HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-28, Page 4Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK. Mont Modern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brownlie Memorials WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Winghatn Box 373 'Phone 450 OVA, THE WTNGIiAM ADVANCWITMg$ WUDICESPAY, MAY 28th,,.. This might be the answer. But a word of advice. When teach- EARDIFF CHARGES lag a calf to drink, make sure you have no spectators, or side walk sup- They Opiccimp AT oTTA wA ,erintendents. only serve to ag- e.ravate the situation Charge that proceedings of the House of Commons foot-and-mouth in- quiry had been rigged by Liberal committeemen, was made by Elston Cardiff, Progressive Conservative MI' for Huron North, at Ottawa recently. Pm-Arranged Quiz Mr, Cardiff alleged that questions and answers had been pre-arranged, between at least one committeeman and Government witness; indicated that Lilreral members of the commit- tee bad held a meeting earlier in the day with Agriculture Minister) Gard- iner before entering the inquiry chamber. In reply to a direct question by Mr. Cardiff as to whether or not he had met Liberal members of the commit- tee before the hearings, Mr. Gardiner said he would answer this way: That if -Conservative members wanted to see him tonight he was prepared to do it, Answers Bead Mr. Cardiff's challenge came after A. C, Stewart, Liberal MP for York- ton, Sask„ had questioned Dr. Orlon Hall, assistant veterinary director- general from a prepared document. Dr. Hall read his answers, one by one, in reply, The questions all related to nine outbreaks of the disease in the US going all the way back to 1880, Mr. Stewart interpreted the answers as indicating that Canada's loss in the Saskatchewan epidemic was but a "drop in the bucket" in contrast. It had been deemed advisable to have Someone to assist the witnesses with the detailed information for which they might he asked. Mr. Phillips was supplying the detailed material and facilitating the committee hear- ings thereby. Mr, Cardiff replied that it was obvious that Mr. Stewart's questions had been franied so t hat witness swers, It'"Was then that Mr. Cardiff could deliver a prepared set of an- inquired if the minister had conferred earlier with the Liberal members of the committee, It always seems that busier we are County Librarians tbe more We find to do. In other • • -• • *eras, "no rest for the weary, nor meet at Qoderich peace for the lousy." The annual meeting of the Huron There seems to be a million and one i•c,ourt .y Count 3' Co-operative was held things to be done around the farm a:in Mackay Hall, Goderieh, Monday, any season of the year, but particular- i M • 12th. Iy, during the spring season. a he -..- n i Librarians from throughout the ;ceding is just nicely wound up, thei county gathered for a fine workshop corn planting is waiting, and the hay discussion in the afternoon, Mrs. S. Is growing fast. There are weeds to 1 -- a.,, Krempart at Oxford County library Control, fences to fix, roofs to mend. was the guest speaker, She spoke and chickens to feed. Fresh cows to.dm the subject "A Book Collection", l3e reconciled to the milker, and calves 'vmphasizng that it should be attrac- bave to be taught to drink from edtiee as well as useful. pail. And there-in lies a story in it-1 Mr. Angus Mowat director of Public -Self. "Library Service, complimented Mrs. If you milk cows at your farm, and 'Krempart on giving a very worth- you choose to feed the calves by hande d-101e paper. and said he would see then you have had the experience of that it was published in the Ontario teaching a calf to drink. And it is ;Library Review in the near future, indeed an experience in itself, aW He concluded his remarks by com- education, a test in self control. Some-: meeting that many people believe it times the most even-tempered people is a sin to discard a book, but there go stark, raving mad; others give up is only one book that is eternal. Laterd in disgust and allow the calf to' feed 'Mrs. Westbrook of H.C.L., of Goderieh • as nature intended, and forget all'. gave a fine demonstration on book- about the milk from the cow. .mending, There are several tips that should ' After this afternoon meeting was be observed, if you are starting out' adjourned, some librarians visited the , to educate a new-born calf in the' Gederich Library, of which Mrs. Ait- way of pail feeding. First of all, make ken is librarian. Others went down sure that the calf is hungry, and that to Nelson Street to the Huron County you feel in a particularly good mood Library. The librarian, Mrs. R. G. yourself. If