HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-06-18, Page 6a few days this past week with her sister, Mrs. Neil McNeil and Mr. Mc- Neil, Mr. John Renwick and Air, Wallace Pomeroy left Tuesday on a motor trip West. Mrs. Eldon Renwick spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Tuc- ker of Guelph, Mr, E. Renwick and Mr. Jack Fitch attended the sale at Kitchener and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simms of Manatowaning, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Douglas. Mrs. Margaret Ballagh is at present in Teeswater at her own home. Mrs. J, Austin is staying with the Misses Stokes during Mrs. Ballagh's absence. Mrs. Fred Hyndman of Gorrie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy. Mr. Bill Mulvey has been suffering from tonsilitis, but at time of writing is improving. Mrs, Thomas Abraham is in the Wingham Hospital suffering from an injury to her back, received in a recent accident Mr. Harry Miller was in Toronto last week 'receiving treatment for ulcers on his eye, We hope that all our sick• may soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas and Wayne, spent Sunday at Port Albert, the guests of Mr. Orville Douglas. Mrs. A. Scott and Miss Bessie spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Breen of Turnberry. How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight Wore, 130W have shapely, attractive figures. No more bony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Ostrex. It puts flesh on bodies skinny because blood lacks Iron. Peps you up, too. Improves appetite, digestion so topd nourishes you better, Don't tear getting too tat. crop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or "getneouttinted" size only 600. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pounds, lovely curves, new pep. today, At alt druggists, NEWS OF 13ELMORE BURCHIILL- In Wingham General Mundell MacDonald Wed Hospital, on Sunday, June 15th, 1952, ham, a daughter, In Lucknow on Saturday to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Burehill, Wing- BIRTHS 't"Trf ,•.e4 •••••••• •ammaill WWI *v. the Gift of a Lifetime! •••11▪ 1 O 04 111.1 HER EXCELLENcY 4111", 21jowels $4950 on. win HIS EXCELLENCY"Xr 2111wels SOO 61:1 DI M 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER -Certified Watchmaker PHONE 59 WINGHAIVi FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE—New Cockshutt power side-rake, on rubber at reduced price. John Bumstead & Son,, Wingham, Ontario. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER—Royal C, New condition. Snap bargain at $65, Try it out at The Advance- Times. FOR RENT—Five rooms for rent, John and William -street, near C.P.R. Mrs, Laura FlipleY. 18t CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-1946 Ford one-ton truck, express body, Low mileage. Apply at office of Wingham Utilities Com- mission, 11:18b - S cilktgr )1JINIER11-E'S for INSTANT STARTING PLANTS PLANTS You can still get real good plants at the Little Greenhouse, so fill in your garden while good plants are avail- able, we have the following:— Mixed or Hearts of France Asters, Rosy Morn or Rose of Heaven Petunias Stocks Snapdragons Pinks Cutphea Dusty Miller 4 O'clocks Phlox IN VEGETABLES Cabbage Cauliflower Peppers White or Green Celery There are still plenty of good Tomato Plants in Early and Late Varieties OPEN EVENINGS 0 The Little Greenhouse with The Big Stock PERCY ,BIGGS Phone 298R Wingham YOUR FAVOURIlf 11111111 KIST TIN ALL FLAVOURS' HOME APPLIANCES E. SEDDON PHONE 506 WINGHAM JENKINS REPAIR SERVICE Phone 276W Wingham New and Used Mowers, and Garden Tractors SHARPENING & REPAIRING A SPECIALTY SAWS SET and FILED. Custom Reloading—Rifle, Shotgun & Revolver SAVE ON Pee614 TINIMEN Sife/n14, OIL HEAT 'd-t6401,17, Etp.- HISELER and SON . Wingham, Ont. FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES OIL BURNERS • OIL FURNACES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, June 23rd., 1952 at 12 o'clock noon for the following work to be done in the Town of Wingham: EXCAVATION Carling Terrace—northerly from Highway 86 a distance of 667 feet — width 26 feet — depth 21 inches. Centre Street—John to Diagonal Road (Pavement to Pavement) a distance of 320 feet — width 26 feet — depth 21 inches. Patrick Street—Easterly from Josephine Street a distance of 145 feet — width 32.5 feet depth 21 inches, All surplus material excavated to be delivered and levelled within the Corporation at the direction of the Street Committee. FILL FOR EXCAVATIONS Excavations are to be filled to a depth of twelve inches With pit run gravel and a further fill of six inches with V4,-inch crushed stone with fines removed, All gravel and crushed stone to be approved by the Street Committee and Engineer. Measurements are approximate and tenderers are requested to also quote unit prices per yard for excavation, pit run gravel and crushed stone delivered on the job if, and as required. All workto be carried Out under supervision of the Street Committee and Engineer. All work to be completed not later than July 15th, 1952. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at Wingham this 10th day of June, 1952, W. A. GALBRAITH Clerk - Treasurer, Ont. 11,18b THE WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGI, 511X CRESS WART REMOVER—really does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve for sure relief. FOR SALE—Two range shelters, 6'x8', in good condition, apply Bruce Chambers, Wroxeter, phone 76. 18b FOR SALE—Attention Ferguson and Ford owners! A few six and seven- foot mowers on hand for immediate delivery. Also used tractors. Ford, Ford-Ferguson and Ferguson.1VIerk- ley Motors, Wingham, Phone 84. 18:25b FOR SALE—Cement drain tile, 4 to 12" size. Ed. Moore, phone 401w12. 181/2 FOR SALE—Used binders: one 8-foot John Deere, one 7-foot Cockshutt, one 10-foot McCormick-Deering with power takeoff. Russel Kelly, Brussels, phone 102x4. 18'" FOR SALE—Frigidaire, 6 cu, ft. capacity, as good as new, only used two years. Phone 640w21. 18b FURNITURE SALE at the Mildmay Furniture. Worthwhile savings and gifts. J, F. Schuett & Sons, Mild- may. 18,25b FOR SALE—Home-grown strawber- ries, any quantity, reasonable. Henry Sieling, phone 554W, 18:25b LOST LOST—One red calf, 7 months old, about 400 pounds, T. B. tag in left ear, name tag in right ear, Strayed from 9th Con. of East Wawanosh about end of May. Alex Robertson, Phone Wingham 620J1. 18* WATERLOO ALAI. TRACTORS AND MACEUNERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. USED EQUIPMENT One Waterloo, Model R One Waterloo, Model U John Deere, Model H, Farmall type, with .or without 2-row corn cultivator. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduced rates from the licensed growing co- operative association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Here- ford, beef, Polled and dual purpose Shorthorns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership, $25,00, Members $5.00 per cow; non-members, $6.00 per cow, Waterloo Cattle Breeding. Assoc. R.R. 1, Waterloo. For ser- vice contact Len L. Fischer, Mild- may, phone 60r11 before 10 a.m., or Norman J. McKee, Teeswater, phone 141-R-4, SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lookers available to everyone. • rrb. FIND OUT bow you can save mon- ey and get complete Insurance pro- tection when you finance your neat car. Phone now and ask,Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. ' rrb CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models,. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb SEED FOR SALE—Per bus., Alfalfa, $28.00; Real Clover, $20.00; Timothy, $7.65; White Sweet, $7.50; Yellow Sweet, $8.50. Per lb., Brome, 32c; Orchard, 40c; Meadow Fescue, 40c; White Dutch, 90c; Ladina, $1,70; Montcalm Barley, cleaned and treated, $2.00 bus.; Field Peas, $3.50 bus. Prices on some lines are advancing. Get your supply early and save money. R, Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68r3; Paisley, 151r17. rrTF ALL TO WIN . .. nothing to lose .. . no disbursement now or later. Special call to all women who wish to make easy money, full or part time. Take orders for lingerie and hosiery: for ladies, men, children, also babies wear. Nothing easier, with our low prices and our magni- ficently illustrated catalogue, con- taining 850 superior quality gar- ments with over 8,500 sizes and colours, all with samples of our materials. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Fast delivery. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. We are positively the ones who give the most to their representa- tives and still offer the lowest sell- ing prices, which means easy and numerous sales. Write immediately for your free catalogue. DU J OUR LINGERIE 4235-155 Ibberville, Montreal, P.Q. ) 23,30,7,14,21,28,4,11b IN MEMORIAM YEO—In loving memory of George Yeo, who passed away, June 18th, 1947, There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever, —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 18* CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George Deyell and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown to them during their recent bereavement. Also special thanks to Rev. H. L. Parker, Dr. Corrin and nurses, and all those who sent floral tributes. 