HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-14, Page 11Ceo. Walpole SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork Carpentry - Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham Make Certain Doubly Sure You cannot take it for granted that you have good vision just because you have no immediate discomfort. Seven out of ten people have eye defects—the great majority without knowing it, You cannot afford to neglect your eyes, Have them examined right now—and once a year thereafter. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST "A Complete Visual Analysis" Florida Pascel - 48's 2 Bchs Celery Stalks 2 for 25c Florida Marsh Seedless 96's Grapefruit .. 6 for 29c Preserve New Cuban size 12 Pineapple . . .31c each 3 for 89c U.S. No. 1 white Potatoes ...5 lbs. 49c Ontario Grown Radishes ..2 bchs. 17c Full of Juice Large size 176's Oranges .... doz. 35c Imported Carrots ...2 bchs. 21c Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere . to any rail destination , .. for any amount you wish' ... on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's sure :o please. ClearingSale Quart Cans Texaco Outboard MOTOR OIL in 6 can lots .. :each 40c DIFFERENTIAL GREASE, (for Ferguson Tractor) 25 lb. Pail Thuban No. 80 regular $4.48 SALE $3.75 ALL TIRES & TUBES IN STOCK 30% OFF 15's, 18's, 19's, 20's and 21's still in stock. 1 ALEMITE GREASE GUNS regular $6.95 SALE $4.75 5 gallon KAR=BOUT regular $25.75 SALE $21.50 3/4" 3=ply WATER HOSE . . .17c per ft. Vacating 31st of May everything — MUST GO — Murray Johnson & Sons PHONE 62 — Limited — WINGHAM Canada's Range Sensation ( All Models in Electric, and Propane Gas Stoves ) Ranges to fit yot r kitchen and harmonize with the latest styles of kitchen decorating. The stove that retains its beauty over the years, a wipe with a cloth assures you sparkling cleanliness. The high humidity oven IS ALL OVEN. Efficient elements for broiling and baking are recessed so that every inch of your big Moffat oven is usable space . . , The extra depth of the oven provides valuable space for those big 25 lb. - 30 lb. turkeys or extra space for pies, cookies and other baking. The non-sag oven racks are a Moffat convenience and safety feature. 10 Models to choose from plus Quality, Style and Guaranteed Service $189.75 to $539.75 YOU DON'T HAVE to Wait any longer for your "Dream Kitchen" now that the credit restrictions are lifted. Come in raid talk to us. FOR ALL WIRING AND SERVICE CALL BURKE ELECTRIC PHONE 474 WINGHAM WEDNESDAY, 117<AY 14th. 1982 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES ?AG* .P.111111Kill. m. Both Services will be held on DU* light Saving Time, The Y.P,11 of the charge has receiv- ed an invitation to attend service in the Blyth United Church on Sunday evening, May 18th., at 7, when Mr, D. A. MacKenzie, a young man from the Blyth congregation, will, be re, ceived and recommended to Presby- tery, as a candidate for the Ministry of the United Church. At the linron County Musical Festi- val, held in Goderich, Elaine Bolt, Belgrave, placed third in each of her two piano solos, while Lorna placed third in the class for eight years and under playing "'Brahm's Lullaby." ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP 'Phone 256 IL A. SPottnn We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done MEMORIALS CLARK'S SPECIAL II LONDON HOUSE RICHMELLO HEINZ — FRUITS AND VEGETABLES nur A arr F O HEINZ CREAMY AYLMER HORSEY SWEETENED STEELE BRIGG'S HEREFORD YORK KELLOGG'S Unlit alorsIng name iat., May iT I 1 WINGIIAM BELEM VMS, Meeting At the May meeting of theW.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, had two guest speakers,: Mrs, Bissett of Goderich, president of Huron Presby- terial; and Mrs, Taylor, also of Coder, ich These ladies gave interesting re- ports on the outstanding features of the Synodical which met in Hamilton early in April, They prepentod many Items of information on the develop- merit of missionary work at provin- cial, national and international levels, and also brought fresh inspiration and encouragement to the Belgrave auxil- iary, Miss Mason thanked the speakers and also welcomed the members who were present from Blyth auxiliary, The president, Mrs. J. C. MeBurney, presided over the'meeting and Mrs. Art Scott favoured with a solo. A soc- ial time followed the meeting, Trinity Church Guild The regular meeting of the Ladies Guild was held at the home of Mrs C. H. Wade on Thursday afternoon, with the vice-president, Mrs, Vannan, in charge. To open, all joined in sing- ing the hymn "Come Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove," followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. 