HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-09, Page 7••••114AUMAMP".. V1•1411,•• •••• • ,m,• ••••• • • St • Ve(e..o. .1.11,411.117 will6001.. Dr(7..ta ihkiiAsnitirtroa l 4.4 • •Ii•h• • •••n •%, Modern mechanized equipment has made "Muscle-farming" out-of-date Do it with machines—not with muscles —is the modern concept of farm operation. The work can be done easier, quicker, better, and at less cost the machine way— and there is less worry and less ex- pense when you use machine help instead of inexperienced and costly labor. No man who has experienced the many advantages of operating with modern equipment would want to go back to the days\ of "muscle-farming.'r Some of the greatest advances in mechanization in the history of agriculture have been made in recent years. Yotir Massey-Harris local dealer will be glad to give you full details of the complete line of Massey-Harris modern farm machines. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED N of high-quality farm implements since 1847 elt .. that you shOuld not pick the Trillium, our provincial floral emblem. Since its three leaves are near the top of the stem, they usually get picked with the blossom. And as the leaves feed the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium ... it is part of your outdoor enjoyment. 4, CA LING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOG — TORONTO — WINDSOR are also holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thom. Mr. Eon Cameron is taking a sum- mer course at Toronto, Mr. Will Ruth- erford is a patient in the Wingham Hospital followlbng an unfortunate accident, when he had his- :440 caught in a pulley while assisting. 14 lifting bales of hay in the barn, Hi fingers were cut off cliaganallY from the top of the little finger to the thumb, Cbtfir0 "Water on Tap" With "Virater on Tap" from a DURO PUMP- ING SYSTEM . . your whole family will enjoy sll the comforts and con- veniences of modern living. A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM will, at the turn of a tap, provide all the fresh clean water needed for Kitchen . . Bathroom . . . Laun- dry . . , Dairy Barn . Milk House . . . %441 Poultry Pens . . . Feed Lot . . . Lawns and Gardens . . . BESIDES you have FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures and Fit- tings. Write for illustrated folder. ei) For Sale By Machan Bros. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO . LIMITED London • Hamilton • St. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg • Vancouver Consider 'Forming New Huron Riding new Federal riding of Huron will be created by result of the redis- tribution bill which was before the Parliament last week. The riding is to Include 80 per cent of the present, riding of Huron-Perth, represented by Andrew Y. McLean, and 76 per cent of the riding of Huron North, repre- sented by Elston Cardiff. The muni- cipalities of Fullarton, Logan and Mitchell will revert to the riding of Perth. Turnberry, Howick and Wing- ham will be included in the riding of Wellington-Huron. Hibbert has ahem a part of the Huron riding since the redistribution of 1933. In discussing the proposed change in the Commons last week, Mr. Mc- Lean suggested that a floor should be placed under the Commons represen- tation of rural Ontario, in order that the voice of Ontario's rural communi- ties always may be heard, He also said he was-concerned about the situation in the rural parts of On- tario, created through the mechaniza- tion of farming. This mechanization permits farmers to do a particularly good job with fewer persons. This means that in these particular areas the population tends to decline. If the principle of representation How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now have shapely, attractive figures. No more bony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Ostrex. It puts flesh on bodies skinny because blood lacks Iron. Pepe you up, too. Improves appetite, digestion SO food nourishes you better. Don't fear getting too fat, Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or' get-acquainted" size only 600. Try Ostrex Tonle Tablets for new pounds, lovely ourves, new POP, today. At all druggists. ST. HELENS Meeting There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Women's Institute held in the community hall on Thursday afternoon. During the business ses- sion it was Aeeided to charter one or two busses to go to the C.N.E. at Toronto. Mrs. Lornt Woods read a paper on "Everyday Citizenship". Mrs. Chaester Taylor favored with a %At* QUEBEC (EAST OP FAFOANTIC-LEVIS-DIAJAOND) MARITIMES Asko It a mentorabl• sunAllod vacation In Canada's "Dorm East" playground. Inimpontivo holiday faros giro you a ll-day Marti with stopovers poratftted. EFFECTIVE June 16 to September 1 Itncluelve Consult your noarorp Railway agaole THE UTUAL ugg of CANADA HEAD OF,ICE WATERLOO, ONTARIO Pizza vac, A mice What is the best personal Investment Plan? One based on Life Insurance. When you save through life insurance you put your savings on a sound, regular basis. You are sure of saving a set