HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-08-13, Page 5Central Press Canadian Mrs. Jack Clemas helps her husband into the underwater lung in- vented by a Sarnia, Ont., watchmaker, William Moon. The lung, utilizing a standard hospital oxygen tank, allows a diver to stay under water for as long as an hour and sells for $50, half the price of comparable equip. ment made elsewhere. With the lung, $4,000 worth of gear from a sunken yacht in Sarnia's harbor, and inventor Moon is on the track of another chin stank. in 311.07 CANADIAN INVENTS DIVING LUNG' For Complete Satisfaction with every type of interior and 'Exterior Decorating Work Call Jensen & Zurbrigg Decorators Phone 642-w-12 Phone 687-w CROSSETTOW044_ :1/SPEEDY" FOUR cams OF PANT, PLEASE. RED, GREEN, GLUE, .AND PINK — ONE FOR EACH SIDE OF MY CAR 54 iiz.4 CASE L HAVE Ail ACCIDENT, AND 1M SUEp OH BOY, WILL THE WITNESSES ( CONTRADICT EACH OTHER! BUD, trO BE SIMPLER 10 SPEND THAT MONEY ON A LITT-LE ACCIDENT PREVENTIVE WORK! CROSSETT MOTORS I CAN OVERHAUL YOUR CAR AT A REASONABLE PRICE ANO WHE N YOU CAN DEPEND THAT YOUR FuruRE DRIVING WILL CAUSE FAR LESS kelk ACcioENTs 1942 DE SOTO, four door, green, fluid drive. 1941 DODGE, four door, grey. 1941 PLYMOUTH, four door, green. 1938 CHEVROLET, two door, new paint job, a real good ear 1937 FORD, four door, cheap operation. TRUCKS 1951 MERCURY, half-ton blue, very low mileage. 1949 rORD, half-ton, red, a good truck. 1949 FORD, half-ton, red and black. 1947 HUDSON, three-quarter ton, black. 1947 FORD, one ton, green. MOTORS' Ls OVER WINGNAM,ONT. • 7o.‘4, 459 01 ,,,,, ! ,,,,,,, 4 ...... .. . 0 . .. ....... .. I .. . . 044404 044444,14;;,4mo ...... plattiMpt .. p .. ft! ,,,,, taw!! ,,,, 1,1! , , ! ,,, ! ,,,,, Special Cash prices For Saturday August 16th Fresh Side Pork lb. 35c Shoulder Roast of Pork lb. 38c Butt Roast of Pork lb. 42c Pork Sausage 2 lbs. for 65c Fresh Ground Beef lb. 58c Rib Roast — Rolled lb. 70c Shoulder Roast Beef lb. 59c Rolled Plate, Boneless .... lb. 50c Rib Boil lb. 42c Lard 2 lbs. for 25c Lard, in your own container at per lb. 10c 11 A. J. Lockridge BUTCHER Phone 35 Wingham W eiwood's -- Variety Store to 110 IMO Back-to-School Needs All your Needs in School Supplies Moderate Prices Big Selection Scribblers, ruled and plain. lots of pages 5c 68 page Exercise Books 10c Loose reaf Binders 49c Loose leaf Refills 5c and 10c Smart three ring Brief Cases, strong zippers, inside pouch ..$1.98 to $2.49 Bright School Bags, for little boys and girls, Indian and Cowboy designs „ .$1.98 to $2.19 Pens, Pencils, Rulers, Erasers, Chalk, Crayons SPECIAL : Student's Ink 1.0c Lunch Boxes, bright Colours, good. size 49c Black japaned Lunch Boxes $1.29 Thermo Bottles $1.89 Drop in this week and see the School Supply Display, conveniently arranged for your easy selection. turped to their home in Port, Bur- well after spending a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs. Tom Mc- Michael. Their daughter, whO has spent some Weeks with her grandmo- ther, returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cannel and son David, of Islington, Were visitors with Misses Mary and Beatrice Howe. Miss Rona VanVelsior spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Beatrice Wade, of Fordwieh. It was the occasion of Mr. William Wade's birthday, the 95th. Fifteen members of his family and Other relatives were,present at the birthday supper when the table Was centred with a lovely birthday cake. Congratulations to this grand old man of Howick. We are pleased to say Mr. Wade is 'enjoying very geod health and keeps busy in his workshop. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Grainger and family holidayed recently with friends at Tilisonburg. Mr., and Mrs. George Paulin, Clif- ford; spent Sunday with Mrs, Pattlin's mother, Mrs, Peter Milligan, Mr.Herman Morrison, Swift Cur- rveggearnIs avifsc:rnger hi'isesli)rerolth)rf this The Famous MOFFAT ELECTRIC & GAS RANGE Leads in Style and Quality Pine ranges built in the Moffat tradition of fine craftsmanship Plenty of cooking capacity— lots of convenient working and storage space—a parade of ex- clusiVe Moffat features designed i7,14: to give you more, 10 models 5189.7s up BURKE ELECTRIC "We Solve All Your Electrical Problems" PHONE 474 WINGHAM , 'Wednesday, AugiIst 13th, 195 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES -PAGE NEWS OF WROXETER Village Boys Leave for