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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-08-20, Page 4
cera ,OR/NM BE REFRESHED 7 AUDWE.1 @LIMAN ORNDIN INRMOIN MAW© DOOMN RMON UM ORM ©DOORUMOOMO UOUli MOW M1 JR111 WMUR =MOM ROUORI UMU OU MUM MUM HOUND MUM ROO@R MONO WRIMAD ANSWERS TO PUZZLE IN RED FRONT ADVT. h. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St.,. Winghag Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. LLASHMAR Drive-In THEATRE Listowel,- 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAIN OR CLEAR Thursday, Friday, Aug. 21-22 "Breakthrough,' Frank Lovejoy John Agar As the result of studying the overall traffic picture in Ontario, it has been decided that the same projects will be proceeded with immediately in the hope that materials, steel in particu- lar, can be obtained for their early completion. One of these is the construction of a controlled access highway for a distance of 35 miles between Eastwood Oh Highway 2, and, running south of Woodstock, to inter- section with Highway No. 4, approxi- mately midway between London and St. Thomas. This road, when com- pleted, will form part of the new Windsor-Toronto Highway, and make This is the TIME to BUY your FUR COAT for the FORTHCOMING WINTER SEASON Be sure to drop around at the RUSH LADIES' WEAR in Wingham for the BIG AUGUST FUR SALE with BARGAINS—BIGGER THAN EVER AND BETTER THAN EVER The August Fur Sale at Rush Ladies' Wear, Wingham starts TOMORROW MORNING and runs throughout TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, THURSDAY and FRIDAY. Mr. Fink, Fur Specialist, will be in attendance to take care of your fur fittings. The 1953 styles of PERSIAN LAMB, HUDSON SEAL, MUSKRATS, GREY PERSIAN LAMB and FRENCH SEAL COATS will all be on display at pre- season prices. Bring in your old for coat and Mr. Fink will give you a liberal allowance On your 1953 model.. Why wait till the stocks are depleted?. Get the pick of the styles during the August Fur Sale this week at pus,' LADIES WEAR SAVE ON Pee614- Rtis=- HISELER and SON Wingham, Ont. FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATtS OIL BURNERS ,• OIL FURNACES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS We Sell the Best and Service the Rest WAGE VOT.M. THE WIN OHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WgDICVSI144„V, AUGVST 20th, I95P.' -Mrs. 'Arthur Stone is bank home —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, after three weeks' confinement to the local hospital. their daughter Anne and son Richard have beef} guests. during the past two weeks of Mrs, Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston, --Mrs, S. Howard, Charles Street, has had as her guests, Mr .and Mrs. Allister Forbes,. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neely and young daughter, all of London, In this group are four gen- erations. —Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Wylie and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wylie and daugh- ter Marlene visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Haines on Sunday. Mar- lene remained over for a few holi- days with her grandparents. —Miss Mary McPhail, of Appleton, N.Y., spent a week With her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mike McPhail, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hults, of Chicago, are spending two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. McPhail and family. —Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ritchie and daughter Gail, Mrs. Bertha McIntyre, and Miss Bertha Casemore, of Pet- rolia, visited with the latter's grand- mother, Mrs. Jerry Casemore, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marsh last week. —Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kersey and congestion, particularly in urban Karen, of Windsor, were week-end I areas. He emphasized that these de- guests with her brother, Mr. H. P. velopments will be over and above the Carmichael and Mrs. Carmichael. normal requirements of highway im- provement. FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve, wear stylish shoes soon. IWAUTIFIJL Oil Home Heater mod- ern design in rich mahogany finish with deluxe brass trim. This Duo- Therm Imperial home heaters is the answer to all your heating problems, It's heat-generous and fuel-thrifty. Automatic features optional. See it now during Silver Jubilee Super Value time at Pattison Radio and Electric, 20b FOR SALE-17 cu. ft. double door refrigerator, special low price. Phone 29. 20b FOR SALE,'-12-ft. self-propelled Cock- shutt Combine; flax-rolls, scour- clean, pick-up, straw spreader, bin and bagger. Used 3 years, In good condition. Less than half price of new combine, Terms can be ar- ranged. W. Squire, R.R. 3, Owen Sound, phone 693-3. 20* FOR SALE—Pickling cucumbers, Mrs. Bill Scott, Langside. Phone Wing- ham 707W4. 