HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-09-24, Page 6Th Mifr/ Parke' The beautiful new Parker "51" is a scientific uhimpb New,. hots simple Ming mechanism, New ink-level win- slow, New "Aero- Ibeitk" cobeibl pre• - lents leaking, Caw is mid Sy oafs,/ CHOICE OF 4 COLOURS 14 NEW Al)VANCES ;us $14.R1 81/.111 Sib si1.51 sill $7S RIN4 DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and with a population of 41/2 million. Agriculture is its main industry. Missionaries going to Angola have to spend a year in Lisbon to learn Per- tugese, the official language of the country, and also to study its culture, During the business part of the meeting, Miss Mary Love, literature secretary, explained a reading course planned by the W.M.S. of the ,United Church. It was decided to purchase the book shelf so that the members could take advantage of' this reading course. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served and. a social time was spent. Noted Preacher to 1941 he's'ivas Assistant to the rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in De- troit. In 1941 he became rector of All Saints' 'Church in Windsor, where he served until his appointment as Dean of Huron and rector of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, in 1949. Dean Brown has served with distinction on the executive and other committees of the Diocese of Huron as well as on the Huron College Council and as a delegate to the General and Provincial I Synods. Active in fraternal organizations, Dean Brown is a 32nd. degree Mason, a member of Moore Consistary, Hamil- ton (1952), District Chaplain London Masonic District, A. F. & A. M., as well as a member of the Rotary Club of London. During the war he was padre of the Essex Scottish Regiment and for a time was chaplain of the Windsor Sea Cadets. The people of St. Paul's Church are honoured to welcome this outstanding man to their services next Sunday. They extend a cordial invitation to all to join in the services of Thanks. giving. The services for the day will com- mence with a quiet Thanksgiving Communion at 8.30 a.m. At 11.00 a.m. there will be a choral Thanksgiving service, while at 7.00 p.m. there will be the choral Evensong. BEM S. J. WALKER Funeral Home WINGHAM PHONE 106 or 189 WITH BLACK LEAF 40 Tap Black Leaf 40 on roosts with Cap-Brush applicator before chick- ens go to roost. Nicotine fumes kill lice and feath- er-mites. Bay only in faetory.sealed Packages to insure full strength. 39< $1.19 $2.75 McKibbons PkONE 53 WI NGI-1NM LLASHMAR Drive-in THEATRE Listowel 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAIN OR CLEAR 4.0) tip HEMlielt A SERVICE of distinguished character • — id prices that vary as grail!), es family 'needs. SAVE ON fizeektik . Vila P.A.111 *LA, ti "6" „ "III IIKs 1E N r6i/Vidiwralie 0 EL II IE ikrr 1-1I8iiigri, OntoghtandSN Wingham, too suftvos AND mimmis .4 OIL ttiiiiNACES OIL *OILERS ,iWATER HEAttilki • * I, 0 *Am six THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES. WPRISASPAITS SEPfrE1llBEti 01. 41111n 111•101•111MMIMIIIM4.4.0, Mrs. Ivan Haskins and daughters,, with Mn and Mrs, Arthur Fitch; Mr: and Mrs. John VVorden and Linda o St, Valais, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Abrahams, of London and Mr. and Mrs. 11013t. Corrigan, Linda and Ruth, of Graven burst, with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Al).- rahatni Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Scott and family ;with Mrs, Scott and Miss Bes. sie-Scott; Mr, and Mrs. Claude Bron- son of Galt, with Mr, and Mrs, Row.• land Ballagh. FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALVE—far pure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve -- wear stylish shoes soon. 'HONEY FOR SALE—Cheice, 1st quality, amber...holey at Bizz-ee Bee Apiaries of ..Garnet E, Farrier, •Whitechurch, Bring yout own con, -teiners if convenient, Reductione on quantity lots. Open for filling On Wed, and Thurs. afternoons and evenings of this week, For other .appointments phone 711J1, Wing- ham, 17:24b ,HONEY FOR SALE—Choice quality amber honey, reasonably priced, bring in your containers and have them filled. W. S. Higgins, phone 81, Wroxeter. 1'7,24b FOR, SALE—Medium size Duo-Therm space heater, 12" burner. Used one winter. Apply Geo. Guest, phone 702. 24b FOR SALE-3-piece chesterfield suite in good condition. Apply Jim Thompson, Bristol Terrace. 