Camp Kitchagami Lions are Sponsors Dr. R. B. Palmer and Mrs. Palmer and children have returned home from two weeks' Vacation at Am- berley Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer, And-Mr, Hopper, of Brussels, was speaker rine and Freddie, who pent the in the United Church on Sunday mor-month of July with Mr. Toni and Missi ning, his subject being "Giving". He Beatrice Shearer, have returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie. stressed the importance of giving of time and talents. The anthem was On Tuesday of last week work was 1 i n keeping with the sermoon entitled, started on the new bridge just west 1"Something Jesus Gave", with Mrs. of the village. Mowbray Construe- Charles McCutcheon taking the solo. tion Co., of Wingham, are the build- ers. When completed this road will be an attractive approach to the vil- lage because. the winding Maitland River is thickly wooded on either side. George Lackie and Mrs. Leckie. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibson and family, of Hamilton, visited Misses Elsie and Marian Gibson over the week-end. Mrs. Moffat and daughter Marjorie are spending this week at their cot- tage at Amberley. They were accom- panied by Miss Catharine MacDon- ald. Excitement in the softball team and their fans was high on Monday as they commenced the finals, with the Wroxeter Rockets meeting the Belgrave team in Wingham park. • Mr, and Mrs. Norman Ashby and son Roger, of Brantford, spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Peter Mil- ligan,' Mrs. Ashby is the former Iso- bel Milligan. Cape Cod and Boston. Mr. and Mrs, Les Hetherington have returned to their home in To- ronto after spending some time at SAVE MILK & MONEY the home of the late Mrs. M. Sellars, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Rae of Brant- ford forrner's mother, Mrs. D. W. Rae. )11 spent part of last week with the mE w GARGETEx Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Rae, whose mother died at her home in Saskatchewan. Mrs. Russel Rae at- tended the funeral there. - Miss Eva Sangster is spending a two weeks' vacation with her sister, Mrs. John Barlow and other friends in Toronto. Mr. Harry Harding and daughter, of Durham, •were in town on Friday renewing former actiaintances, Mr. Harding was in the hardware business here many years ago. Mr, and Mrs. David Weir, Wingham, and their daughters, Misses Minnie and Hazel Weir, of Toronto, called on relatives here on Sunday. Misses Marilyn and Marjorie Timm spent the week-end with their friends Bessie and Lily Campbell, of Morris Township and spent Sunday at Port Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stafford have re- Multi-Antibiotic , Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your -Money Back! GARGETEX contains twb penicillins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, combined in a completely milk soluble ointment, bringing the effect of four antibiotics against mastitis infections. GARGETEX works immediately on the internal infected udder tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. Instructions for easy administration on every package. Made in Canada by Nixon Laboratories, Kerr's Drug Store W, R. Rae, Mrs, Rae and their friends, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wright, all of Hanover, have just returned from an enjoyable trip to New York, 1 There were mixed emotions as the parents gathered at Dobson's Corner to see their young sons off to Camp Kitchagami for a week's holiday. Some of the younger ones were hav- ing their first experience in camping, but they were in good hands. Ken Edgar, a popular member of the Howick schools staff, who is in charge of the waterfront activities, drove the bus. Howick Lions Club members are responsible for this treat and the girls will have their turn next week. a a Priced at • 70" x 90" a a 1951 MERCURY' 'four door black, in real good shape. 1951 METEOR, two door, grey, low mileage. 1951 METEOR, two door, blue, like now, very low mileage. 1950 FORD, four door, green. 1949 FORD, maroon, two door, new paint job, good shape. 