sum each year through your insurance premiums. This money is invested by yonr insurance company skilfully and safely. For long term profitable results (plus family protection in the meantime) saving through a Mutual Life of Canada Policy cannot be excelled. N-1452 Debentures and Guaranteed Certificates 3 % 32%a for 1 and 2 years from 3 to 10 yea= • Interest payable half yearly • 400 or more accepted THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron &Erie Mortgage Corporation Head Office — London, Ontario District Representatives — J. H. Wylie, Wroxeter, Ontario Crawford and Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario PULLETS WYE PELLETS Save Ma" b):7.1/eo'whh i/ V7 / TS 'ti ll THEY CONTAIN THE LATEST "GROWTH FACTORS" Howson & Howson, Wingham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale J. C. Scharbach, Teeswater WEDNESDAY, Morg 8th, 1968 - THE WINGHAM ADVANCS,TIME$ by population was applied the result piano solo and Mrs. G. MacPherson would be fewer rural ridings and gave the repoyt of the District An- hence fewer spokesmen for agricul- nual meeting held at Clinton. It ture in the Commons. was agretd to apply for the short He would regret that trend, he course, "Brighten Your Home with said, if it was permitted to continue to the point where the introduction of policies detrimental to rural On- ario became a political expedient, As a matter of fact, the necessity of sup- port, government-wise, for agriculture, is greater than ever in view of the increased responsibility of farmers to feed the increasing population of these cities, In this ago of "floors" he believed it might not be unwise to suggest a floor be created to ensure that the voice of rural Ontario would always be heard. As for the re-cast of Huron North and Huron-Perth, Mr. McLean said it was proposed that there would be a new riding of 44,000 persons to be known as Huron. This riding would consist of 20,000 people in the present Huron North and 24,000 new in Huron-Perth. This means that 76 per cent of the people presently in Huron North would be in the new riding and some 80 per cent of those now in Huron-Perth would be in it. He thought the decision to create the new Huron riding was made with the intention of taking,every possible advantage of the geographical set-up and at the same time avaiding as much a's possible the dislocation of existing municipalities, Referring to Hibbert Township, Mr. McLean pointed out that Hibbert has been associated with Huron since the Conservativev redistribution of 1933. There has been no change in its geo- graphical relation to the riding in the meantime, which would justify its exclusion. As for gerrymandering, Mr. Mc- Ltan said that in 1945 it was pro- posed to constitute a riding which would have provided a Conservative majority of 1041. Then in 1949 the Conservative major ity would have been 318. That would appear to be gerrymandering in reverse. He did not think it was to the detriment of Elston Cardiff, the Consrvative.M,P, for Huron North, Mr. Cardiff protested the proposal and suggested that it, was designed for political purposes, and told the House that if a change was necessary it should have been made in such a way that Huron would have been one riding. He saw no reason that Hob- bert should form part of the propos- ed riding.—Huron Expositor. Color", Mrs, James Curran, one of the leaders of the girls' %ourse in "Bedroom Accessories", gave an out- lint of the course and displayed some of their work. At the conclusion lunch was served with Mrs'"' H. Webb and Mrs. James Aitchison as hostess. Congratulations to Alison Webb who' obtained honours In grade V piano in examinations held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music, Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy Of Detroit were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Thom' over the holiday week-end. Mrs. Martin and Neddy are remaining for a longer visit. Mrs. Ron Rothweli and Rosemary of Norwood ID@ By Roe Farms Service Dept. WELL, I SEE YOVIZE FIGURING OUT YOUR. FEEDING COSTS, ANDY. I SUPPOSE YOU'RE GETTING READY TO HAND OVER THE POULTRY CHORES TO MA DOC, MY PULLETS GOT WELL, ANDY, THERE'S AWAY TO A GOOD ONE GOOD THING YOU START ON VITAFOOD CAN DO.YOU CAN SAVE AND NOW THEY'RE A LOT OF TIME BY SWITCH-ON VITA-GROW MASH; ING TO ROE VITA-GROW BUT THESE IMPLEMENTS PELLETS THIS TIME OF NEED MY ATTENTION YEAR YES,SIR , YOUR BIRDS CAN GO TO RANGE NOW AND YOU CAN SAVE TIME THERE BY FEEDING. ROE VITA-GROW PELLETS. THESE ARE JUST VITA-GROW MASH IN A COMPRESSED FORM. imm••••••••••,.....* THAT'S A REAL IDEA,DOC. I'D SAVE TIME AND FEED, TOO. MY PULLETS WOULDN'T WASTE ANY FEED. PULLETS LOVE PELLETS AND EVERY SINGLE BITE IS BALANCED. YOU CAN FEED THEM IN THE MORNING AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE MASH BEING SCRATCHED OUT OF THE HOPPERS, PULLETS EAT PELLETS LIKE GRAIN AND THERE'S NO SLOW UP IN GROWTH. THANKS, DOC . VITA-GROW PELLETS SEEM TO BE A REAL ANSWER TO A LOT OF MY PROBLEMS. YOU'RE RIGHT,"' DOC, FIELD CHORES ea ARE COMING AND I'LL BE FAR TOO BUSY FOR THE PENS.