HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-28, Page 10forced to put on beignt growth which lis out of proportion to growth in 'other dimensions, As they crowd into one another, competition for sunlight Evergreen trees distributed by the and other requirements becomes a Department of Lands and Forests struggle, which results in the surviv- are of necessity quite small. Perhaps 1 al of the fittest. by reason of this fact, there is tend- When sunlight is so closely corn- ency on the part of some to plant II rseted for, the young trees shed the them closer than the spacing recom-1 4" I shaded foliage of the lower limbs and mended by the forester, or as stated i retain only that on the higher limbs in planting manuals. which can receive some sunlight. For the first few years, the results Trees growing under these conditions of this practise may seem quite assume a coarse, wiry, stagnated ap-• justified, as the small trees closely pearance with sparse, small tops and spaced indicate good survival and' tall, slender trunks, As such they the promise of a successful planta- / serve no real purpose and are most tion or windbreak, as the case may unattractive. be. However, as the trees get older 1 Seedling stock from Provincial and increase in all dimensions, the Nurseries is in very short supply due folly of close spacing becomes in- i to unprecedented demands. For this creasingly apparent. The young trees , reason, it is of utmost importance growing so close to one another are that each seedling planted should be A.. ........ I ............... unlit" iiiiiiiii Oil ...... I11111.111111111 llllll 1111111 iiiiiiii 1111111 iiiiiiii 111111 iiiiiiiiii num iiiiiiii lllllll 1 ii 1 iiiiiiii CONSERVATION CORNER Stagnant Trees tv411',` fib Make Certain Doubly Sure You cannot take it for granted that you have good vision just because you have no immediate discomfort, Seven out of ten people have eye defects—the great majority without knowing it. You cannot afford to neglect your eyes, Have them examined right now—and once a year thereafter. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST "A Complete Visual Analysis" 'PA!" 9,4;0 :04,40,1.; ' • 41, MEMORIALS MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR CO. 1952 Designs Now Being Shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276j, Wingham for Appointment or Write 508 Bathurst Street. Toronto DRAPERIES SLIP-COVERS FURNITURE WARREN .HOUSE C. C. MitifiBBON Phone 475 Wingham START THE DAY REFRESHED -Drink WPDIsnosimv,- NINA' 28th, 3.962' slice of toast. Garnish with zwiSut roses, water cress and sweet phloem, Serve with a devilled egg, Electric Motor Service All makes, types and sizes - rewinding, domestic and industrial AGENT FOR ESSO OIL BURNERS L. D. BALSER TELEPHONE 494 WINGHAM All Stoves, Refrigerators, Deep Freezes, Washing Machines, Lawn Mowers SOW and Serviced by WROXETER ONTARIO FEED ROE RANGE PELLETS,JOE, ACCORDING TO THE AGE OF YOUR SI RDS.AT 6 TO 8 WEEKS OLD ON THE RANGE GIVE THEM1 PART PELLETSTO 2 PARTS OF GRAIN:THIS CAN BE INCREASED AS THE PULLETS GROW OLDER UNTILTHEY GET ALMOST 4 PARTS OF GRAIN TO 1.0F ROE CONCENTRATE PELLETS AT 3 AND 4 MONTHS OLD. BUT REMEMBER THIS, JOE, NEVER LET YOUR BIRDS BE OUT OF WATER. FILL UP THE VESSELS AGAIN ,LATE IN THE DAY TO MAKE SURE THEY HAVE 'ot YEP— THEY'RE PRETTY FAST, JOE. TALKING ABOUT SPEED,THOUGH— WHAT ABOUT SPEED, DOC ? WELL, JOE, JUST AS JET PLANES SPEED UP FLYING, SO THE NEW ROE RANGE. PELLETS SPEED UP FEEDINGON THE RANGE. JET FEEDING, EH, DOC ? ,(YOU BET, JOE,YOU DON'T HAVE I TO BOTHER GETTING YOUR GRAIN GROUND AND MIXED WITH A CONCENTRATE.JUST FEED YOUR WHOLE GRAIN AND ROE RANGE CONC4NTRATE PELLETS.YOU CAN EVEN FORGET HOPPERS --?AND THROW THE FEED ON THE GROUND. ,°°(p "a" ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS tiimp/Arg /4006, 500 UP FaPiN6; 50hA80111E1 ,-. #jVitlir AFL - 6R0P- fiat NANO I N FORM Nr 00* E