'Bramwell and a scripture reading by Mrs Wade. The blocks for a quilt were brought in and a quilting was arranged for the next meeting and also a sale of baking. Mrs. N. Mc- Crea, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs. C. Nethery and Mrs. L, Vannan were appointed to the visiting committee for the bal- ance of the year. The meeting Was closed with prayer by the Rector and lunch was served by the hostess. Belgrave and Brick United An unusually large attendance was present at Brick United Church, E. Wawanosh township, on Sunday morning, May 11th. It was "Mother's Day", and the children of the Sunday School took part in the service of Worship. There was no sermon. Two children were baptized: Barry Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason, and Clara Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson. A business ses- sion of the congregation was held at the close of the service to deal with the "Call" of a minister to the charge. At Knox United Church, Belgrave, an almost capacity audience filled the church. There was a "Mothers' Choir," The choir rendered two selec- tions. Six children were received by Christian baptism into the church and four of the parents united with the Attention Farmers! Dead and^ Disabled Animals, Horses for Slaughter PICKED UP PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY C. BRUBACHER Phone 608w1 R.R. 1, Wingham IMP • church, three by fInfession of Faith and one by letter. A business „session of tbe .congregnt,ion, Wnp held at Bel- grave church also, to deal with the call to be extended to a minister, as result of the present minister's call to Thames Road in South HUron. It is not known, yet who will succeed Rev, Moores on the .charge, Sunday, May 18th, will be regarded as "Stewardship" Sunday throughout the Presbytery of Huron, with ex, change of pulpits.. Rev. George Watt Of DAngannort will be the Speaker, both at Belgrave and Brick churches. The hours of service will be; Brick Church 10.00 a.m.; Belgrave 11.15 a, The following ladies of St, Stephen's WA. attended sessions on Wednesday of the 65th annual meeting of the Huron Diocesan Board of the W.A., held in the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Kitchener: Mrs, H. V. Holmes, Mrs.. G. D. Vogan, Mrs. Clara Ritchie, Mrs. Geo, King, Mrs. F, C. Taylor, Mrs. Norman Wade, Mrs. M, Gilkinson, Mrs. C. Lawrence and Mrs. Gordon Underwood. Honored by Lodge Mr. H. V. Holmes was presented with a jewel signifying fifty years of membership by his lodge, A.F. 84 A.M. Wingham, at their meeting on Tues- day evening. Birth Hospital, on Ferguson—In Wingham General Sunday, May 11th., to Mr. and Mrs .Robt. Ferguson, con. 17, a son, Douglas Robert. Your Food and Your Figure Miss Margaret Meyer, of the Wo- men's Institute branch and Home Economics Dept., of Agric., in her talk on Friday afternoon, approved Canada's Food for Health rules, which include whole grain cereals, bread, vegetables, meat and its substi- tutes: cheese, eggs, fish, citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries and at least 2,(2 pt. milk a day for adults. She gave calorie values of many foods and pointed out that if you would keep your figure you must aver c- ads of high calorie value and say, 'No pie, ;please". Members of the Molesworth Institute were present. A cup of tea and refreshments were served by the Gorrie Institute and a social time enjoyed. United Church News A large congregation filled the Gorrie United Church Sunday morn- ing to share in the Mother's Day ser- vice. Rev. R. Watt took as his theme, Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hainhley of Fergus visited with Miss Pear) and Mr. Sam Stinson Monday,, Miss Stin- son is repovering foam injuries receiv, ed in a fall in Toronto. Friends of MM. Arthur Chapman will be glad to know that she is im- proving after a recent illness, Miss Minnie McElwaine, Fpravvic11, and Mrs, Geo. King, attended the annual ,meeting and banquet in Gode- rich of the Huron County Library Co-Operative, held in MacKay hall on Monday evening, MM.:" .;lean ,iyfacPonald and a .nninks ben of Moleswerth frienda attended' the ordination of Rev, Chas, MoCap,,, Cans- roll on Thursday night, in. Bethel Church near Arva, Mrs. W. a King Ape4t. Wecleeschty with her aunt, Mrs.. J. J. Moffat of Wingham, Mr. .and Mrs. Roy Pennell., Tanta and Jacqueline of Kitehener, ppent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Downey, Miss Nellie Ruttan, Toronto, spent, the week-end with her parents, •Mr..