HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-30, Page 4omp 0M100 ROM MOMUM WOW M DOOM MOOR MOW MOMORM MMUMMWM =MAR MOURD MMOUMUR WOMMUM MOM MDR MMMWO MOO MMEMI RUM MUM WW2 MRD ANSWERS. TO rvzzL.v. REP FRONT ADVT. ANNEMINOMMit ANNOUNCEMENT PI. RUTTAN HAS OBTAINED THE EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP for ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS FLOOR ' POLISHERS, REFRIGERATORS Phone 4874 Box 511 Wingham Drive-In THEATRE Listowel G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. Saturday Only Aug. 2 "Pretty Baby" Dennis Morgan Betsy Drake Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 4-5 "Indian Uprising" George Montgomery Wed., Thurs., Fri., Aug. 6.-i-8 "Jim Thorpe All American" Burt Lancaster Charles Bickford 11111111111111111•111111111111111111111I SAVE ON keg Iva 411.0.11.0 OIL BURNERS OIL HEAT gfas7 HISELER and SON Wingham, Ont. FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATBS • OIL FURNACES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS CEIEN LI R. BEDSPREAD BAR-, -GAIN. FROM FACTORY TO YOU — $5.25, Lowest price in Canada. Thie bed- spread is fully covered with baby chenille, no sheeting showing. First quality. It comes in all colors, single or double bedsize, with. either Multi-colored or solid raised center patterns. At only $5.25 each. Sent COD plus postage. Im- mediate money-back .guarantee. Ora der one, you will order more. TOWN COUNTRY :MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Que. 23,30" FOR SALE—One Banner coal range with water front; one Moffat Elec- tric range, full size, four burners and oven. Phone 182. 30* FOR SALE— Used Massey-Harris cream separator, with motor, good condition. Harry McClenaglian, Belgrave, phone Wingham, 612w12. 30* FOR SALE—One Wingham Classic cook stove, white enamel, new con- dition. Also one three-burner oil stove and oven, Apply Mrs. Harold McCallum. 30" CARS FOR Selreel FOR SALE— 1937 Dodge lee ton truck, good motor. Will sell as is, or in parts. Phone Don Robertson, Wingham 648w4. 30* FOR SALE— 1939 Hudson coach, in good condition, excellent tires, rea- sonable for quick sale. Jack Thomp- son, Bluevale, phone Wingham 648w1. 30* WANTED WANTED—Medium size office safe in good condition. Irving Keyes, Glands, Ont. 30b SEE THE NEW Remington Portable Tepewriter at the Advance-Times. WANTED—Used windmills and gas- oline engines in exchange for elec- tric water systems. Irving Keyes, Glamis, Ont., phone Paisley 114r4. 30,13,27bEtc. WANTED—Girl for office work, in Wingham. Typing and some busi- ness training preferred. Good wages. Apply at once to Box 4000G, Ad- vance-Times. LIVESTOCK FOR SATE FOR SALE-200 pullets, Rhode Is. x Red Sussex, 412 mos. Clifton Walsh. Belgrave, phone 36r10, Blyth. 30* WATERLOO 111.411. TRA.croRs AND MACH:EVERY A •zomplete line of farm implements. Fu:.: selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. 2dERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACH VERY SA1.7.8 & SERVICE Bellmore Ontario Phones: Bebnore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker ma a Via:NM:CAM IT'S HERE - The new FORBSON Major I HURON MOTORS I I A« D. MacWrLLIANI Phone 237 Ford_ Trattor Dealer Wingham your Bateson, and Jan, Spent the week-end in Detroit. and were accompanied home by their mother. —Mrs. Relison Falconer spent last *:.(ii.04014•0441140•• "'Emoimo0.0004.11.140.4.iiegiimagoisisuipimiipipioait44,44.11.6.***4•044.4,40.64.4 at 1 ii I i come is, and SEE it I • Canada's newest and lowest priced 3.4 plough tractor.' • A gear for every job-6 forward, 2 reverse speeds. • New hydraulic system standard eqquipment. • Full row crop adjustment. • New driver comfort—new operating ease. These and many other 'outstanding new features make the New Fordson Major first in the 3-4 plough class, .It's designed to do a better job under Cariadian farm conditions and engineered for power with economy. Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughter PICKED UP PROMPTLY ANT) EFFICIENTLY C 13RUBACHER phona 60itsvi RA. I, wicghatn ,PAGlE FOVR THE WIN' HAI\I ADVANCE-TIMES Wedneeday, dilly 30th, 193.' 