HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-09-03, Page 2"Grab your hat, honey
Beaver Lumber has plywood"
We ha- e a complete selection of PLYWOOD
the versatik buning, aid. Economy priced sheath-
4..r,rac.le for every purpose---a variety of mater-
ia:s. fir., birch and others to choose from. Ply-
ca:.;.:1 is wonderful to ase throughout your entire
hzuse-Enside. outside, upstairs and down,
-Make us your Plywood Headpuarters-
4 x 8---S 16 SHEATHING , $3.84 sheet
$7.36 "
4 x S-1 4 GIS SYLVAPLY • .„ . • $4.96
4 x 8-3 4 GIS SYLVAPLY - ... .$11.52 "
Horne Improvement Loans $100.00 to $2,000.00
with up to 24 mouths to pay.
BEAVER LUMBER CO, a ; .F4 4,4 • • • rmt gm. -.0 .•
4 x S-S S
. AC11. CVO THE WIN GH AM DA-A10E-TIMES NNTP.INTSDAY, $ rrnsastims, 19$t
Published at Wirighutu, Qn.turio
Wenger Brothers, Pubitsher.s.., W. Barry Wenger. 'Editor
Meraber Bure.wa of Ctreulatian
Auth,nrzed. as Se.:•,',‘n4 !%14 Peg („)faze Dept,
Subscription Rate - Oto rear Six Menths advo.nce
• S.„ A- 43,00 per year Fere:an Rate 0.5.-;.• per year
Advertising Rates on spy:tea:ion
Lhe re-ta:•erin..1 schtno:„ front t,-ar roinz view,
be the for a neturn. to ;hose Insty
w hi,.-11 are :he nontta: -;:ow of progress in t- it pan of. the
not on:> :t,,,:tngsters who Inttsr return to
the ha:1s of :cartaing. for the sphere of business as
wen. Here in Otat,aric, we are fast 4.1,evehlrirkg hoi,Clay
and August-a
tinte when ;1:: irnporran: activi:ies are definitely retarde,..l..
It is a way „ts any:I:int.!: else. for
b::: lllll • rk thr,--,:g11..-n: the greater
ar: of fanti:ies are to ea:.
With :he first of Septent*,,:-.- contes an over-n
Since :he zhi:dren •must "le back to szhool„ :here
is no -,,c‘itt: in the 14..rents fray' cr: at :he lake---s:l
nt.t-th..er 1Na,-k in the 'kitcht.•:-. fazl- the
o his '?Itsir.ess ro a faster 1.*I u. -
.do,,yeyer, of the chi:,ircr, we
these firs: s.: '+ s , the The tiny are s:arting
toltzlz and In
• wi:: within :he ::ex: few
wc:tr:s that w:ter. a lllll l• -einz facts a•Liversitv .ices
nc: have scnte to ,:efer_d
- with
are ztware
tI:at e
sz:err : ttecessity as the years zo
a:: : iner., fee: e tha: none shoya:d
2`.`":z=.• ncr titre bier :ha:: her
, .. Tii
. iit
oday to notice that the Fare: Radio ,i - usto n1 Coloo'nes :* wo.s- oulte interested. the otheo t-
' • - • - -- ' ,- -- - -' - ,..--.... 'new • .
Forum ,,,,,er,..,..,$ 'mai be starting, in a fl. It 'III
i' couple of months, This regular Ser- i ii
11 ies of winter-time discussions sires lii N G the farmers and their wives a chance ''---' ,1-11 . to get together. get a lot of hot air ' t
i, off their chests and, in many eases, 6.-7
result in benefit to everyone con- 41
draw home conclusions that eventually it
c-erned. • -
can thin'ir of sevet'al. resolutions 4'
that have stemmed from Western On- 1t.fi
tarie Farm Forum meeti,-„his which tii
.)) have been brought up: through the ti= ,, a i township Federations. the cenntY:z---=
Federations. and even the Ontario
Federation. Some of these rer-ohi-'‘
tions, started right 'here in the Wing- E
hana area, during Forum distrassionsiii
have resulted in improved marketing :4
policies and other farm legislation. II
But I believe that the most impor- ti.
tient eontritmaian that the Farm For- ,....:_.-•
am discussions make is from the se.J'1_1_11
The Fanning Mill now...lovely fragrances that TaStI
by Deb caThert• i ti i.,,--
•;• ,• ...I:a a l• l ' ":".• lll •
▪ A 4.
:.,e 7.• y11.: Zi7V'= lie Stt01". a rt.-o-
z.-rat:7. `Se • are in. :Ile
_..z-:re ts :-ss the
h• att
• •
• • -
. 4 1
444 - .4'4'1'4. C-"4".