VG^5 Howson & Howson, Wingham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale .5. C. Bcharbach, Teeswcifer 4te 11$131/0,r11;IN CONSERVATION CORNER All Bona Fide Members of WINGHAM GOLF CLUB MAY PURCHASE GOLF EQUIPMENT such as CLUBS, BALLS, TEES, ETC. at 15% J iscount from Regular Prices at Donald Rae & Sons .Ip 1111i11111111111Y iiiiiii iiiiii inns iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii 1111111111111 iiiiiii 1111 iiiiiii 1111 iiiiiiiiiiii 11111 iiiiiiii 1111 iiiiiiiiii 11111 iiiiiii III Check Ignitio If your mileage reads 5,000 miles, let us give your igni- tion system a thorough goingover. Enjoy trouble- free driving ... stop in soon! NEW BATTERY— LESS STOPS Night driving demands good lights, and for dependable starting replace your worn-out battery now! Telephone 139 Wang;harn °tors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks THE WINGHAM A given every opportunity to grm and develop into a well-fermed and useful tree, By setting out the trees in your plantation or windbreak at recom Mended spacing, you are eliminating the hazards of extreme competition and eventual stagnation, The planting season in Ontario is very short and this year was even Shorter than usual due to the warm weather the latter part of April which brought the trees along faster. The Zone Foresters are necessarily very busy supervising planting on County Forests. Several large school plantings have been held in the Huron District. Mr. 5, R. Hamilton, Zone Forester at Stratford, supervised over 250 school %hildren at the opening ceremonies and planting on the Ausauble Water- shed in Hay Township, Huron County, Mr. J, C, Jackson, Zone Forester at Owen Sound, had several school plantings in Grey and Bruce Coun- ties. All Zone Foresters in the Huron District supervised planting done on private lands. Tree planting machin- es owned by the River Authorities and Counties were used in these plantings. The Upper Thames Au- thority owns three planters for plant- ing in the Counties of Oxford, Middlesex and Perth. The Saugeen River Authority has one planter and the Ausauble Authority has two planters to be used in the Counties of Huron, Lambton and Middlesex, (2) Fruit Salad, Cottage Cheese (halves of banana cubes pineapple, or and grapefruit sections) Small Tarts, Ice Cream Tea or Coffee (3) Rhubarb Juice Pyramid Salad Asparagus Rolls Relish Plate Lover's Knots and Ice Cream Berries Iced Tea or Hot Coffee Jellied Shrimp 1 tbsp. unflavoured gelatin 114 cup cold water 1,,(.2 cups tomato juice 2 tbsps. vinegar 2 tbsps. lemon juice Dash salt 1 cup shrimp, halved lengthwise Vi cup diced celery 1 bunch watercress Cucumber dressing Soften gelatin in cold water and dissolve over hot water. Add tomato juice, vinegar, lemon juice and salt to chill; when beginning to thicken add shrimp and celery. Pour into oiled ring mold, chill in electric refriger- ator; unmold and serve on water- cress. Fill centre with sour cream dressing mixed with cucumber pieces, Serves 8. Lover's Knots Puff paste •, 1 egg, slightly beaten Chopped almonds Cut wide strips of puff paste, roll thin and tie in knots. Brush with egg and sprinkle nuts over top, Place on cookie sheet and bake in hot eletric oven 400 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. THE QUESTION BOX Miss S. H. asks: How do you make a, decorative rose from grapefruit peelings? Answer: From a thick-skinned grapefruit, slice off the yellow rind just deep enough to leave a srntiotli surface. Peel In a circular fashion just ^as you would an apple, making the strip about one inch wide. Then starting from one end, wind the peel- ing tightly to resemble a rose and se- cure with two toothpicks. Place in hot water and boh gently until rind be- comes transparent. Then drain and serve among cress or cherry leaves, Note: If you wish a glazed coloured effect, add red or orange. colouring to a medium syrup and