• and Mrs. Anson Ratan. "Appreciation of Mother and the Responsibilities of Parenthood." The choir sang the old and very lovely anthem, "My Mother's Bible", Baptisms The sacrament of Baptism was ad- ministered and the following little ones were baptized; Donald Stuart Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Adams; Margaret Rose Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright and Glen Robt. Ruttan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruttan. Next Sunday morning Rev. W. J. Moores of Belgrave will he guest speaker. Rev. R, Watt will be taking anniversary service in Kippen, Masonic Church Service On Sunday next, May 18th., Rev. J. R. Boggs will address the Masons of the Wroxeter and Fordwich lodges in the Gorrie Presbyterian Church, at 2.30 p.m., at their annual church service. Huron Deanery to Meet at Bayfield The annual meeting of the Huron Deanery of the Church of England will meet in Bayfield on Monday, June 2nd., in Trinity Church. Bishop Greenwood of the Yukon; Miss Ruth Scott, Dean of studies in the Angli- can Women's Training College, To- ronto; and Miss Joan Froom, Dioces- an Youth Supervisor, will be the speakers. Personals Mrs. Harry Ferguson visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. Don Ireland of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ' visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Mac, Abram, Palmerston. Messrs. V. Holmes, Gordon Under- wood and Norman Wade were in Lon- don on Monday for the Synod of the Church of England meeting this week. Mr. Ted Newton returned on Satur- day from the Wingham Hospital and is able to get around a little on crutches, • Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Wylie, and little son of Otterville,visited the former's mother, Mrs. John Wylie, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wylie and Nancy of Toronto, spent the week-end at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton, Chat- ham, visited with relatives over the week-end. Miss Kay Cathers of Toronto spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stephens, Jimmy and Jan of Goderich, visited over the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ewald and Mr. Franklin Ewald of Galt were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robbt. Dane. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hill of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Plant and children of Allanford spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Bertha Plant. Mrs. A. Toner returned on Satur- day from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdall and Audrey of Toronto, were week-end visitors with relatives here. Rev. G. D. and Mrs. Vogan "are spending a few days in London, where Mr. Vogan is attending the annual Synod of the Diocese of Huron. Mrs. J. Hyndman has returned to Gorrie after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Dowdall, and Mr, Dowdall in Toronto. Miss Thelma Stafford of Kitchener spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickison and children, Walkerton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Douglas and family of Wingham were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton. Mrs. Percy Ashton and Mrs, Cecil Wilson were in Bluevale on Monday for the meeting of the East Huron District Executive of the Women's .••-ammognowuroZoroiram-bawoorta4Frorso...P.o.irr.4 NEWS OF CORR1E Ladies of St. Stephen's W.A. Attend 65th Annual Meeting PREMIUM SODAS PKG. 16 OZ. 30 SPECIAL I CHRISTIE'S SPECIAL I ! BRAESIDE PORK A B Li0 .0............"^.."..........................". SPECIAL ! 20 OZ. TIN ,c2 Flia ES fz: 17 0 PEANUT RUTTED HATINCH CANDY — 1A870390 CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO COFFEE DOMINO (CONTENTS ONLY) DRY GINGER ALE AYLIYIER On NGE MAEMAILADE 350 Gazunam ET =ECM HO GARDEN SEEDS PKG. 50 CORNED BEEN' T12INOZ T12INGZ.' 40c SPICY BOLOGNA CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS AYLMER CHOICE CREAM STYLI Lb, 230 BRIGHT'S cum= PEACHES Tin IS Os, 190 MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 102.520 CIZTIETTEO; ; na ( ALL v.717-;1 EMmIloN STORES LIMITED' TOMAT S SWEZT mom PICKLES CORN s. 190 SWIFT'S On JEWEL .SEZEIFENENG vou SOCIMETZ Mal 'MT 73A oz. 4'50 CHALLENGER — FANCY TIN IN OIL UMW= 5 DEATEs 3 4./ig 25c HEINZ HEINZ PRODUCTS TOMAT-wor BOTTLE 290 13 OZ. SLICED ILAD is oz. BARKER'S I3ISCUI -0 mus 386 32 I CRE MAN,L2 CELLO BABY LL CIIEKSE: FIRST GRADE surreal; Standard Quality LYNN VALLEY PEAS 2 '4,12:. 270 STANDARD QUALITY DEVON 0 05, TOMATOES Fri. 20 nn%290 13k3:. 930 ARL:s290 2 151.24250 TINS 290 3 OZ. ROLL 16 OZ. 45F: LOAF 24 OZ. go 1 LB. PRINT Is oz. 250 JAR 48 OZ. TIN 24 OZ. JAR DAIRY COW SALE 12 MILES SOUTH OF LONDON THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1952 1 p.m. (D.S.T.) Machinery and Accredited Holsteins Herd of A. J. Campbell, Thorndale Selling at the Farm. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1952 12.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) • COMPLETE DISPERSAL 38 Registered & Grade Holsteins' Accredited, Vaccinated Full Line Modern Farm Machinery Estate of Gordon S. Taylor, Glanworth, Ont. Sale at the Farm, 5 Miles East of Glanworth THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1952 Accredited Holsteins, 45 Head 8 p.m. (D.S.T.) TWILIGHT GLANWORTH SALES ARENA SHORE HOLSTEINS LTD. SALES MANAGERS Any Canadian National Ticket Agent will glc4ly vivo you ft:Hoar/leo/am "r40.144)7utivee, CARVADME1 NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING 1U1. TEN PROVINCES