HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-07-02, Page 9Notiee to
Water Consumers
The hours for lawn and garden service remain
the same as previous years, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and
6 p.m. to 9 p.ni. Water consumers are requested
to observe these hours as they will be strictly
Utilities Commission • I
PRotApjle/gEMOVAt OF
PHONt coLkEct
When Service
is Required
on your
Lighter or Pipe
send it to
25, 2, 9
The Armouries
Do You Play a
Musical Instrument?
The 99 Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Canadian
Artillery (R), at WINGHAM, ONTARIO,
has a very fine BRASS BAND, for which a few
Bandsmen are Needed
Instruments and Music are provided.
Every Parade and Practice is Paid for.
GOOD RECREATION—Badminton, Volley Ball,
Softball, etc.; good Fellowship, and profit to your-
self are yours for the asking.
Join the Canadian Army Reserve Force by be-
coming a member of your Local Unit. Apply at
............. 1 ........ 1111111 ..... 111/1 ..... 1111 ..... 1111 ..... 1111111111111111 ....... 1111 ......... 11 ....... a.1.1.11,.,,,.11„11."1111,111
The time to secure protection against
loss by hail is NOW.
DO NOT HESITATE—the cost is the same—delay will mean loss
if it hails early.
If you are interested in protection of this type, see or call
Quality Always
Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around”
for a Monument to honour your loved one.
Depend on our reputation for highest quality
and fair dealings. See Us First.
Malt Modern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work
Inscription Work Promptly Attended to.
Brownlie Memorials
WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator
Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450
Fifth Annual Sothern Reunion
Held in Listowel Corn. Park
WI irnsipspAy, .01.114( 2. nd, X.OP.
Even a dog's life aboard the 5,5,
United States, new superliner is noth,
ing to bark at. Minneapolis-Honeywell
engineers who designed the liner's
elaborate control systems for the air
conditioning network, also provided
for thermostatic regulation of condi-
tions in the kennel,
The annual death rate in Canada
averages less than 10 per 1,000 popu-
parisonlation, which is fairly low in
comparison with other countries.
Saturday was an ideal June day for
the fifth Sothern Reunion held in
Listowel Park, when about 100 per-
sons attended, After the noonday
meal sports were directed by Ira
Schaefer. The kiddies enjoyed the
swimming pool while the older folk
Wm, Sothern Jr presided for a
short business meeting and Mrs,
Cecil Cooper read minutes of last
year's business meeting, During the
year four members of the Sothern,
connection have passed on namely:
Alec Gibson, Listowel; Archie Ro-
berts, Wm, Allan, Fordwich, and the
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Sothern, Fordwich.
Officers for next year were chosen:
Pres., Everitt Allan; Vice Pres,, Nel-
son Armstrong; See,-treas., Mrs. Roy
Simmons; Convener of sports, Roy
Simmons, Convener of lunch, Mrs.
Victor Gibson.
Prizes Were given to the oldest
Sothern member Mr. Wm. Sothern, 90.
The oldest gentleman present, Mr.
Win. Wade, 94; Oldest lady, Mrs. Wm.
Allan; Youngest child, Susan Jane
Templeanan, Gorrie. Those coming
the greatest distance, Mrs. Carl
Harris, Colonsay, Sask., and Mrs.
Bertha Fitzpatrick, Elgin, Man.
Next year's reunion will again be
held in the Listowel park.
Those present were .from Medina,
N.Y., Colonsay, Sask., Elgin, Man.,
Toronto, London, Goderich, Brussels,
Wroketer, Gorrie and Fordwich,
'Mrs. Fred McIntosh
Women's Institute-
The July meeting of the W.I. will
he held aa,t the home of Mrs. N.
Gedcke, at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, July 8th.
Roll call, Display•most useful kitchen
gadget. District Pres., Mrs. Win.
McCann, Fordwich, will he guest
speaker. Home economics and health
convener, Mrs. J. Hutchison, will be
in charge of program.
L.O.L. Church Service
Howick District L.O,L. and L.O.B.
A. will hold their annual church
service at 2.30 p.m. in the Gorrie
Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July
6th. Rev. R. J. Boggs will be the
Woman's Auxiliary Packs Bales
The former Mary Elizabeth Stewart,
she was married twice, her first hus-
band being the late Samuel Howard,
a native of Orange Hill and eldest
brother of Mrs. George Galbraith who
resides on the Howard homestead
Orange Hill, Howick Twp. Mr. How-
ard passed away in 1900. In 1916 she
married F. J. Whalley, of Moosejaw,
Sask., whose death occurred in 1941.