24b FOR SALE—New Princess Pat cook stove; heater; baby carriage and 2 range shelters. Phone 48r2, Wrox- eter, 24b FOR SALE — Massey Harris 20-30 Tractor No. 102 twin power; Inter- national plow. Phone Wingham 741J21. 24* FOR SALE—General Electric car ra- dio with push-button dial and aerial. Wilfred Walker, Belgrave, phone 721J4. 24b FOR SALE—Ladies! Here's thrilling news for every one of you who has ever done any sewing. The amaz- ing new Nechi sews any garment from start to finish without any extra handwork and without any attachments. See it at Pattison Ra- dio & Electric. 24b FOR SALE — .Huronian cook stove with high closet, white enamel trim; also DeForest Crosley 9-tube cab- inet radio in perfect condition. Ap- ply Win. Casemore, or phone 370W. 24* FOR SALE—Plain one gallon glass jugs, 5c each. Apply Hamilton Beverages, phone 485. 24b FOR SALE-250 gal. oil tank with gauge and tap; Norge oil space heater; Guiberson space heater. Jim Smith, phone 368R, 24* FOR SALE—De Laval Cream Separ- tor, suitable for 2 or 3 cows, in good condition. Apply W. T. Lapp, FOR SALE—Sunshine, baby carriage, pearl grey, in excellent condition, parcel basket and runners; also child's laige crib, steel spring bot- tom and drop side, Apply Mrs. Lloyd Hutton, phone 548, 24b FOR SALE—Clipper cook stove; hea- ter, both in good condition. Apply T. A, Schatte, Albert St., phone 438. 24* FOR SALE—Norge space heater, me- dium size, good condition. Apply Burke Electric, phone 474. 24b WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 $00TCH PAWING. Fall classes starting soon, All ages, if interested phone 57.9.W, 2444 iPOULTAX. FOR SALE FOR SALE-304 Sussex Red (Roe bred) pullet§ five months ,Old. Phone 622A Alan. Dunbar,. HA. 1, Bel- grave, 20 FOR SALE-75 Columbia Rock pul- lets, laying, Apply Bert Holmes, phone 832W1, 24b LOST LOST—A parcel, purchased in Car- michael's store, lost on Saturday night. Finder please phone 735J3. 24b HELP VITANTEb—FEMALE, WANTED—Girl wanted to help in kitchen. Apply Queen Grill, phone 440, 24* ROOMS TO RENT FOR RENT-3 room apartmen,t modern, self-contained, hot and cold water, Apply Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick, Pleasant Valley, 17,24b FOR RENT-5 rooms, private en- trance. Apply Mrs. Finlay, John and William St. 17,24b FOR RENT-3-room apartment. No children. Apply to Miss Sanderson, Shuter St. 24b ROOMS FOR RENT—Three rooms, suitable for couple, Apply Harold Ross, Charles St. 24* STRAYED STRAYED onto farm of Harold El- liott, Bluevale, one dog and two heifers. Owner can have same by providing description and paying for advertisement. Phone 709W4. 24b WANTED removed. Darling forth, E. Andrews, collect 851r11. PIANO LESSONS—available to a limited number of pupils. Interest- ed students please interview Mrs. J. B, Craigen, John Street, phone c/o 547-j. Kelly Kirby Kindergarteil Method a Specialty. 17rrb DRESSMAKING—Plan your fall wardrobe, dressmaking and alter- ations, reasonable. Mrs. Hignell, Centre and Maple Sts. 17,24b APPLICATIONS WANTED tions for the position of Caretaker at Wingham District High School will be received by the undersigned up to September 27th, 1952. Appli- cations should be in writing. W. A. Galbraith, Secretary, Wingham, Ontario. 17,24b APPLICATION FOR FIREMAN— Applications will be received for one member for fire department up to• Sept. 29, 1952. C. W. Caslick, See'y. Wingham Fire Dept, 17,24b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or RENT—Four room apartment. Immediate passession. Apply W. J. Finlay, Alice St. 24* FARM FOR SALE-150 acres of land on con. 13, lot 9, Township of Hul- lett. This is 'the estate of the late Reece Ferris, and is located 6 miles south east of Blyth, Apply at farm, E. S. Knechtel, Executor. 10,17* FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite.. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel. 14rrb LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb SIX ROOM COTTAGE with modern bath-room and kitchen in central part of Wingham. Brick and shingle Make an offer, Maynard, Wing- ham, 2Orrb AUCTION SALE of the Household Furnishings of MRS. T. D. BAKER SHUTER S., NVINGHAM to be held at Albert Sanderson'' Residence on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 1952 at 2 p.m, The following: Singer Sewing Machine, Sideboard, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table and Six Chairs, Small Table, Settee, Iron. ing Board, Floor Lamp, Clover Leaf Table, 2 Beds With Springs, 2 Dressers, 2 Stands, Small Kitchen Table, 7 Kitchen Chairs, 4 Window Blinds, 3 Rocking Chairs, Radio Table, Kitchen Stove,' 2 Plower Stands, Fruit Jars, Window Screens Floor Covering, Screen Door, Clothes Line and Pulleys, Bedroom' Set, A Quantity of 'Dishes and Cooking Utensils, Wash Board, Other Articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms--Cash L. G. BRYCE, Auctioneer MISCELLANEOUS RADIANT CIRCULATOR $99.95 buys a Duo-Therm Heater! A Radiant Circulator = Fuel Oil Heater, A pinch-penny with oil, but plenty big-hearted with heat. Clean-heat- ing, trim-looking, Walnut finish, Compact—takes lees than 2 sq, ft, space, See it now at Pattison Radio & Electric. PIANO PUPILS—Am forming a class of piano pupils in Belgrave on Sat- urdays. Those interested please contact Lois Grasby, phone Blyth 36r5. 24* LUXURY LOOK without luxury price. The new Duo-Therm Imperial Oil Home Heater, Wonderful warmth for your home. Automatic features optional, Pattison Radio & Electric. 24b HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb PIANO LESSONS—available to a limited number of pupils. Interest- ed students please interview Mrs, J. B. Craigen, c/o Vic Showers' house, John Street. Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Method a Specialty. 1Orrb SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery, Lockers available to everyone. rrb. BIND OUT how you can save Mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL service from this farmer owned, licensed, non-profit, growing co-operative Association, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25,00 for a life mem- bership, $5.00 per cow for members, and $6.00 per cow for non-members. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation, R.R. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. For service contact: Len Fischer, Mildmay, 60r11 or Norman J. McKee, Teeswater 141r4. 13,27,etc. WANTED—Used windmills and gas- oline engines in exchange for elec- tric water systems. Irving Keyes, Glamis, Ont., phone Paisley 114r4. 30,13,27bEtc, AUCTION SALE of the Household Effects of MRS. JAMES K. ROBERTSON, BLUEVALE, ONT. at 2 p.m., on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1952, The following: Diningroom Table and Chairs, Side- board, Rocking Chairs, 2 Bedroom Suites, 2 Feather Ticks, and Pillows, Studio Couch, Organ, 2 Upholstered Chairs, Organ Stool 2 Living room Tables, 5 Small Tables, Settee, Kitchen Stove Furnacette (McClary), Singer Sewing Machine, Lounge, Kitchen Clock, 2 Mirrors, Bedroom China, 68-piece Elite Limoges, Odd Dishes, Kitchen Cupboard, Lawn Mower, Copper Boiler, Express Wagon, 2 Wash Tubs, Garden Tools, Sap Pails, 1 Panel Door, 1 Screen Door, 1 Storm Door, Goat Robe, Trunk, 2 Congoleum Rugs, Other Articles too numerous to mention, Terms—Cash L. G. BRYCE, Auctioneer and Feed FAR --At the same time and place there will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid (if not sold previous to Sale date) the 100 acre fawn consist- ing of good clay loath on Which is situated a 134 storey 'house, bank barn .50' x436'; barn SO' k 80'; art implement shed 46' x 20'; and o never failing Water supply. Terms on Fittni--10% shiVirit and the heittriee in 80 dayti, VldrOft Yetthtd„ Brussels Proprietor EDWARlY Eadtitt, Auctioneer nnci,..Mrs, Art Wilson have re- turned from visiting in Ottawa. anil Lake P,lacict,. 5' —Mrs, T, J, Baker visited her daughter, Mrs, Thom Jones in Lon- don Over the week-end. 4 —Mr. and Mrs. W, F, Burgnsau spent Sunday with Mr. anu Mrs. ee.anam eenn, —Ruth Biirgman is spencling'a short holiday in ;11,irkland Lake with Dr, and Mrs. G. W. liurgman. —Miss Betty Bell, nurse-in-training at the Strattorei Hespital, spent tiro weed-ena with her mother. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger spent the week-end at .0 enelon b'ails and tiastings. "4, —Misses Marion Hinde and Edith Brown, of Kitchener, were week-end guests of Mrs. (.1. tl Hinde. —Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod anu daughter, from 1../annville, visited witn Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, —Miss Jean Mitchell, of Lansing, Ontario, visited her parents, Mr. ants Mrs. Mitchell, over the week-end. —Mrs. Chas.