HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-02, Page 10ELECTRIC COOKING
With These New Features
A bell reminds you when cooking time
is up.
Provides proper over-all heat automatic-
ally, for every baking, roasting and broil-
ing need.
Designed for quick, easy cleaning—unit
lifts up for easy removal of rust-proof
inonel drip-pan which can be washed in
ordinary dish pan.
7,alee4AeemetOdyliaee Adi;inewAiew
ititine4, /eta ,c4744
4414144 teea
Ly cliristreitrzE
TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.
l lll lllll l t.$1 lll lll $1$11$41A111#1114411WIWIIIM
Wednesday, Thursday, July 2, 3
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman
Ava Gardner
James Mason
.11 b4ISS4.1.111,VOINfl(fIlil lllll lll I lllll llllll 141111,1110,111111111111•1114
Friday, Saturday, July 4, 5
"Shadow in the Sky
Nancy Davis James Whitmore
Monday, Tuesday, July 7, 8
"Captain Horatio Hornblower"
Gregory Peck Virginia Mayo
"Fort Worth" .
Randolph Scott
111E11111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111(111111111111111111CW11111111111114
4.10111111111111.11 llllllllllllllllllllll 11. lllllllllllllllll 11.11101101110111$111$111111 llllllllllllll 114 .141114Ie414ff 114114 n
Wednesday, Thursday, July 9, 10
101.0$111 llll lll lll lll l 14 111111 4 1 4 1111 4 1 4 111,11 4 1 4 11111 4 11,11
Phyllis Baxter
WgDianE$DAY, crEadY gut!, .1-952;
ladies agreed that each group of the
be responsible for putting
flowers in the church during the
th e W.A. tea at St. Helens on Friday
and provide two numbers for the pro-
gram. Mrs.: Hayward closed the
meeting with prayer, and the ladies
enjoyed the birthday tea that follow-
Mrs. Jos. Holmes of Clinton visited
last week at the home of her daugh-
ten Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pardon arrived
home from their honeymoon on Sun-
day. We extend a welcome to Mrs.
Pardon in this community.
both Muriel Watt, became the bride of George Aaron Thompson, Feversham,
son of Mrs. Thompson, Rocklyn, and the late Joseph Aaron Thompson.
--Photo by Hamnierton.
Mildred Jacklin. Wed at Wroxeter
Wedding at Vyhitechurch
Snell presiding, The Scripture les-
/ THE "FRIENDLY" CHURCH sons were taken by Mrs, Gilbert Bee- ,
croft, Mrs. George McGee and Mrs,
Edward McBurney. Mrs, Moores ,
gave a very interesting talk on, 4.* 0.0.11•1•043111.01$0141.111$$04$111041.111,Th/urt1.111.114,6•0•01WW401,611•11,..$$$1$.0$$01.-11.0.114.$41.0.6a$0....04......K1.m.v mat it means to be a steward". The
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bailie of Los
Angeles, 'Calif., Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Fear, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Hall, of Blyth, visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
J. D. Beeeroft. Mr. Bailie is a bro-
ther of Mrs. Andrew Kirk, He and
Mrs. Kirk' are the last members of a
family of six brothers and six sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailie, and Mrs, Kirk,
are spendinga few days this week
with Mr. and Mrs, Hail, of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kettner and
Rose Marie ,of Toronto, are spending
their holidays at the home of her
brother, Mr, John Boyle, and other
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Naylor and
children and his mother, Mrs. George
Naylor, attended the annual re-union
of the Robinson families at Grand
S.S. no. 10, Kinloss, and S,S. no, 9,
Kinioss held their school picnics on
Thursday last on the school grounds.
All enjoyed the games and the picnic
Mr. Robert Hutchison met with a
bad shaking-up on Saturday even-
ing, when he was on the mower
following the tractor, and the seat of
the mower broke and dropped him to
the ground. He has been laid off
work since.
Mrs. Arthur Craig ,and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Courtney and Patsy, of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Craig,
and with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall,
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tit, I
Radio & Electric
"Serving Tea Since 2930
M. and Mrs. Edward Nicholson and
Colleen, of London, spent the week-
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mra. John lintellison, Mr, NMI-
OIsion, who was in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital for some time, is now taking
physical therapy at nfalton Hospital
And is recovering slowly from his
The regular June meeting of the
W.M.S, of Whiteehurch United
Church was held on Wednesday last
!at the home of Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
• presided and read the Scripture
lesson. Mrs. J. D. Beeeroft led in
prayer for the missionary' workers
grind the success of the work. Mrs.
