HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-06-11, Page 4CLEARING AUCTION SALE — OF — FARM STOCK, DIPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Will be held at Lot 25, Con. 12, TURNBERRY three miles north of Wingham At 1:00 p.m. D. S. T. TUESDAY, JUNE 17th CATTLE—Durham Cow, 5 yrs„ bred in September; Fat Cow, 3 Holstein Heifers, milking; 1 Hereford Heifer, milking; Holstein Heifer, bred in September; 3 Fat Steers, 4 Grass **`urall Steers, Grass Heifer, Butcher Heifer, nmo ,xp 3 Calves. t a mo hit acinin for HORSES-1 Bay Mare, 1 Grey Geld- ing. IMPLEMENTS—W4 International Tractor (like new), I.H.C. 2-furrow Tractor Plow (like newt; I.H.C. Fertilizer Drill ?like new) Binder 8 ft. only cut 40 acres); 1 H, C. Cultivator, 8 ft. (new); Cockshutt Tandem Disc (new); Spring Tooth Harrows; Drag Harrows; I.H.C. Mower (new); Case Side Rake; LH. C Hayloader; LH.C, Manure Spread- er; Renfrew Scales (2,000 Ibs.); Rub- ber Tired Wagon; Hay Rack, Wagon Box; New Beatty Hay Car and Pork; Set of Sleighs with Rack; 41 bunches of Shingles 5x No. 1; Fanning Mill with Bagger; Abotit 200 bus, of Oath (Beaver); Buggy and Cutter; Walking Plow; 2 Wheelbarrows, Scuffier; Horse Cultivator, 3 80-rod spools Barb Wire; Woven Wire Stretchers, 5 Binder Plek-up Guards; Double Harness, Single Harness, 8 Steel Posts; Renfrew Cream Separator; 2 Ladders, Tools, Forks, Chains, Shovels, quantity of Lumber and Plank. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—nen- frew Kitchen Range, Heater, A quan- tity of Household Furniture and Dish- es, and other articles too numerous to rnentiOn. TERMS CASH Absolutely no Reserve as Farm is Sold L. G. rayon,. Amt. I-1-101\M -69 WINagAlf EARL DICKSON, Prop. DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER Certified Watthintqcer Quality Always Spire yourself the pain of "shopping aroused" for a Monument to honour your IOWA one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Ntont Mbdern EqtriPment for Shon and Cemetery Work Insciiption Work Promptly Attended l3rownlie M em orials WILLIAM BROWNLIg, Owner and Operator Alfred St, VVinghatti Box 373 'Phone 450 .1.1•••111 1101116. JENKINS REPAIR SERVICE Phone 276W Wingham Power Mowers Tore Sportlawn, Starlawn ..nd Whirlwind from 18" to 27" width. Garden Tractors Choremaster, Rotary Tiller, Gem & Bantam Rotavator Hand Mowers NEW Taylor Forbes and USED MACHINES ALSO BOTAVATOR UNITS FOR FARM TRACTORS Lawn Mower Sharpening & Repairing a Specialty SAWS SET and FILED 11,111111 /1" ,,,,,,,,, ..... 1 ,,,,, .111101//111011//1/01 / II/111 ,,,, 1 ,,,,,, LIMO/WM ,,,,,,,,,,,,, lot ,,,,,,,, //,1mat ,,,,,,, I,,,,Ill ,,,, LET YOUR VACATION TRIP BRING MUSIC TO YOUR EARS Wherever your vacation takes you, be sure of music with a portable radio. Stop in soon, PORTABLE RADIOS — from — $48.50 G.E. and WESTINGHOUSE We stock Portable Batteries. Pattisea RADIO & ELECTRIC "Serving- You Since 1935'' ,,,,, ,,,,,, .—„,g ,,,,,,,,,, llllllllll 111111111 llllll 11 llllllllll I ,ti 11.111111111/ llllllllll llllllllllllll 11111 llllllll llllll II lllll 11113 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, June 23rd., 1952 at 12 o'clock noon for the following work to be done in the Town of Wintham: EXCAVATION Carling Terrace—northerly from Highway 86 a distance of 667 feet — width 26 feet — depth 21 inches. Centre Street—John to Diagonal Road (Pavement to Pavement) a distance of 320 feet — width 26 feet. — depth 21 inches. Patrick Street—Easterly from Josephine Street a distance of 145 feet — width 32.5 feet depth 21 inches. All surplus material excavated to be delivered and levelled within the Corporation at the direction of the Street Committee. FILL FOR EXCAVATIONS Excavations are to be filled to a depth of twelve inches with pit run gravel and a further fill of six inches with 11-inch crushed stone with fines removed. All gravel and crushed stone to be approved by the Street Committee and Engineer. Measurements are approximate and tenderers are requested to also quote unit prices per yard for excavation, pit run gravel and crushed stone delivered on the job if, and as required. All work to be carried out under supervision of the Street Committee and Engineer, All work to be completed not later than July' 15th, 1952, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at Wingham this 10th day of June, 1952. W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk - Treasurer, 11-18b Wingham, Ont, ifismimimmifimmummmumplummommmummmmmumimmmammmommwsmiWr i W Under New i i i i MANAGEMENT i i i i.-- i--. ,. Reliance Garage FORMERLY OPERATED BY MURRAY JOHNSON U ii _,. i. N. i • GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS ri '- r i __ -..-._ ii OPEN 8 a,m. — 10130 pan, ..„, i q ii mINIMMUCWOMMOMIMMAMOWNOIMAIWNWIIMOMICAM1MOMOMMMOMIK 117 • N N U U a a 111 ' 5' ii, Now under H. JACKSON a = W and JOE DICKINSON OR TRACTORS i. • • N FACE FOTTA THE WINGETAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEI:WES/DAV; -AWE Ilth, 1852 Sure this page is read first FOR SALE ''OR SALE—New Cocitsbutt power slde-rake, on rubber at redueed price, John Bumstead & Son., Wingham, Ontario. FOR SALE McCormick-Deering used hay-loader, drop head, in good con dition, M. Ross Smith, B. R. 4, ViTirighain. Telephone 11135, Brus- sels. 11* FOR SALE—One Banner coal range with warming closet and water front in good working condition, $10.00; One Moffat Electric range, four plates, high oven, requires three wire service, in perfect work- ing order. Phone 182, Wingham, Ont, 11* FOR SALE—Lawn chairs, porcelain top fall leaf table, suitable for kitchen or cottage. Apply evenings or Saturdays, George Drehmann, Josephine St. North, Wingham 11* FOR SALE—Baby carriage, English pram scarcely used, like new, grey, originally $62, with mattress, sell for $35, The Parsonage, Gorrie, 11* FOR SALE—Coleman space heater, small size. Phone Wingham 541w. 11* FOR SALE—Three burner coal-oil stove, high back with shelf, good condition. Mrs. George Tervit, Phone 646w4. 1.1b FOR SALE—Awning and fittings for Hillcrest home. Used only one season. See Barry Wenger, Ad- vance-Times. 11* FOR SALE—Turkey broilers, good eating, we will deliver, R, J. Mc- Murray, R, R. 4., Wingham, 735-J-3. S. 11* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Five rooms for rent, John and William street, near C.P.R. Mrs. Laura Finley. 11 WANTED WANTED—Reliable baby-sitter for Saturdays, steady, 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. State charge. Box 139, Advance- Times. llb WANTED—Used baby stroller. Phone 887J, Wingharn. lib WAN ih.D—at once, man for farm work, Jack McBurney, phone Wrox- eter 1r8. 11* WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACKLNERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. USED EQUIPMENT One Waterloo, Model R One Waterloo, Model U John Deere, Model H, Farman type, with or without 2-row corn cultivator. GEO. MER.KLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHLNERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 Ltd1STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—Eight chunks of pigs, about 65 lbs., Harold Casemore, 602w3, Wingliam 11* II SAI,FI-25 chunks of pigs. Call after 5.00, Roy McKay, Lower Wingham, or phone 658J3. 11* FOR SALE—Registered Aberdeen- Angus bull, thirteen months old, Herd accredited. Tom Ellis, R.R. 5, Wingham, Phone 54r9, Brussels, 11" FOR SALE-12 chunks of pigs, around 85 lbs. See Harold Dennis, Wingham, at noon or evening. 11* FOR SALE—Sixty young pigs. Phone 44r11, Brussels. 11* FOR SALE—Holstein cow,ready to freshen in one week; carrying her second calf. Hugh Rinn, phone Brussels 33r13. 11* MORE PROFITS WITH CAPONS— Your roosters will show more profit when canonized between 3 and 6 weeks of age. A capon does not fight or crow. When you sell, cap- ons bring 2c lb. more than roosters and over six months period will average two lbs. heavier on same food as roosters, as well as 50% more Milk-fed A's without crating. For information or custom capon- izing phone collect, Walter Ren- wick, 2r11, Belmore. rrtf CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-1946 Ford one-ton truck, express body. Low mileage. Apply at office of Wingham Utilities Com- mission. 11:18b CAR FOR SALE-1940 Ford Coach, green, in good mechanical condition, heater included. Best offer takes it. We a bargain. N. Maynard, phone 0$3w1 Wingheni, 4rrb LOST LOST—In Hillcrest, child's red with white buttons. Finder call 677J. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Frame Bungalow with garage attached, Josephine St., North. In good condition and all newly decorated. Price reasonable. Box No. 138, Advance-Times, 11* FOR SALE—Six room house, hydro, furnace, built-in cupboards, 21a2 acres good land, small barn, chicken house. Robert Thompson, Lower Wingham. 4:11* HOUSE FOR SALE—Bungalow, 4 piece bath, modern kitchen, six rooms, redecorated, in fine resident- ' ial district. Contact N. Maynard, phone 683w, Wingham. 4rrb FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, Listowel, '4rrb LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, two storey, hydro, new asphalt roof, all in good condition, newly painted. Large extra lot with goad fruit trees, apple, pear, plum and grapes. Barn on lot. Situated close to Western Foundry. To close estate, reasonably priced. See or phone W. Seddon 396. 7rrtf PROPERTIES FOR SALE- 1 Storey patent shingle & brick dwel- ling, 6 rooms with bath, 2 space heaters, 1 cook stove, Catherine Street, Wing-ham. For particulars apply: H. C. MacLean Business Broker, Wingham, Phone 115. REWARD The sum of $10,00 will be paid by the undersigned for information lead- ing to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for doing damage to certain property at the town park. J. W. Irwin, Chief Constable lib ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduced rates from the licensed growing co- operative association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Here- ford, beef and dual-purpose Short- horns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership, $25,00, Members, $5.00 per cow; non-members, $6.00 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. R.R. 1, Waterloo. For ser- vice contact Len L. Fischer, Mild- may, phone 60r11 before 10 a.m., or Norman J, McKee, Teeswater, phone 141-R-4. GOING TO TORONTO Saturday, June 14th, between 6.00 and 7.00 a.m. Can take two passengers. Box 140, Advance-Times, CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon, WINGHAM LAWN mower and bi- cycle Repair service has for sale 1 gasoline motor, 4 cycle; 1 new Hud- son Motor Bicycle slightly used at a bargain; 3 balloon, boys' or men's bicycles; $25.00 each; 2 standard boys' or men's bicylces, Phone 487J. Leslie McDougall Alvin Stacey FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models.. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb LAWN MOWERS, grass sheers, scis- sors, etc., sharpened and repaired; bicycles repaired. Used lawn mow- ers and bicycles for sale, in good condition. Your orders called for and delivered, Phone 487J, Wing- ham Lawn Mower and Bicycle Re- pair Service. 14,21*rtf RAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb REMEMBER FATHER on Father's Day, June 15, give Rustcraft cards— "the kind you like to receive"— from McKibbon's, the Rexall store, 28,4b TIMKEN SILENT AUTOMATIC Oil Burners. Sales and Service. Hiseler and Son, Wingham, phone 426. rrtf SEE THE NEW Remington Portable Typewriter at the Advance-Times. FURNACES CI: MANED—Now is the time to get your furnace and chim- ney cleaned thoroughly. We use a vacuum cleaner. Orville Welsh, phone 656w4, Wingham. 28,4,11b SEED FOR SALE—Per bus., Alfalfa, $28,00; Red Clover, $20.00; Timothy, $7.65; White Sweet, $'7.50; Yellow Sweet, $8,50. Per lb., Brome, 32e; Orchard, 40e; Meadow Fescue, 40c; White Dutch, 90c; Ladino, $1,70; Montcalm Barley, cleaned and treated, $2.00 bus.; Field Peas, $3.50 bus. Prices on some lines are advancing. Get your supply 'early and save money. R. Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68r3; Paisley, 151r17. rrTF WINGHAM LAWN mower and bi- cycle Repair Service, Lawn mowers and Power Mowers sharpened. New Eureka mowers fOr sale. 10 used mowers for sale, all sharpened and guaranteed at a bargain. Phone 487J. Leslie McDougall, Alvin Stacey. kindnesses shown them in their recent bereavement, Also special thanks to the Rev, and Mrs. Martin, Belmore. 11* IN 21IEMORIA.M In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother Elizabeth- Montgomery who passed away one year ago, June 12th, 1951: Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, Her weary trials and troubles are past, In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Till God called her home to suffer no Alts ays remembered by Sons Lloyd and Joe and families and Grand- children, • IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY—In Loving Memory of a Dear Son and Brother Jack who passed away five years ago June 12th, 1947: You are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade. Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger, Around the grave where you are laid. Always remembered by Mom and Dad and Brothers, IN MEMORIAM HOOPER—In loving memory of my dear parents and brothers and aunt Anne (Hooper) Thomas, and my beloved friend, Mrs. T. G. Miller (Tillie.) —Ever remembered by Anna D. Hooper, 11* NOTICE By order of Wingham Town Coun- cil the following rates and conditions now apply to Wingham Cemetery: New Rates Permanent care Winter use of the Mausoleum is in• chided in these rates. These new rates become effective at once. Dated at Wingham, Ont., this 3rd day of June, 1952. W, A. GALBRAITH, Clerk-Treasurer Wingham, Ontario. OPPORTUNITY Major Oil Company has an opening for a farm trade distributor in a large area, surrounding the Town of Wing- ham, and fuel oil delivery in the iTown of Wingham, Apply in writing ' and state age, married status, financial responsibility, and previous occupa- tions. Box 214, Goderich. 4:11* TENDERS IV ANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 6 o'clock p.m., June 23rd., 1952, for painting schools in East Howiek School Area No. 11, Exterior, "two coats"; No. 12, Exter- ior and Interior "two coats." No. 17, Exterior "one coat" No. 17, Interior two classrooms, "two coats." H. B. Collins, Sec.-Treas., Fordwich, Ont. lib HURON COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing, Wednesday, June 18th., at 10,00 a.m. ID, S. T. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 14th., 1952. A. H. Erskine, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 4:11b NOTICE SATURDAY MORNING COLLECTION OF RUBBISH Due to the large quantities of rub- bish being placed out on Saturday mornings, it is found necessary to divide the town into two sections with one collection on one side one week, and on the other side of town the next week. CITIZENS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, collection will only be made on the East side of Josephine Street, otn the first and third Saturdays of each month. Col- lection will be made o'l the West side of Josephine -Street, on the sec- ond and fourth Saturdays of each month. This service will be continued during the summer months. Citizens are asked to cooperate to make this plan successful. By Order, Wingham Town Council. 4:11;18b BIRTHS MORGAN—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, June 7th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan (nee Lois Kelly) Ailsa Craig, a daughter, TONER—In Wingharn General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 4th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Toner, B R 2, Gorrie, a. son. CZERNIAWSKI—In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, June 5, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Czernlawski, R. R. 5, Wing-ham, a daughter, McKAY—In Wingham General Hos- pital on Saturday, June 7th,, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs, John McKay, RR 1, Wingham, a daughter- KELLY—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, June 9th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, John Kelly, RR 2, Blyth, a daughter., HETHERINGTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, June 9th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hetherington, Wingham, a daugh- ter. SHERIFF'S SALE OF GOODS County of Huron, To Wit: By virtue of a writ of Pi Fa, issued out of the County Court of the County of Huron and to me directed against the goods and chattels of John And- rew Farrish at the suit of Lucknow District Co-operative Incorporated I have seized and taken in execution the following property, viz; 1, only, 20x30 Farano Thresher (on rubber) with equipment; Hart Feed- er; Grain Blower, (adjustable sieve); Straw Shredder (Ehersol), almost new, used less than one week; 1 only, 100 feet 6x4 ply drive belt, which goods and chattels I shall offer for sale At the Farm of Rebert Campbell, North Half of Lot 6, Concession 14, E.D„ Ashfield Township, 21-.1 miles West of Lucknow on No. 86 Highway. MONDAY, JUNE 16th at 7 P.M. (D,S.T,) TERMS - CASH Emile MacLennon, Auctioneer Nelson Hill, Sheriff, County of Huron, lib TENDERS FOR PAINTING Morris Township School Area will receive tenders for the following con- tracts until June 24: 1. Painting interior of S.S. No, 10. Class room, hallway and stairs, two coats of paint or varnish on walls and ceiling, also varnish on desks—see R.J. McMurray, Wing- ham for specifications. Work to be completed before August 20. 2, Installing a pipeless or semi pipe- less furnace, suitable for burning both coal and wood in S.S. No. 12, see George Michie, R,R, 4, Brus- sels for specifications. Contract to be completed before August 20, Ralph Shaw, Secretary, 11-18b Bluevale. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—Province of Ont- ario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) Wednesday, June 25, 1952, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Tor- onto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and •conditions attached thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from ally successful ten- derer, before awarding the order, a se- curity deposit in the form of a certi- fied cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of ,the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company 'and its constituent com- panies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dom- inion of Canada, or the aforemention- ed bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar- antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary. Department ad Public Works, Ottawa, May 22, 1952. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular June meeting of the Wingham branch of the West Huron Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, June 19th, in the council chambers. Motto—Don't go through this year in last year's ruts. Roll call—a hint for your flower garden. The meeting is under the home economics and health program, convened by Mrs. 5, Bateson and Mrs. W. Davis, Mm, Vladimer Hrovat from Yugoslavia (a new Canadian eitizen) Will demon-. strate, PORTABLE T x .FEWRITER—Royal C. New condition. Snap bargain at - $65, Try it out at The Advance- Times, jacket I RUSTCRAFT Father's Day Cardb— please l "The Cards of Character" are on 11* display at McKibbon's, the Rexall . Drug Store. 28,4b I 1 ALL TO WIN . . nothing to lose . . no disbursement now or later. Special call to all*Women who wish to make easy money, full or part time. Take orders for lingerie and hosiery: for ladies, men, children, also babies wear. Nothing easier, With our low prices and our magni- ficently illustrated catalogue, eOn- tattling 850 superior quality gar- ments with over 8,500 sizes and colours, all with samples of our materials. Satisfaction guaranteed Or money refunded, Fast delivery, Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. We are positively the ones who give the most to their representa- tives and still offer the lowest sell- ing prices, which means easy and numerous sales. Write immediately' for your free catalogue. DU JOUR tnic4ERM 4235-155 Ibberville, Montreal, P.Q.) 23,30,7,14,21,28,4,11b t CARD OF THANKS t 's where you Prot• Most The family of the late Mrs- Ralph ' ,Metealfe wish to lhank the ninny friends and neighbours for the many MISCELLANEOUS SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and 12-grave plot ,, $ 30,00 Poultry the Co-op way and for your 14-grave plot $ 60.00 .... convenience we have all your Co-op '6 grave plot $ 90.00 8- : graye plot . $12 Feeds available at the right prices 'Opening and closing graves at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Adult ... . $ 20.00 Lockers available to everyone. Child .... $ 10.00 rrb. Lot $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00 $ 40.00 ti The report. of the district annual will be given, Hostesses are Mrs, Mowbray, Mrs. Field, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Bergman and Mrs, Alton,