0.00,0 Keep up with the Weather Try a HOT WANT AD I EMS FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re. lief, Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. COMING EVENTS ENTERTAINMENT—at the Palace. Gardens, Formosa, Sunday, August 3rd, Cactus Mac and his Hellsiders, 30 4 NOW IS THE TIME to act if you would like to establish yourself in a business of your own with a real future. If you are a reliable man under 05 years of age and have a ear. you can make excellent money and safeguard your future. You don't need capital or previous NOTICE — RE WAS Notice is hereby given to owners of subdivided pertions of the Munici- pality of Huron County that unless all noxious weeds thereon are des- troyed before the 15th day of Aug- uste 1952, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the inspector un- der authority given in Sections 3, 7, 10 and 12, of the Act, will cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds, to be destroyed, and the costs thereof will be placed on the Collector's roll for collection in the same manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. Weed Inspector W. R. Dougall, Municipality of Huron County 30:13b Conn families from Kinloss atten- ded the wedding of Miss Helen Jean Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caskanette Hardie Simpson, of Kinloss and Mr. and family returned home after Warren Christopher, of Guelph, sol- spending a week in Sudbury, Ont. emnized in Teeswater United Church —Mrs. T. J. Baker spent Sunday at 2.30 on Saturday afternoon, with with her cousin, Mrs. Sydney Pearson, Rev. Proctor officiating. The three of Mitchell. sisters of the bride, Roberta, Kath- —Mr. and Mrs. A. Budges and leen and Connie, were her attendants. Paul of .Brantford spent the week-end Mr. J. Williams of Guelph, was the with Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosenhagen. best man. Following a wedding din- ner served at the home of the bride's —Donna MacDonald and Elva Mac-parents, the happy couple left on a Donald are visiting with their sister, motor trip in Western Ontario. —Miss Irene Patterson, of Toronto spent the Week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Little Miss Elaine Conn spent last week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ronald Coultes of E. Wawanosh, and Murray Coultes is spending this week at Mrs. Conn's. Lynn O'Malley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, O'Malley, spent the past two , weeks at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Barr, of London. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heughan. ANDERSON—In Winghani General 9 Bob McPhail, son of Mr. and Mrs, liespital, on Monday, July 28th, 47Miiehael McPhail, is getting along , 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Oswald Ander- well after breaking his right arm son, Teeswater, a daughter. two weeks ago. —Mr. and Mrs. John McGee visited MCCLENAGHAN—In Wingham Gen- ; on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Oral Hsopital, on Tuesday July 29th, :Mrs. Fred McGee, of ,of Toronto, is of Wingham. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Me- —Miss AL J. W on a short holiday, visiting her Clenaghan, of Kinloss, a son, brother, Gordon Wray, 6th Turnberry. —Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Parker of Lon- don, and with other Coultes relatives. are visiting with Rev, and Mrs. H. L. Parker, —Mr. Clarence Richey spent last week with friends in Peterborough, Arnprior and Cornwall. They attended the gathering in Kin- cardine on Sundae' Wingliarn General . . Bospital, mi. Tuesday, July 22nd, Miss Nellie Gilkinson has left on 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ember- a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. lin, .1.4t,lek-noW, a son. Mr. Rudolph Spielvogel and Ruth, of' Acton,. sient a few days witll.11r, and GIBSON—/n Wingbara General Hos- , pital, on Sunday. July 27th, 1952, Frank Spielvogel,1 Mr. end Mrs, Albert .Livingstone, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson, RR 2, Wroxeter, a daughter. Owen Sound, spent the week-end with Pb12801NAtiS —Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gaby, of Toronto, visited their aunt arid uncle, Dr, and Mrs. G. H. Ross over the week-end, leaving for Collingtvood, where they were guests on Monday, at the launching of the