:4."'. • z- v:::. is sti:: a fine
c•tte :s it: Car.a...ia which • : .Rettletr.b.er that we
,,... • , a • a'res. avaZr 4,••• far • ..• 1 - .4.. • • . •. • a- a.. • ta . a•-a
. • •
ark e. the
and all t'ite rest.
These are each ,m.te ,,,ffers
Q.= - -it .:::s have s..-.: -----..--. 7 1.1-. 4141.• 1..."V'•"4....." " W " 't
a sense .:: the wi:: -., an.ea,a; :n•ey zatt epeated:
cre,ss :he nressaze =at tn• :se wit:, :ive rr.zst st:o.-.ess: .
ar ..tla • mtm v.' .1 sm • • r.. 4.. a a pA.••••1•:••-i •••• 1 ▪ ••• ••••••▪ •••••,2 • ..t." :•• "
S A -fel,: ze-nerati,:ns rn:s:
nter they tna-de :heir way
thr,-‘ni-..1: the with '3;r...it::
Ar..-: what ::as a:: th'.4 with vo::::-..i,-sters and
the they n.tter.,.. -.lite a we say.
• •
.! •• • • • . • . . • . .411•71•6 ..1 a • - • •
• _rye:: lx-1er
a.e rest. .t.?
and Ertex-rerier.ze2: :he .:7:ituaries :nay seen- .
„Oa"' t. - .t. • ..„ .• • •• •
• - • • • • - • • .
.t.-17, .5. .01, ay.
ozza:„ Mt:10h e-0:...2-*"..-,..i $ erne thirty
FORTY YEA.RS AGO -2 1.5+-t
:V4-.7...S... Zi.'.2:ar. FLtier atet with- a very
pai-nin: azeid.ent en Monday last. S.h.ei :Jo Vs*-Drit eat and It over loor grab-
-was s-..a.r.dir.g ott a sraall table. •put:in-hi Mae Nl:e- a sawn-.3.*ear-e:d tot.'t ,, - ,,e„.„Ls, R.,,,,,,e=b4., ,V., t hre;fil; In .Z.+
P, WZ:Zi.:,'W curtains iiia-l-en she fe:: to wha Is sP'-'21"---111-,g a **--.1:atilari' 7-4th 3114,---0 „. ' - --•', 7T, - - ' ---
f:z14.,r, titeitine che f. her :e-ers st:Ei!'-'xi •E'r*-'-'s. 'had her arn:. badly tom o=, t"a al-a t'-'17"-."1-7. 7.--e ',vac's- circarz
t.:,.....„. „:.....:,...:._ „....,..,.„.... rain.: removed c„ ,zo .. -a ..p±...-:ket of the fien.,,, ta t „st„, tees, the Bute `'nom. the goose, ;pick-
4.:t 4 rew's ahurch., ‘'.%tit :1•...--dish .her ing$ and the other netgloborhood ga- stretitter to the Hos:al:al. where se had etimbed 1.... ...-- par; way on the., therinss47. Then, there were earn. ts -,--s -rtze. e•srefus_ attention fence. when she g.:: a fright, and in rea.st-s. taffy pulls and the aleighridintr Z) - 3 - 3
saake story .r.trai.'4 to ins. fro,,-. a
tr'7'nf. 7c* ,Pre-r---' 1 •Ia7:1- t*:-* hand ra-ie-..
sraht street ,t•- -,.-,-.‘7,-„, o r T --1-„zr nay . a'71:-....- On the shay; pahlt et one ofli - -,--t..„ __ ,,,.„..„, ,. ; _ _._ r _r_,
_ ..,:. sa-.... --a. two gir:s noticed whs., 17 '6. 7`21&&-t''7" F"?--- :-2"-'s b*.",--,''''''''' -.,72-e- -.7.'7-7: 712.-,..,:e,,,'" -tes:--t? %.".f21-s,f-,
they supposed 73,'S a ..7.7.Z.Z.. Eaer.. 7."1.. "Sh° Wa:-.'.. 7,..:€-.3.1!„:1- ::„.11%L:1': ;.:::= -7,.±:;2:7 E-7:1-.- 7: Th7...1r."17ri:,;::::-;:59.P.1•;
-,-.r.alte _•r-ea arou.n 4 Vile ft cf a tree -n ".,.,„ans'D'Ine. ,z.:--7"77"--"*„ ----*-''-'1-- ..- .,,-, „.c.
