'. ti,..ftfite intend hat n...1 osiseceet ill:Is; 161.54, Iattr The 11 ',Those wishing 11 Cloth Coats for fall and winter wear, luxurious fur collars Sizes for misses, women ancl 0. S. women ; styles for young ladies and matrons. Spe- cially priced during our alteration sale, A host of lovely new models are here. $13 95 and up Vl'estfield ,o, 5114 tIff re wit, Ile • ..1 tie prosettt-IverTITtr-rrn friends here ..•1 Tuesday hod. All the newest -virwfmr-t1 Fall MillinerY has arrived THE ODERICH riltn mcgAgo 01X AND ATRICE JOY IN 'AIMS GREATEST PAR T PICTURE IFIG THE FROST WAS ON THE C A SADDER AND A WISER MAN HE ROSE THE MORROW MORN ANOTHER DAY It. 1N•Mille. It I. the twit Tint W. Wu. %yin nieW la the hat... expires a• Vie shoe -hip Ilan en Wednesday. ("mother Tik• 11tir•r Mr-. A. Joinstoio, is visiting her Mt% Ta, lor .4.1y toon. Mrs. A. MacGregor. Ehitail• Les-. Mr mid Mi.-- Ithlele•11. Imported English felts and rich velvets in ex- clusive new designs. Smartness adds to quality in the charming Hats. You will be delighted with this latest shipment. You will be equally sur- prised that such lovely Hats can be sold so reason- ably. They are all specially priced during our alteration sale. 'ill:: . -:-:'--11141:7,,-1-t-: ---Vii-Y- ''-'-h;-14.•1:-.4,. -•-wrvir-f""9144---Herrirl";.1- .'tin.... t't:IlifAti":11:"-frt'a."utiftrertif%" eski.;f0.vifilaihf14. ref lrer.-rriiii; 'Alf le•44tZttcltillrttr V4441 SILK FROCKS FOR AUTUMN WEAR An u varied collection of new Frocks that will appeal strongly to every woman_and miss etiring co ct dress at reasonable cost. In lustrous satin - faced canton with cut velvets in the favored shades. . . FLANNELETTE BLANKETS A special' is being offered in Ibex Blankets during our alteration sale in the largest size at S2.50 per pair. We are also offering a special in Everest plaid Blankets. Spe( ial at $3.50 per pair for largest size in different plaids FOR THE MEN and YOUNG MEN We have a full range of Overcoats in the season's latest shades awl styles. You will find the very latest here in fall Hats and Caps C1-=:3 SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP Ca= C R N --F I E L LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS THF SQUARE, GODERICH PROM 418 REMEMBER OUR ALTERATION SALE which is now on. While our store is lacing remodelled we are offering all the goodi in our store at reduced prices. rake advantage of this sale and come in and see our goods. Sask.. a io, -petit tto• summer ,,,,,,- Nr,... .t. 71. Itif.e. .oprnief sffloist, a Is, I thin week, to tor bonic. in the West. '110161e -‘0'1111' -Pao- thtlin,,r.. arot---wtts Mr. iitiol*Mrs. *toy ftiffirl,s awl fain. 'heartily encoreit._ Miss Klatt w lio is ily. of Stratford. were scot:lint vieit• visiting frieitils in iiiimen., alio, ...aiii; filets return toy Miss tfeoritle Alleii. i was Atiwkeil hy !lie nt•ws of Hie itu•V attilergaing repair -them._ .10 M. 'Ntati• . 41•••••fral4il for Ute 6 church bere svIll att.n.1 the sodas Owl l'he• 11 141 11-1-1,4-111.4* N1111 Nserfor V I. -ISO ell" 1 feW days at the Win, M.r. mei tow Clara 1•11.•rent. ate 'spent Ion T114411140,* 3 11.111 el.. e. Rio Ire hate the .1iitittiwitt, ali•fortn.., r. Theeflere Hubert. Julia lefor ermine.. Moore Neill Clarence 'Orton Not*. .Iiintican Pit. 1 MI lard Di • 11.41 Rouge', 4444 Jil• Charles tele . A,11111... 1111111171•1• KY11.1trfg 31,441:4.4.144 A.1411a :al VIII*, shiver down to brviltfant.ilin first snappy cold Morning artri-fmcir-thas-7- 1 wife with the astonishing atilmiaaion that you have tattglitetekl. to lay itt 1 yout Winter's supply of Heat, roans. (She'll doubtless niake it hc.t for you, Yet, it's eoming to volt, old man. You knew you'd need coal. You iimant, to order. -1 WI Ntni pia it, Mr. . if von get catagid this way-, instead ii 3 reek tint the back 61,*.r, Alfa Fos 'Good Chi's% Coal Bi --MUSTARD corghy 500 AND DANCE in aid of Alexandria Marine and under tie aatpleies of Ahnteek Thursidy. Oct. 8, 1925 Come Akewl help tho hospital To See Them Is to Bu em tiraiw-riioto ui w 11111 poll*, which a arriving "The little Shoe -shop around the comer' torture Sitio Ilic beet make. are representell in Sitee fat Men, Women and Childrea. Get your pick. Good:, to great variety, ail moderately ptietsi. "The Unglues Shoo Store"