20b HONEY—Still time to get your pails filled from the big tanks at Wal% dock's of Molesworth. No. 1 White Clover Honey at standard prices; also stocked by leading stores. "At the Honey Sign on No. 86". 20* FOR SALE—One only Gilson electric refrigerator. Regular $339.00, to be sold at $299.00. Ernie Seddon, phone 505, Wingham. 20b FOR SALE—Electric washer, in ex- cellent condition, Commercial type. Suitable for hotel, etc, Apply Box 154, Advance-Times. 20* NO MORE FLIES! Amazing new mystery scent trap lures flies to sure death! This is an outdoor fly trap. A bottle of control fluid is included sufficient for a whole season—Complete—Big Stinky Fly Trap and Control fluid $6.70 at McKibbon's Drug Store. 20,27b WANT LOW-COST CIRCULATING heat, for any small-space heating need? See the Duo-Therm Radiant Circulator. A handsomely stream- lined heater that gives clean, work- less heating comfort, at amazingly low fuel costs. A special during Duo-Them-1's Silver Anniversary "Super Value Time!" See it now at Pattison Radio and Electric. WATERLOO BLM, TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones; Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 women mato me Atelot HAPPINE SS MOW i. NOON 111111 FOR SALE—quantity of 5 gal, oil pails at 35e each or four for $1,00, Joe Kerr, Josephine St., Wingham, 202734 DESTROY FLIES TIE EASY WAY, before they enter your home, The BIG STINKY FLY- TRAP KILLS OUTSIDE. As many as 10,000 flies are caught in a single container. Wherever there are flies this sen- sational new outdoor trap Is proving itself a boon—get one today at $6.70 complete, McKibbon's. 20,27b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—.150 Sussex Red Roe-bred Pullets 5 months old. Apply to Wil- son Thornton, Bluevale, phone Brus- sels 44r9. 20b FOR SALE —. Registered red roan Shorthorn bull, serviceable age. Outstanding quality and breeding. Priced right. Chas. H. Rosman, R.R, 2, Bluevale, phone Wingham 610W3. 20b FOR SALE-100 Rhode Island Red pullets, 6 months old. Mrs. Har- old Elliott, Bluevale, phone 709W4. 20b FOR RENT—Apartments with mod- ern conveniences, Irnm,ediate pos- session. Apply Abe Bell, Bell Block, Wingham. 20* WANTED—Rooms in private home or apartment. Phone 320 after 9.00 p.m. 20b CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE — Chevrolet Coach, low low mileage, good condition. Cabin trailer, sleeps four; cupboards, ice box. New in 1950. Apply to A. Mof- fat, phone 65, Wroxeter, 20* HELP WANTED OFFICE POSITIONS—a well-educat- ed young man for general office work, also a girl with business training. apply to C. Lloyd & Son Ltd., Wingham. 12-20* TWO LADIES for upstairs work, making beds, cleaning rooms; waitresses for dining room and coffee shop to start Aug. 25th; one girl for kitchen Apply to Mrs, Grose, Brunswicli. Hotel, 13,20b MISCELLANEOUS NOW IS THE TIME to act if you would like to establish yourself in a business of your own with a real future. If you are a reliable man under 55 years of age and have a car, you can make excellent money and safeguard your future. You don't need capital or previous sell- ing experience in this pleasant work catering principally to farmer needs. For full particulars write Dept 0-W2, the J. R. Watkins Co., 350 Roch Street, Montreal . rAb DRIVING from Toronto to Wingham 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29; returning 7.30 pm, Monday, Sept. 1. Phone Gordon, OR8208 after 6 p.m. 20b HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lockers available to everyone. rrb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of James Albert JOnes, late of the Township of Turaberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the nineteenth day of July, A.D. 1052, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day of August, A,D, 1952, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said thirtieth day of August the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the eXetutors shall then have notice DATED this tVielfth day Of August, A.D. 1952, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitora for the ,EkeeutorS. 1.2-20-211m —Mm, Harold Sparling and Marie and Douglas spent Sunday with Cole lingwood friends, —Mrs. Arthur McLaughlin, of Lard- er Lake, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, N. T, McLaughlin, —Miss Patricia Carmichael is holi- daying with relatives in Detroit and Windsor this week. —Mrs. Jack Bateson and Jon and Mrs. Jack Orvis and Dianne are at Point Clark this week, Carnochau, of Dorchester, Visited over the week-end with her Sister, Mrs. Theo, Mundy. --Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, of Toronto, was the guest last week of Mrs. Da, vid Hamilton, Minnie Street, —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell Crassie, of Windsor, were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Guest, last week. --Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crouch, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Haney, Leopold