stand the cooked peel in it for about 15 minutes, Mrs. W. K, F. asks; How do you make rolled or pinwheel sandwiches successfully? Answer: Trim three sides of a sand- wich loaf (one day old), then with a sharp knife, slice lengthwise into one eighth to one-quarter inch thick slices using a sawing motion. Place shoes on a tea towel that has been. rung out of hot water. Let stand about 10 minutes, Then remove cloth, spread with soft butter and filling, At one end lay small sweet picker or stuffed olives, Beginning at this end, roll bread as for a jelly roll. Secure the end with toothpicks until chilled thoroughly in the electric refrigerator. Note: For variety, place thin strips of carrot or slivers of sweet pepper across the sandwich filling about two inches apart before rolling. Wrap sandwiches in wax paper as soon as they are made. , We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity, Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING • Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Phone 256 R. A. Spotton Cec. Walpole SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork - Cit'rpentry - Building Telephone 403 w 12 VVinghamt Frederick V. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. D. Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. Hello Homemakers "Best wishes" is the theme for May, We express this message to many people who are graduating from schools, who are celebrating anniversaries, who begin their first job in the business world and those who plan to be married, To mark these occasions, there will be parties at home, clubs, theatres and such. At the same time many homemakers will plan food for either afternoon tea, buffet supper or as an evening refreshment. The ideas to follow will help you particularly for the shower party which usually requires more decora- tive planning to honour the occasion of the bride-to-be. TAKE A TIP 1, Afternoon tea: Cheese pastries, open-faced sandwiches (tomato, shrimp or cucumber), ribbon sand- wiches of peanut butter and meat relish, pinwheel sandwiches (olives and cheese or carrot sticks and tuna), cookies, (heart shaped), macaroons, tea. 2. Buffet Supper: Sliced cold turkey or chicken, cranberry jelly cut in shapes, jellied salad (grated car- rot ,pineapple cubes , and nuts) potato chips, buttered cress rolls, cherry or lemon tarts, coffee, 3. Evening Refreshments: Tid bits, cheeseburgers, relish tray, ice cream and cookies, coffee or tea. Shower Party (1) Jellied Tomato Ring with shrimp, Peas and Cucumber Potato Chips, Tea Biscuits Angel Food Rings filled with Strawberries Tea V„esiliCrf-TI,IVMS voilmormrow101111.11 Miss E G. asks: Please suggest a club sandwich madewithout meat. Answer,; Vegetable Club Sandwich. Marinate cooked asparagus strips and thin cucumber SUM French dress- ing for 5 minutes, On one slice of toast arrange shoes of Tomato and Cucumber, season with salt and pep-per and cover with a crisp leaf of lettuce. Over these place a piece of toast and about 4 asparagus tips on it, spread with mayonnaise and a crisp leaf of lettuce. Top with a third n111311=Ii•••••••=1•11111111It WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a centui7. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Business and Professional Directory A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eta... Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, R., S. HETHERP"MON, K.C. J. W. BUSHFIELD, K. E. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingbam !I= K. M. MatENNAN. Veterinary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. PHONE 196 Office Hours: 3 to 5 p.m. daily except Sunday and Holidays Wingham, Ontario 111•111, S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 189 WINGHAM ONT. ( C)f `I@ JM' EF@I2e.@1? By Roe Farms Service. Pepf. 111111811117111111111116111111111111111ii11181-141111111[1111101111159inttilaiiiim..iccukin.."....„........—