HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-30, Page 7COUNTY COUNCIL ATTENDS PICNIC Huron County Council, the County officials, and their families en- joyed a pleasant afternoon together in picnic style at Harbor Park, God- erich, on Wednesday,, July 17th in spite of a heavy rain late in the after- noon, A family gathering of 200 attended the event, The boors were spent by those• interested in visiting the re- cently set-up museum for the County. Others enjoyed trips over the waters of Lake Hump, or engaged them- selves in prize winnig bingo games. With supper served in the pavilion the warden of the county, Harvey Johnston, spoke words of welcome and then introduced Harold Cousins, war- den of Perth Cinnifie, Mr. Cousins brought greetings' frbm his county. Arthur Nicholson, Tnekersmith Town- ship, spoke in, behalf of all the ex- wardens of Huron. Mrs, Wm. Dougall, Hensall, won th supper draw. Mr. Fitzsimmons, of Ashfield Town- ship won the prize for the oldest at the picnic, while the eight-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meriman, of Goderich, was awarded the prize for the youpgest person present. All preparations for the annual ev- ent this year were made by the war- den, county clerk, deputy clerk, and county assessor. Canada's primary textile industry, the country's largest manufacturing employer, consists of 791 mlls located in 269 cities and towns scattered through all ten provinces. 3 1/2 0 Cuaranteea' Trust Certificates THE Mobile Recruiting Unit will be in WINGHA TOWN HALL JULY 31st MEN AND WOMEN ARE NEEDED NOW FOR AIRCREW OR GROUNDCREW Earn $265.00 per month and Learn to Fly THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES rAos, ,sErsos Wednesday, July 30th, 1952 MIEVALE Knox lPrreshyterlan The morning service at Knox Pres- yterian Church was conducted by Wtev, R, A ,Brook of the United Church, He used the text Luke 19-5 for the last of the series of holiday sermons, "Jesus said Zaccheus, make baste and come down, for today 1 must abide at thy house," showing that Jesus rested In a nome, and it was the means of changing the life of Zaccheus and he became a follower of Christ, The choir sang as an anthem, "Be Still My Soul", Next Sunday Rev, Matthew Bailie will have charge of the service in the United Church, when Rev, R. A. Brook will be on holidays. Mission Band The Mission Band of the United Church held the annual picnic in the church grounds this week, with about forty in attendance, Joyce Hoffman presided for a short devotional meet- ing when Etoile Moffatt read the Scripture and acted as chairman for the program. Linda Gerrard and Eve- lyn lVfathers played piano selections. Betty Griffiths, Susie Sellers and Betty Ruttan contributed readings and Marie Johnston sang a solo, Eleanore Smith was the accompar4st. Games Were enjoyed and lunch served. Sev- eral members of the Senior Auxiliary were present as well as a number of visiting children, Personals Mrs. Ross Douglas;TOronto, dayiyig with her sisters at the home of Miss Mary Puff. Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Yeo spent Sunday with "Mrs, George Yeo at Southampton. Their two -daughters, Susie and Fay, returned home, aftet spending a week at Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Griffiths and son Fred ,of Montreal, will spend tht next two weeks with other members of the family at their home here, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and two sons, Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs, Edward Johnston and tether relatives, Rey.a,nd Mrs. William l3lacknaore left this week to spend the remainder of their vacation with Mr. Black- more's parents at Woodstock: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers, Susie, Jimmie and Rickey, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard BlaCk, in Toronto. Mrs. Sellers and the children will remain for a week or more, The infant son of Mn and Mrs. Bert Garniss, 2nd line Morris, was taken to the Sick Children's Hospital, To- ronto; this week, Hp was accompanied by the attending doctor and his aunt, Nurse Edith Gainiss. Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mac Scott and Miss Olive Scott attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Neil McEachern Sr., at ,Mount Forest. `Ws. MCEachern died at the home of her son, Gilbert, on Sunday. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Egremont township. Marshall-Siding Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was the setting for a pretty summer wedding recently when Rev, Karl J. Knauff officiated at a ceremony uniting in marriage Kathleen Irlma Sieling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Siding R.R. 2, Brussels, and Mr. Hilbert Marshall Logie, son of Mr. Berthal Logie, Milverton, Mrs. Henry Easun played the Bridal Chor- us from Lohengrin as the bride entered the church with her brother, Pte. R. R. Sieling. She played Men- dlssohn's Wedding March as reces- sional, and was accompanist for the soloist, Miss Theresa Ryan, Goderich, wearing her choir gown. She sang "Because" and "I'll Walk Beside You." The bride wore a floor length white satin gown ending in a train. The gown had inserts of lace at the waist- line and around the net yoke. A head- dress of orange blossoms held her net veil with silk embroidered edges and corners. Her flowers were a bouquet of red American Beauty roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. D. Henry, RR, 1, Ripley, sister of the bride, and the bridesmaid, Miss Audrey Logie, Milverton, sister of the bridegroom, wore similar gowns of embroidered gandie over taffeta with net yokes. Their heart-shaped crown headdresses