St. —Mr. and Mrs. James Porter and grandson, of Detroit, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon last week. —Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Cantelon- and family have returned from a two and a half weeks' vacation at Amberley, —Captain Henry DeVries, of the Salvation Army, Timmins, and form- erly of Wingham, called on friends in town on Monday. —Mr. Lloyd Felker returned home by plane after spending two weeks in Regina,. Sask., where he attended the funeral of his brother. —Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Robertson have returned to Toronto after spend- ing two weeks vacation with friends and relatives in this district. —Mrs. A. B. Casemore, of Chatham and her nephew, Mr, Stuart Peebles, —Mrs. Barry Wenger has been dis- charged from the Wingham General Elospital after three' weeks there, fol- lowing an attack of pneumonia. —Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hammond returned home after spending two weeks at Clear Lake near Huntsville. —Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hastie, Bluevale Road, were Mrs. Edward Deans, Grand Rapids, Michi- gan, and Miss Ida Reavely, Chicago, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madill and family enjoyed a two weeks' vacation at Amberley Beach. ',rank has been in Toronto during most of the summer marking papers. —Mr. John Stacey, who has been a IN MEMORIAM ti t i iV t II it 1 L d pa. en n c or a osp a , on on, for ten weeks, was able to return to the Wingham Hospital on Wednes- day of last week. COMING EVENTS EARL HEYWOOD and his wife, Martha, Lloyd Banks, steel guitar- ist and Mel Lavigne, Canada's Champion Fiddler, will be at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, on Sun- day, August 24 for your entertain- ment, 20b COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision on the 1953 as- sessment roll for Morris Township will he held on Saturday, August 30, at 10 a.rre George Martin, Clerk. r 2027b TENDERS FOR *OLD BRIDGE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of the Old Newbridge Bridge situated op- posite lot 30, con. 4, Township of Howiek, Tenders to be iii the hands of the undersigned not later than 12 o'clock noon, September 3rd, 1952, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L Thirst, Clerk, Township of Hovvick, Wroxeter, Ontario. 13-20b Attention farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughtei PICK E ID 1'P PROMPTLY A ND EFFICIENTLY C. BRUBACHER Phone 6*SW1 %Lk 1, Winghain PITHS MacDONALD—In Wingham General gospital, on Tuesday, August nth, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas :Mae- Donald, Teeswater ,a son, CURRIF.—In Wingham General. Hoa, vital, on Wednesday, August 13th, 1952, to Rev. and Mrs. Robt, Currie, Whitechurch ,a daughter, RINTOUR.— In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, August 13th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul, RR 2, Lucknow, a daugh- ter, MARRIOTT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, August 14th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mar- riott, Lucknow, a daughter. HICKEY—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, August 15th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickey, a daughter. TANGNEY—In Wingham Genera] Hospital, on Friday, August 15th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Tang- ney, Wingham, a daughter. BOLTON—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Saturday, August 16th, 1942, to Mr, and Mrs. John Bolton, RR 1, Formosa, a daughter. HUGHES—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, August 18th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes, Teeswater, a daughter. it possible for through traffic to avoid the heavily populated urban centres of London, Ingersoll and Woodstock. It also will help to divert a portiOn of the through traffic around St. Thomas and Tillsonburg. Less than 70 years ago aluminum sold for $8 a pound. Currently due to research and increased production it is about 18 cents. YOU CAN'T BEAT GEORGE CAMERON Authorized Ronson Repair Depot All kinds of Lighters and Pipes Repaired Cameron's Billiards WINGRAM ONTARIO People Pay to Read Classifieds-Nit Will Pay to Use Them PLI2SONALS r—"7"- SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, two-storey, hydro, new asphalt roof, all In good condition, newly painted. Large extra lot with good fruit trees, apple, pear, plum and grapes. Barn on lot, situated close to Western Foundry, to close estate, reasonably priced, See or phone W. Seddon, 396 Wingham, 13rrb SEVEN ROOM House with two acres north of Royal T. Small barn and hen house. Good garden 'land. Phone 65452. 20b NINE ROOM House on Bristol Ter- race. Large shaded lot, This pro- perty has been reduced in price for quick sale. Phone 4675. 