1949 METEOR, two door bine. Parehts will be welcomed on Sunday to visit the camp, Mrs, J, J, Allen, Jim and Marjorie spent part of this week in Toronto, Sunday next, August, 17th, will be observed as holiday Sunday in the United Church, The following Sun- day Mr, Hopper will again have charge of the service, Billy and Andy Ste. Marie, of Clif- ford, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. W. T. Elliot. Toys Solve Housing Shortage Jack (Fudge) Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gibson, has solved the housing shortage as far as he and some of his pals are concerned. A few years ago the boys built a tree house down on the flats of the Malt land. They chose a site 30 feet high in the branches of an old elm tree, The cabin was eorriplete with bed, stove and table. The boys slept there and cooked meals. The tree house was reached by a rope ladder which Was drawn up for security. Lumber for the building was taken across the river by boat, Now Jack and his cousin Don Gib- son have built a cabin in a grove of trees on the opposite side of the riv- er. The cabin and its furnishings were made by the boys themselves. Many times this summer the boys have slept there and prepared their own breakfast, From the outside the cabin is attractive, The boys have an interesting and useful hobby:, Historical Booklet Many. residents of this village are interested in the booklet now com- pleted on its early history. Material was gathered by the staff and pupils of the local school. Like other vil- lages, the story of the early days in Wroxeter 'and community is an in- teresting one. It is well to have it recorded for this and coming gen- erations. The Women's Institute is planning to compile a Tweedsmuir History. If anyone in the community has pictures or items of interest of the pioneer days, the committee would be pleased to have a loan of them, The booklet now completed should give valuable help to the Tweedsmuir History. W.I. Area Convention at Kitchener The Guelph Area convention will this year be held in Kitchener on October 7 and 8. The meetings will be held at Zion Evangelical Church, Corner of Weber and Ontario Streets. A display of prize-winning guilts and programmes will be a feature. Guest speaker for the evening will be Wayne Bunning, and her subject, "Horne Ties, Commonplace Things and. Memories". Wayne Bunning is a writer. Dr, Lotto Hitchmonova will illustrate her address with slides. Mu- sic has been arranged for and re- ports of the area standing commit- tees will be heard, plans have been made to send all winning quint to the Department in Toronto for judg- ing, The executive is making every effort to make the 1952 convention the best yet, ed home on Monday, Her sister, Miss A. 13. Fraser, of LaRivere, Man., is expected here this week. Guests of Mrs. D. S. Macl(Taughton and John on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Harry Jackson and sons Jim and John, of Maple and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rodick of Buttonvilie. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzani and Mr. David Zink, all of Detroit. Billy and Daisy Gibson, who have been holidaying in Detroit, returned home with them. • "PURDON'S" • If it is bedding you are needing- ---- We have your need. -2 ..-= SPARTON SINGLE BED SHEETS Good quality cotton 68" x 90" . PAIRP ... $6.95 WABASSO FAMILY SHEETS 1 Size 81" x 100" $8.95 n 11- EE a 60" x 90" Priced at We have a special selection of CHENILLE & RAYON BEDSPREADS all colors & sizes 86" x 100" RANGING IN PRICE WABASSO FAMILY PILLW CASES PER Erb PAIR ... 11.89 $7.50 $7.95 TO $17.95 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Solid color $8.95 SPECIAL 0 IBEX BLANKETS $5.50 $5.95 7,- PURDON'S =-. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 414 Wingham • Miss Hazel Sparling returned home Thursday from a week's vacation with her sister, Mrs, Walter Eaton and Mr, Eaton, Mrs. A. Sparling, Master Eric and Miss Eileen Eaton = returned with, her, Mr. John Hupfer and Miss Hazel Sparling and their • three guests all spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilford Elliot in Lis- towel. Mrs. Sparling and her grand- children remained for a longer visit. • Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell McFarland and daughter Frances, of Winnipeg, who are on vacation have gone to Montreal and Ottawa. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Mac Allen and a son Dick. Mrs. J. Lovell, who spent last week with relatives in Ridgetown, return- a 1947 CHEVROLET, two door black, with radio and visor. Also numerous older models. 1941 DODGE, half-ton, red. 1951 Sales— Over 500 New and Used Cars and Trucks—There must be a ' Reason! Open Evenings till 10 p.m.