The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-08-27, Page 2DIAL 980 CFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK pHs 0111fi1 44444 444 0111l1111001.10Alll ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11111111114 ti I School Supplies FOUNTAIN PENS, BALL POINT PENS, PEN & PENCIL SETS, MECHANICAL PENCILS,' INKS, ZIPPER BINDERS $1.98 & up, SCRIB. BLERS, NOTE BOOKS, CRAYONS, PAINT BOXES, THERMOS LUNCH KITS, HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS for naturally carefree curls you can set and forget even on rainy days g ive yourself a ledtaktf, Home Permanent! Permanent! eb-6.ek, Hudnut Home Permanent Refill Kit plus Children's Home Permanent Refill Kit Regular value $3.70 — AND DROGNrER SPICIAL OffER Regular Value R3..70 BOTH for $2.75 Both for $2.75 ERR'S DRUG STORP SAVES YOU MONEY ,11.41 111W11111111110111111112111111111119111111k Most 'Important Possession At least 80% of our knowledge comes to us through the eyes. Yet we are more careless about eyesight than any other possession, Many people have defective vision without even knowing it, Nothing is more important than your own two eyes. Have them examined once a year. Begin now. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST "A Complete Visual Analysis" Nre.eueemugge-oeterweecuerrunerumeargere, 1 Floor Coverings That GUARANTEE SATISFACTION I INLAID trcoT,Flum 2 yds. wide All over and Tile Patterns REXOLEUM and BAROLEUM in many patterns and colours PRACTICAL FOR EVERY ROOM THE WALLPAPER SHOP CONGOLEUM, 2 & 3 yd. widths Long wearing floor covering AT LOW COST ....111-14,41$11114114iR11.tittIltIMU IM.“111111.11•111.111.1r Glamorize your home Your friendly lumber dealer—Beaver Lumber-- carries a complete stock of siding materials to help yott glamourize your home, New siding will quickly remodel your house . add extra value to it • „ keep it snug and weathe,rtig,rht. WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING for Bargain Price of $10.75 sq. ASPHALT SIDING in now style, and colors $9.45 sq. WOOD SIDING 3.1 ASPHALT SHINGLES Come in --- or call (i(i TO-DAY PROMPT, PERSONAL SERVICE I BEAVER LUMBER CO, LIMITED .1,011h 4100 V lir 01 ilitm 01101}AttliCIAIV5101,11011VtrillinIfiltiletliffitIfIvIllynICOVVIRsVM.Y ttttttt itirmirmitof ,.....U•Au.e.elletlegl.A.MAre.elrug•erelgeet •egireeretietellige - • Sr. Pant urtb CHURCH OF ENGL-CerD =ST CANADA) Etlingliarn Eleventh. Sunday after Trinity ain.—lioly Communion 13.kir: a.m.—Church $,:hool 11.' :4,7.r MI% • Prqyer atrl Sermo 01: n he Rector pan.—Ouiet Hour I Arommerammeemeeemememeivr ere *AMC TWO THE WINGHAIVI ADVANCE-TIMES wionisTEsn4Y, AloodusT onh, The Fanning Mill by Bob Carbert TINY ACORNS MIGHTY OAKS • Mr. 'W. -I. Hoene;:so-reoson of Mr. W. `either. ior 'stomach troubles in those days IA is a CoillIllain Say,Il'ea; in any group or organt7ation • - • visited his friend. Mayor G'eo. Spotton, • that the 'man with the biggest load can always find room on .Saturday. James Hendereon, Wingham Jet, :has Miss Louisa Hall of Meafor3. visited accepted a Professorship .at the pickles that when .Todsy's housewives make so few for more". '4.11 other words the willing; horse can be her brother, the editor of this paper, you strike a jar =IL 'University which is the State .that really tastes good, and you say, counted on to ..-et things done. This is -an unfortunate .- over :Sunday. • University for India-as at truth which can he easily' verified. In Wingham, the. Dudley Helm • es Jr, has secured the _ Wir. and .Mrs. .Henderson have Lafayette. l)een !"'Dear, these are good, let's make a school at Holmes' schoolhouse, Turn- lot; more next tear". What does the Willing horses ,zIT e Ca -ITV:lig' the lOad of '7curining and ex- ' berry, Miss Anr.de Barber has been • week. g -with his father for the past better belf say'? You guessed it, "Oh, paildir4I' the 110Splt a,. .he st,..00., ,ht. st,24 Vitt (Jobe. (tee engaged' for the department of Wing-. 3.'. don't remember how I made those, f or a sma ll er •hain Public Sehool, until recently . 