new BA oil tanker, "Peerless", —Mrs.. Tyndall Ritchie and Mrs. Cenclair Phippen, of Lower Wingham, received the sad news last week of the sudden passing away of a brother Mr. James Carr, of Langley Prairie, B.C., formerly of the 3rd line of Grey Township, Mrs. Earl Mills, of Walton, Miss Fairy Fells, of Fort Erie, and Mr. and Mrs, Elliot Fells, of Smooth Rock Falls, who have been holidaying in the district, left on Monday on a mo- tor trip to Pre Ste. Marie, Saskat- chewan, where they will visit an aunt Mrs. A, C. Gordon and Mr. Gordon. —Vsiting at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Field, on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. A, K. Field and Tom, of Lambeth; Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Field and Virginia of Manchester,' Conn.; Mr. and Mrs, T. F. Field and sons, of Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerrigan and family of Mildmay; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson and Ruth, of Stayner, Ont. The Rev. Clarence Hunking, pas- tor of the United Missionary Church on Manitoulin Island, has been trans- ferred to Gormley circuit, and with his wife and family, has taken up re- sidence in Gormley village, Mrs. Hun- king is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cenclair Phippen, of Lower Wing- ham. —Recent visitors with Mr, and erne. J. W. Irwin were Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Mackay, of Toronto , Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Irwin Jr,, and son Billy, also of Toronto, and Miss Shawn Murphy, of Merritton, Qnt. —Mr, and Mrs. Cenclair Phippen m have received news that their son-i law, the Rev. Cyril Berry, has been transferred from Markham to Zephyr pastorate and with his family, has taken up residence there, —Mr. Grant Ernest ,of Shakespeare, and Miss Louise Madden, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ernest, Francis St, They attend- ed the Ernest family reunion at Port Huron, The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Albert Walters, of Culross, with 16 ladies in attendance, and six visitors, In the absence of the president, Mrs. McInnis, 1st vice Ores., presided. Mrs. Frank Coulter read the Scripture lesson -from Ro- mans Chap 1, and Mrs. Dawson Craig read the paper on this meditation CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- was the work done by Home Helpers subject. The theme of the meeting, resentative for obligation-free dem- and Mrs. McInnis read a paper on, onstration of latest sewing machine "What a Home Helper Is". Miss models. Free sewing course with Annie Kennedy led in prayer. The study book was in charge of Mrs. every purchase. Phone 665. rrb Earl Caslick. Mrs. Win. Caslick, Mrs. LOST Percy Caslick, and Mrs. Albert led in the g tipr Mrs. Geo. LOST— On Thursday evening or Fisherlad gave r ahs readin ayger. , "God's Res- Friday morning, a man's brown ponse to Prayer," and Mrs. John pocket-book containing sum of Craig gave an interesting report of money, driver's license and permit. the work accomplished by the Home Reward, L. Lankin. 512 Princess Helper group here. Mrs. Johnston Ave., London. 30 Conn led in the offertory prayer, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Underwood, of spent the week-end with his parents. Toronto, spent the week-end with her Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mcllrath. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Janet There will be no service in the and Donald, Mrs. George McClenag-United Church here for the next two LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a visiting this week at the home of Mr. business, farm or house to sell, .con- and Mrs. George Tiffin, of Kinloss. tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, children; of Lucknew,_ visited on Wingham. 