HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-21, Page 6DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker PHONE 59- WINGHAM CALL 65 For Prompt Courteous Service WINGHAM TAXI REL FALCONER Dead Stock DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collect Palmerston I23w Durham 398 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED YOU CAN RAISE HORN=FREE CALVES WITH NIXON'S HORNEX XONV, medicated, plastic liquid Painless—Easy to use—Just brush It on--Econornical—CoSt only about 10 cents per calf Get a 1 ounce bottle with brush applicator today at: McKi 0110t4e bons ..1c11446HAN YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE I., KIST, IN ALL FLAVOURS FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales. & Service THOMSON APPLIANCES Phone 29 Wingham DOES THE EXTERIOR OF YOUR HOME. NEED PAINTING? Call ids for Free Estimate. Jensen & Zurbrigg Decorators Phone 642-w-12 Phone 687-w GILSON %How 13" ELECTRIC RANGE 1 Gilson Refrigerator Full 8.3 Cu. Ft., All. Across the Top Freezer, Vegetable Bin, Five-year Guarantee For only $299.00 New Model A-5 -Refrigerator 9.68 Cu, Ft, of scientifically arranged storage, 50 lb. Across the Top Freezer; Door Racks; Refrigeration All the Way to the Floor. SEE THESE AT YOUR GILSON DEALER ERNIE SEDDON Wingham Phone 505 WELWOOD'S to Variety Store "TAHITI" Sharskin Dresses Sizes 14 - 20 181/2 - 221/2 , 6.50 MEN'S JEANS 50 3 Pre-shrunk, well made. Only — • .._ BOY'S JEANS 6 - 16 - Pre-shrunk - Riveted 2.39 and 2.59 Assortment of "FIRE WORKS" for May 24th Popular Prices ATLANTIC PAINT - 1.10 qt. Nylons (Subs) 98c p TRAINING PANTIES Sizes 2.4-6 5 for 1.00 PAGE $171 THE WINGFIAM ADVANCE-TIMES Sure this page is read first It's where you Profit Most FOR SALE FOR SALE—Iron bedstead, walnut shade, springs and Marshall mat-tress, all in good eendition, Phone • 500. 14,21* FOR SALE—Used "Princess Pat" Wood range with warming closet and reservoir; 1 used McClary annex heater with water front, Pa,ktison Radio & Electric. FOR SALE—Treadle sewing maohine, popular make, in good condition, complete with attachments. Apply Earl Heywood, (Box 443) Minnie St., Wingham, Ont. 21b FOR SALE—Quantity of 5 gal, oil pails, Joe Kerr, Josephine St. 21b FOR RENT FOR RENT—Spacious four room apartment in good house, excellent location, available June let, in Wingham, Write Box 135, Advance- Times. 21b WORK WANTED YOUNG MAN will do odd jobs of painting etc., anything considered; also has light truck for small deliveries and haulage. Rates reas- onable. Call Laverne Dingman, 236.T, 21* BOARDERS WANTED BOARDER WANTED—Room and board for one man, centrally locat- ed. Box 134 Advance-Times, 21* FOR VARIETY IN GARDEN PLANTS SEE MUNDY'S 21b FIND OUT bow you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models.. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb LAWN MOWERS, grass sheers, scis- sors, etc., sharpened and repaired; bicycles repaired. Used lawn mow- ers and bicycles for sale, in good condition. Your orders called for and delivered. Phone 487J, Wing- ham Lawn Mower and Bicycle Re- pair Service. 14,21.trtf HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. 'Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb PORTABLE TYPEWRITER—Royal C. New condition. Snap bargain at $65. Try it out at The Advance- Times. WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of. farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. USED EQUIPMENT One Waterloo, Model R One Waterloo, Model U John Deere, Model H, Pannell type, with or without 2-row Corn cultivator. GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 WAITRESSES WANTED for part time and fill] time. Apply Mrs. Grose, Hotel Brunswick, Wingham, PEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Six room brick house, two storey, built-in cupboards, hardwood floors downteriirs, oil heating and air conditioning, recent- ly decorated, good roof. Ken Johns- ton, Patrick St., phone 356. 21b FOR SALE—Brick house, large lot and garage, Phone 519. 21b FOR SALE—six room red brick house in Gorrie, corner lot, all new bath, hot and cold water, oil heat- ing; also eight piece dining-room Listowel, 14rib suite. Harold Edgar, phone 481, LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, two storey, hydro, new asphalt roof, all in good condition, newly painted. Large extra lot with good fruit trees, apple, pear, plum and grapes. Barn on lot. Situated close to Western Foundry. To close estate, reasonably priced. See or phone W. Seddon 396, 7rrtf FOR SALE—House in village of Gor- rie. Two-storey insul brick, seven rooms, three-piece bath, kitchen, with built-in cupboards, sun porch, garage and double lot. Mrs, Frances Earngey, phone 26r6, Wroxeter. 