Jas. Falconer had charge of the chap-
ter from the study book. "From
Lakes to Northern Lights"". telling of
;the amalgamations of the United
elnireh, and the years of depression,
land the work during war years, and
!the growth of the work. Mrs. Millan
Moore, gave two readings, "Lifters.
;and Leanersn and, "The Glory of a
.Garden". Mrs. Ezra Sell°Itz led in
]prayer, The ladies decided to attend
Mrs. Edward aicBurney and sons
attended the Procter re-union at the
Seaforth Park on Monday.
Mrs. Jas. Peacock and Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Peacock and family of Bluevale
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dawson Craig.
Mr. Adam McBurney arrived home
from Kingston on Saturday to spend
his vacation at his home in E. Wawa-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McBurney,
and sons, and his mother, Mrs. Sam
McBurney, Wingharn, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hardie, Turn-
Mr. F, McK, Paterson spent the
week-end in Detroit at the home of
his son, Mr. Scott Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong,
and Gail, of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Nethery, and Valerie, and Barb-
ara Irwin and Jim, of Hamilton, spent
the week-end With' their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. HersonnIrvain.
Rev, and Mrs. Robert Watt and
family of Gorrie, who are moving this
week to Mitchell, spent a few days
this week with his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. W. J. Watt.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiell visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Hall, of Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snell and
Shirley and Myrtle visited on Sunday
at the home of her, brother, Mr.
Norman Keating, Wingharn,
Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff of Brussels
visited on Sunday at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul.
Mrs. Bagg and her daughter, Miss
Hazel Bagg, of Unionville, spent the
week-end at the home of the form-
er's daughter, Mrs. E. H. Groskorth.
Paul Groskorth returned with them
to spend the holidays there.
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of Toronto
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Buckton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and Mr.
Jim Murray, of Toronto, .spent the
week-end at the Murray cottage at
Miss Margaret Taylor, whO has
been in Wingham for some months,
returned to Mrs. Victor Emerson's
last week, On Sunday, she and Mr.
and Mrs, Emerson visited in Kin-
Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, of Gode-
rich, spent a few days last week here,
with her mother, Mrs. David Ken-
nedy, who has been very ili,• MiSs
Annie Kennedy is home this week on
holiday from the hospital.
My. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and
sons of Wingham, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's ,Institute will be held on
Tuesday next in the Memorial Hall.
The report of the district annual
meeting, and a good program, is
being prepared, All the ladies are
cordially invited to attend. Don't
forget ,the bus trip to the O.A.C.
Guelph, on July 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Beecroft and
sons, of Otterville, visited last week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bee-
croft and other relatives here and at
The congregation of Brick United
Church gathered on Sunday to, say
"Parewell" to their pastor, Rev. W. J,
Moores, Robert Gerald, little son of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shiell of Lon-
don, was baptized before" the Corn-
munion service,
Mr. and Mrs, Rennie- Wightman of
Flint and Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Wightman of Welland, wee here over
the week-ehd to attend the Wightmari
family get-together on. Saturday and
spent the week-end at the home of
their brother, Mr. Leslie Wightman,
Miss Anne Craw, of Toronto, is visits
frig With Miss Eleanore Wightinan
this week.
Mr, and Mrs. WM. Ashby and Mr,
and Mrs. 'rhos, Smith of Toronto
spent the week-end at the home of
tinhaeofOrrilarla aunty MrS. Chas iteb-
Evening Auxiliary
The regular monthly meeting of the
Evening Auxiliary was iitld at the
home of Mrs. Norman Keating on
Tuesday evening, June 17th.
Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, who way in
charge of the meeting, conducted a
very lovely worship service, `the
theme of which was, "Ye Shall he
Witness Unto Me." The meeting was
opened with a call to worship and
a hymn, Miss Mary Love read a poem,
"The Solitary Life," Mrs. W. B.
Cruikshank read the scripture tak-
ken from Romans, Chapter 12, and
Mrs. Tiffin read a commentary bas-
ed on the teachings of the Sermon
on the Mount. The devotional part
of the evening was closed with a
prayer by Mrs. Tiffin and another
Miss Laura Behrns addressed the
meeting and gave a most interesting
account of some of her experiences
at the Ontario School for the Blind
at Brantford, where she taught for
several years. In the household
science classes, Miss Behrns - said
that their sense of smell helped the
girls greatly in learning to cook and
to bake, And of course their highly
developed sense of touch was the
main factor in learning to sew and
other needle work. These pupils were
taught to dance and presented sev-
eral operettas. They also learned to
skate and one year put on a very
fine carnival, Miss Behrns said that,
on the whore; these boys and girls
were very keen students, resulting
.mostly from their highly developed
powers of concentration. Samples of
Braille were 'passed around anti the
method of reading and writing it
briefly explained.