Since then Mrs. Whalley has resided
with her daughter, son-in-law and
A private funeral service was held
at the home of her only brother, Thos.
E. Stewart, who resides on the
family homestead close 'to Magneta-
wan, followed by a public service in
Trinity United Church, with burial in
the family plot, Magnetawan.
Surviving besides her daughter and
brother are nine grandchildren, one
great-grandson, several nieces and
nephews, Her only son, Harvey H,
Howard, passed away in 1919.
Relatives and friends from a dis-
tance attending the funeral, were
from Richmond, Va.; Fort Worth,
Texas; Vancouver, B.C.; Montreal,
Toronto, Burks Falls and Gorrie.
th e Ethel public school for the next
I term.
The exterior woodwork of the
Orange Hall received a coat of paint
last week.
Schools no. 4 and no. 1, teachers
Mrs. Hunstein and Mrs. Erma Bow-
erman, joined together on Friday
afternoon for a picnic at no. 1.
There will be a service of Holy
Communion in St. Stephen :a Church
on Sunday next, July 6th, at 1.30 p.m.
The change in the hour is due to the
L.O.L. service at 2.30, so that mem-
bers may he enabled to attend both
Mr, and Mrs, Earl King accompan-
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berlett,
Listowel, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Kreuter, Brussels, are spending a
few days at a cottage north of
Mr. and Mrs. Wolland, Mr. and Mrs.
W, G. Lawson and Peter, Toronto,
were week-end and holiday guests of
Mrs. Efhel Bradnock and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hockridge.
A recent letter to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Heibein r eceived from their
son Bill, who is on active service with
the Navy in Korean waters, stated
that he was to spend two weeks leave
An Hong Kong.
At the Knismen Carnival in Wing-
ham, Howick Jr. Farmers won second
place in the Square Dancing Compe-
Mrs. Bertha Fitzpatrick of Elgin,
Man., visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Wade for a few days the
first of the, week.
Miss Jean Sparling, Mr. Henry
Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sparling and little daughters have left
on a motor trip to the West coast.
Mr. and Mrs, Wray Pinnell and
daughters of Kitchener spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downey.
Mrs. Clarence Stokes, con, 13 had
her tonsils removed in Wingham Hos-
pital last week.
Miss Beryl Bennett left from Lon-
don on Monday morning on a con-
ducted bus tour to the Can. West and
also through the U.S.
Mr. Fred Hyndman is able to he out
again after his recent illness.
Congratulations to the following
pupils in Gorrie of Mrs. Lyle Bro-
thers, Wroxeter, who successfully
passed their/ examinations in piano:
Grade I, Faye Edgar; Grade IV, Ruth
Toner and Karen Michel.
Miss Marie and Mr, Torn O'Krafka
attended the wedding of a cousin at
Hespeler on Saturday. Also guests
at the wedding were Miss Audrey
Hastie and Mr. Don Irwin.
Congratulations to Mr. Norman
Carson and bride nee Margaret Wear-
ring, of Wroxeter who were married
on Saturday, in Wroxeter United
The local ball team, known as the
Wroxeter Rockets, hut having several
Gorrie boys, has been doing particu-
larly well this season, having won all
the games played. In a recent game
with Brussels the score Gorrie 31-
Brussels 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of
Clinton were visitors in town on
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Beecroft and
sons of Otterville were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hec. Hamil-
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simpson and
three daughters of Guelph were
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Man-
fred Irwin,
Condition of Mr. Geo. Galloway who
has been ill in Wingham Hospital for
some weeks has been much more
The following is the list of promo-
tions of the Westfield school:
To Grade IX
Gwen McDowell, Shirley Lutz, Bill
Lutz, Betty Biggerstaff.
Grade 7 to Grade 8
Donna Walden, Barbara Smith,
Ruth Howatt.
Grade 6 to Grade '1
Harvey Snell, Bob Pitblado. Failed
Mervyn Yule.
Grade 5 to Grade 6
Sylvia Wharton, Keith Rodger,
Barkley Spiegelberg, Dolores Bell,
Doreen Howatt.
Grade 4 to Grade 5
Rdse Marie Lutz, Ronald Snell,
John Campbell, David Wharton.
Grade 3 to Grade 4
Eghert Bakker, Garth Walden, Ivan
Howatt, Failed, Bryon Spiegeiberg.
Grade 2 to Grade 3
Dorothy Howatt, Harry Bakker,
Marvin Snell, Hugh Campbell, Clifford
Miss Eva Dow,teacher.