2rrb Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. occupied by Waiter Ross. Will sell Mrs, Chas. Falconer, of Glamis. Rev. R. D. A. Currie will return to his Avery interested former member of . on terms or cash or will trade on ministry here this week, after his farm or cattle. W. H. Smith, of this community, Mr. Sullivan of vacation. Clifford, Ont. 23 :30 :13b i Kingsbridge, was renewing'old ac- Miss Myrtle Beecroft spent a few euaintances here one day, last week. days last weekwith Mrs. Johnf ew FOR SALE— Seven-room brick house, , He was especially interested in the patrick, Lucknow. new roof, sewer drain, newly ; former O'Callaghan home, where his Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman decorated, 2 stairways, cupboards, , grandfather had built the house. over. moved from their home to their new fruit garden, barn and garage. : 75 years ago, and where he visited store last week. Mr. and Mrs. Be:. 83,600 or the highest bid. Mrs. I boy. are moving to Mr. Chapman's former „..... Stoaldey, -Catherine St., Wingham,' Sister M. Dorothy, a member of the house, and will use the store, for a 30b: Community of the Sisters of St, Jo- feed store. l seph, London, for the past forty years, Mr, and :firs.' George Falconer and Lee MEMO.R LAM passed away on Saturday at st. ' their three children, from Vernon, GRIFFITH In loving memory of our i Mary's Hospital, London. She was B.C., have spent the past month at dear dad and grandfather Samuel 1 formerly Bridget Ann Troy, daughter the home of his brother, Mr, Lester Griffith. who passed away August L ; of the late Patrick Troy, and the late Falconer, of Culroes, They visited •Johanna Flynn. They were well 1950. "We do not need a special day inthis districtthey with relatives at Caledon, Niagara, known when re- Tharnesford, Ingersoll, Toronto, Ble-th 1 sided on the farm, now owned by To bring you to our minds, and Bluevale and leave this week for "A.fr. George McClenaghan in Kinloss 1 The days we do not think of you their home. Mr. Falconer has been Are very hard to find. i Twp., and where Mr. Troy built the 5 iprincipal of the high school at Vernon They say time heals all sorrow house still standing there. The great- for several years and his many friends i And helps us to forget, i or part of her religious life was spent' and former pupils here will be pleased But time so far has only proved,in the care of the aged and infirm at i to hear of him again. On Sunday the How much we miss you yet." e 1 the House of Providence, Surviving —Ever remembered by his daugh-1 I are seven sisters, five of whom are in' Tollowing old friends and neighbours visited with him at his brother's 4 th.e . St. Joseph. Community. Si.seer ter Margaret, son-in-law Frank, home: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Macken- 1 Divine Heart, Sister St. Peter, Sister zie grandchildren Don and Nancy. 30 band family;Ancilla. Sister Leona. and Sister , e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sylvia; Miss Emma Troy and Mrs, Mackenzie and family; Mr. and Mrs PAULIN— In loving memory of a ' Joy i Thos.. Harcourt, of Toronto. Burial A . Dan Mackenzie and family; Mr. John dear Dad who passed away, was in St. Peter's Cemetery, London ;1 Mackenzie and Miss Pearce, all of 0th, 1936; Mother, August 2nd, 1943;. Joe on Monday morning. Many old friends; Guelph: Miss Mr. and Uncle Dick, August 8th, 1948. Dearer still as time departs. Will be interested to hear of this I Schell, of Formosa and Mr. and Mrs. Your memory lives within our family. l Aldin Purdon and Lou Ann Goyeau. hearts. Mrs. John MacMillan, of Lucknow, Many friends from East Wawenosh —Sadly missed and ever remember-, has purchased a home in London. attended the funeral of the late Mrs. ed by the family. , Firemen were called to the home of i Chas. Congram, held on Saturday Air. John Simpson, on Tuesday last, afternoon in the Currie Funeral CARD- OF THANKS to put out a fire which started from , Home, to Dungannon. Cemetery. They I wish to thank all those who visited{ a flying spark when he had lighted extend sympathy to the bereaved me while I was a patient in Wing- 1 his noon fire. He carried out some husband and families. Mr. and Mrs, Angus Falconer and Allan Spent Sunday with her grand- parent.% Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson of Blyth. Mrs. Abraham Procter and family wish to acknowledge with thanks the kindness of their friends and neigh- bours during their recent bereave- ". Visited on Sunday with Mr. .Adam ment, "''' Robertson, and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Robertsoh Of E. Wawanosh, CARD OF THANKS Mr. And Mrs. JOhn Gaunt and fami- ThO family of the late James Albert ie, and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coulter Jones wish to express sincere thanks and family were among the Coultes, to neighbours and friends for kind - Leaver and Walker families, who ga-ness during their recent bereavement thered at Kincardine on Sunday for and for cards and floral gifts. Spec- <a tardily get-together. Misses Irene ial thanks to Dr. Ctawforcl and to °and Pearl Petah, of Toronto, also the staff of Winghatri General Hoe- ,attended. pital. 30b? Mr. and Mrs, Reseal' Shell, of Buf- BELGRAVE CO-OPERATIVE Brantford, visited on Saturday at the TENDERS rip S ell. .home of their brother. Mr. Stanley Standard and tourist sleep.' Daily from TORONTO via MtNAKI . WINNIPEG EDMONTON . JASPER . SASKATOON • tale, and Mrs, Wm. Mactetughlin, of To brush and paint the wood or- : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Streughah ' hie cars, bedrooms, tern. parttnents, buffet -., Lions on the outside of the brick and family, of Goderich. visited Oh loun-Tle, dining car. 406 warehouse in Belgrave. Paint will be'Z'fr°18(.7Acarnaet t ile kpar of his sister. modern coaCtica J.; i.-lieie Lowest or The E. A. of the Presbyteriah twall --,-, Li. a supplied by the Co.-On any tender eot necessarily accepted. Church met this Tuesday at th e home rot further particulars apply to the! of :firs. Kenneth Eveniegharei, of Mts. George Fi CANADIAN NATIONAL eher. Direetare Or at the store. 30, ing experience in this pleasant work catering principally to farmer • needs. For full particulars write , Dept O-W2, the J. R. Watkins Co... 350 Roch Street, Montreal rAb HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced - men. All, makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665, rrb SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lockers available to everyone. rrb. FOR ARTIFICIAL service from this farmer owned, licensed, non-profit, growing co-operative Association, from top quality hulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25.00 for a life mem- bership, $5.00 per cow for members, and $6.00 per cow for non-members. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation, R.R. 1, Waterloo, Ontario, For service contact: Len Fischer, Mildrnay, 60r11 or Norman J. McKee, Teeswater 141r4. 13,27,etc. FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb ATTENTION! Will the person who took the Sun- beam electric razor from Pattison Radio and Electric please return to get the guarantee and box. 30b WIIITECHURCH , Miss Nora Jacklin, who had been visiting at the home of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rotteau, of Lon- ' don, left last Thursday and visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Robert Coleman, and with Mr. Coleman at Port Hope. They then left to motor, by way of the Thous- the meeting was closed by repeating and Islands,. to Ottawa and returned LOST—Gruen wristwatch on Jose- the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch home by North Bay. St., shine Saturday night. between was served and a vote of thanks Mr. Thos. Miiore has been under the 9.30 and 11.00 p.m. Finder please tendered the hostess. The next meet- Doctor's care during the t week phone 725J1 and receive reward. 30* ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. Roht. Watt a as nd fain- George Fisher. ily, who were holidaying at the lake, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel. nerrb han, and Miss Mildred, and Mr. and weeks. This congregation is also Mrs. W. J. Coulter were guests at the having vacation. RezenseffeYnill wedding at Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Magenty and on Saturday. Mrs. Gaunt also poured their daughter, Mrs. Wm, Hanstord, tea, at the trousseau tea at Miss and her son, Billie, of Stratford, are Yuill's home on Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and FOR SALE-1 brick house, two-f am- Rev. Mr. McConnell, of Lucknow , ily. Main street, near bowling had charge of the service in the green, Teeswater, Ont. Formerly Presbyterian Chureh here on Sunday. Lois, and Mrs. John Falconer, visited on Wednesday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Caslick, of Tees- water, and on Thursday with Mr. and ham Hospital and all those who of the burning things, but it got out sent me gifts, letters and Lards or ,rof control into the attle. It was soon remembered me in any way. Thanks 1 put out when help arrived. to Dr. MeKibbon and Dr. Corrine Mr. Cecil Falconer had his phone Mrs. Morrey and her fine staff of and radio burnt out when his house nurses. All their kindness Was deep- Was struck by lightning a week ago. ly appreciated.