HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-08-20, Page 8Swap your Old, Worn Tires NOW FOR NEW LONG-MILEAGE GOOD/WAR:TIRES Why risk the danger of driving on worn tires any lonor? We'll give you the biggest trade-in allowance for your old tires when you trade them in for big-value, long-mile. age Goodyears. Come in today for the best tire deal in town. Also eyallablo In Rib Tread LOOK FOR THIS''HIGH slew OF 011k1.11Y AMWAY .49101.49SvAiir• REAVIE MOTOR SALES PHONE: 241 PONTIAC — BUICK — G.M.C. TRUCKS Lowest-Priced in Its Field! Chevrolet The Leader, is the lowest-priced car in its field. It's Canada's most beautiful low-priced car... end Canada's most wonderful motor car values Illustrated — Stylefine Do Luxe 2-Door Sedan A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Only Chevrolet the Leader gives you all these fine car features! 1 Take a look at the wonderful new Chevrolets for '52! Examine their radiant new Royal-Tone Styling and ultra-luxurious Bodies by Fisher, available in a wide choice of solid-tone and two- tone color combinations—most wonderful array of colors in their field. These cars bring you everything friom thrilling new,Centre poise Power to fleet, spirited, thoroughly dependable Valve-in-Head engine performance; and from a new smoother, softer ride to extra-large Jumbo- DruM Brakes. Realize, too, that with all their finer quality the new Chevrolets are the lowist-iiiced line in their field, in addition to being exceedingly economical to operate and maintain. Come in .... see and drive the new Chevrolet for '52 . . . and let us show you how easily you can own ones Yes, Chevrolet brings you lowest prices on model after model ... as well as these extra features for your extra pleasure, comfort and safety. CENTREPOISE POWER Engine vibration' and power impulses are "screened out" — isolated from driver and pas- sengers. Engine rides flexibly suspended between new high- side mountings . . centred, poised, cushioned in rubber. 'EXTRA LARGE BRAKES Chevrolet's Jumbo-Drum ,.brakes with their big 11-inch brake drums, apply more lever- age for more stopping power. Stops are smoother, safe, with less driver effort, Bonded lin- ings last up to twice as long. GORGEOUS NEW COLORS Choose from a wide choice of rich new colors and two-tone color combinations . . the most wonderful in, Chevrolet's field. Distinctive new De Luxe interiors are color-matched to the exterior body colors for new color harmony inside and out. BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the standard in the automobile industry — for styling, for craftsmanship, for comfort and convenience! And Fisher Unisteel construc- tion guards you with the solid strength of steel welded to'steel above you, beneath you, all around you. CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS Pistons are formed from' the same material as the cylinder block — expand and contract at the same rate. This helps maintain a precise fit at all en- gine temperatures -- reduces piston wear and oil consump- tion I EXTRA WIDE TREAD Chevrolet measures a full 58% inches between centres of rear" wheels — providing a broader base to give you more stability on the read, less sway ono the curves! POWEROLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION It's an Oil-stnooth, oil-cooled automatic ttansmIssion. simpler with fewer Patts to wear or require adjustment. It's smoother because Gil (lees it all without complicated interniedi- ate gears, Optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Powerglide* is the powerful valve-in-head engine — an outstanding'performer by any measure! This Powerglide engine's Hydraulic-Hushed valve lifters are another impor- tant Chevrolet exclusive. *(Powerglide automatic trans- mission available on De Luxe models at extra cost) UNITIZED KNEE"-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee- Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorber action smothera bumps and jolts more quickly and effectively than ever. EXTRA-EASY CENTRE-POINT STEERING Control is centred between the front wheels'instead of behind the left front' wheel. This ad- vented steeting geometry makes CheVrolet surprisingly easy to steer, manoeuvre and pack. 