Congratulations are extended to
John Buchanan and Ruth Cook on
passing from grade 9 to grade 10 at
the Goderich Collegiate; also to
Gerald McDowell, who Passed from
grade 10 to grade 11; and to Lorna
Buchanan, who graduated from the
commercial department; and also to
Betty Rodger who graduated from the
Goderich business school.
Mr. Armond McBurney is visiting
relatives in the state of Michigan.
Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Brown, of St.
Thomas, visited on Thursday at the
home of the former's sister, Mrs,
Frank Campbell.
Miss Gwendolyn IVIcDowell Was a
participant in the musical recital at
Auburn, on Wednesday evening.
School closed Friday noon for the
summer vacation, Miss Eva Dow has
been re-hired for the fall term.
Miss Ada Dow, teacher of 6th line
school accompanied by her pupils and
some of the mothers chartered a bus
to Tdronto on Thursday and toured
the zoo and museum and some other
points of interest.
Results In Special
Commercial Class
First Class Honours (75% or over)
Mildred Cook, June. MacDonald,
Norma Moffatt.
Second Class Honors, (66% --- '74%)
Marilyn McLean, Shirley Temple-
man, Jean Bain.
Third Class Honours (0%45%)
Josie Willoughby.
Promotions Wingham
School Announced
(Continued from page one.)
Grade II to Grad€ III
Helen Anne Armstrong, Judith Bak-
er, Karen Beattie, Karen Burden, Ann
Clark; Carol Crawford, Karen Elliott,
Douglas Fowler, Kenneth Fowler,
Patty Anne Gregg, Deanna Griffith,
Jean Gurney, Frances Groves, Pat-
ricia Heywood, Douglas Hamilton,
Jean Jones, Beatrice Klein, Betty
Anne Lapp, Donald Lee, Bruce Ma-
chan, John Madill, Sandra MacLen-
nan, Beth Merrick, Donald Morland,
Margaret Morrey, Sue Nasmith, John
Newell, Donald Pollock, Donald Rin-
toul, Phyllis Rutledge, Teddy Seddon,
Glenn Skinn, John Strong, Lynne
Stuckey, Douglas Spry, Kirk Van-
stone, David Whitby.
Phyllis Johns, teacher.
Grade III to Grade IV
Byron Adams, Joan Angus, Reta
Brooks, Charlie Campbell, Frances
Caskanette, Marilyn Chamney, Geor-
gina Clark, Linda Clark, Stanley
Clark, Joan Colvin, Bob Craw-
ford, Dianne Crossett, Dianne
Dennis, Douglas Davidson, Greer
Dunlop, Betty Ferguson, John Fry-
fogle, Barry Fuller, Eleanore Goy,
Patsy Hall, Jane Hetherington, Ruth
Hodgins, Murray Kerr, Donna Lan-
caster, Gloria MacDonald, Bob Mc-
Phail, Jack Neeve, Anne Rae ,Frank
Riehl, Paul Rintoul, Marilyn Ross,
Brian Rutledge, George Skinn, Ruth
Stone, Gary Templeman, Dale Thom-
Mrs. Shera teacher,
Grade IV to Grade V
Grant Adams, James Angus, Robert
Angus, Shirley Armstrong, Willa Ar-
thur, Paul Bennett, Bob Brooks,
Elizabeth Burrell, Peter Carmichael,
David Carr, Kenneth Chettleburgh,
Joe Clark, Billie Crawford, Kenneth
Crompton, Joyce Crothers, Marion
Farrier, Gerald Foxton, George Jones,
Lloyd Klein, Sharon Lewis, Douglas
Lockridge, John MacDonald, Malcolm
MacKay, Billy McDougall, Bob McIn-
tyre, Walton McKibbon, John Merk-
ley, Carol Murray, Donald Murray,
Betty Purdon, Shirley Redman, Brian
Rider, Janet Saint, Sarah Skinn, Nan-
cy Slosser, Karen Smith, Laurie
Stuckey, Dianne Templeman, Jimmy
V, McLaughlin teacher.
Grade V to Grade VI
Ronnie Baker, Joan Brooks, Doro-
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wightman and
I Sharon of Niagara Falls, and Mr, and
Mrs. John Hildebrand and Eldo, of
Jordon Station spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gear and child-
ren of Kitchener are spending the
week-end with relatives. Mrs, Gear
and children will remain for a longer
Miss Norma Nethery of Hamilton
is visiting Mrs. Harvey McDowell and
other friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and
Bill, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cook and
Mr. Bert Taylor, attended the wed-
ding on Saturday of their niece, Miss
Marjorie Taylor, daughter of Rev.