7:14;21x PROPERTIES FOR SALE- 1 Storey patent shingle & brick dwel- ling, 6 rooms with bath, 2 space heaters, 1 cook stove, Catherine Street, Wingham, For particulars apply: H. C. MacLean Business Broker, Wingham, Phone 115. CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-1951 Chevrolet coach, like new, 20,000 miles. Apply A, Tangney, Wilkinson Apts., Wing- ham, 21* FOR SALE—$25.00 will buy car radio in perfect condition, new aerial, very slightly used. Phone 73, Tees- water 21,28* CRESS CORN SALE B for sure re- lief, Your druggist sells Cress Cal- lous Salve too, relieves quickly. FOR SALE—Binders—We are in the used binder business again this year. We expect to have a limited number only. Massey-Harris and Mc- Cormicks, only late models; all ale- mite fittings and oil bath. Priced to to sell, Get yours Iyhile they last. A. Douglas Campbell ,Lot 31, Con. 5, East Wawanosh. Phone Myth 10r18. 9:16:23:30; 7:14:21,28* TL IKEN SILENT AUTOMATIC Oil Burners. Sales and Service, Hiseler and Son, Wingham, phone 426. rrtf LOST LOST—Monday morning, seven week old collie cross pup, tan with white tip on tail, east section of Wingham. Phone 565.1. 21b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—One good red, purebred Shorthorn Bull ready for service, Priced right.; 12 choice purebred Yorkshire chunks, including several good boar prospects which could be registered if desired, Robert Wood, Lakelet; Phone Clifford, 17r7. x2lb MORE PROFITS WITH CAPONS- -Your roosters will show more profit when canonized between 3 and 6 weeks of age, A capon does not fight or crow. When you sell, cap- ons bring 2c lb. more than roosters and over six months period will average two lbs. heavier on same food as roosters, as well as 50% more Milk-fed A's without crating. For information or custom capon- icing phone collect, Walter Ren- wick, 2r11, Belmore. trtf FOR VARIETY IN GARDEN PLANTS SEE MUNDY'S 21b ALL TO WIN . . nothing to lose .. no disbursement now or later, Special call to all women who wish to make easy money, full or part time. Take orders for lingerie and hosiery: for ladies, men, children, also babies wear, Nothing easier, with our low prices and our magni- ficently illustrated catalogue, con- taining 850 superior quality gar- ments with over 8,500 sizes and colours, all with samples of our Materials. Satisfaction guaranteed or Money refunded. Fast delivery. Generous commission, bonuses, gifts, etc. We are positively the ones who give the most to their representa- tives and still offer the lowest sell- ing prices, which means easy and numerous sales. Write iMreediately for your free catalogue. DIJ J OUR LINGERIE 4285-155 Ibbervilley Montreal, P.Q.) 28,30,1,14.21,28,4,11b DUE TO THE holiday week-end, the usual band eoneert will not be held on Sunday, May 25, 21b FOR VARIETY IN GARDEN PLANTS SEE MUNDY'S 21b OPENING Palace Gardens—the Ideal spot for your School and Sunday School Picnics, Family Reunions and friendly gatherings, Spacious grounds, excellent facilities, friend- ly surroundings, Make your reser- vations by contacting Philip Ober- meyer, Formosa. Phone Mildmay 130P21. PALMISTRY Sc TEA CUP READ- INGS given by experienced and noted reader. For appointments, phone Brussels 59-8, or write for appointment to Miss I, M. Sellers, Ethel P.O., Ont, 21* PLOUGH and harrow gardens this week, Call 741w12, Harold Dennis. 21* ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduced rates from the licensed growing co- operative association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Here- ford, beef and dual-purpose Short- horns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership, $25,00. Members, $5.00 per cow; non-members, $6.00 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. R.R. 1, Waterloo. For ser- vice contact Len L. Fischer, Mild- may, phone 60r11 before 10 a.m. SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lockers available to everyone. rrb. WANTED WANTED—Garage mechanic for garage in Wingham. Good work- ing conditions with compensation and insurance. Phone 520. 