• Roberts is spending a few days in Toronto, with her son, Richard, and Mrs. Roberts and fam,. ily. --Mr. and Mrs. C. Gammage and family visited last week-end in Wei- land with Mr, and Mrs. George Gann mage. —Mrs. Wm. Spotton and Mrs. Sydney Holmes, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. David Cather., Minnie St. —Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Nichols of Beameville, were week-end visitors with the latter's brother, Mr. J. W. Irwin and Mrs. Irwin. —Tommy Lockridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Lockridge, has returned to the Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph to resume his course there. —Visitors with Mrs, Jacobs, who is a patient in the hospital, were Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison and family, of Dundas and Mr. and Mrs. Colvin and family of town. —Misses Grace and Teresa Harden- burg, also Ray McKenzie, of Flint, Michigan, and John Showers of Shel- land, Ontario,espent a few days with Showers' relations in Wingham. —Dr. and ,Mrs. K. M. McLennan have ' returned from a trip to the Maritimes, where they attended the Canadian Veterinary Medical Assoc- iation convention in St. Andrews, N. B. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brand, of Forest, visited with the latter's grand- mother, Mrs, Jerry Casemore, who has been very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ,Ed. Marsh, Wingham Junction. —Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, of Stratford, motored to Wingham on Monday. Their object was primarily to visit the grave of Mrs. Hayes' father, Mr. W. J. Fairfield. Born in Wing-. ham, Mrs. Hayes, the former Edna Fairfield, paid a brief visit to her cousin, Miss Kathleen Pringle, ants called on some of her girlhood friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes,* were delighted with the beautiful upkeep of Wing. ham's cemetery. e. medaitely after the said 4th day of October, 1952, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor 17,24,1b IN MEMORIAM TIFFIN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Joseph 3. Tif- fin, who paSsed away one year.ago, September 26, 1951, In depth of sorrow we cannot Of the losS of one We loved so Well; And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep, HIS memory we Shall always keep, —Ever remembered by Wife and 24*, IN MEMORIAM McNEIL-In hiving Memory Of Mar. garet Austin who passed away Seven Sears ago, Sept. 23, 1945. She is gone but not forgotten, And as dawfilf another year, In lonely hours we often think Of her As being near. We miss yen every day, Margaret, Friends don't know the sorrow that is within Our Mots stilt Father, ;Mother, Sister ,Viel BIRTHS SCHAEFER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, September 17th, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs, Charles Schaefer, R. R, 4, Wingham, a dau- ghter, WHITE—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, September 18th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Wifred White, Wingham, a son, a brother for Johnny, Mary and Barbara Ann. CQULTES—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, Septennter 19th., 1952, to Mk. and Mrs, Norman Coul- tes, RR 5, Wingham, a daughter. JOHNSTONE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, September 19th, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnstone (nee Beth Brydges) Lucknow, a son. Young Women's Auxiliary The September meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary of the Winglid,rn United Church was held on Tuesday, September 16th., at the home of Mrs. Allan Williams, John St. Mrs. Don Rosenhagen and her group had charge of the worship service. The theme of the meeting eves Vocl's Grace." The meeting opened by sing. ing the hymn, "Jesus shall reign where'er the sun." The Scripture was given in two parts, and was read by Mrs: Don Rosenhagen and Mrs. Lovell McGuire. A record was then played with John Charles Thomas singing the "Lord's Prayer." Mrs., Russell Zurbrigg led in prayer, followed by another well-known hymn. A reading was then given on "Christian Stewardship" by Miss, Mil- dred Thornton. The topic was taken in three parts and given by Mrs. Don Rosenhagen, Mrs. John Strong and Mrs. Roy Bonner, telling of United Church Missions in Africa. These parts were all very well given. Mrs. Allan Williams read a very interesting story entitled, eTlis Greatest Treas- ure." It