and their bouquets of roses harmoniz- ed with their gowns. Mrs. Henry was in yellow and the bridesmaid chose mauve. As flower girl, Elaine Sieling, sister of the bride, wore a green frock in identical style to the other atten- dants. She carried a spray of pink roses. Best man was Mr, Walter Logic, Hanover, brother of the bride- groom, and Mr. D. Henry- and Mr. Cyril Weaver, ushered. The reception and wedding supper took place at Mrs, M. Hamilton's, Tearoom, 116 Dufferin st. Garden flowers formed the decor-, ations, Mrs. Sidling received in a dress of yellow and brown printed silk with yellow accessories and corsage of Tea roses. Later Mr. and Mrs. Lo- gie left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls. The bride donned for travelling a navy suit with accessories in white. The couple will reside at 66 Shakes- peare St., city. Guests attended the wedding from Stratford, Bluevale, Brussels, Milverton, London, Hanover, Walkerton. AIIIK1111111111111E11111111111111111111M11111111111111111113. ORDER YOUR Colony House Sash EARLY Sash Open or Glazed Complete Window Unite with Prefitted Sash. Cellar Unite, Verandah Sash, Door Frames, Barn Slash:. 4 or 6 lights. Screens and Storm Sash made-to-order. To prevent rot order your sash Primed. CAMPBELL & fiORKITT. Makers of High: prude Sash Diagon4Rd, Wingham. itachniajmunonsmommtiour A profitable investment for your regular savings, Guarinteed Trust Certificates . are,„unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest — pay 3%% interest, payable half-yearly — are short term-5 years — are authorized investment for trust funds — have no fluctuation in principal In 5 years $420.36 accumulates to $500.00. Invest wisely and well THE STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O R A T I O N HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop St.. Bards E. SEDDON PHONE 505 WINGUAM HOME APPLIANCES MODER AND STREAMLINED AS A JET PLANE The Great New "600 Series" Joins The Famous De Laval Separator. Line! - for - car Here is a brand-new line of De Lay al. Cream Separators... which joins the. famous De Laval Workfs Standard' and Junior Series . . to provide cream separator users with the ut- most in clean skimming combined with the widest range of sisal, mod- els and prices. Consider these outstanding few. tures .. . silent motor drive . no gears, no oiling. De Laval -stainless steel super-skimming bowl ... stain- less steel supply can and covers ... easy-to-care-for streamlined do. sign . . . beatitifully finished in black and silver.gray. Available in 3 sizes ... motor drive only. See them at our showroom. The BRIDE You Can Select Exactly the Separator You Need From This Complete Range of Regular Sizes and Models. ti CHINA — GLASS PICTURES LAMPS FURNITURE 'BARREN HOUSE C. C. McKIBBON Phone 475 Wingham Howaid Fuller Plumbing and Tinsmithing Telephone 392w Wingham, Ont. Start Standard wise faalif tate Sefiett Proven by perform. J dectre Wm t Built fpr large farm arcs on thousandsof Winter Swrs dairies. Simple, ern. farms to give clean. Dependability, shit, De Laval quality and tient driving mach- act skimming long. pikity and efficienCy performing et low anism automatically est :invite at lowest are built Into this price for small herd lubricated. May be cost. Staining steel separator. Direct owners. Will pay for used for clarifying wherever milk motor drive,— themselves In the by adding clarifier toeches. 3 sizes. never requires oiling. saying of butterfat, bowl and tinware. A SIZE AND STYLE FOR EVERY NEED AND PURSE' THREE GREAT LOVE STORIES IN M-G-M's MIGHTY SPECTACLE! M-G-M presents "QUO VA D I S " starring ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORAH KERR • Leo Genn end Peter Uetinov • Screen Play by John Lee Whin and S. N. Belarman, Sonya Levien • Based on the Novel by Henry]: Sienlnewiez Directed by MIE1121/YN LeROY • Produced lay SAM TIMBAL= • An M-O-M Picture Thirty thousand Romans thunder tribute-44-f flower-strewn Plaea Of The Gods, as the world's priric44at and most corrupt empire parades ifs concluerimi One of the unforoettably spectacular scenes Color by TECHNICOLOR 30,000 in the cast! 3 years in the malting! 3-thrilling hours of screen magic LYCEUM THEATRE — WINGHA.M MOM., TUES., WED., THUR., AUGUST 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th °Ewa= Admission Adults $1•13; Children 50c ffha L© FIJ@ By Roe Farms Service Dept. vvis WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DOC ? LOOK,THERE /S VITA-LAY IN THE HOPPER5-THERE'S WATER IN THE AUTOMATIC FOUNTAIN. THAT MAY BE, HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOST !NTH* PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR 'FEED AND WATER WERE OWTHEOROUNP, AND WITH NEWLY HOUSED' PULLETS you HAVE TO MATCH ,„,..THE RANGE HABITS. (PUT EXTRA WATER PANS ON 'THE FLOOR, HARRY, AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYSTER SHELL AND GRIT ON THE MASH TOO. UNTIL THEY ARE ACCUSTCM5D THEIR PEN. YOUR. B/R15 GO a~w .1/4.14 E 0. GG 6 4.; H 1 72111:1%1 IN MASH OR. PELLET FORM WHEN PULLETS ARE PUT INTO LAYING PENS, HARRY, REMEMBER TO :- Par EXTRA WATER PANS ON FLOOR LEVEL 2. LOWER FEED HOPPERS 7V PloOR LEVEL FOR FiRsT FElv WEEKS 3 soPPLY C41009 PROPOE7S SO YOUR FLOCK coir M/5.5 /7" rdsup FEED ROE 117414Y 166 NOSH • pLy THE 40.0EO Virg-GR4SS 13E4IEFITS oF GREEN RANGE HARRY, YOU GUESSED RIGHT, FIRST TIME. THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE F ED AND WATER. af-"A WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MY BIRDS, DOC- THEY'RE ALLTFIIN - AND STARVED LOOKING. Howson & Howson, Wing ham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Blueva le J. C. Scharbach, Teeswater