21b WANae,D—Set of used golf clubs, left hand, moderately priced. If you or a friend are thinking of changing clubs or switching to right hand, write or phone C, D. Walmsley, Gorrie, 21b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel Maude Gray, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the fourteenth day of April, A.D, 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-fourth day of May, A.D. 1952, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-fourth day of May the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED This sixth day of May, AD. 1952. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the administrator, 7, 14, 21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of David Holmes, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of May, 1952, are notified to CRAWFORD & HETHERLNGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 21,28,4 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TENDERS FOR DRAINAGE WORK Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon Tuesday, June 3rd, 1952, for the con- struction of Drain No, 13, known as the Lynn Drain. Plans and specifi- cations may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Gorrie. A certified cheque fOr 10% of the contract price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk, Township of Howick Wroxeter, Ontario. 21,28b TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Morris be reface the west abutment of the third line bridge and the centre abut- ment of the bridge nearest the west end of the first concession, The Township will supply the steel and the cement. Contractor kindly tender by the yard. Tenders must be in by 2:3(ts'pan., June 2. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily aecePted. Gee. C. Martin, Clerk, 21,2813 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank Our many friends and neighbOure for their acts of kindness and understanding during our recent Sad bereavement. Thanks to those who sent flowers arid cards of sympathy, who loaned ears or assisted in any way, to Dr.. Palmer, Mrs, lVforrey arid the staff of Wing- ham hospital. Archie Gray, and family, Bluevale 21* BIRTHS THOMPSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 7th,, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Mae Thomp- son, R, R, 1, Holyrood, a daughter. MaeMILLAN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, May 8th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Myles Mac- Millan, R, R, 1, Lucknow, a daugh- ter. PERGUSON—In, Wingham. General Hospital, on Sunday, May 11th, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Ferguson, R. R, 1, Clifford, a son. Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, May 11th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. August Voisin, R. R. 1, Formosa, a son. MILLEN—In Wingham General Hoe- pital, on Wednesday, May 14th,, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. William Mill- en, R. I. 2, Teeswater,, a son. JOHNSTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 14th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. James John- ston, Lucknow, a son. COOK—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, May 14th., 1952, to Mr, -and Mrs. Charles Cook, Bel- grave, a daughter. COURTNEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, May 15th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Courtney, R. R. 7, Lucknow, a son. TREMBLETT—At the Women's Col- lege Hospital, Toronto, on May 16th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tremblett (nee June Waller) a crau- ghter, Wendy Anne. BROOKS—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, May 16th„ 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. George Brooks, Wing- ham, a son. HOGAN—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Friday, May 16th., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. William Hogan, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a son. HOWSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, May 18th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howson, Blyth, a son, CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank Dr. R. B. Palmer, and the staff of the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, also my many friends who so kindly sent flowers, gifts and card's, and visited me, during my stay in the hospital. Mrs. Isabel Davey. 21b The wife and family of the late David Holmes wish to extend their sincere thanks to friends and neigh- bours for their kindness and many floral tributes during their sad be- reavement; also Mrs. Morrey, Crawford and the staff of the Wing- harn General Hospital. 