HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-08-13, Page 6ANSWERS TO PUZZLE IN RED FRONT ADVT, M MOW 0HON OPO MO OMOW 00=MOULAPI !.1 Eft MOW ML9 OUUMW MEMOS 0agi,R1 M00100 00W01:1 MIRO MOUWE11:. 00000 DOW 000 UWLI MOOD MWMUO ROMMEI WOUrAim MNINW Walkerton Native To Naval Post Commodore Horatio Nelson Lay of Ottawa, formerly of Walkerton, has been appointed to the high post of Assistant Chief of Naval Staff, and will take over his new duties on September 9th. He has been naval member of the Canadian joint staff and Canadian Naval Attache at Washington. Commodore Lay is a son of the late Mr, H. M. Lay, who was for many years manager of the local branch of the Canadian Baniii, of Commerce, and he spent his earl', life in the Bruce Capital. The Lay family home is now in Barrie. News- Record. Wife . Preservers If paper becomes stuck to a polished wood table, dampen the area with warm ,elive or salad oil, let stand for a few min- ntes then rub off with the fingers Of very 41.41s, with Doe steel wool. oks WE ARE AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE sY PAPER Slylps for es,ery bus.oess Var.ous, colors and des,gns SamOfrs suoopsr,ons an4.4 0 ,,P 1 wilhOut Obt.Qat on WINDHAM ADVANCE-n(41ES TelephOno 3,1 BIRTHS JOHNSTON--In the Myers' Nursing Home, Brussels, on Friday, July 25, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Johns- ton, RR, 3, Wingham, a daughter. don, ERNEST—In Victoria Hospital, Fred- eriction, N.B., on Tuesday, July 29, 1952, to Betty and Jack Ernest, a daughter, Michelle Marie, a sister for Michael. MacDONALD—In 4Vingha.m General Hospital, on Wednesday, July 30, 1952t to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mac- Donald, Lucknow, a son. HOGAN—In Wingham General Hos- pital on Wednesday, August 6, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan, R.R. 3, Lucknow, a son. CRANSTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, August 9, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crans- ton, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a son. STRONG—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, August 11, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, John -Strong, Wing- ham, a son, MULLIN—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 12, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mullin, Lucknow, a daughter. MASON—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 12, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, R.R. 5, Wingham, a son, To Open Fur Stores From Coast to Coast BU LOVA DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER Certified Watchittak0 We Sell .the Best and Service the Rest OIL TURNERS SAVE ON itteetctd .... ,. 4 momi.44.44.' . AMA li „II tior- - \who TIMKEN OIL HE AT ett=1".7 HISELER and SON Wingham, Ont. FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATif OIL VORNACIES • Olt !OILERS * WATER. HEATERS Central Press Canadian the crops of most of the other farmers in the area. Authorities are considering hiring a "rain- aker" to end the longest dry spell 1.n 134 years. MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL DIEETING The Council met in the township hall on the above date with all the members present, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Bailie Parrott and Sam Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Sam Alcock ,th'a't we make appli- cation to Engineer J. Howes to have the Nevins and Pierce drains exam- ined and made into a municipal drain, Carried. Moved by Chas, Coultes, seconded by Wm. Elston, that By-Law No, 6, 1952 setting the township mill rate at 9.5 mills be passed as read the Alcock, first, second and third times, Carried. Moved by Wm. Elston, seconded by Sam Alcock that the road bills as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid, Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrot, seconded by Sam Alcock, that the court of revision on the assessment roll for 1953 be held on August 30 at 10 a.m. and Council Meeting be held in the after- noon at 1 p.m., Carried. The following accounts were paid; County of Huron, Tree planting $38.72; County of Huron, Indigent fees $47.50; Dick Alcock, Fox bounty $2.00 Frank Alcock, Fox bounty $2.00; Addison Fraser, Postage and envelopes $25.78; D. N. McDonald, wire and linnber $19.78. Harvey C. Johnston, Geo. C. Martin, Reeve. Clerk, BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Rolph ,of Mitchell, visited Mrs. J, Curtis. Miss Margaret Curtis returned home to Bluevale with them. BELMORE Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks, of Brookvill Guernsey Farms, Paris, vis- ited on Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. James Stokes and Mr. Stokes. A reunion of the family of Mr, and Mrs. James Stokes was held at Seaforth park on August 3rd. Amiumumsnam ANNOUNCEMENT R. RUTTAN HAS OBTAINED THE EXCLUSIVE , DEALERSHIP for ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS FLOOR POLISHERS, REFRIGERATORS Phone 4874 Box 511 Wingham PLUNKETT REUNION Friends gathered at the Ashfield Community Park for the Plunkett 10th annual Reunion on Aug. 3rd, when an enjoyable time was spent by friends from Toronto, London, Wing- ham, Auburn and Dungannon. Their next reunion will be Civic Holiday Sunday, 1953, TURKEYS Fresh killed, Delivered 7 - 14 lbs. Dressed 50c lb. Oven Ready — 60c lb. R. J. McMURRAY Phone Wingham 735J3 JUVENILE INSURANCE Modern policy plans designed to serve your children's needs. CONSULT— F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance. COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. LLASHMAR Drive-In THEATRE Listowel 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAIN OR CLEAR Thursday, Friday Aug. 14-15 "The Marrying Kind" July Holliday Aldo Ray Saturday,, Monday Aug. 16-18 "Raton Pass" Dennis Morgan Patricia Neal Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 19-20 "Tomorrow Is Another Day" Steve Cochran Ruth Roman Thursday, Friday, Aug. 21-22 "Breakthrough" Frank Lovejoy John Agar 111111111111111111.1111M1111111111/ PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, August 18th, ' Keep up with the Weather - - Try a HOT WANT AD !. PRAYER FOR RAIN UNANSWERED Central Press Canadian • To provide a fur coat "to $35-a- week secretaries," Cyril J. Ross, chief of Britain's largest retail fur establishment, is in Canada to raise $1,000,000. His firms, Swears and Wells, intends to invest a million dollars of its own funds to eet up a series of branch stores from Nova Scotia to British Columbia to market medium-priced furs. The 'money raised in Canada and the U.S. will represent half interest in the chain of stores. CRESS WART REMOVER—really does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve for sure relief. Duo-Therm Silver Jubilee Super Value Time at Pattison Radio & Electric. 13b FOR SALE—Cob corn, Beets, Beans. Apply George Baird. 13* FOR SALE—Record player attach- ment for standard 78 R.P.M. records, Size 1112 by 10 -ny 4" high, and operates on 60 cycle power. Phone 668. 13* FOR SALE—One Wingham Classic cook stove, white enamel, new con- dition. Also one three-burner oil stove and oven. Phone 381. 13* 13b FOR SALE—Electric iron, as good as new, reasonable. Phone 582-w. 13* FOR SALE—Mason and Risch piano, rangette, Phone 547-J. 16* FOR SALE'—Quebec heater and pipes; baby buggy, Phone 391-M, Wingham. 13b HELP WANTED OFFICE POSITIONS—a well-educat- .ed young man for general office work, also a girl with business training. apply to C. Lloyd & Son Ltd.. Wingham. 12-20* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE--240 Hamp-Rock pullets, Selling-bred, laying. Edgar Dane, RR 1. Wroxeter, phone 30r4. 13* FOR SALE-12 weanling pigs. Lloyd Montgomery, phone 743J1. 13" FOR Sale-150 Hamp-Wyandotte pul- lets. 52:i. months old. Fisher Chicks. Apply Eldred Lathers. ER1, Wing- ham, phone 1r1, Wroxeter. 13* WANTED WANTED—Led windmills and gas- oline engines in exchange for elec- tric water systems. Irving Keyes, Gla.mis, Ont., phone Paisley 114r4. 30,13,27bEtc. CARS FOR SALF: FOR SALE-1942 Chevrolet 12 pas- senger school bus, in good condi- tion. Apply H. B. Collins, Ford- rich, phone 22r3. 13b WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHEN'ERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose. Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. :\,117:IIKLEY'S GARAGE AND -MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones. Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 SALESLADY wanted for ready-to- wear. Apply by letter only stating experience if any, Box 151, Advance- Times, 13b RELIABLE young woman wanted for part-time work, good wages, work- ing conditions and benefits. Apply Mrs. Rider, Simpson's Order Office, Wingham. 1.34' TWO GIRLS or women to clerk in store ,apply to P.O. Box 178, Wing- ham. 13b TWO LADIES for upstairs work, making beds, cleaning rooms; waitresses for dining room and coffee shop to start Aug. 25th; one girl for kitchen Apply to Mrs. Grose, Brunswick Hotel. 13,20b rich platinum finish, makes it the most beautifully economical way to heat your home, See it during Duo- Therm's Silver Jubilee Super-Value Time, at Pattison Radio & Electric. 13b NOW IS THE TIME to act if you would like to establish yourself in a business of your own with a real future. If you are a reliable man under 55 years of age and have a car, you can make excellent money and safeguard your future. You don't need capital or, previous sell- ing experience in this pleasant work catering principally to farmer needs. For full particulars write Dept 0-W2, the J. R. Watkins Co., 350 Roch Street, Montreal . rAb HAVE YOUR Seltng ]Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb SFT X 4 YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lockers available to everyone. rrb. FOR ARTIFICIAL service from this farmer owned, licensed, non-profit, growing co-operative Association, from. top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25.00 for a life mem- bership, 85.00 per cow for members, and $6.00 per cow for non-members. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation, R.R. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. For service contact: Len Fischer, Mildmay, • 60r11 or Norman J. McKee, Teeswater 141r4. 13,27,etc. FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb CONSULT your .Winglaarn Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel. 14rrh I.TSTDIGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, 2rrb FOR SALE-1 brick house, two-fam- ily, Main street, near bowling green, Teeswater, Ont. Formerly ' occupied by Walter Ross. Will sell on terms or cash or will trade on farm or cattle. W. H. Smith, Clifford, Ont. 23:30:13b COTTAGE FOR RENT at Bruce Beach for the last two weeks in August. Apply to W, F. Burgman, phone 164. 13b HOUSE FOR SALE—Seven room red brick house with hydro, town water and four piece bath situated on 514 acres of land, any acre rasp- berries and strawberries, 38 young fruit trees, 2 acres of good garden and 2 acres grass, priced right, terms. Phone 396 or see Wilf Seddon, Bristol Terrace, Wingham. 13rrb SEVEN ROOM HO'IJSE, two-storey, hydro, new asphalt roof, all in good condition, newly painted. Large extra lot with good fruit trees, apple, pear, plum and grapes. Barn on lot, Situated close to Western Foundry, to close estate, reasonably priced. See or phone W. Seddon, 396 Wingharn. 13rrb GROCERY STORE, Service Station and Repairs. Well located in West- ern Ontario, Store, garage and four room apartment all on one floor Practically new building. Doink excellent business, Good reason for selling. Rea.sonably priced and for immediate sale and occupancy. Per hirther particulars apply: If, C, MacLean, Real Estate and Husineas Broker, Wingham, 111, ROOMS' TO RENT ACCOMMODATION for two in private home, Box 153, Advance- Times. 13* LOST LOST—girl's wrist watch, name Mar- jorie Timm engraved on back. Find- er please phone Wroxeter 4r1. Re- ward, 13* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Six-room house, partly furnished, centrally located. Modern kitchen, furnace. Apply to Box 152 Advance-Times. 13* NOTICE — RE WEEDS Notice is hereby given to owners of subdivided portions of the Munici- pality of Huron County that unless all noxious weeds thereon are des- troyed before the 15th day of Aug- ust, 1952, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the inspector un- der authority given in Sections 3, 7, 10 and 12, of the Act, will cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds, to be destroyed, and the costs thereof will be placed on the Collector's roll for collection in the same manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. Weed Inspector W. R. Dougall, Municipality of Huron County 30 :13b TENDERS FOR OLD BRIDGE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of the Old Newbridge Bridge situated op- posite lot 30, con. 4, Township of Howick. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than 12 o'clock noon, September 3rd, 1952. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L Durst, Clerk, Township of Howick, Wroxeter, Ontario, 13-20b TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders, plainly marked "Tender for painting", will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Thursday, August 21st, 1952 for the painting of the exterior of the Brick Building at Wingham High School. A standard brand of paint must be used and two coats applied under the supervision of the Property Com- mittee of the District High School Board. All workmen must be covered by Workmen's Compensation. The work to be completed by 30th Sep- tember, 1952. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A, GALBRAITH, Secretary-Treasurer Wingham District High School Board, Wingham, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all rela- tives and friends who sent me remembrances and called on me while a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Palmer and the entire kind and thoughtful nursing staff Mrs, Minnie Higgins, brussels. 13* CARD OF THANKS Please accept our sincere thanks for the floral tributes and sympathy expressed at the time of our recent bereavement. Rena C. McNab 13b CARD OF THANKS The Wingham golf club would like to thank Nelson Armstrong and Har- old Burrell, from the Rural Hydro; Cal Burke and Ron Rae for ninnini, the hydro lines to the club house. 30b CARD OF THANKS Mr, Charles Congram and family wish to express their sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for kindness during their recent bereavement and for cards and flowers. Special thanks to Dr, Crawford and to the staff of Wingham General Hospital. 13* Est MEMORIAM ANGLIS---In loving memory of a dear sister, Florence Angus, who passed away Aug. 16, 1947. Peacefully sleeping, resting at MAL The World'S Weary troubles and trials are past: In silence she suffered, in patience She bore, Till God ealled her to suffer art more, Lovingly teiternbrtd it,tt and Joe Chiurri, who farms 14 acres in Brookline, Massachusetts, is shown in the middle of his parched field looking at a cloudless sky and hoping for rain. Half his corn crop has already been ruined, as have E. Wawanosh Council Sets 7.5 Mill Rate Council met August 5th with all the members present and the reeve presiding. The minutes of July 2nd were read and adopted on motion by McGowan, seconded by Buchanan. Moved by Hanna, seconded by Mc- Gowan that council pay the C. N. Railway Committee $27.10, Carried. Moved by Buchanan, seconded by Purdon that a grant of $45. be given to the Blyth Fall Fair. Carried. Moved by Purdon, seconded by Bu- chanan that the township rate be 7.5 mills, Carried. Mr. Cecil Attridge was present and tendered his resignation as township auditor as he has sold his business to Mr. A. M. Harper, of Toronto. Moved by Hanna seconded by McGowan that Mr. Attridge's resignation be accepted and Mr. A. M. Harper be appointed township auditor for 1952, Carried. Moved by Hanna seconded by Mc- Gowan that by-law No. 5 setting the different rates of taxes and by-law No. 6 appointing an auditor for 1952, be given the third reading and passed, Carried, Moved by Buchanan, seconded by Purdon that the road and general accounts as presented be passed and paid, Carried. Road cheques: Stuart McBurney, salary 18.00, bills paid 1.50, $19.50; Ernest Walker, operating grader $50.00 R. Leslie Buchanan, brushing $144.75; Donald Scholtz, 'brushing $67.50; Can. Oil Co., 250 gals, fuel oil, $49.50; Dom. Road Mach. Co., snow- plough edges 64.84, bolts 8.68, $73.52;; !Workmen's Compensation Eoard, as- sessment 1952 $39.59; Ralph D. Munro, relief account $26.81; R. M. Shiell, live istock valuer $2.25; Norman 'Coultes, live stock claim, chickens $20.00; W. A. Galbraith, Sec.-Treas., Railway Committee $27.40; Blyth Agriculture Society, grant to Fail Fair $45.00; Moved by Buchanan, seconded by -Purdon that council adjourn to meet Sept. 2nd, at 1.30 p.m. at ..the Belgrave RECENT BRIDE HONORED The girls of the staff at CKNX held a dinner party last Wednesday at the Hotel Brunswick in honor of Mrs. Jack Deans, formerly Miss Jean Tervit, of the CKNX staff, who was married recently, The gift of an electile tea kettle was mafie by Miss Margaret Brophy on behalf of the girls. WIIITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ken Everingham and son Ronald, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and family spent a few days last week with the Coultes families on Manitoulin island and re- turned home by Sudbury and North Bay, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, George Coultes, Mrs. James Leaver and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Dianne visited With Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Scott at Alma, Miss Lois Falconer had her tonsils removed at the Wingham General Hospital on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and fam- ily of Elmira visited on Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Norman Coultes and other Coultes families in this com- munity. Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughter PICKET) l'P PROMPTLY AND EFF1( 1E NTIN Co BRUSACHER khol 'Lit 1, Witightni FOR SALE IrFLP '4i A. COMING EVENTS PALACE GARDENS, Formosa, Sun- day, Aug, 17th at 2 to 5 p.m.—The Personal Appearance of the Kansas Farmer and his Entertainers, 13b FOR SALE—Economical Oil Home Heater that insures you plenty of WAANTED—girl to work full time in heat. See the Duo-Therm "Super Variety Store, Apply in person to Value" imperial, 'This modern, low N. J. Welwood. 13b cost fuel oil heater gives clean heat WANTED—Girl's medium-size bi- in abundance, insuring you for cycle, used, in good condition, phone years of economical heating. It's 53 or 117. 13b STUNNDIG NEW BEAUTY in Duo- FOR SALE—Large six drawer Na- Therm Oil Home Heaters; The Duo- tional cash register in perfect work- Therm Imperial Fuel Oil Home ing condition. Apply Walker Stores Heater's advanced modern styling, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claiins against the estate of James Albert Jones, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the nineteenth day of July, A.D. 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day of August, A.D. .1952, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said thirtieth day of August the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice DATED this twelfth day of August, A.D. 1952. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors, 13-20-27b Ontario leads all p community centre, Carried. Canada with the largest output of ti sugar and highest per cent sugar in 'Orval Taylor, R. H. Thompsno, • beets. Best sugar output in 1951 was Reeve. Clerk. 93,000,000 pounds.