HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-09, Page 8PA! Trili FITVI u ELECTh Westinzhouce Radios and. App?iiances Sales Backed by Service Phone 171 J 1.411141111..e.C....."9,-.41.1.44114111:1041161411401114.14...,..,4441s4.1.4miNIIM- Compliments of 5 '1 VIPIEL,48115 Phone 177 Win glum Ontario tomereicascovocrat i~llrlTATORS Cheverlet Oldsmobile Chevrolet Trucks SALES & SERVICE Phone 139 Wingham OEE Meals and Lunchs at QUEEN'S HOTEL '14.4munix,111/1 11114plart0.1104 141 '14 1,C01.116.41,00111,14.... ELIMSON Arn FRIDIGAIRE SALES and SERVICE Phone 29 Wingham, Ontario le2P111.491Y-C.O$ Ca E. MIAVISH Agnet for BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, LTD. - `Wingham is11111M11111.4111441111411141111114 fiEFSHELE,'S rA MARIET Fresh and Cured Meets Livestock Shippers , CANADA PAVERS, LT Wingham Feed the SHUR-GAIN Way for superoir quality at lowest cost. E WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WNDNESDAY, 91,14 19 P PAQIN EXORIP ItIllimgipli tti!!!!!4,011.!olgli tiglill gtt gig gotiggsgl igitiollA4111141.111011.11.11111 lll ll ......! llllll llllll FREE FREE 0110114.411010.41101111111.11.4.001!411 lll l 1.1101.1.1!!!!!.11 l lll 1 l 111811!1!!!ggypimIgtill!!!!!!!!!!."4.1 ,TINY TOT POPULARITY CONTEST T ADULT TICKET Compliments of EhLTED tDE itih%F.; ri-FiforA1), ki -3,1001244141171.101•.* Setting:—Central Studio of Nationwide Telvision, Inc. SCENE 1—"Television Coast SCENE 5—`Kate Smith Hour w Under the Personal Lri irectIon off Gaylene Thotalpson SC2,,:qE 16'—"Shcvw Snsines:t,' Is Lots Of Fu'. ;Mire Cast I Exc;14 Children ) ',gap:mkt—Mrs. Cora TAmignstin. SCENE 9--"You Ask For KC Acuff—Earl Hamilt:in PRETTY BABVES VC21Sam Kennedy, Bill Magee, Oliver C L 1 e11, Lloyd ll'arwlek, Arnold 31110 Casentore. Kate Smith—Mrs. IV/111am Kennedy JCBILEI SINGERS 'Mrs. Mark Gardner, IlIrs, Norman heating, :qrs. Margaret Cumming, Mrs. EtliA Bradnock, 'Mrs. Luella. Sander- son. Mrs, Nellie Taylor, Mrs. Ada APItlAY) 3ia1>el Gilkinson, Mrs. Milrgaret Dane, and Mrs. Tessie Zi111- 111,11 OWL INTERMISSION for Boys & Girls under 6 years 1st Prizes—King & Queen, Loving Cups awarded by L.O.L. no. 794 2nd Prizes—Prince & Princess Junior Silver Sets Awarded by DAVID CR.OMPTON, Jeweller 3rd Prizes—Duke & Duchess Sun Suits awarded by Carmichael's All contestants receive RIBBONS as Keepsakes SEE BABE WINDOW AT CARMICHAEL'S swam lllll l eilist lllllll 0/ 111111 llllllll 11144.4114111111 llllllllllllllllllllll 4 44111/1htetilf144111111111114F 11111111.111111111111111111g.01111M/MMUIMM lllllll FM1(1.111111 lllll lt 111 111111411 lllll 111111111111111 llllll g 111111 11111' ,..11PIEMAN'e Cematery Memorials Importer and Manufacturer Wingham Goderich IMINiu, • Canadian Tire Crop. Store I!! 14: 71' , Phone 184 Whirsh CAMPBELL'S aLri 71711i r 11,/ I„L' Appliances — Contracting Phone 474 Wingham " \Ve Sovh:Ytiur Proidemt;" 411444111111111111411.01,1,C111111111 llllll 1.1. 