.71-eir !a:formed .1-4, ineighbeurs. anal .? 'L.-. -..'''' Z"."*.17" 1:-Ine5.:*'."-'' .."."...7-'7."
-ed. Tt re.r.dred ten stitches. to va---- tar-L--"37 gar-s1; ,7:.! :2:-re Or :•-7C'..:,••','-
:C.•E.": the dreaded reprte shoula ew ;:p the dtaganal:y shaped whimd. hands. T.',.e si:a f.'7.f-e., is hei,-.r.d.led. 7...1.,-,e,
thi harder.s twit wornen sali
forth to destroy in one ..r1:1: . '..,ot,..; 0 - t'3 - 3 same -stay wtati the- fraa-ne hars-ester
or th-e oar= l'aader. T"-e power ch=th, the other a rake The -^ "'».L thr-ed!
cut to be the cover ,of an old inthroe...a. 'Fit irFX. x EARS,' AGO Aaw now ctuts the wood into short.
that had been •blown. astound :he truzfait - let: hths ri,ght in the 'bush_ and thero
rsf a Z= v>. araS a loose e- 5 -r- oved by ;i The ..Mr-ttl,Peith Free 1>r-as 'rt-N7er„tlz.- : .,......,-.:-,4,. la ar."4-..-., .1. a• 4.,.- ..e.-.7.,4..,__........ ..'. .....-'..- are c ,---re wood ....ir.oling 1,1e,.. Th,-
the br.eezei have it the alt.:Nears-no. of ,, "--•'----ii a- a-'-'--- ---,..- -', cli, ---s'e-z-,- - . .„ ,.., ent.L.her.,-, _s. now a
• _e hy a etn;rom
e. .
tt „?:::.b,-.---,,,,,-,7s,-- ,••-•aaa ca., Va •-,-, NE-- joi.,17.....VZ. NC-.-.3 ..,..,. •i_,•-g.; .s,.--„.. „....e '. 0 - 0 - 2,
The ..t,,,..„..„1 l'.{ sat.,,,,,,,say ,..,::eht. „..a..-,' Wein .-el.: .Z.etC.-...,e.Z:.•::: c T7...11-`be-- •'''1 h-''''' '‘, " the -.'"'"'". b ""` "- '''''e 'ea'
.sec-„d%•.'. el cre=tstaiii or years. Eary1 Te7L-i",!! `--,‘ Ar•••• 17-='5: 05 we':'.6--s- ir-';ehee.s.e- rezzie-s the. lard. and wrerz
tame tip, arta it a"..so ahnifled on its. antra C,P-P- 1"-"•Za. • ItSr...7-. `•..1';:a verl even 5e, miles to see a show or take in:
- '-'s.s, so that the who :e talght was'.'w*----ii at i're'----'''-'ia: ii,z--*--°----ta at it"'*-5*-z-L'tc-,4 - dace They conldn't do that 25 Yon are invited to discuss colour schemes and .1-• e.• -,----,-1 -;-ys• .•:,..t. ti,...-1-.t.-i --z--- h:''I'' :"..4"..-.: t7-Irraea 11-'' Tea-Ts ''5''4 year's .a,.--o.. There are no 'taffy pulls '',10,
-......, ,„----.-s "..‘. a.r.,--4,,,rZ-...r, oan,-,..-: -risme first =',..?...- the "Zit; yards ism fori - the newest ideas in decorating at
,.....,„.„.„.„. „....,... .....,„,,,..,,,:„. ,„,..„.t. „.:,..,,,,,,..,„,.?...„.. T.„..1/47.i.,.... "is.t s„...„;-7! ....,.eft'. ,.......; „vr,...,.... ...4. 4.5.0 oar very ::"E-17V farmers make raaPi'e i -: _
-•-=-4-a--- 1-.- ........--'.--z-,n- A rer,--st 'Yards' ewi'l= fr.: 'hays -.•-•F•e'LT ti,.. at - LI -41.1"uP' arf-4- ra '---*e- Yes times have oinsmzed in rural THE WALIPApER sllop t Ontario Times have changed her-e in
- -
SZ17:7.4.11:7. 0...f. il"..2... S':.=,: r.r..11.-.17. .7.C.-=- dam- _z.x.;73,--b*:::::::...,„=,:-:: t..1...,.tit:t2s,..,_,_t,1:=4,.,77t...,*":a:rit.:1 Izziekeetif see'X3 trhe7-27'2„zat:,..!`afs,;, Ftea„.7:" ra'ag1:1-1a::
age is. re.•IN,Itled thax, Was Ts:a:eel .A.'„',
time et wr..z.:ng two "a,--S .,‘-s-,.,e, de- :ff 1.-=--a=1-----:e 1:'"-?2-"alF&-'s 1,--e7e- eict-‘77-disdl, r..-,-,:-..., --,,,--=-,. -1-_, -t.,-_-:,-,,. „,,-„
......- -"'"'". • tr, 3-1.ght=rsz, were ts.e.rt tt:ry_Fdi' graltem..-eL. 71-7--ts is the „et--_eatest orn-
• -
the Baptist churta s.r.ffered •:ta a dega.rted =s=b-.."-rs
tz„e,,,,,„, and 'who IrizioNz that their ter:fra.:1„,-....a.,
ha"re given , Cf
0 - -
--ir.rM a„--,*..„"Tr.1,..A2i-b Cst.'STAZDA
This- theSunday after Trinity
General Synod Sunday
yef. ••1,1115
t' gartreni?erftil nen- scents
• .-n.led .to Iasi-and last-,
sci.3 last! Custom Colognes are
a:ways flattering-always as true aid
fresh es. the first whiff out of the
1,,,ortie. Exotic-, Floral, Tailored and
Warkday fragrances are specially
d esigned for these personalities.