you have quarreled with Eekmier, showed the librarians your wife, it's not the time to start to feed the calf. Have all the windows eluding Dr. Dunlop, Minister of Edu- cation; Mr. Angus! Mowat; Thomas • Pride, M.L.A.; the H.C.L, Board, of which Mr. Cruickshank from •CliNx.' is a member; and the librarians of Huron County. Mis. W. Harcourt of the Wing-ham Public Library was in attendance. The chairman for the evening pro- for immediate delivery. Yes, training a calf to drink out of a pail, is a lesson and a test in self control. Many have failed the test, others have just made it; few pass with honours. It's the true measuring .stick of a well trained man. Of late years, farm equipment manufacturers have come up with mechanical feeders, combining the. He thought it was a good thing to best features of both the cow and the begin to establish religion in the pail. These are very good, and they home by telling small children Bible save a lot of frayed tempers. Consist- Stories. The librarians, he stated lag of a solidly built pail, with a rub- could help by encouraging the read- her nipple protruding from the side, ing of the right kind of books. it makes it much easier for the calf ' Mr. J. H. Kinkead replied to the and the farmer, They are reasonably address of Dr. Dunlop. After the priced, and serve the purpose well. meeting was adjourned, the film "Books Drive On", was shown. .114.111141111111111/111111111111 llllll 111111141 llllllllll 111111111111111111111111 m1111" ,11 llllllll 1111111111,11 llllll lllllll /11.1111111111111111 lllll The Fanning Mill by Rob Carbert Denies ArraageMeat Later in the day, Mr. Cardiff asked the Witness if he had prior knowledge of the clueStionS Mr. Stewart was going to ask, Dr, Hall said he Was not aware of them other than as statistical infer- /nation that might be required hi the committee, Mr. Cardiff further inquired as to the identity of a departmental aide, who throughout the proceedings, had sat beside department witnesses, ap- parently Prompting them and provid- lag them with information. Gardiner explains Mr. Gardiner intervened to say the witness was Charles Phillips, of the plant products division " of the department. It developed that Mr. Phillips was loaned to assist Nelson Young, head of the production di- vision, to gather information concern- ing the foot and mouth outbreak, The minister said that even as he had his experts to advise him in the House during discussion of estimates, Aminimmipoiimmpoommommilimirnmmiammomm WINGHAM LAWN MOWER and BICYCLE REPAIR Mowers Sharpened $1.50 each. Reconditioned Mowers for Sale. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey argTtmcnt. the Huron County Library Co- Then you take the pail of milk in operative was held at the Bedford your left hand, straddle the calf wits Hotel, It was attended by many in- both legs, back into the corner of the stall. and try the method, of persuas- ion. This consists of allowing the calf to allele at your fingers, which are sub- merged below the milk in the pail. This works in some cases. In others, no. The alternative method, usually tried in cases of extreme disgust, is carried out in the same position, only gram in Mackay Hall was Mr. Frank • this time, the right hand is placed •E.dds. In hia address he spoke of the firmly on top of the head, and much librarians and the library board as force is applied. This combined with dieticians, whose responsibility was to s. muttered "Drink, you so and so, or • serve the reading public; not a bowl drown." usually has effective results. of corruption, but a dish of mental After several lessons, it usually results food. Mrs. R. G. Eckmier gave the in complete success for the farmer. librarian's report, Mr. J. G. Berry or the local drover buys a veal calf gave the treasurer's report. The address of the evening was through the purchasing department. • Here many books were ordered front ; open. and all moveable objects fasten- numerous attractive, colorful book- ed down securely, This is to prevent `helves, • them being thrown in the heat of the At 6.30 p.m. the special banquet of given by Dr. W. J. Dunlop, Minister of Education. He said it was good to see people read fiction; but he would like to see them read more history, that they might realize how much this democracy we enjoy. has cost us, and would thus be prepared to corn- bat Communism. 11111111111111111•01.11111111101.1‘ Well give you when y©u buy NEW ff. Yes, we need old tires! Here's your chance to cash in on our call for all the old, worn tires in town—regardless of condition. 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