0 - 3 - 0 that is a recipe I got from my girl- W-11V MUSt it always be Ilectssal"\." taught by Miss Cummings. Major Kenneth Weaver M.C., i- ' b ifriend, cousin Nostalgia, and I have numb•er of men and women to oarry all the extra. work •.0 _ a _ 0 You never see .or taste that attending the Annual Provincial Con- lost it"', IS town, spezt pszt of their hall- duties. Yet we don't deserve to have the benefits 01 i days in Owen Sound, and were return- ing home Friday night A wheel dernocrac , it we don't assume these tasks. S.L.. which is being held in Timmins - . 7aLL" ain11-" WhO nex-er give their time and labour to the service of , Misses Lucy and Georgina' dangli—.thie week. Mr. N'Neaver is actine• involved in pub.& proh1ems? What about all the ; c.t.zenS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO vention. of the ,csnaelan Legion, B.E. itsypheeraeg the pickling season tors of. Mr. Thee-. ,Zowers. had a representative of this none and their t own and fellow citi yens They aren't carrym .L7; their load and consequently others have to carry then` serious injury, when o share for them. fhis is a e.emocracv and there is no pal,- vlsion for tormg men or women into reolic :tasks and N.vater. The young ladies. whose home .1 feature of the construction is a plan to set aside a section of the hot.mitai for the chronically ill. The walls are of concrete and brick construct and here another ec onomy was made by usinn• 'bricks salva,Ned hutincr the detnt ,,,t::Oli 01 a prime schooi. tlrants tit :.'"‘-,:,,,t)t)t) each Miss Thelma Sadler, of Detroit. is servatire nominating convention held and the co...„1 /4 . with a inr11.,:er provincial grant of $10,500 ing friends in Lo' ndon a,rid Port evening. W. H. Logan, of Teeswater, own garden, 'gathered her own cucum- for nurses' (,:tarters and snecial grant of Sti.titso. lit this Stankeee, - iwas chosen on the first . ballot over bers, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, HT:rem:tot, .f •Itonf•onr.m7r. reiat i v.„_,: s..... 411 ,..., .,. t ,: leer, ill.'n SI I F. e .1, 'it I wa S all ppliod b\ • miss Ruby Forbes of Toronto Was a ' glai.i31. Buda ofNaVe. and cabbage from her own .garden. public subscription. " - -1 , . . , • , , 'IA those , kl visitor at Thos. Forbes' over oundaye Mr. J. C. Purdy of Keswick was a This ,„...x.line of how E x.,....„,r went about ra i si ng f un d s guest at Mr. Jim. Kerr's over Sunday. wi:Ntliss Kate Marshall of Ble:th visited for t:leir hospital should be interesting. here in Wingham 11 Miss Maggie McCallum over where we are c,,nternpltzting the Crt.''tnitviI t'4f an akiditiOn Sunday. 10 our hospi:a. Perhps we could take a leaf from : Miss Annie Deyell left on Saturday EX CI er'S Necik and axe e- soon te ne orrete", . and perhaps too the sfw aTtioronto where she has secured a Winghamite. and Foster Moffatt, of t• . . - i. to date, no matter how many varieties Iiinloss, who carried the Conservative banner in the election of June 1934' they claim to make or how many million cans or jars they sell, Mother The hall was filled to capacity. Prior was never commercialized. to the convention Mr. Logan's name ; And mother never needed a 975 was but little mentioned as a eandi- •i' page cook book to give her the proper date but as so often happens he came ingredients for a batch of bread and through as the 'dark horse" of the 'butter pickles, She went by the touch AtkillS,0011 Charital4e Foundat'on would be Interested I'1 a AufraGIltreland of Kincardine, a form- and. taste system. She made 'a few convention. Mr. Logan, prior to his 'selection, took a, definite stand against grant 10 helP furnish this new adaition Wingham er resident of Wined-ism., was town of them all. Remember the mustard of lotting contracts and secured the assistance of local dealers and merchants in obtaining supplies at cost, thus effecting; substantial savings, it now is estimated that the hospital Nitimimz will not cost more than $220,000 and that it will be ready for use early in 1.953. The walls and roof ha \ e viow been completed. Miss Burdetta McCracken is visit- • the cellar. picked her dill from her d • t the barrel in 'were •reeei‘c,1 from the province. the federal government- visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Porter. in the Town Han here or Thursdav aan. o ie Cider negar beer parlours. He .said he was a tee- kles, the mustard beans. the chili General Hospital. .on Friday. d. Our hospital. OM' Ss:1'1041:S, 4:1111:"VbeS« etC.