Custom Cologne sticks, 125,
uici Colognes, 1.25.
- - • • - r79 - • -1411
rt114.111101113kMA14.610...11.1,11.1311STAUS111.11.600{0141.411111-11,r, ,,,,,-h E r; the ,flantes !Inca the cab.
E. 005,10 4.1
-lie immediate::: shim off the tower. tr, , head£d. tie ear f7: the -ditch. and. ha,ve to to his ne-i:zhbo172-- for as
tsio gna„;kly a- the :ire spread s.is.tisitoe as be did in the era before 11*d ill till F.111:111,11111.1111LISTWIMAIWII.1W1111 111.1 ,glaiiiclucluncENIC
I Ithat. the driver c:..... not save his
,,x/tVra,,,a= a---,:esl•ttraca-tmaltalltalaa-ltairlaxcataataltia..tas rasa
via: aspect- Today's fa_* don't iiiii:
get the is to visit wail,. neigh- i NI
tours that country neop:e tit3. one or 1-
;7o generations ago. The farmer of i
1,152 is mare intie.pendent- Be -doesnt .11
power farming. It used to be that
there were sever-a: seasons -of the year
when ten or a doter- sometimes ias
many as twenty farmers got together
Re Change of Office Hours
The Office of the Wingham Utilities
Commission will be open as follows:
9 a.m. to 12 noon, 1 to 5.30 p.m.
9 a.m. to 12 noon
Wingham Utilities Commission.
one werat tha: Mr Weir is on the staff of the caw,- makes the sansage and head- ./.11110114111111,1 lllllllll A llllllllllllllll 111111111111 llllll 1111I lllll llllllllllllll 1 al lllllllll "N. llllll Mit lllll I I MI I tillitakalintatalapc=mm.V
'ant: after day:ight s:;_. ay momiiing hees. beesu..e there are verY few geese- 0 - -
The strornt st:oinis passed fr.e,ra west to
east. then in, a sholt are few corn .17-3,..13te or siert:h- ▪ i
oven anzolne-r from, zmr..t riaIl.f.sa.: was learne.3. cra: anti drive 15-, 25 or
.:;at„,,.....day ere..,,..., ... , ‘‘,..-e ..---0-.connectian with the research and dei - e ,,aas-,.. .."7 ready for tie deep-
reene. or the call storage l'acker. relotzmetra ..A„gr'..r.:;:tizre and is are now equipped to take care of your
bez-an ear-es t, S'7", , -tee to. e
tormer,i,y f rtarne: par es, for the Young folks
There at no more e4 _e
--a, ... ...., a ''''' ..24.4 •,--...- , .':..... "" ....-,-, a .,..... -,
are zne re:r:e wh: • wait 7:7:r a
In:kr...A.:: with faith fr.ture whi:h
af ran fell. Same whh =es- =7:L. -s•
stared it say fire :holies durma
e trtazzrznzent.
vi.Ing-i-tcy.r.. area.. One has .to haste “trarrestaaa lllll 1 11 att. lllllll trituaaaararnatanotannaloonanaerwaloasornal.
