HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-30, Page 5LOW-PRICED Tali restful. CHAMPION $ 1 9.9 5 6 00/16 Helen Jean Simpson Wed in Teeswater Helen Jean Simpson ,daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A, A. Simpson, RR -1, Teeswater, became the bride of 13/0 T, Warren Christopher, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F, L. Christopher ,of Guelph ,in Teeswater United Church on Saturday, July 26th ,at 2.30 p.m, Dead Stock DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collect Palmerston 128W Durham 898 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Do Not Delay . . . Fill Out and Mail the Blank Below Employment Office, Dept. C Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada, Limited CHATHAM, Ontario I am interested in working in Libby's Food Proces- sing Plant during the coming Tomato Season and Want more information: NAME • STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS • 5. • Town:::.. Phone WOineti over 60 and Men Over 65 not employed J Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada Limited Chatham, Ontario, Phone: 1860 NEED 300 MEN AND 300 WOMEN who want to EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY During late August and the month of September doing pleasant and very important work, processing Tomatoes for Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomato Products. GUARANTEED MINIMUM RATES OF PAY: Women .68 per hour. Men .83 per hours (.05 per hour extra for Night Shift). BONUS FOR WORK ABOVE NORMAL DAY'S WORK. HIGHER RATES ON SPECIAL JOBS: REST PERIODS: Two 15-minute Rest Periods per shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. EASY-TO-LEARN JOBS. FULLY QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS. MODERN PLANT, GOOD WORKING CONDITICN.3. REGISTERED NURSE IN FIRST AID ROOM. BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM PLANT FOR ALL PARTS OF CHATHAM. EXCELLENT CAFETERIA SERVICE: Hot meals served at very reasonable prices during lunch periods on day and night shifts. Soft drinks, Milk, Coffee, Tea, Cigarettes, Candy, etc., may be bought in Cafeteria during rest and lunch periods. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORK AFTER TOMATO SEASON: ' tach year, many seasonal employees who prove themselves are chosen to fill vacancies on regular staff. WEARING APPAREL: Women may purchase their smocks or head coverings from the Company store room. Men, ordinary work clothes and caps which may be purchased at Company store room. PAID WEEKLY EACH FRIDAY FOR PREVIOUS WEEK'S WORK. LODGING PLACES ARRANGED FOR WORKERS FROM OUT OF TOWN. LHW-52 Cee. Walpole SASH FRAMES CUPBOARDS PITTSBURG STAIRS PAINTS SCREENS ' GLASS HARDWARE. Custom Woodwork Carpentry - Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham Wednesday, July 3944 1952 .110YOL. THE. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES le,A0E :VW* G. Nelson Cunningham Joiephille St. Wingham it's the NEW Coffield in a choice of models. EACH WASHER HAS ALL THESE QUALITY FEATURES Gleaming all-white finish with chrome trim. Self lubricating - no oiling. Dependable y4 H.P. motor. Porcelain enaniel tub. Gyrator with offset wings. Powerful fast acting drain pumps. New long skirt design. Sediment zone in tub. Safety wringer with polished drain boards. 12 year factory rebuilding guarantee. r-To The church was decorated with bas- kets of pink and white gladioli for the occasion. Rev. Proctor conducted the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a strapless gown of white, figured, nylon organdY, with bolero and matching mittens. She wore a net halo beaded headdress, which held a fingertip veil, and carried a nose- gay of white carnations Wand pink roses tied with. a white ribbon. The maid-of-honour, Kee Simpson, of Toronto, wore a blue net over taffeta gown with bolero blouse and matching headdress and mitts, She carried a yellow ,carnation nosegay tied with a matching ribbon. Roberta Simpson, of Brantford, a bridesmaid, wore a blue net over taffeta gown and Connie Simpson, the other brides- maid, wore a yellow net over taffeta gown. The attendants were all sisters of the bride. Douglas P. Williams, of Guelph, was groomsman and the ushers were Robert H. Christopher ,of Guelph, and Al Simmons ,of Wingham. At the-reception held at the bride's home, the bride's mother received in a slate blue gown with white acces- sories ,assisted by the groom's mother in- pink, with navy blue accessories. The couple left for a wedding trip to Ottawa and points north and east. For travelling the bride wore a powder blue, nylon sheer dress with white accessories. 