- WOUld h,c and slichtly cut, but they escaped any s‘a broken bones. 'They tweived medical properly, Lnc01, we don,t have to worry tceatment at Teeswater hospital arid Vdt/20:11 leat:ershlp and would suddenly cease to ..ere able to be brought home Sunday. happening with the ca:ihre of nten and woven who are Prize lists fo'0r -.141(0'an-g9hatri. Pall Pair, active in om- =last. to be held on Thursday ' p,ef,•,t,e we ,rri l ici 7e our is":11001 bOarTiS. or September 22nd and"-- ::3rd. are baedianYa, distributed this week by A. G. Smith', anyo:,e 14se 11, a public position let's St on and think o7f ,,erejeyarY. The list shows careful how much the\ have done without reward to themselves HELP FOR HOSPITALS „\. bulletin has been. received here stating that grants totalling $21,12,7 have been received by three small hos- pitals in Ontario to help them purchase badly needed equipment. These grants came from the Atkinson Chari- table Foundation, Exeter hospital, operated by the South Huron hospital association, receives $10,2-1.1: Trenton Hospital at Trenton, S0,811: and Ilowmanyille Memorial • Hospital, S-1,0:75. The story of the Exeter Hospital is also told. It seems that the impetus canto from the Lions Club. who formed an investigating committee 1040 and provided, the funds for that committee. Plans and estimates for a l 35-bed hospital were prepared and the South Iluron Hospital association formed to carry on.the work. First estimate for the building without furnishings and equip- „ mem NY as S..1.00,000. A board was formk.sd Nyith representatives from all the t ownship.s a ff ee i • Th, ,,)01.; over the task ,,,,,,, ttttttttt and a: a sacrifice of time and energy. various classes. Live stock is well looked after, additional prizes being offered in some cla.sses, while in the SHOULD GUARD THIS FUND' roadster class, teams May be shown Separately; and for this very attrac- 0.-,att..„..1 d14.4.4•• tire premiums are offered, The l'ner,p:oyr,-..e.:,: insurailz.e Vunil. from which tni- o - 0 . 0 ernp;‘-,-. ed Cana.lians derhe benefits during the period of Bert Collar, dra-ruan. bad a elose their t -r.er...,p:,*:, r..7.6.111. is a :711tz-t 11.171ti administered by tile .,ea:ii from ins.tant death or 'very serious A.1-MC7rli..cr: in the intert-sls .,.i :he emploved. It izt.. lust as au-ra3,' machi ned-o,an-ha2k11,conciahall placingn a in the base- U111:1all tfi 1‘71'`Lo i.".7 %:%'.4.: cif :11f.' eliTIO:\ (..,1 and the unemployed merit of the Bell factory, He was as i! :.s 1:0 11-. :-'s ill bo,l -. the Unemployment below,' directing the work. when a It:sin-at:ice (.',..innlissi,-,n.1,* gnar.1 the securit3:- of the frithi. .11:Lirotwinogf theth ealataalfi3;:,3angea glseNa.ea a ..3`,3Y' . . Ict•-: rt,In t;:re to titre attention is drawn by prose- ' ward' planing hi711 to the *walk Ore i eiritICIIIS in ille, i01171:z of individuals who have obtained ' :r...rn h isa dislocated and very* bad . betiefiiS 4)1 false pretenses. Recent3N- a man at Brooks, , . S ° . '''VC °e' be 're'.2ell'el :IntE;17--"a: .'.The' t:3, ai•k‘epleti pa:+tnettt of benefits for days he WaS ,es :tVhat wou:d happen in onr community if all the camedo„ i off n -eathedifbhus, piling upside wevrk-ers suddenly felt that they had done enough:- were prettyebad'lcY shTateen.yuo‘n,..b..lusideei „ 1 Mayor Anson.Spotton of Harriston 'enough there were yery few ulcers, ' totter and that Liouor Control was Will Haines is spending a couple of ,100ce better than the beverage rooms ;sauce, the home made catsup, (when * * ta -weeks .in Harriston for the Wm. ' of to-day. Beverage rooms, he aside i iOwas called ketchup), and the dozens SHORTAGE OF WILLING HORSES ust be wiped out of our. lend. of other brews and mixtures. Oddly . Davies Co'Co. - - Wawanoeh are guests of Mrs. Tindall. ".• narrow -escape from death, or at leastalso. the local branch of which he is stassis Minale Barber, of the Times against a cement wall, with it the above all her holidays. despite tears and great reluctance Miss Flora McCallum is visiting ;nd 'the pickling spices were all laic{ result. It is just possible she will not ' friends in Acton and Toronto, AG Miss Mary McGregor is visiting in yard, frightened the cows, and the oronto. she was milking lticked, knocking ion and consideration of the Mrs. 