184 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbours and friends for flowers, cards and expressions of sympathy, during our recent sad bereavement. 18* Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Halliday NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IN THE MATT.O.,R of the Estate of SATURDAY MORNING William Henry Davidson, late of the COLLECTION OF RUBBISH Town of Wingham in the County of Due to the large quantities of rub- Huron, Well Driller, deceased. bish being placed out on Saturday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu- mornings, it is found necessary to divide the town into two sections ant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late William with one collection on one side one Henry Davidson, are required to send week, and on the other side of town particulars of their claims, duly certi-the next week. fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the Solicitor CITIZENS ARE ASKED TO TAKE for the Executors of the said Estate, NOTICE THAT COMMENCING on or before the fifth day of July, SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, collection A.D., 1952, and that after such date, will only be made on the East side of the executors will proceed to distri- Josephine Street, on the first and bute the said estate, having regard third Saturdays of each month. Col- only to the claims of which they shall lection will be made on the West then have had notice. side of Josephine Street, on the sec- DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this ond and fourth Saturdays of each seventeenth day of June AD., 1952. month. This service will be continued J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.0., during the summer months. Citizens Wingham, Ontario, are asked to co-operate to make this iSolicitor for the Executors. 18,25b plan successful. By Order, Wingham Town Council. 4:11:18b SCHOOL TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, Sat- urday, July 5th., 1952, for the con- struction of a 2-classroom school for the Separate School Board, Tees- water, Ontario. General contractors may obtain plans and specifications upon deposit of $25.00 from the Architect, Charles H. Gillin, 284 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Mr. John Borho, secretary, Teeswater, Ontario. 18b TENDERS FOR PAINTING Morris Township School Area will receive tenders for the following con- tracts until June 24: 1. Painting interior of S.S. No. 10. Class room, hallway and stairs, two coats of paint or varnish on walls and ceiling, also varnish on desks—see R.J. McMurray, Wing- ham for specifications, Work to be completed before August 20. 2. Installing a pipeless or semi pipe- less furnace, suitable for burning both coal and wood in S.S. No. 12, see George Michie, R.R. 4, Brus- sels for specifications. Contract to be completed before August 20. Ralph Shaw, Secretary, 11-18b BlUevale, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Jttne 25th„ 1952, for the painting (2 coats) of thee interior of 8, S. No, Of Xinloss. School Board to supply paint. A marked cheque of 10% of the estimate must accompany each tender. Work to be completed by August 15th. Loves or any tender not necessarily accepted. Russell Gaunt, Sec.-tteas., R. it. 5, LticknoW, lab A wedding of real interest to the people of this community, took place in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church last Saturday afternoon when Miss Marian MacDonald of Lucknow, daughter of the late Dr, C. H. and Mrs. MacDonald was united in mar- riage to Mr. Alvin Mundell of Bel- more. The bride was attended by her sister Mrs, James Brisbin, of Belle- ville, as matron of honor; and two nieces, Mary Ellen MacDonald, of Tillsonburg, as Junior bridesmaid, and little Margaret Henderson, of Walker- ton, as flower girl. Mr, Elmer Jeffray of Belmore supported the groom. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Wm, Henderson of Walkerton ,assisted by Rev. Charles Winn of Lucknow, Rev. Douglas MacDonald of Tilsonburg gave his sister in marriage, Mr. Clifton Ireland of Teeswater, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music ,and her sister, Mrs. Henderson, of Walkerton, was soloist. Mr. Bruce Darling of Belmore and Mr. James Brisbin of Belleville were ushers. After the ceremony ,a buffet lunch- eon was served at the bride's home by a number of her girl friends. Miss Lillian Darling of Belmore assisted. After an extended trip, the happy couple will reside on the groom's farm west of Belmore and the best wishes of a host of friends are extend- ed to them, Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Drayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.6 Adam Darling and family. Mr. Bert Hutchison of Harriston visited with old friends in the neigh- borhood last Thursday. Show Motion, Picture Some of the work of the United Church was vividly portrayed to the McIntosh congregation on Friday night, when Rev. A. E. Kewley, To- ronto, assisted by Rev. D. Brydon, Ripley, and Rev, D.1 Proctor, of Tees- water, showed a motion picture ofw the work of Dr. Geo. Darby, mission- ary among the Indians at Bella Bella, B.C. Through the .hospital there, he served the settlers of an extensive area along the coast. The work car- ried on in many other institutions was also shown in large pictures. Show Motion Pictures Some of the work of the United Church was vividly portrayed to the McIntosh congregation on Friday night, when Rev. A .E. Kewley, Tor- onto, assisted by Rev. D. Bryden, Ripley and Rev. D.Procter of Tees- water, showed a motion picture of the work of Dr. Geo. Darby. mission- ary among the Indians at Bella Bella, B.C. Through the hospital there, he served the settlers of an extensive area along the coast. The work car- ried on in many other institutions was also shown in large pictures on charts. Mr. Kewley had on display many curios from China, Korea and Africa, showing something of the life and habits of the people in those lands. An interesting feature was the group discussion which all present par- ticipated.At the close of the service, the members of the Women's Assoc- iation served a much appreciated lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCullough were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zinn, on their way to the werdding on Saturday of Miss Afgnes wedding in Lucknow on Saturday. Miss Agnes Johnston returned to Toronto with them. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffrey and Mr. Bruce and Miss Lillian Darling were guests at the Mundell-MacDonald wedding. Quite a number of others from here attended as interested spectators, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hark- ness and family, attended the Jac- ques-Squires reunionin Listowel Park last Saturday. Mrs. T. L. Inglis and Ian and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe, Ralph and Dwight. attended a birthday party at John Lane's in honour of their little son, J. G.'s. fourth birthday. Many from here attended and en- joyed the slides shown by Dr. A. E. Kewley of Toronto in McIntosh church last Friday night. They de- picted various phases of the mission work of the United Church. Rev. Mr. Bailie preached a thought- ful Father's Day sermon in the Pres- byterian church Sunday afternoon. He took it up in the spiritual sense, "God, our Father in Heaven, who will be a father to all who fulfil the con- ditions and put their trust in Him" Three junior girls, Beth Leeson, Joyce and Alberta Haugh provided a vocal number "'Jesus high in Glory", which was much enjoyed. Mr, George Reading spent the week- end with Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Reading near Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas and Adele, 1VIr. and Mrs. Phil Hart of Detroit, and Paul Miller and Miss Annie Miller of Teeswater, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Miller on Friday evening. A dance was held in the hall on Friday evening, sponsored by the tea- cher and pupils of 8, S. No. 12, Cul- rOss, Mrs, Alvin Fitch was the winner of a beautiful table lamp in the draw held that night. Mrs. Dickison of Teeswater spent WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th, 1952 Hold Anbual Scott Reunion The annual Scott reunion was held at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, on, June 14th„ with an attendance of 116. The afternoon was spent in sports and visiting. Prizes were given to Miss Elizabeth Scott as the oldest lady and Mr. John Sepia as the oldest man. Both are from East Wawanosh, Arrangements were made to have the 1953 reunion at Formosa, with Mr, Norman Coultes, Wingham, as president and Mrs. John Gaunt of Whitechurch as secretary. Relatives were present from Aberfoyle, Alma, Belgrave, Brussels, Burford, Elora, Elmira, Guelph, Godericli, Rockwood, Whitechurch and Wingham. When Service - is Required on your Lighter or Pipe send it to CAMERON'S BILLIARDS WINGHAM -:- ONTARIO FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call SteWart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing Harvey M. Krotz Agency Listowel 13rrb CAR FOR SALE-1940 Ford Coach, green, in good mechanical condition, heater included, Best offer takes it. It's a bargain. N. Maynard, phone 683w, Wingham. 