3-day LAUNDRY SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery every Wednesday and Saturday AGENCY:- Mrs. Mark Gardner Phone 563R Wingham LITTLE BROS, GODERICH, ONT. C 0 Meets The Catholic Youth Organization of Sacred Heart Parish, Wingharn, met Sunday evening in the parish hall with about 25 present, a The recreational committee chair- man, Desmond Brophy, has been as- signed the purchase of a ping-pong table for use of the young people of the parish, It was deemdd advisable that a meeting of the executive be held before each monthly meeting. The highlight of the meeting was an address by Rev, Dr, A. J, Durand, Ph.D., on his trip to Mexico and the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In his remarks Dr. Durand described modern Mexico as a most fascinating country where the people are either wealthy or very poor. There is no middle class, Mexico City had 350,000 inhabitants when the Spaniards con quered it from the Aztec Indians, The Aitecs believed in a ferocious religion, having many gods. To these gods they offered human sacrifices, as many as 20,000 human victims being offered as sacrifices in a day. Mexico is still an Indian country even after Spanish settlement. The native Aztec language is still spoken and buildings are still built of Indian architecture in many places. The story of the apparition of our Blessed Lady which was a turning- point in the life of the people of Mexico is most remarkable. An Indian, 55 years of age, who had been converted to Christianity, on making a visit to a sick uncle was visited by the Blessed Virgin Mary who appeared as an Indian with copper skin, Her message was that a church be built at Guadalupe which is now a suburb of Mexico City. When the Indian reported to the Archbishop the apparition, the Archbishop was inclined to discount it especially when he heard the lady had appeared as an Indian, So he asked for a sign. When the Indian returned to the place where the lady appeared and asked of her a sign, she bade him fill his tilma or apron we might call it, with roses growing nearby. .He did so and returned to show the Archbishop the sign, but when he unrolled the tilma which he had gathered up to hold the roses, a picture of Our. Lady as she appeared was printed in beautiful colors on the tilma. A replica of this picture is to be seen in every Catholic Church in Mexico. Our Lady of Gua- dalupe, by papal decree, is the patron- ess of America. The Shrine is most beautiful and impressive and the speaker related it was not possible to describe the feeling that came over him as he stood inside the building surrounded by these very poor Mexi- can people who very often came as far as 150 to 200 miles by foot on pilgrimage. Their deep faith was most inspiring. Dr. Durand pointed out that Mexico has been very poorly governed and while the twenty years of religious persecution is now ended, still in many places a priest could not appear on the streets in clerical garb or he would be thrown into jail depending on the whim of .the local officials The point is that the laws against religion are still in the statute books, MEMORIALS We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial-ana we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT %INGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton "1.1004.11040111,6011.4411•41.1•004••••04•110411•4•611•01110001611, although they are not being enforced. by Miss Sally Slosser. Refreshments Dr, Durand was thanked for his Were servtd and the meeting' closed most interesting and educational talk With prayer, f:•).•••114•••04•MI)Im.Pm041••••114.1.10=1.0••••••()••••0.0.0.•••1/411.1 js11.11•011•1•••041mr1.10,114•11•04•••1.1111...•••••10•41.111.011•1141411 ? FOR THE LADIES we have blazers Navy with crest, wine, green and navy with white trim (in different sizes) .$8.95 also CHILDREN'S BLAZERS 3 - 12 years ( VARIOUS PRICES ) Exclusive Agents for SUPERSILK HOSE HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR FLOOR COVERINGS Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL FLOOR COVERINGS THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY t• PURDON'S 1 Phone 414 LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR Wingham •••.••o•opouno-04•••04•11•04M•nam.••••41•••04110.14 ....0 1•••0.0.01•1•04•111•01 .••••damo.... ..,,, You never get crossed up at the RED FRONT ACROSS 6. Cant 1. Chinese silk 7. English 4. Culture author - medium 9. Blundefr 8. Comfort 13. An 10. Certain. astringent 11. Mix 15. Erbium 12. Seaweed (sYm.) 13. Oil of 17. Cerium foie petals (sym.) 14. Deposit of 18. Like a wing metallic ore 29. Like 16. Falsehood 21. A small, 17. A wheel on opening' a swivel 24. Neuter 19. Solve pronoun 22, A billiard 25. Ransack 26. iixploded, as a volcano 27. A size of paper 29. Personal pronoun 30. Point (abbr.) 31. Parts of ears 32, Eat away 33. Gods of the Teutonic pantheon 36. Mandate 87, Russian town 39. Sainte (abbr.) P r. il 2 3 /7 74 5 6 r 8 9 i 10 / 11 12 .4 15 /7 14 15 1 ..i 16 ,' / 17 le 23 24 25 yz,/,,,,,m 26 127 19 20 21 22 ";/ 1/ ///' 28 29 .- 30 31 32 33 /// 34 35 41 41111111111r 36 37 _4: 42 AVOW 7-28 / 1st grade creamery BUTTER 0 per lb. 59c "A tasty luncheon treat" KAM - oz. tin 33c Red Front Grocery 01541•01.114•1064•11,44.041••04•111.1)4•111. liwor11.m..6•N.0aliwtham1iro oloroamorieviinom *ROJO 641•1.40111.11t• 4•Hm.00....n...(14motootmer•Iin.oemoo.nomtoo•mroosteliewn,mkil.a.0.1•04...0...1)4mriiwpm.o.amoomml. #11 .11 Phone 29 ."....04......*0.61•04111.1K.MKIM,MMINPIHM•1141i11.1M.04).••1•011•••001•111.=..0•11.0.•••11•00.01•.114.10.41M0iO4.1011.1•1•04=11.0.M0.0.114•1•114.80,,m11..miro.••••,,....omm,.:. THOMSON APPLIANCES Wingham stroke 23. Ventilated 28. Food 30. Folds of a skirt 34. Silent 35. Ripped 36. Full of lumps 38. Foreman • 40. Java weight, 41. Prepare for publication 42. To carry on war 43. Wither 44. Man's nickname DOWN 1. Kind of poem R. Makers of hats $. Largest continent 4. King of Judah 5. Aquatic birds