During the business part of the
meeting, Migs Love, literature sec-
retary, explained a course of read-
ing for auxiliaries and suggested sev-
eral interesting books to read during
the summer, At the close of the
meeting, a dainty lunch was served
and a social hour was spent.
St. PefuPs S.S.
Holds Picnic
interesting games and races, plenty
of sandwiches, tarts, chocolate milk
and ice cream were the highlights of
the annual Church School picnic of
St, Paul's Church held Friday after-
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lance Grain.
Pollowing the races a ball game was
held'between the boys and the girls,
with the former winning by a narrow
At suppertime the bays and girls
were jollied by many of the adults of
the congrfegation, who took part in
the races and games after supper,
The successful affair was in charge
of a committee consisting of Mrs.
Miller Davis, Mrs. Mei Keating, Miss
Eleanor Brown and Mr. Ab. Nethery
with assistance from the mothers in
the preparation Of the supper, Prize-
winners were all mernbers of the Pri-
mary Class, Verna Griffith, Barry
Puller, Delena McKay, Karen Smith,
Howard McKay, Miss gleaner Brown,
Linda Ternpleman, Gary Templeman,
Bob Angus, Alt UcCitight, Di-
ana Griffith and Janet Saint,
Regular Sundays Services
Sunday School 10.15 am.
Remembering the Lord
at 11.15
Gospel Meeting at 7.30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting and 'Bible Study
Each Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
The president, Mrs. J. 0. Gillespie,
Edward St. Wingham
Lieut. & Mrs. K. L. Kirby (Commanding Officers)
You Are Welcome
Sunday 11 a,m. — Holiness Meeting i
2.30 p.m. — Sunday School
7 p.m. — Great Evangelistic Service i
1 with "The Salvation Serenaders"
1 prayer-meeting. i
Tuesday 8 p.m. — Old-fashioned
De Luxe
eLscrPtc RAGE
27 l
Brick Church congregation met in
the church last Wednesday evening to
honour Rev. and Mrs, Moores an
Marilyn. before they left for their
new home. Mr. Gilbert Beecroft was
chairman for a short program. after
which he read al address. Mrs. Law-
rence Taylor, presented Mrs, Moores
with an electric tea-kettle. John
Mason presented Mr. Moores with a
deck lamp, and Marilyn Shiell pre-
sented Marilyn Moores with. a dresser
lamp, Al ithanked their friends for
their kindness and their remem-
brances. Lunch was served and the Mildred Eva jackhn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Webster Jacklin of Wroxeter,
social time enjoyed. became the bride of Archie Stuart Pardon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S,
; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnston and Purdon of 4, Wawanosn, in a wedding at the United church manse,
family, of Parkhill. visited on Sunday 'roxeter, on Saturday, June 21st. —Photo by Hammerton.
with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Scott of
Kinloss. Mrs. Will Conn, who has
been visiting at Parkhill for some ,
time, returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson of
Hamilton spent the week-end at the
home of his brother, Mr, Albert Pat-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mael'avish
and children of W. Wawanosh visited
on Sunday at the home of his uncle,
Mr. Gordon Elliott.
Brick Church W.M,S. held their Friday 8 p.m. — Home League. June meeting on Thursday last at
the home of Mrs. Leslie Wightman,
COME TO THE "ARMY" with 26 ladies present, and with Mrs.
rc trK %,
slimmer months. Mrs. Moores has A wedding of interest took place recently at the home of the bride's parents,
always been a very ardent member of 'Rev. and Mrs. William John Watt, Whitechurch, when their daughter Eliza-
this W.M.S. group, and they took this
opportunity of giving her a pretty
cake plate as a remembrance. All
sang, "Blest be the tie that binds",
and Mrs. Moores closed the meeting
with prayer. Mrs, Allan Pattison's
group was in charge of the birthday
tea that followed.
King Dept Store
"The Friendly Store"
rigured rayon crepe jackets
and contrasting plain colours
for the trousers.
Green, red and, black.
Pretty gowns in practical
celanese jersey, satin, rayon
and crepe, so cool and fresh
for summer wear.
Plain styles or with lace trim
Also plain shades and stripes in cotton.
Price $6.00
Dainty panties in nylon and knit rayon, especially
attractive for warm weather.
Price 95c to $2.29 a
$2.50 to $6.95
Price $6.50
ikaventkifre/Sh!avid 00 0/
Beautifully Proportioned Lingerie
through the bust and waist.
We have a grand. assortment con-
sisting of, satin, crepe and nylon
slips in tailored or lace trim.
$3.00 to $6'50
JI, ..... 4-4,444 4.-4.44.4.: