HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-28, Page 11FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRS AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repaint to watches only. George Williams Located In MASON'S STORE Ladies' Aid The Bluevale-Turnberry group of the Ladies' Aid met in Knox Church, on May 23rd. Mrs. W. Smillie ,and Mrs. Gordon Mundell had charge of devo- tions. Quilting occupied part of the afternoon. A penny sale was introduc- ed by Mrs. Harry Elliott. Other busi- ness of interest was discussed. Mrs. Smillie closed the meeting with pray- er, Rural Life Sunday Rural Life Sunday was observed in the United Church at the Sunday morning service. Rev, R. A. Brook used the text, "That all may 'be one" John 17-21. He showed what an impor- tant work farmers are doing for the country and the whole world, and how much their efforts will mean in bring- ing about peace and unity among all nations, :The farmer is a co-worker with God." Y. P. U. The final meeting of the Y. P. U. for the season was held in the United Church on Sunday evening. The presi- dent, Lloyd Wheeler, presided. Ross Smith read the Scripture. A donation was voted to the M. and M. Fund. There were discussions of future plans. Harold Johnston spoke on the topic "Hobbies", telling of various hobbies for young men and women, and their value, Audrey Mann gave a reading. Personals Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer attended the wedding on Saturday, of their niece, Betty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Fischer of Brussels, to Mr. Ross Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Knight. The wedding was solemnized in Brussels Anglican Church, with Rev. John Kerr officiating. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer and Betty, all of Toronto, were week-end visitors with relatives, Miss Irene Hedges of Brantford, and Mrs. M. Jacobs of Toronto, are guests of Mrs. Eldon McKinney. Mr. Thos. Hamilton of Toronto, vis- brother, is a member of Mr. Bailie's ited Rev. M. Bailie and Mrs. Bailie. Mr. Hamilton's brother is a member of Mr, Bailie's former congregation at Downpatrick, Northern Ireland. WANT SOMETHING GOOD? 650...reZ .REDS .P.01 REC Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra FEATURING Neil McAuley and the Royalaires in the WINGHAM ARENA FRIDAY MAY 30 BROADCAST will be carried directly from the Arena over CKNX from 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. This outstanding entertainment feature is presented by the Arena Commission Proceeds for the Arena Building Fund w heAls need 13 When you feel a steady bumping in your wheels, alarming when your steering wheel vibrates at certain speeds, or when your tires show uneven wear, it's a good bet that your wheels need balancing. It takes but a Few minutes per wheel, and the cost is moderate. For your, own safety and comfort, stop in soon. our StE 5: AMAZING NE ISURALANC ,% CARNEGIE AND WYATT Opposite Town Hall Phone 623 WALKERTON, ONT. — WE HAVE JUST INSTACLED — The New BEAN VISUALINER In Our Steering Service Department. We Check Wheel Alignment on Your Car As Quick-As.AmFlash, and Project a Picture on a Screen So That You Can SEE FOR YOURSELF If Your Car Needs Alignment. FREE CHECK=UP — Drive In Today For Complete Steering Service HOME APPLIANCES E. SEDDON PRONE .005 WINGHAM Mr, Wm. CarnIss. has returned from wIn0044 THE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 'has maintained dependable daily service between Montreal, Toronto and Chicago for more than 50 years. Complete comfort is yours on this famous Canadian National train with its modern coaches, sleepers, duplex roomette and luxurious bedroom- buffet-lounge cars . . . wonderful meals in bright, up-to-the-minute dining cars. It's the reliable, all-weather way to travel between Montreal, Cornwall, Brockville, Kingston, Belleville, Port Hope, Oshawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, London, Sarnia, Windsor, Detroit and Chicago. (Pool service Montreal - Toronto only) TRAVEL GIFT CERTIFICATE Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel Anywhere ... to any rail destination ... for dny amount you wish . • . on sale at ail Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's sure to please. . Any C.N.R. Agent will be pleased to assist you in planning your