21* Mr, and Mrs, Gordon L, Davidson wish to acknowledge the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown by their neighbours and friends follow- ing the loss of their brother, William H. Davidson. 21b Mr, and Mrs. Fred L. Davidson wish to express their thanks to neigh- bours and friends for the many kind- nesses shown during their recent sad bereavement. 21b Mr, and Mrs. Harold Townsend and Lloyd wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the 'kindness ex- tended to them during their recent sad bereavement, also to those who were so kind to Donald during his illness. Special thanks to Rev. Todd, Dr. Palmer, Mrs. Webster and the pallbearers. The beautiful floral tri- butes and cards of sympathy will ever be remembered. 21b Town Thanked For Co=Operation During the past few months, Nat- !oriel Carbon Limited, has conducted a very extensive survey of towns throughout Ontario to determine a suitable location for a proposed fac- tory building. Wingham was one of the towns from which information was obtained, A communication received here by Councillor R, E, McKinney, chairman of the Industrial Committee, advised that an option has been taken on a site in Walkerton. The letter goes on to say; "We can assure you that we were very much impressed by your interest and co,. operation, and the information you gave us regarding your town was very complete and satisfactory." THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A friend of the writer of this para- graph said the other day, "Well there's one thing sure and that is liquor never did any good to anyone," The speaker was a business man who gets around and who could not qual- ify as a temperance crank. If he were questioned he would probably admit that there may be the occasional emergency when liquor serves some useful purpose. Even for these infre- suent occasions, there are drugs that are more satisfactory. And yet for FLOWER PLANTS VEGETABLES As planting time draws near we again wish to remind you that the Little Greenhouse has another big stock— and we solicit a share of your patron- age. Below is a partial listing of plants for your selection: FOR THE FLOWER GARDEN Petunias Asters Snapdragons Blue Ageratum Sweet Alyssum Caphea Verbenas Zinnias Balsams Chrysanthemums Violas Pansies Forget-me-nots Four-o'clocks and many others. FOR THE VEGETABLE GARDEN Six Varieties of Tomatoes Early, Medium and Late Cabbage, Cauliflower Peppers Green or White Celery Broccoli Spanish Onions Brussels Sprouts FOR THE PERENNIAL BORDER Iris Dahlias Phlox Tritona Russell Lupins Oriental Poppies DelphinitunS Chrysantherntims Vines Strawberry Plants Geraniimis We solicit wholesale as well as retail business and can supply stores with a good lino of plants OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Call or Visit—. The Little Greenhouse with The Big Stock PERCY DIGGS Phone 29814 VVinghani this drink that "never did any good to anyone," the people of Canada spent over $65,000,000 in 1950. How long can the economy of this country stand such wastefulness? How long Can the morale o • the people of this country stand ouch an orgy of indul- gence? Moreover the price the people of Canada are paying is not alone in millions of money but in an increase in crime and demoralization. When will the people of this country come to their aenses?—ADVT. FASTER ACTION WHITER WASH! GUARANTEE Guaranteed for, two years, with further Protec- tion Certificate covering a Per- iod of - - TWELVE YEARS! BEEP WANTED,-FEMALE MISCELLANEOL,TS SEED FOR SALE—Per bus., Alfalfa, $28.00; Red Clover, $20.00; Timothy, $7.65; White Sweet, $7.50; Yellow Sweet, $8,50. Per lb., Brome, 32c; Orchard, 40c; Meadow Fescue, 40c; White Dutch, 90c; Ladino,' $1.70; Montcalm Barley, cleaned and treated,. $2.00 bus.; Field Peas, $3.50 bus. Prices on some lines are advancing. Get your supply early send to the undersigned on or before and save money. R. Cram/xi & Son, the seventh day of June, 1952, full Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68r3; particulars of their claims in writing. Paisley, 151r17. rrTFIImmediately after the said seventh day of June the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the ad- ministrator shall then have notice. DATED this 20th day of May, AD. 1952, All Porcelain Enamel, Removable Oven Ele- ments, for easy cleaning Large Oven, 17x18x20" $235.00 SEE THE NEW 4 ,.t