'N e urnee and son of • B REMINISCING 0 -0 A row wandering on the Listo-a-el 'road near 1VEolesworth was bit by a local car 'on Thursday night. As a 'result of the crash Grant McLean was forward on the windshield and dash and received -some severe bruises, though no bones were -broken, Grant was taken to the Wingham Hospital and on Saturday was remov- ed to his borne. Roy Manuel was "driver of the car, Other passengers 'besides Mr. McLean were; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chalmers and Mr. Harry Angus. Mr. McLean was the only one injured. It is reported the car • is damaged to the extent of 8100. - - 0 ' In the tournament for young: men - ages 12 to 23, at the Bruce Beach Golf Club, George Lloyd was 'successful. in winning the elm and 'received as prize a golf club, president. have the full use of her arm again, -out in a handy place. Then the fun 0 - 0 - 0 ;began. Mother never had to worry FIFTEEN YEARS AGO about packing house workers unions or canning factory strikes. She went injuries, the full extent of which not known at time of writing. Mrs. Peter Hastings, of Turnb township, had an unfortunate a dent one day last week, when sustained a badly fractured el While milking, a horse dashed into Sweeping the Huron-Bruce Con- • • 1 h her 'were all washed and cut up ready for the Tars, the onions were pealed, This is the pickling season, and many an unsuattpecting breadwinner will present himself for supper ,these nights, only to find friend wife up to her ears in sweet pickles, dill pickles, nine daypickles, and a hundred and one other concoctions that only a fertile female mind could contrive. Yes, the pickling season is here again and once more housewives and cooks everywhere are subjecting themselves and their families to the sometimes sweet, and. sometimes sour, smelling odours that pour out of the pickle kettles, Like so many of our earlier habits, this business of pickling is not the • event, not the important season that it used to be. Back in the days B.C. (before cans) the housewife had to can all her own vegetables and fruits. hA was very few cellars that didn't ave at least a couple of hundred quarts of fruit or pickles, lining the shelves along the wall. There was no other way to store these delicious preserves ,and along with the salt pork barrel, the sauer kraut barrel, and the potato bin, most of the winter foods were stored therein. Now, the housewife either buys her canned `fruits and vegetables, or makes use are of the cold storage locker. Times are changing, erre, • Those were good old days, when eel- mother made the preserves and the she • pickles. The jars were all washed and bow. • steamed, new zinc and rubber rings the were laid out, the fruit or the pickles FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales & Service THOMSON APPLIANCES Phone 29 Wingham employed. By so doing he not only made him- self liable to stiff pena:ties under the act, or a prison term,- but he ,ionble4.rossel all the employea and nnemploved :*/ • Vie accepted mono, from a trust fund of which rightfttlly shcal,1 have Seen a grlarjjan. and "” qjf at'dtplettN1 the fttni, •rnakinz., less ,availal.4le tti other Ct.-mad:ails ozn o emp:0:‘,111071 I 4* Vi, ho max- 111 intnre he in that ,category. OhNionsly it is the duly of every employed .or 111I- 11W .:1$. trit"leeilliP 9 isrire%:•cr, up...m each an,:, e‘tr., one. •',ust :as much as it upon ti* 7i,erson 3.1- In', a.• lonf.f,'!e*- vrh'ch he. s ▪ Tl.C41 CVO! n 11.:e :1-at ,t„_,-et with thz,re is nmhinf, in ',vv.: h1.1 be or she is az.ttially InAl'ley from his fellow-, tit kens. atki violating a trust he shares with them. WittlIttaut tiutr55. Published at Wingham.. Ontario Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Dept. Subscription Rate One Year $2.30, SIN, Months $1.25 in advance U. S. A, $3,00 per year Foreign Rate $3,Do per year Advertising Rates on application 12:45 P.M. (Moedriy, Woinesd try, Friday) THE MILEY BURNETTE SHOW The Clown Prince of Western Entertainment