trip. CANADI N ATIO AL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PRCWINCES WINGHAM ADVANCVN.MS PAGE ELEVEN' WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th., isa NEWS OF 13E LMORE Pres. Y.P.S. Members Atten AlirA number of the members of the 'Presbyterian Y. P. 5, from here, at- tended the Leadership Training School,. held by the Huron-Maitland P. Y. P. S. in Lucknow on May 24th. Three sessions were held morning, ,afternoon and evening with a banquet at 6.30. Morning discussions were led by Rev. R. G, McMillan of Goderich, In the afternoon the Lucknow Society had charge of devotions, Rev, John Fox of Hensall gave an address on "Missionary Studies that live," Fol- lowing this Rev, A. Simpson of Tees- d water led a discussion on "What Does Christian Discipleship and Steward- ship Mean to You?" He was assisted by a speaker from Ashfield Y,P.S. and Alvin Mundell of Behnore. After the banquet, slides of Kintail Camp were shown, The evening session opened with devotions by Goderich Y.P.S. A male quartette from Belmere: Messrs, Ross McKague, Elmer Bal- lagh, Thos, Inglis and Alvin Mundell sang and. Rev, Matthew Bailie spoke on the dedication text, "Ye are not your own," Mr, and Mrs, Harry Press spent the 24th with Mrs. Press's sister, Mrs. George 'Holmes, and Mr, Holmes at Heathcote. Miss Isabel Darling and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Judy of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Adam J, Darling, Rev, M. Bailie's aunt, Mrs, Masson from Texas, U. S A., attended service with them in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon, Patsy and Sandra Stewart of Wing- ham, spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. George Lane. Mr. and Mrs, Ross McKague visited on Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth McKague at Teeswater and met the Scotch lad, Andrew Barr of Fifeshire, Scotland who is in Ontario for a couple of months, under the auspices of the Junior Farmers, He spent a week with Mr, and Mrs, Ken McKague, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Marshall and. Jimmie of Stratford, visited with Mrs. Marshall's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W Curie on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Earl McNee and fam- ily spent the holiday at, Springbank, Mr, and Mrs, J, Farrell visited on the 24th, with the latter's cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Wes Magwood of Hanover, A large crowd attended the shower held in the Hall on Saturday night in honor of Miss Rota Fortenay of Sarnia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe FortenaY; The bride-to-be received many useful and beautiful gifts as well as a purse of money, for whici' she and the groom-to-be thanked those present. Mr, and Mrs, John Farrell visited last Sunday with the lattcr's uncle, Mr. Swelwall of Glamis. The children from the local school attended the annual Field Day held in Teeswater on Friday, May 23rd, Among the prize winners who will be eligible to take part in the County field day at Walkerton, were: Janice Merkley, who received first prize in the running race for children in the 7-year-old class and Peter Newans, who received 1st. for throwing the softball, 1st in the race for 12-year-old boys and 2nd, in the broad jump. Mr. Stewart Mulvey of London, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. Mulvey and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulvey and family, ST. HELENS Commencing next Sunday and con- tinuing throughout the summer months, service in the United Church will be held at 11.30 am., with Sunday school at 10,30. Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld were visitors over the holiday week-end with Mr, and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and Donald at Brace- bridge. ' Mrs. E, J. Thom, Mrs. E. Barbour, Mrs. G. MacPherson, Mrs. W. A. Miller and Mrs. Frank McQuillin ,attended the District Annual meet- ing of the West Huron Women's In- stitute at Clinton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob Murdie of Waterloo were holiday visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, and Larry and Miss Doris Taylor, of Lon- don, and Mr. Taylor of Wing- ham spent _Murrayhe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor. Mr. Cecil Merkley of Wingham will show colored pictures of his recent trip t4to the Southern States at the meeting of the Women's Institute, to be held in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, June 5th, com- mencing at 8.30. An invitation is extended to everyone in the commun- ity. A short meeting of the women will be held at 7.45 sharp. Roll call, Current Events. Program and lunch committee are Mrs. Cliff Murray and Miss Mary Murray. :The ladies north of St. Helens are asked to bring sand- wiches, those south, cookies or tarts. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, Donna and Douglas, of Strathroy, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin. Attention Farmers! Dead arid Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughter PICKED UP PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY C. BRUBACHER Phone 608w1 MR. 1, Wingham Leadership Training School your Convenience ,..M2111.1•111, DANCING UNTIL 1:oo a.m. Refreshment Booth, Tables and Chairs on the Floor for •111•21••••MINEM• ADMISSION = — 75c PER PERSON THE WASHBOARD ISN'T IN THE ROAD* . . . IT'S IN YOUR WHEELS NEWS OF 13LUEVAL4 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston Celebrated Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Edward Johnston cele- Mrs. Alex Armstrong, Mr. Duncan brated their golden wedding at their McKinnon of Brussels, and Mr. J, P, home in Bluevale on May 21st., amid McKay of Brantford, were recent Vls- decorations of golden spring flowers Hors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mc- and apple blossoms. Over one hundred Kinnon, guests were reeeived during the after- Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Elliott spent noon and evening, the 24th at St. Catharines, The wedding of fifty years ago took Mrs, Murray Wilson and sons of place at the home of the bride's par- Listowel, are with her parents, Mr. ants, Gorrie, when Miss Annie Spar- and Mrs. Roy Mann. "ng was united in marriage to Mr. Edward Johnston of Morris, Rev, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Marshall of Lis- Garbutt was the officiating minister, towel, visited relatives on the 24th, At noon, on the 21st., an anniversary dinner was served to the original wedding party by the two daughters of the family, Mrs, Harold Harris of Stratford and Mrs, Robt, Turnbull of Wyoming. Mr, and Mrs, H, J. Arm- strong and Mrs, Ernest Hanley of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Silas John- ston of Walton, were guests. Mrs, Armstrong was the former bris- maid, Mr, S. Johnston, the best man, and Mrs. Hanley had played the wed- ding music. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston farmed on the first line of Morris until they re- tired to Bluevale in 1941. Mrs. John- ston is 78 years old and Mr. Johnston 85, and they are both in good health. Their sons, 'Sparling and Carl, who live in'IVIorris were present with their wives and families and sons-in-law, Harold Harris and Robert Turnbull. The twelve grandchildren attended. The bride's brother, Mr. Harvey Spar- ling of Gorrie, and the groom's bro- ther, Mr. Richard Johnston, of Morris, and his sister, Mrs, Jas. Peacock of Morris, were all present. Thirteen of the guests had been present at the original wedding, Other guests came from Kincardine, Brussels, Gorrie and Wingham. Knox Presbyterian Rev, Matthew Bailie preached in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning the subject being, "The Un- limited Liability of being a Christian." Preparatory service will be held in Knox Church on Thursday evening, at 8.30. Communion service will be held next Sunday morning, June 1st., at 11 a, m. IIIYIIillIIYII1YIIIYIIIYIIIrlIIIIIIa If a a a a U a a U a U a is U a a U U • 1951 Ford V-8, Maroon, Custom Coach, with over- drive, low mileage. 1951 Ford V-8, Green, Custom Coach, low mileage. 1951 Ford V-8, Green, Custom Coach 1950 Ford V-8 Blue, Custom Sedan, 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Sedan, Black 1947 Mercury 114" Sedan, Black 1947 Mercury 118" Club Coupe, Black. 1940 Ford V-8 Coach 1945 Chevrolet 3-ton Stake 1950 Ford 8N Tractor 1949 Ford 8N Tractor 1942 Ford Ferguson Tractor — a real snap. All above units completely overhauled and reconditioned. Used Cars and Tractors Ford & Monarch Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingharn HURON MI TORS uniianionamoimpoimots 1 a a U a 2 a a