was the story of a slave in Angolia. This was very much enjoyed. The president, Mrs. Geo. Guest, then conducted the business of the evening. Mrs: Guest thanked Mrs. Rosenhagen and her group for their parts in the meeting. A new member was wel- comed to the auxiliary. The visiting committee reported the visiting done during the summer. Mrs. Don Newman was elected cor- responding secretary to continue the duties of Mrs. John Heal, who is leav- ing town. The members planned a wiener , roast for Friday night. The next meeting is the thank-offering meeting, to be held at the home of Mrs. Underwood. The meeting closed by singing the hymil*, "From Green- land's Icy Mountains," followed by the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch• was served and., a social hour enjoyed. S.W.M.C. The September meeting of the Sen- ior Women's Mission Circle of the Baptist church was held at the home of Miss Densmore on Wednesday af- ternoon with a good attendance, The meeting opened by singing the well known hymn "Tell me the Story of JesUs." Mrs, Falconer led in prayer. After e the secretary and treasurer presented their 'reports, business was discussed. Mrs, Falconer conducted a Bible quiz. Mrs. H, Collar was in charge of ,the devotional and based her remarks on Colossians, chapter 2, verses 2, and 3. Another hymn was sung, "Far, far away in heathen dark- ness dwelling," The topic was on Canadian Sunday school missions and was divided into three parts. Mrs. Harcourt, read a letter from a pastor in New Bruns- NAIL Miss Laura Collar read a very interesting sketch of the home life and spiritual need, of the people in the outlying districts of British Col- umbia, Mrs. Coyle finished With a letter received from'a pastor, and his wife, who are conducting a mission in Terrace, B.C. The meeting °lased by singing the hymn "pro* me nearer" and' Mrs. Pocock offersd prayer. A social hour followed, Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughter MCI{ ED 1'P PROMPT!,',' A tin F:1-.-FR EN"TLY EACH Anniversary services were held in the Belmore United church on Sun- day, Two very inspiring sermons were delivered by the guest minister, , the Rev. Douglas Bryden of Ripley. The choir rendered special music at both services: Mrs. Carl Douglas and Miss Velma Ballagh sang a duet at the morning service 'and Mrs. Douglas sang a solo at the evening service. Among those attending the Anniver- sary services and visiting with friends wereik Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick and Evelyn, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doubledee; Mr. and Mrs, Jim Harper and David, with Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Fitch; Mr. and Mrs; Wilfred Walker and boys, with Mrs. jollann and Wil- fred; Mr. Jab. Douglas, of Gorrie, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Fitch and Mr. and Bruce Rutherford Dies From Fall The Belmore community was sad- dened last week, when it was learned that Bruce Rutherford, had passed away in Woodstock, the result of an accident, He fell from a tree on Sat- urday, breaking a vertebrae at the back of his neck. Paralysis developed and he passed away on Sunday even- ing, September 14th. i He was born and commenced his s school days „in this district and was T often back visiting, He was a fine looking lad, well liked by everyone, and all mourn his passing, His father, George Rutherfoid, passed away about 15 years ago, and, some years later the family moved to Goderich. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Amy Rutherford, and two sisters, Margaret, at home„ and Mrs. Al (Jean) McGuire, all of Goderich. Mr. Norman Newans and Mr, Roy Ruther- ford, of Belmore, are uncles and Mrs. James S. Darling, is an aunt. The sympathy of the community is extend- ed to all the family and friends in their bereavement, Funeiral services were held on Wednesday afternoon from the funer- al, home, Goderich. A service was. also conducted at the cemetery in., Wroxeter, where burial was made, and where friends had gathered to pay their last respects, Thurs., Fri., Sept. 25-26 "The Big Trees" (Color) Kirk Douglas, Patricia Wymore Sat., Mon., Sept. 27-29 `The Lion & The Horse' (Color) Steve Co hr Tues., Wed., Sept. 30, Oct. "Mara Maru" Errol Flynn Ruth Roman ThurS., Fri., Oct. 24 "Retreat Hell" Frank Lovejoy, Richard Carlson • Shoot your Personal Arrow here! It never :misses it's target. PLRSONALS 'ANNIVERSARY MARKED,. IAT SALEM UNITED B Line. 24* ' ,:lARETAKER WANTED—Applica- Dead or disabled animals promptly. CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- Co., Sea- resentative for obligation-free dem- hauler. Phone onstration of latest sewing machine 27rrtb models.. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb CARD. OF THANKS - We take this opportunity to express OOP gratitilde to heighhOttit and friends for kindness ShoWn during the illnieSS ,of our brother, Thomas flitehievAnd 'time of .bereave- Speelal thanks to br, Palmer, 'Mrs. Morro, superintendent, and :Staff of Wifiglinth. General Iles- pital„ frit .kindly" eitre,..-Mtit, A, MCA . NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Bonnett late of the Township of Turnberry in the County CLEARING of Hur on,• retired Harnessmaker, AUCTION SALE who died on or about the 1st day of of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements September, 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the at Lot 11, Concession 7, Morris Twp. 4th day of October, 1952, full partieu- 3% miles north of Blyth and 234 miles lars of their claims in writing. Im- east of No, 4 Highway on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1952 at 1 p.m. CATTLE—Heifer, 3 yrs, old, clue Nov. regard only to claims of which the 19th; Cow, 4 yrs. old, due Nov. 27; e2e4ecutor shall then have notice. Heifer, 3 yrs, old, due Decd 6th; Heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Dec, 15; Cbw, 4 yrs, old, DATED this 15th day of September, due Jan. 6th; 5 Cows recently freshen- ed; Farrow Cow; Steers, 2 yra. old; Heifer, 2 yrs. old; 3 Heifers, 1% to 2 yrs, old; Baby Beef; 6 Spring Calves. IMPLEMENTS—Silver King Tractor (oh rubber); Oliver Tractor Plow; Walking Plow; Riding Plow; M,-H. Binder, 6 ft. cut; Deering 11 hoe Drill; New Idea Manure Spreader; Bain Wagons (on rubter); Flat Rack; Slid.. ing Rack; Disc Harrows 4-section Harrows; 2-section HarrosVs; Max-, well Side Delivery Rake; Maxwell hay Loader; Cultivator; Sleigh; Cutter; Buggy; Clinton Fanning Mill; Mc, Cornlick Deering Cream Separator; Stone Boat, PEED—Approx, 15 ton of Mixed Hay; Quantity of Mixed Grain;. Terms..-Cash 1 Late summer flowers in artistic ; arrangement gave a lovely setting for the anniversary services in the 'United church at Salem on Sunday morning and evening, Rev. R. A, Brook, of Bluevale, was the special speaker. Bernard. Rutledge, of Wing- ham; was guest soloist in the morn- ing and chose two favourite numbers ."The stranger of Galillee" and "Just for today". In the evening Mrs, Wal- 'ter Willits, a member of the choir sang, "I was for me." The choir, under the direction of Mrs, Morrison Sharpin, leader, and Miss Berva Gallaher, organist, favoured With three anthems "I was glad when they said unto me", "In the evening I love ito tell the story" and "The valley of Peace". Mrs. Charles Cathers and Mrs, William Taylor were responsible for the flower arrangement which added much beauty to the services. JARDINE—In Wingham General Hos- Evening Auxiliary pital, an Saturday, September- 20th., 1952, to Mr; and Mrs, Kenneth Jar- t On Tuesday evening, S9tember dine, Lucknow, twins, 'a boy and a 16th, the Evening Auxiliary of the girl. United Church held their September meeting in the Sunday School room, WHITE—In Wingham General Hos- with Mrs, Norman Keating in charge. pital,pn Saturday, September 20th., Mrs. Keating opened the worship 1952, "to Mr. and Mrs. Allan White, service, on the theme "God's Grace— RR 1, Clifford, a.son.• The Water of Life" by reading a MOFFAT—In Wingham General Hos- poem, which was followed by a hymn. Two passages Of Scripture were read pital, on Saturday,' September 20th., Mrs. G. W. Howson and prayer by'l 1952, to Mr, and Mrs,' David Moffat, was offered by Mrs. J. C. McIntyre. RR 3, Holyrood, a son, Mrs. Keating read an exposition on ELLIOTT—In Wingham General Hos- the Scripture and Mrs. Madill led in pital, on Monday, September 22nd., another prayer. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Elliott,' Mrs. Carl Bondi sang a beautiful RR 3, Holyrood, a son. solo "I Beard the Voice of Jesus Say". Mrs. Chas. Hodgins introduced the new study book, "Along Afridan Trails" by Rev, David H. Gallagher, secretary of the Board of Overseas Missions, This book deals mostly with'Angola, a country about the size