Elmer and Mrs. Taylor, of Cottam.
Miss Betty Rodger has secured a
position in the office at the grain
elevators, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wightman of
Grand Isle, Vermont, are visiting
relatives in the district,
Congratulations are extended to
Mrs. Emerson Rodger, who has been
successful in her vocal exam, and has
received her A,W.C,M, with 1st class
At Bruce county council the fin-
ance committee presented its report
which incorporated financial state-
ments of all hospitals within the
county. These showed Kincardine to
be in excellent position and won from
the committee congratulations for the
matron and staff on their wonderful
showing and the secretary-treasurer
for keepin ghis collections so well
In hand,
The report showed Kincardine with
11,186 hospital days at a cost of
.$4.95 per day. At Chesley the cost
was $9.40, at Southampton $8.56 and
at Walkerton $8.50.
The committee reported "With the
largest number of hospital days in
the county, the outstanding patients'
accounts are only $2,014." In the
same category, Chelsey had $1.614,
Southampton 810,394 and Walkerton
$9,496. —Kincardine News.
thy Chamney, Marjorie Foxton, Jean Froome, Gwenyth Gerrie, Verna Grif-
fith, Donald Gurney, Billie Henderson,
Billie Henry, Emerson Hickey, Doug-
las Lapp, Fay Lavigne, Judith Lunn, Elva MacDonald, George Murray,
Peter Nesmith, Wayne Nicol, Marilyn
Riehl, Jimmy Rintotil, Robert Rintoul,
Myrna Robinson, Norma Rutherford,
Irene Saint, Dawn Sinnamon,, Douglas. Skinn, Sandra Strong, Karen Swan-
son, Sharon Thomson, Shirley Voll-
mer ,Raymond Walker,
Mrs. E, Webster teacher.
Grade VI to Grade VII
Mary Alice Armstrong, Jean Arthur,
Murray Campbell, George Chettle-
burgh, Harold Ferguson, Ruth Fry-
fogle, Frank Gibbons, Mary Gibbons,
Barry Gibson, Merle Gowdy, Muriel
Gowdy, Claudia Haselgrove, Rae
Hetherington, Margaret Meehan,
Mary Helen MacDonald, Billie Mac-
Intyre, Bob McDougall, Marianne Mc-
Grade VII to Grade VIII
Raymond Arthur, Veda Arthur, Jim
Bain, Lester Burden, Tom Burrell,
David Cameron, Bill Clarke, Gail
Colvin, Mary Lou Dunlop, Betty Fox-
ton, Lionel Gerrie, Frank Houghton,
Nancy Hutcheson, Earl Jenkins, Doris
Machan, Grant McIntyre, Joyce Mof-
fatt, Ray Murray, Beverly Nethery,
Jamie Rae, Florence Sanderson, David
Scott, John Seddon, Dennis Smith,
Betty Stone.
M. Deans, teacher.
Grade VIII to Grade IX
Bob Aitken, Gregory Buchanan,
Jim Campbell, Douglas Carr, Marion
Chittick, Ken Crawford, Lois Craw-
ford, Lynn Cruickshank, Mary F,
Currie, Helen Ford, Jim Foxton,
Barry Fryfogle, Douglas Gibson, Phyl-
lis Hamilton, Alice Hayden, Betty
Henry, Ian Hetherington, Ken Hodg-
kinson, Jim Lockridge, Barbara Mer-
rick, Jim Newman, Mary Rae, Billy
Rintoul, Raymond Sanderson, Marjor-
ie Scott, David Slosser, Lois Stacey,
• IA Town .of Wingham E•
a •
a Building Permit By-Law
Enacted and Passed Oct. 4, 1948 a a in- a WHEN PERMIT REQUIRED •
I a
til (a) No person shall commence the erection of any il
-._ i new building or the repair, alteration or addition ii
i to any eXisting buildipg unless and until he shall R-
ill have first submitted the plans and specifications of is
ril the proposed building or of the proposed altera- i
• tion repair or addition, to the Inspector and shall FN.