4rrb FOR SALE-1937 Ford Sedan, good condition. Phone 556W. 18* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MORE PROFITS WITH CAPONS— Your roosters will show more profit when caponized between 3 and 6 weeks of age. A capon does not fight or crow. When you sell, cap- ons bring 2c lb. more than roosters and over six months period will average two lbs. heavier on same food as roosters. as well as 50% more Milk-fed A's without crating. For information or custom capon- izing phone collect, Walter Ren- wick, 2r11, Belmore. rrtf FOR SALE-20 young pigs. Tom Moore, Wroxeter; Phone Wroxeter 77r3, 18* WANTED WANTED—Used baby stroller, Phone 487J, Wingham. 18* WANTED—Coleman camp stove; two burner. Phone 498-R, 18* REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE---Bungalow, 4 piece bath, modern kitchen, six rooms, redecorated, in fine resident- ial district. Contact N. Maynard, phone 683w, Wingham. 4rrb FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel. 14rrb LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, 2rrb SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, two storey, hydro, new asphalt roof, all in good condition, newly painted. Large extra lot with good fruit trees, apple, pear, plum and grapes. Barn on lot. Situated close to Western Foundry. To close estate, reasonably priced. See or phone W. Seddon 396. 7rrtf WANTED TO RENT—With option of buying, 6-room house in Wingham, - central, for adult family of four. State location and rent. Box 141, Advance-Times. 18b FOR SALE—Seven room house on Victoria St., white brick, insulated, furnace, conveniences, garage. Box 142, Advance-Times. 18* rrtf APARTMENT WANTED—a small heated, unfurnished apartment, suitable for two ladies, for the school year beginning September. Box 143, Advance-Times. 18* FOR SALE—Nine room brick house, all modern, large shaded lot, Jose- phine St., at Bristol Terrace, pleas- ant view. Phone 467J, 18b MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING from Toronto to Wingham 5 p.m., Friday, June 27th., return 7,30' p.m, Monday, June 30th. Phone Gordon, OR 8208 after 6 p.m. 18b 18b HAND AND POWER MOWERS sharpened and repaired also Grass Shears, Scissors and any tools re- quiring sharpening. Used Mowers and Bicycles for sale, all re- condiioned, Wingham Lawn Mower arid Bicycle Repair Service, phone 487J, jr %frq Les McDougall Alvin Stacey 18,25b Sure this page is read first It's where you Profit Most STANLEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, June 15th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs, George Stan- ley, Lucknow, a son. POCOCK—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 17th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pocock, Wingham, a daughter, COMING EVENTS SHARE THE WEALTH "BINGO" Big prizes,, If 3000 people play there will be $3000.00 in prizes. All paid ad- missions returned in prizes. Admis- sion $1.00. 4 Special games 25 cents each. Wednesday, June 25th., at 9 p.m, at the Mitchell District Memorial Arena, 18b A PUBLIC MEETING of the Luc- Tee-Win Conservation Club will be held in Teeswater Town Hall on Thursday, June 19th., at 9.00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Conservation our aim. 18b FIDDLERS' CONTEST AT SHELBURNE Canadian Championship Old Time Fiddlers' Contest Finals and C130 Show, Saturday, August 9th. Reserv- ed seats, $1.00. Mail orders with' re- mittance to: Fiddlers' Contest Reser- vations, Box 56, Shelburne, Ontario. 18:25b NOTICE • By order of Wingham Town Coun- cil the following rates and conditions now apply to Wingham Cemetery: New Rates Permanent care Lot 2-grave plot $ 30.00 $ 10.00 4-grave plot $ 60.00 $ 20.00 6-grave plot , ....... . $ 90.00 $ 30.00 8-grave plot $120,00 $ 40.00 Opening and closing graves Adult . . , $ 20.00 Child ... $ 10.00 Winter use of the`Mausoleum is in- cluded in these rates. These new rates become effective at once. Dated at Wingham, Ont., this 3rd day of June, 1952. W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk-Treasurer Wingham, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of clean- ing and repairing the open portion of the Peacock drain in Morris twp., will be received by the undersigned up until 8.30 p.m., July 7th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. Martin, Clerk, 18:25b Wait