231115111111114111411111111111•111111 1011.111111111,. IMO'S BOYS' AND MEIVS WEAR SCENE 8—"Milton Berle" SCENE 4—"The Happy Hay- .moon Berle—Ken Crawford ride Show" 11111M11111111111111111gttigligic gge ggtegglill lllll ,If4j11141111)11441144411.11,111011 lllll 11114121. 11114111M. lllllll 14 lllll 1111111,1 llllllll 1111111111111114.1114 4 To the first 12 childern who bring in a correct LIST of misspelled words on this page to HANKS The Loyal Orange Lodge and the director, Gaylene Thomp- son, wish to express their api_reciati n to all those who hay.: been helpful in making our show ,a succes. Vises Boys' and Menus Wear when in town .f,,! -•-er ..44.1111.1/4411...reabz.8=111404113414.114R.212131:,114111101.-, "1a :` \k.).111 De 'le- i.1%.Soto- Dodge T rucks Saks and Service )Pine Sunoco Froch Phone 110 Wingham G11:o ela44.1111=1044.1.4.-1,4,1-1Lnasils14.0r4,-.1.ii1:11111-1111111.4.111 kw.Sa Quality Dairy Products We make our own Ice Cream Phone 9 Wingham 1.0A4m1=-,244-,==4-,...M.ZIMSYli1R4• 3...M.51M-411(0.142 .4.4 ti vi,[rTyp, y, 4.1 • i'Vrt 7 `t.70 GROCER SINSE !915., Phone 142 erzarol.me-Josgagazm.goomteuractr....emeagaggcceg.r.tmgggam sJ I! "!-irr:- .3' Bread - Cakes and Pastry Phone 143 Wingham ronnallaahoimommoi=sorr-z..:31ascoa.msoce-...ines!=t .44441.4.4a./11 ON 'MO1,1 FORD MONARCH FORD TRACTERS General Repairs Wingham Phone 237 to Coast" 1111too Berle—"Ken” Crawford Roxy Rockettes—Phyllis Hamilton. Joan Loughlean, 'Marion Chittick; Catherine Heating. Studio Pages;—Donalda MacDonald, Alice Hayden SCENE 2-701 a Story Time' Fran Allisen—Mrs, Norma Hamilton Snow White—Brenda 3/acLennan Prince—Dick Scott Queen Joan Colvin Dwarfs—Linda Crompton, Joan Chit- ilek, Karen Smith, Brenda Conron ) Jane Ann Colvin, Mary Lou Jamie- son. Singing Commercial—Clark Johnston SCENE 3—"Backstage TV Queens" s;e:dra 47aith, Mary Rae, Bury Louise Town, Gueltla Sta plet on, Joan Loughloan, Catherine Keating,. Illy Aeuff—Earl HAYRIDE Helen I ois V.-allt.^v, Marion C:aifltieh, 10..10 0.e rltaini,on, Irene Saint, Ph;v11is liandlton. Speciaities guise W' it IN fra, Crtaickshank. l'itl r—Lloycl iVa au h, Tap Dancor—rien trar.-foril CROSSETT li'OT9PS 11. 1- JA A4,8 Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Sales Service Phone 459 .s===lsexualalmsgraggnaggractougarr-gge- S Serving Viinghazn and Community since 1901- grogz.