.. • tn. "'" 7";"'"' • =se-more. .L,m the 'ate --v • - ▪ ..-vv•• • •,
szitt_-.4„-ls dial =at meet ao .212..1., az-d, €"7,77F.2:ae dears Fdth 1175311=
"""'" Ur: be. 4-4 th..? Z! the ,.:::4:11,17.7„.: =7.-7.e. try the fanT,- L.;
• ettS:7 'I...n.1. - a 3d7 Dear. -
ene :f zut-
: ..7'it"..1",.7k-E4 are
the - izat I....af-ne
.7.7„$$;.• e:'-e ix-FIVE TEARS ---4,G0
'"`" 7'7` d.:7•11.
e d * ", "r: S 12 • ellz* .zz a
• • • • WV. 41a- ••• a .4..
: . •-•1 • g z•- Z: • .• •• a . . e•• tz,a'a• a . • - • • t 4." Z., „ - -.., there .mere t . • •• •••
S. axe
- r tNksts eatxX
a .* * ••• • ••••••• 4 1`) r.i.'7'. I,* tAV.=.7:14. it-i'.• tra -i.:-
1...Z"'....."'. 4 7Z4*"..... "":' . .▪ ."1 '''' 1._et -..,.:‘ in-...tzss:z.e. tr ---- ._ --..:'_--- ..... •• ..e...ts "••"0 .III.r.rigt..-.t-. ,... .....-.. • .., . .....
,..i:1:' " .*'•:; '' 'Z.`, ::
7. ! :.:-..L7- .. 7..,,." „.." "..: 1-t-41"..,.' :s.:*.; zf *,.-e- -..*•:•1 •tne t":..`_:- &II: s.-.1_•-•,!-..e....ta .,._-,.-.• - -
•.....; . = = ,..: .. ., ... .. • WA . .. ...s4.=•-,b - *. A-0,- .0- A 4r r.--41.-'-- .;.- vc-16-01k el-0,-- be....-4-", r -ss - .. ...__ . . 3 a
. :.' ... f -..... ,.. a ,,, ..... Zat.:...:. ...!.. a.. . 4. ..4-::" r....e.:5. :....r......„; rzs -i.....s.::-.....; 4.--,:...st:--.. ::!; '..". V" 1'' •-•-: ...... '... .•.,.. ..... : - _;:; .....* ....,..r..... -- -
the z'.r4:nts :f h- „vz,„...5
*Yr •o••• • • y. 0 0,7 a
=.,"•* -Z •.1 .41. •
• . - - ". ratzh
',".**":"S 7 .7 7.d.- tnese tt*• .. rne have has es..zapszl °4-
,111:1•.*`.7. t7:_e atternt.:::tzt.,7 raysgele alLs Pett,
• • w• gi• •11. .11 • 01 •• • ...IL X: A 4 etf-2:1; tz.r tzre.:11*. retts
oT :tan: ao on. • au:. a on • . • it •
* :tat
.. .ea. r.•
▪ •
" MO w:1;r1
• •••
tit.. *,^m".^.
We fee- the S=asty too= therrs r-f whita
'•"?` , • , „,, „ r17Zrep..tr;C:
"* • ?, •' .. • .
a % -•"*". •-•! ••2. tatrr
- ...r. llll .•. Wiped nye: .i,*"nt.",-,.:e
. . • • :we around , *4zaast
• ". • - ell • •,b 11•
= • •
tr. 74 AL.. e muddy water Abo--zt
: :.$ "A''..72..7. • .. a
- , -
„.:,', sss.-,-,„ wa-,74.-▪ A-,-,.._,1 $2,:_-a F,,r,, --.....n. -.. the the.:,....'":e. We..i.:- B:.-'3...D 0:...reed a:---;1.1---i'="t `"gs:the:7--- T"..:---- --- 11----- --,. - z - sn the oh .5-,, ..,,-.7.,- WHEN THE LAST TALE. IS TOLD - - -
e .• • •.: • • - e ct..i.••••• or. • o • a. :rano"; - on. . a ta . • . Vo.rt•..,.13.t US$
- . • • -a • Z.. • as 7 i.g",.1",',17:**.C:... ies-as l!eet deer, -"
• • al.. -
7.▪ ." '7'”" " " 'ur ".-4 4 StrZt :Z., :ears
S • •-r. ob. ----
• - • f_awed. the 7-2'e ,,at At) •
there wss SZ.6X rLeven =31„t,
head ratte are rept:tea 1,in:ea be- t:trat the' .7,-er-at-s
i'Lay. ,rm.:= ▪ '&1? a,...-tf.1-7-E, ware .,,t„,:aos i #4,..-age
Crarrne. =aattiriA, at the 'ge garade-3
et-nre Wirre-a--,
" " • • '
- ••••••• • • y• a Law sr. At ..•
.16 I. •.•
e• ......••••••14.4 7•••••,,i