—Norman Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snell and 30h Shirley and Myrtle, and their grand- son, baby Kenneth Beecroft, Were CARD OF THANKS. in London on Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Beecroft. Myr- tle stayed to visit this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig and sons, VANCOUVER of •Vi8ited. Monday at the, —Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson left on Thursday for a visit with their son, Ken, and wife and grandson, Terry ,at Birmingham, Michigan, and returned on Tuesday. e:•Nom..Imo4m.o4•ng•e•MIHN•MP.OqMIPOimo4m.tliMII.NnmeswCM•cmmKAN.OS•o.oA••.011iol.O.s•0IMI.O.il.Nmm.cymvO4Mbe • ,Fred Fuller spent last week with her sister in Detroit. Mr. Herb Fuller and Barry and Mrs Jack We Sell the Best and Service the Rest JUVEN ILE INSURANCE Modern policy plans designed to serve your children's needs. CONSULT— F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 Mrs. Brian Groh, in Grimsby, Ont. —Mrs. Harry Marsales, of Buffalo, is visiting with Mrs. Marsales on Leopold St. —Mrs. Jesse Button, of Detroit, has taken an apartment in town for the summer. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter, Pleas- ant Valley, are enjoying a motor trip to Eastern Ontario. —Mr. and Mrs. M. H. VanWyck of Montreal are spending a week at Van's Villa, Amberley Beach, with Mr. Mrs. Archie Purdon, returned to her and Mrs. W. VanWyek. home at Wroxeter on Thursday. —Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosenhagen and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and Graham of Toronto are spending a week at Amberley Beach —Mr. Cameron Geddes ,of Chatham, is holidaying with his sisters, Anne Geddes, of town, and Mrs. Joe Little, of Scaforth. --Mrs. J. F. Warrell, of Washington, D.C., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pletch, at Brussels, and with friends in Wingbarn. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills, Jean and Murray, of Walton, and Miss Fairy Fells called on relatives in Milton last week. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller and son Bill, of Windsor, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley last week. Dr. Peter F. Fisher, of R.M.C., Kingston, spent the past week with . his father, Mr. Peter S. Fisher and Mrs. Fisher. —Miss Pearl Eckenswiller, Reg.N., of Mimic°, returned home Sunday, after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. E. A. VanStone. —Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hertle and family, of Kitchener, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, of Minnie St. --Miss • Earnscliffe Musgrove has returned to Buffalo, after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Greer. —Little Jean and John Welwood, twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welwood, had a birthday party on Saturday ,celebrating their third birthday. —Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fensham and daughter Linda, of Toronto, are va- cationing at the home of Mrs. Fen- sham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, Carling Terrace. —Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carbert, Hefen and Ronnie, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodyer, of Listowel, took a week-end motor trip to. the Midland and Orillia districts. 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAW OR CLEAR Tuesday, Wednesday, July 29-30 "Lightning Strikes Twice" Ruth Roman Richard Todd- Thurs., Friday, July 31-Aug. 1 "Along the Great Divide" Kirk Douglas Virginia Mayo week at Orillia at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Barney Wright, Mr. Fal- coner and Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Aitcheson motored there on Sunday and Mrs. Falconer returned home. inimmelloama