20* Make an offer. Maynard, Wing- ham. 20rrb EAVESTROUGHING done, apply Joe Smith, Bluevale or phone Wingham 709J4. -20b TRAVEL ITEMS—Get your .Toronto Exhibition Tickets in advance. Rail fare $6.45, Toronto Exhibition Grandstand Tickets on sale here. Road maps and booklets for all pro- vinces free. Fly London to Cleve- land, return fare $15.75. Make re- servations for your Coronation Sailings now.—W. F. Burgman Tra- vel Agency. Phone 125. 2027b IN MEMORIAM ANGUS—In loving memory of Flor- ence Angus. We have just turned another page in the golden book of memory. —Remembered by Evelyn, Mother and Family. 20b gEtx WANTED—rETU4it* YOUNG GIRL for mother's helper in Protestant home in Toronto sub- urb, $20 weekly. Phone Wingham 402W1. 20* LOST LOST—An envelope containing $27.00 on Josephine St., Wingham, Satur- day Aug. 16th. Reward. Finder please contact police or CKNX. 20* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrle, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel, 14rrb LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb HOUSE FOR SALE—Seven room red brick house with hydro, town water and four piece bath situated on 51h acres of land, V.1 acre rasp- berries and strawberries, 38 young fruit trees, 2 acres of good garden and 2 acres grass, priced right, terms. Phone 396 or see Wilf Seddon, Bristol Terrace, Wingham. 13rrb I'll spend the day with you in heart Just remembering. —Lovingly remembered by Verna, Haroldz Billie and Connie Boyd, ..20 4` IN MEMORIAM NICKEL—In sad and loving memory of a dear son and brother, Carmen G. Nickel, who departed this life four years ago on Aug. 17, 1948. Please, God, forgive a silent tear, A silent wish that he were here. There are others, yes, we know' But he was ours and we loved him so. 'So if we shed a silent tear And often breathe a sigh Forgive us for we amiss him more As every day goes by. —Sadly missed by Dad, Mother, Brother and Sister. 20* 0mm:wits WANTED Sealed Tenders, plainly marked "Tender for painting", will be received by the Undersigned up to noon, Thursday, August 21st, 1952 for the painting Of the exterior of the Brick Building at Wingham High School. A standard brand of paint must be used and two coats applied under the supervision of the Property Com- mittee of the District. High School Board. All workmen must be covered by Workmen's COmpehsatlon. The o Work t . be completed by 30th Sep- tember; 1952. The loWest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. GALBRAITH, 8eeretary-lireasbtrer Wingham District Nigh School Board, Winglaani, Ontario, —Mrs. James Holloway, of Long Island, N.Y,, is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. James Robertson and other friends in and around Wingham. She is accompanied by her nephew, Ro- bert Schreu, of New York. They leave this week for their homes. —Mrs. Kate Wilson, and Mrs. Nellie Corbett and daughters, Gertrude and Mildred, of Whitby, spent the past week with their nephew and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney, The Misses, Corbett are teachers on the Whitby4Public School staff. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Minnie St., spent the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Archie Hertle, of Kitcheneh. Mr. and Mrs. Hertle and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sinnamon visited at the home of Mr. Sinnamon's niece, Mrs. Wm. Frizzel at Niagara Falls, RELIEVE INTOLERABLE TRAlff IC CONGESTION Announcement was made recently by the Hon, Geo. H. Doucett, Ontario Minister of Highways, that a start must be made on construction projects designed to relieve intolerable traffic DAVID CROMPTON " JEWELLER Certified Watehreitker PHONE 60 WING/Mk FOR ARTIFICIAL service from this farmer owned, licensed, heri-prefit, growing co-operative Association, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25.00 for a life mem- bership, $5.00 per cow for members, and $6.00 per cow for non-Members, Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- Mioni R.R. 11 Waterloo, Oritarid. , PICA' §aiMee etifitsiett Len Fischer, 1 Mildrnay, fibili atgatillttil .T. McKee, Teeswii,t0 141r4. 13,27,etc. FIND OUT how you can save mon-. ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models— Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 4611, rrb SIX ROOM COTTAGE with modern bath-room and kitchen in central of Atwood, spent Sunday at the home part of Wingham, Brick and shingle of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marsh, NICKEL—In fond and loving mem- ory of Carmen Gerald Nickel, who departed this life four years ago, Aug. 17, 1948, I wish that I could speak awhile, Just with you today; To see you, as you used to be, To hear the things you'd say. But since I cannot be with you, I'll do the next best thing= Saturday, Monday, Aug. 23-25 "Ten Tall Men" Burt Lancaster 'Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 26-27 "Boots Malone" William Holden Thursday, Friday Ans. 28-29 "Saturday's Hero" John Derek Donna Reed 11111.11111111111111111111111111111W