HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-14, Page 4Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of -shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First, When Feet Burn Sting And Itch And shoes feel as if they were cut- ting right into the ilesh—get a bottle of Emerald. OH and rub well over feet and ankles nieht and morning for a few days. A real discovery for thousands who have found blessed relief. Moone's Emera:d Oil ie easy and pleasant to use: &es net. stain--economical, On sale wherever dregs are sold. MOTHER'S DAY (The kids view of iti Mother's Day has come and gone, Though not beyond recall; It visits us but once a year, Which ain't enough at all. . Yet every day is Mother's day, As all we children know. She never ceases to hold sway, She bosses every show. Her lover, who is Dad to us, Is subject to her rule; So he avoids all show of fuss, And pack us off to school. When we get home at 4 p.m. She' waiting at the door; This, oh, so gracious, lovely femme, And kisses on us pour. We love her well, of course we do, And now we want to say; It is a most disgraceful shame, To give her just one day, Weld have this altered by and by, When we the Laws shall make: We'll pass an act, in very fact, To make her Queen for aye. Jas, G. Webster, RECENT & READABLE One of the most important sections in any library is the Children's books and this is true also of the Wingham Public Library. To add to the interest in these books, several new ones have received eseoecially for the younger readers. Three new books in the Just Mary series are now available. HAPPY' PLAYTIME This is a new book of Just Mary stories for you. You've heard all these tales on your radio. Do you remember Coco the Clown, who couldn't smile because David mixed his paint with vinegar. Coco's in the book. So too is the Magic Horse; Robin Rae with his ; friend the sea horse: Jill and Jane :and the Brownie; Four O'clock, the little stray dog; Gibble Gabble, the Goblin and many more. .,NEW JUST MARY STORIES Here they are "The New Just Mary ..Stories." with new nonsense . new magic, but the same old Just Mary charm. Between these covers you'll -find all kinds of adventures and char- acters. You'll discover Why O'Casey Barked at the Moon. You'll laugh at the antics of The Princely Pig. You'll thrill to the hazards of Admiral Nel- son. You'll love little Kate Haney who ..swet.,t a goblin oath at Hallowe'en, 1Theree's a 'stogy for- Mother's Day too for Easter. for Valentine's. New Just Mary Stories suit every season of the year. JUST MARY GREEN STORIES Here is the second itlf the Just Mary coeeer. series. This collection of stories be known as Just Mary Green Ste es, anal is a new collocUon of stories with the old 'Just Mary" :harm. The 'Cleritsmas Story. The Wonderful Day, The Mistake, The :jewels of Fermanagh, The Silver Wash, :Uncle. and Leftover. The Prince and the Gypsy, The Magic ...Bean, 3.5Ptilda Jane. Rocking Horse. Magic and Mrs. Waddle and the Roll-: sr Skates. frLION WHEELS [CHANGE OILS- AN1) GREASES 11 CLEAN CARS- II DJUSI134A-K-ES If If [TUNE 'ENGINE If you want to enjoy your -vacation — and we would like to make sure you do — bring your car in for a Tip- lop Tune-Up. Our factory-trained me. chanics can spot any trouble quickly — and make repairs just as fast. We use only factory-engi- neered Chryco parts and fac- tory approved equipment. So, for dependable service and repairs, at reasonable cost, let us help you enjoy your vaca- tion trip with a thorough check-up. II COME IN TODAY FOR A CHECK-UP (Chryco Is a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited) Crawford Motors Your Dodge • De Soto Dealer PHONE 710 WINGHAM named Mr. McGarrity. Maggie has more fun; Things happen to Maggie the very minute she steps out into the morning. Once she found a water fairy in the garden hose, and once she went to the rainbow with a robin redbreast. This is about Mr, McGar- rity; Mr. McGarrity's sixty, and he has a red handled hoe, and he has eyes that twinkle and dance. When Maggie can't think of a thing to do, he leans on his red-handled hoe and thinks of something, He's the one who gave Maggie the turtle, named Slowboy, and he's the one who gave Maggie the rabbit named Henry. Mr, 411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111111.1111111li. ORDER YOUR Colony House Sash EARLY Sash Open or Glazed Complete Window Units with Prefitted Sash. Oellar Units, Verandah Sash, Door Frames, Barn Sash 4 or 6 lights. Screens and Storm Sash made-to-order. To prevent rot order your sash Primed. CAMPBELL it fiORBUTT Makers of High Grade Sash Diagonal Rd. Wingham Thirst howstirseason DRINK nelpin with heart and hand . . . a friend of the friendless for 70 gears in. Canada No one in need has ever turned in vain to The Salvation Army. To the starved and broken in body and spirit, The Army's understanding heart and human touch bring help and healing. Today, this great work of human salvage calls for an enlargement and strengthening of The Army's services. The Army relies confidently on YOUR dollars to make this expansion possible in its 70th Anniversary Year. CAMPAIGN OPENED MAY 5th Headquarters — Salvation Army Citadel Edward St., Wingham, Ont. OFFICER IN CHARGE LIEU]. MIRKY CHAIRMAN-4D1 HAMILTON TREASURER-H. C. MacLEAN 4 OK, PETE. LET'S YOU AND I GO TO St."40CL - Pi P.ST;e0d ADD UP *YOUR. FIXED COSTS. TOUSti, PETE, EH BUT KEEP IN KIND THAT YOU'RE INVESTING A LOT OF TIME AND MONEY IN