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet'sexclusivp engine lu- bricating system Supplies. exact- ly the Hot kind and afridtint of lubrication toiach moving part, It .helps Chevrolet's proved valve-in-head enefie serve you better and longer for less! GM "SHADE-LITE" GLASS Reduces Glare, Heat, Feligue Chevrolet offers "Shade Lite" glass with exclusive, shaded windshield-tinting for your extra protection. "Shade-Lite" glass all 'round reduces glare and heat, helps you drive more safely and comfortably. (Optional at extra cost). MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY. OTHER CAR ire 64(iCrfse Ode mucus so Lows 41 1526 ens It —1 / 9ti969199911MS99960 " " C EV RO LET Spacial non-admission coupon attached • for above aWards. Only Adyanc• 'Salo Tkkat Holden' are 9:30 p.m. Sept. 8th, 1952, to be eligible to each strip' of Advance Sale tickets must roach Westem Fair Assotiatiori by 3 tickets lei $100 lad eitcyhtZTITZ: for prim valued at over $7,500, Inclonllag His throe 1952ears Awe Ha 1111,T. 111 TO 13 LONDON, ONT. W. D. JACKSON, Manager 531 Buy Advance Sale Tickets From: Mason's Book Store? Station CKNX and some Independent Grocers 1,101014 . 1419In. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY,. AUGUST 20th, 19511 "SALAIIK kit 2; obeli Gee/ A t'ny star that may be the most compact in the universe was spotted by Minnesota and Arizona astronom- ers. From observations, they figured a chunk the size of an ice cube would weight 1,000 tons. 0 - 0 - 0 A man wearing a wolf-mask, who attempted to attack a woman in the woods near Dijon, France, was found by police beaten and battered. His potential "Little Red Riding Hood" had turned out to be a physical culture instructress 0 - 0 - 0 London's Marquess of Winchester, 89, proposed to India's Baspy Pavry, 49, wed her just three days later. He explained: "When you get to my age it's too late to waste tim. You have to act quickly." 0 - 0 - 0 Two days before a Richmond Vir- ginia man was to be electrocuted, lightning struck a power line. Knocked — By BOB CLARK — himself up. He bought a snappy suit, had his hair out and tinted brown, Then he returned home and got a roaring reception from his befuddled watchdog. Hospitalized for bites and bruises, Luigi explained the encounter, "I guess he didn't recognize me". - 0 - 0 While running for state representa- tive in 1950, C. Plowboy EdvKards ,of Quinton, Oklahoma, said that if elected, he'd walk barefoot over any of highway 31 not paved by 1952. Last week, legislator Edwards made good and hiked barefooted down the still 71/2 unpaved miles. 0 - 0 - 0 In Hunstanton, England, the public was asked not to pet the baby seals on the seashore. Reason—The seals like it so much they won't return to their herd. 0 - 0 - 0 Two pet owls owned by a Connecti- cut man, woke him at night with out the electric chair for three days, and sent the man back to his cell to await another death date. 0 - 0 - 0 On a rare visit to Rome, Italian farmer, Luigi Costa, spruced himself problem by kedviit their cage in the sunlight all day, shaking it whenever they dozed, - 0 - 0 Unsealed Mt. Everest staved off its toughest challengers. Swiss climbers got within 900 feet of the top—highest ever reached by men who returned to tell about it—but monsoons forced them back. They found that the world's tallest peak was still grow- ing, now towers 29,610 feet instead of the official 29,002. 0 - 0 - 0 At McKeesport Pa., the judge ordered a local woman to pay for the power lawnmower she'd taken from a store to test whilt allegedly drunk. The woman lost control and, still behind the handle-bars, hurtled through a railroad crossing, into the side of a moving freight train. So help me . . THEY TELL ME IT'S TRUE! BLUME The well attended August meeting of the Bluevale Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. A. D. Smith on Thursday evening with the presi- dent, Mrs. Carl Johnston, in the chair. The roll call, "A Household chore my husband always does" brought some amusing replies. Plans were made for the Edna Jacques entertainment to be held on September 15th, and ether business discussed, Eleanor Smith and• Etoile Moffatt played a piano duet. The guest speaker, Mrs. Harold Spier, Brussels °hese the subject, "The pupil, the parent and the teacher", She spOke in a bright and sympathetic manner of the problems of all three and showed how co-operation between home and school would help to snake school a pleasant place which it should be. She approves of the new methods of study, in many respects and thinks thp present teachers are fine types. An auction sale of donated articles realized a good sum for the projected new public library. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mfs. Smith, Mrs, J. Horton, Mrs. C. a Hoffman and Mrs, W. H. McKinney. Mission Band The Mission Band met in the United Church this week with the president, Marie Johnston, presiding. All joined in repeating the Mission Band pur- pose and a prayer for Missionaries, and the roll call was answered by a verse beginning with the letter "H". Mrs. W, J. Johnston conducted the worship service and opened by sing- ing, "Teach me to Pray Lord", Etoile Moffatt read psalm 100. and Susan Yeo Igd in prayer. Miss Margaret Curtis had charge of the smaller children for the.atorx period and Mrs. Johnston told the older members a story in keeping with the theme. The Mizpah benediction was repeated in closing. A very large crowd gathered at the community hall on Friday night to honor Mr. Gordon Bradshaw, of Jamestown, and his bride, the former Miss Stretton, of Brussels. Win. Willis read an address and John Johnston presented the newlyweds with a sub- stantial sum of money. The groom made a suitable reply. Lunch was served and dancing was enjoyed to music supplied by Wilbee's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw will reside in Brussels. Rev. Matthew Bailie occupied the pulpit in the United Churcn on Sun day morning, using •the text, 2 Corin- thians 13-5; "Examine Yourselves". Ike spoke of life being full of exam- inations and stressed the Importance of personal convictions. Mrs. J. W. Wickstead sang the solo, "Jesus remembers when the world forgets". Next Sunday Mr. Bailie's sermon will be along the same theme. Miss Doreen Burden of Brinston; vis- ited with her friend, Elizabeth Mc- Kinney. Rev. and Mrs. Burden call- ed on several families. Mr. Burden was a former minister in the United Church. J. T. Scott, Chicago, Ill., a former resident of Glenannan, called on friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black, of Gorrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gadke, of Fordwich, were recent visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Jam-es Robert- son. Francis Kearney, ,of Brussels, spent a few days *ith his niece, Mrs. Smith and Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pugh, of Lon- don. accompanied by their guests, Mr, and Mrs. P. Kerr, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Patterson, Vancouver., B.C., visited with Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Miss Olive Scott and called on other friends. Mr. Patterson attend- ed school here as a boy and had not visited Bittevale in many Years, Mrs. Edgar S. Coultes, of Philadel- phia, spent a few days with Miss Ma- bel Coultes and Dr, John F, Coultes, Mrs. Coultes attended the reunion of descendants of the Isle of Lewis pio- neers at Lucknow. She is a daughter of the late Dr. MacCrimmon of Luck- now and Ripley, • Mr, and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon were. at Ethel on Sunday and attended the home town Sunday observances, Rev, Matthew Bailie attended the meeting of the Huron-Maitland Pres- bytery of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Goderich on Friday eve- ning, when Miss Ida White was des- ignated for service as a medical mis-, sionary to Central India. The ser- vict wars held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, of which Miss White is a member. Edwin Bosman has returned from a visit with his brother, Jack -and Mrs. Bosman at London. Mrs. Neil B. IVIcEachern and daugh- ter Louise and Mr. and Mrs. McGuire, of Clifford, visited with Mrs. R. F. Garniss. ' Mrs. Sarah MusgroA, of Wroxeter, was a recent visitor with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.• George Thornton. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Bosman and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman and family at West Lorne. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coultes, of Listowel, were Sunday visitors with Miss Mabel Coultes and Dr. J. F. Coultes. Mr. Edward Caskanettt, of Preston, who was killed in a motor crash near Guelph on Sunday, was a cousin of Mrs. Edward Wadell, Bluevale. Victor Pellow and his sister, Miss Fellow, Toronto, spent Sunday with their uncle, George Greenaway. MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR CO. 1952 Designs Now Being Shown Individually fitted and styled. ,Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276j, Wingham for Appointment ^ or Write 508 Bathurst 4Street. Toronto coil StoCk. DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMAS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL TelephOne Collect PuLirierston 123w Darhetrt 398 GORDON YOUNG' LIMITED They Tell Me It's True 1171. 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