ITI have obtained a permit from the Inspector to pro-
a ceed with the erection, alteration, repair or addi- a- .:
t • on, ekcept that where the repair or alteration ii ... tion,
does not exceed $100. In such cases no permit
ll shall be required unless structural timbers are cut, a
a existing stairways are Closed or 'new stairways or II
i chutes are opened' or exits from the building are
• altered, or stone, concrete, brick or masonry walls i
are cut away, provided that all such repairs or al-
* terations shall comply with fhe intent of this by- ii
1 law and be satisfactory to the Inspector, and also i
.1 providing that rio new outdoor toilet may be built "6'
#.I ''on a street served by sewers. I!
ii i
i . FEE FOR PERMIT • . •
1 (b) For every permit issued, when the value of •
ii the work to be done is estimated at no more than i
' Iii $1,000.00 a fee of $1.00 shall be paid to the Muni- -,
'* cipal Treasurer, and when the estimated value _of
U the work exceeds $1,000.00 an additional sum of
a $1.00 for every additional $1,000.00 or fraction
▪ thereof.
i (c) Every permit shall be granted- in such form
ii that it shall expire if active work is not commen-
t' ced within a period of six months from the date
of its issue. _,.
1951 Monarch sedan, demonstrator
1951 Prefect sedan, new
▪ 1951 Ford V-8 custom coach, overdrive
1951 Ford V-8 custom sedan, very low mileage
1951 Panel Truck, new
1949 Ford V-8 custom sedan
1946 Hudson sedan
1941 Ford V-8 custom sedan, a real buy
1950 Ford 8 N Tractor
1949 Ford 8 N Tractor
1942 Ford Ferguson Tractor—a real snap
All above units completely overhauled
Used Cars and Tractors
Ford & Monarch is
= The death occurred in the Saska-
• toon Hospital on June 11th after a
= long illness of Mrs. Fred McIntosh, of
Bradwell, Sask. She was the former
Edna Zimmerman, a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman
and was born on the 9th con, of
Howick 69 years ago, Some years
after her marriage to Mr. Fred Mc-
Intosh they went to reside in the
West. Interment was in the Saska-
toon cemetery. Surviving besides her.
husband are one daughter La, Mrs.
Major of Tessier, Sask., and one
brother, Sandford Zimmerman, Gor-
rie, to whom sympathy is extended.
The W.A. of St. Stephen's met at
the home of Mrs. Mel, Gilkinson on
Thursday afternoon. The work of
the afternoon was the packing of the
III annual bales. One was sent to the
= Indian Residential School at Card-
ston, Alberta and included new cloth-
ing for a girl 'mini of the school, a
layette, quilts, and a quantity of
good used clothing. A second box
I_ was sent to the Mohawk Institute at
• Brantford containing quilts, etc. The
president, Mrs. N. Wade, conducted
P. a short business and devotional ser-
• vice when a report was given of the
= recent garden party. It was decided
1 to give $125.00 towards the recent
repairs to the church. Mrs. T. Vittie
read the Scripture from Acts 11:1-5.
Mrs. F. C. Taylor gave a talk on
"Missions" and Mrs. E. King closed
--z• with prayer. Lunch was served.
a Attend Funeral
a Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith, ac-
LZ rcompanied by the latter's niece, Mrs.
J. B. W, Smith, LonSlon, motored to
Magnetawan, last Tuesday and on
Wednesday attended the funeral of
Mrs. F. J. Whalley, who passed sud-
denly at the home of her only
daughter, Mrs. W. G. Weston, in
Richmond, Virginia on June 21st.
Mrs. Jean MacDonald was a guest
of Mrs. Lida Balfour in Listowel over
the week-end,
...,, Mrs. Jean Brown and grand claugh- and
III ter, of Toronto are visiting this week
With Mrs. Archie Miller.
= Mrs. Chas, Lawrence visited for a
• few days With her daughter, Mrs.
Jennings and Rev Harry Jennings in
= Brantford, Mr. Jennings has been
IN appointed to the parish of Lucknow,
Ripley and Dungannon and will
assume his new duties August 1st,
He has been rector of St. Paul's
Anglican. Church, Brantford, since
Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingham n 19'T4iss Jean Sperling, principal of the
dorrie public school for the past 8
lifirimilonisiiimileininnimiiiiimmilisi7 sears, has been engaged to teach in
Year End Promotions Listed
For Local School Students
All the above students will receive
a Commercial Diploma awarded by
the Wingham District High School.
Secondary School Graduation Dip-
lomas (Special Commercial), issued
by the Ontario Department of Edu-
cation for students completing four
successful years of secondary school
work will be awarded to: Jean Bain,
Mildred Cook, June MacDonald, Mari- Kibbon, Marykae Newman, Richard lyn McLean and Norma Moffatt,
Pollock, Vernon Redman, Charlie
Scott, Henry Skinn, Mary Skinn,
Gary Storey David Templeman, Ferne
Vanstone, John Waine, Tom Wilkin-
A. 3, MacDonald, teacher,
PATE A111411
Marlene Stainton„ Danny Stilckeyi, Nary Louise Town, John Wild,
T. S. Beattie, teaeher.