YOUR POULTRY BUSINESS. AND P174 EM BER,FEEO 15 A REAL IMPORTANT ITEM- IT CAN MAKEOR BREAK YOU AS A POULTRY MAN, I SEE WHAT -)N YOU MEAN, 1 DOC. I SHOULD ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT THE STARTER AND GROWER I BUY IS A PROVEN FEED, DON'T GAMBLE! BE SURE with a PROVEN FEED ROE vatz CHICK STARTER CONTAINS ALL TN E NEWEST GROWTH PACTOAS" CHICK STAKIR :147:51 A :Z4:3 arm rox:14 .r • THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th., nes tiny grindstones, And he knows where * the deer mice make their nests! McGarrity 'mows where the mosqui- toes sharpen their little daggers on crest, which she will show along with Some art in room 7, Grade XA is hop- ing she will hide the Latin marks be- fore Open Night. A group of Mr. Higenell's prize athletes will put on a demonstration of horsework and added numbers in the trios, who are at present fighting the recreation room. As well as the a tendency to end up half a tone be- boys' gymnastics, two groups of girls • low where ,,they started. Anyone with will do some novelty dances which] experience in music knows that it 4 should prove interesting. is difficult to hold the pitch in un- accompanied singing. The test piece In the most of the classrooms for this class is, "Lullaby of an Infant note books will be on the desks and all parents and friends win want to Chief'" The girls singing trios are: see what Johnny or Janey writes in Sopranos, Sally Lou MacIVilliam. Patsy Rider, Eleanor Wightman; sec- ond sopranos, Shirley Bradburn, Mar- Mr. Martin's room 3 will house a display of Grade X History projects lone MacKenzie, Isobel Dennis; altos, Betty Carter, Pat Brophy and 21fildred including tiny pieces of wood-work. Cook. JOKES by Clifford. Coultes - : credit. Your bill is bigger than it should be, Customer: I know. Make it out for ; what it should be and I'll pay it. 0 - 0 - 0 More Production at Less Cost With Modern Equipment NEW MAGGIE MUGGECS STORIES This is about Maggie Ifuggins;i nagalt;,s 'silt and she has red pig tails, and she has a million freckles on a 1, turr.eduo nose, and she has a friend credit to us, although she is com- peting with contestants who it eve bad vocal training, Eleanor and Isobel Dennis are singing the duet, "I Would That My Love." We won't make any predicions fort HIGHLIGHTS from the HIGH SCHOOL ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Most Modern Equipment for Shon and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brownlie M em oriais WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Winghain Box 373 'Phone 450 .AROUND SCHOOL work and another by Catherine Keating 'Which appeared at Preparations are now being made Fair in March. -for Wingham District High School's Miss Behrns will *mural Open Night to be held this Ter= on Wednesday, May 14th. Many ,displays and demonstrations are being planned. Mr. jackson,is urging on -some flowers and holding back others. He is also planning a display of rope- be showing wes- kits, blouse, knitting, crocheting, and it is rumored that there may be a dis- play of mouth-watering baking. Miss Heard is collecting the crests that were entered in the competition for Wingham District High School's new of wind-breaks, the Clinton Seed maps, paintings and pencil sketches. Last year about three hundred I people visited our school on Open Butcher : I can't give you any more Night and this year we are honing for more than ever. 0 - 0 - 0 FESTIVAL NEWS by Isobel Dennis Lately unearthly sounds have been Traveller: (being shown dingy hotel issuing from the hall where the piano room) stands. •'13.y unearthly we mean heav- . "How much does this pigsty ,:ost?" enly, of course,-i Anyone who asks is-Manager: "For one pig, 33.00, for 2 informed that it is just the girls prace, pigs, $5.00. ; tising for the festival. The school is sending one competi- ` for in the girl's solo class, one duet and three trios. Our soloist is Eleanor. ightman, who we know will do Never before has a man been able to do so much work on a farm so quickly and easily. New methods and modern mechanization have increased farm efficiency giving more production per worker at less cost- Up-to-date equipment solves the farm labor shortage. Mechanized farming is the modern, low-cost, high output, more profitable way to farm. For more than one hundred years Canadian Farmers have found in Massey-Harris machines the kind of equip- ment that saves time, saves labor, and enables full advantage to be taken of favorable conditions MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of High Quality Farm. Implements since 1847 SO YOL1R DAD HAS STARTED ICU IN THE CHICKEN BUSINESS, YOUNG FELLOW AND `AST scm....4. nes! Yeti BET, DOC - THE FEED /404EVS CONING GUT OF MY OWN POCKET 50i WANT TO '3WSCMETiCI*. ABOUT IT. YES, IT'S A LOT OF MOKFY FOR. A YOUNG, 11...E75 .F:GURE THE r--E,:.- COSTS TO L AY1 STASE! FOLY C.KE, DOC, 77.1-'f Air 5 $30C.S2 0;.,ITOF Px•te-r. By Roe Farms Service Dept. ALWAYS REMEMBER, PETE, WHEN YOU INVEST YOUR MONEY TO BRING 300 PULLETS TO LAYING STAGE AND THEN TRY TO SAVE 504 A BAG BY USING AN UNPROVEN PEED, WELL- YOU'RE ACTUALLY GAMBLING A MS,* SAVING AGAINSTA POSSIBLE LOSS OF UP TO '+500E° r. GOLLY, YOU SURE KNOW YOUrL ARITHMEItC4.OX IL PROMISE YOU I'LL STAY WITH VITAFOOD AND VITACAOW-THEN I'LL ClC SURE OF A PAST HEAUHY GROWTH AND Or !AVM% kirvol'Af. I Howson & Howson, Wingham Dielgrove Co-op„ Belgrove Ross Aildotson, Selgrove Bluevcale MillIng Co, Illuevolo