=4444114 .11.41.1g4m41444...,nowagogag.tougstrog..cliar.4.4.4444esorniigtiotax42 PURDOWS Ladies' & Children's Wear. Dry Goods and Floor Coverings "Alweys ready to serve" MAWS GROCE"ERIA Free Deleviry Phone 161 Groceries — Fresh Vegetables t.4,,m41.44.444e,,-tivg4.144,.......,-gig411 14451301.43414.44404144.11griss DORE ET S Hardware - Builders' Supplies Electrical Appliences Sporting Goods Phone 27 Wingham kva4/0103104...vm4Mm-,Mmusr Accires04.1.4*Wax.Vuaanak1b, ILAI2 rACVR - 4 BUTCHER The Best of Freeh 'and Cured Meats always on hand. H000e INttle Rendared Lent Phone. 35 Wingham ,II-.31114.11411-141a,44,1,4117[..1C-41111C44134.111.000.1143411111*.414 1ER _Ali V Pi3r 1671fi We specialize in complete Moter Tune-up Whore yen never have to Piow your ijo_tn. LADY LE Some lady in the audience on July 11 and another on July 12 will reign Queen 'For A Day of Winr7ham at the show, "Shooting Stars" 1.1,,41.ftaemtk,71CUM",/,,12 11*,T4 S TS O& MEATS and G.ROCRIES Listowel Wingham Palmerston Fresh Vegetables Phone 102 Wingham gmtarg11.410Mr1.4.44tiMegtiggseg4mulogramoggeggerog STANTON HABWARE and Farmers' Supply House Pho me 30 Wingham Ontario 14114.4.11.4=1441.4.140141,)14,1,,,,M4101,,,744,4114114.11,54a.,-44.Fuovi c. s1.4 CAMENTN'S BELIAROS • Pipes and Lighters Reparied Hot Dogs and Magazines Wingham Ontario oggriagrvece.41.4144.4tithatiatigh,.soc4=441.7414.1•44,441441.4111mgvogangmcgmerk444. Complements of DUNLOP'S ME MEE Shoes fitted b'T .'-ray Phone 23 raer...c4.,.1441,11142314441C4,1111:0•=11... 41144111110011,,4 4144.111111111111111114111 AMi JS EROCERY Freesh Fruits and Vegetables Phone 116 Fi-ee Delivery Winghk,,tm Ontario , 4/,140/41111119n/1 1s414400. BEATT ABER BUILD BETTER BUY BEAVER Complet. Building Supplies Phone 66 Wingham Compliments of ALAN MUMS Optometrist ,gg,----...n.=e,--==egaccalg,,cragmegg.ganaloggsranggaiggl.goe.glgomougragsr..Inie.ki,..a SPIT BOOFERS :MPS I.D.A, .DRI'G STORE 55'. J. CI.Allh, A: HEATING IAMILTON CO. SHERBONDY'S COFP:EE SPEW' SIIOP .1ND $.1.tto STORE 'VIII; S. J. IIOME I/ANNA'S :VEEN'S II. I'. CARMICHAEL'S DRY GOODS ivosouion rozoNE SCENE 6—" Fred Waring Show Eng! Waring—Bernard Rutledge j,,:i.lzte Wheatley—Mrs. Marjorie. GUOSt All (h ortp, Girls including Shirley Ash- ton. Edith Pym, :5Iaryene Seigle, Ruby can Sangster, .,Joyce Pyke, Joanneite Pylre, Mary Thornton. SCENE 7—"Queen For A Day" „ff;e1; Bailey—Ralph Baird HAMILTON BEVERNES The Home of John Collins and Wishing Well Orange Root Beer Lemon Lime Lim Rickey Cream Soda Gingerale Grape 4., lllllllll g lllllll gligglgs llllll lllll 41111,11111111,1111111111,11.,11111 lllllll lllllllllll piltigliggigiggg llllll ggggpsgigggggil llllll iggiggglig Tailered Clothes "1,1 There ttle cliarm of Restored" .=.10414144.7. 411,..41,7-Airmaie=nito...,444.14r444-944-1/4111111.1114.11414.4.4 Ontario Sponsored by L.O.L. no. 794 & Business Firms. CURTAIN 8:12 p.m. nefil—True Blus Orphanage and L.O.L. no. 794 ADMISSION Friday Saturday, July 11 ADULT $1.00 Wingham Town Hail 17, CHILDREN A gadi 12 Years and Under 35c