HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-07, Page 10PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE Has proved Its worth many, many times. CONSULT— F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE. Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 •••••••••••••,imme•Iiimmimini.•11•••••••• G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist In former office of Dr. R. C. Redmond Patrick St., Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. 4111111111111111111111111lilli1111111111M1176111111111111111i. ORDER YOUR Colony House Sash EARLY Sash Open or Glazed rnpiete Window Units with Prefitted Sash. Cellar Units, Verandah Sash, Door Frames, Barn Sash 4 or 6 lights. Screens and Storm Sash made-to-order. To prevent rot order your sash Primed. CAMPBELL & .60RBUTT • Makers of High Grade Sash Diagonal Rd. Wingham 1• 11111111111111411111111111/11111111M1111111111111111111111, MEMORIALS We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LEI .1..LEING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Phone 256 R. A. Spotton 1/ Ouaroteed 2 yo Trust Certificates A profitable investment for your regular savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificates . . — are unconditionally guaranteed A to principal and interest -- pay 31A% interest, payable half-yearly - are short term-5 years — are authorized investment for trust funds — have no fluctuation-in principal In 5 years $420.36 accumulates to $500.00, Invest wisely and well THE STERLING TRUSTS CCIRPCIR A T I 0 N MAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICII 372 liwy TONInfit 14 Dunlop ifa lurk 'WEEKLY PUBLICATIONS---Of time- ly significance and interest are the following: Life, Saturday Evening Post, Time, McLean's, Saturday Night, and the Illustrated London: News. MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS—The I 'home lovers will be interested in the (following magazines: Home Building! lin Canada. Canadian Homes and Gar- dens, Better Homes & Gardens, Good ( Housekeeping, Canadian Home Journ- al and Child Life. For farm readers there are: The Country Gentleman,' The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Rod and Gun in Canada, Nature Mag- azine and Canadian Nature. Travel lovers can see the world In the pages of: National Geographic, Travel, Holi- day and Canadian Geographic. Wom- en readers are fond of Chatelaine and McCall's. This still leaves a miscel- laneous assortment which includes; Popular Photography, Reader's Di- gest and Popular Mechanics. There are also many daily and weekly newspapers on the stands of the Wingham Library so drop in and browse around. BRIDGE CLUB Eight tables were in play at the regular meeting of the bridge club Thursday evening. North & South:-1. Miss M. Mac- Lean and Mrs. R. S. Hetherington: 2. Mrs, D. B. Porter and D. Kennedy; 3. G. MacKay and H. L. Sherbondy; 4. Miss M. Johnston and J. A. Wilson. East & West-1, Mrs. H. Campbell and Mrs. A. R. DuVal; 2. Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Geo. Williams; 3. Mrs. G. H Ross and Mrs G. C. Gammage; 4. Miss Y. McPherson and Mrs, E. A. VanSt one. MOUNT FOREST SCHOOL TO COST $350,000 Fiery, Itching Toes And Feet Here is a clean, stainless antiseptic oil that will do more to help you get rid of your trouble than anything you've ever used. Its action is so powerfully pene- trating that the itching is quickly relieved and in a short time you are free of that bothersome, fiery itching. The same is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Eczema—other irritating unsightly skin troubles. You can obtain af °one's Emerald. Oil in the original bottle at any modern drug store. It is safe to use— and failure in any of the ailments noted above is rare indeed. PHONE 53. r-217 ,- WINGHAM McKi b bons SPECIAL"SUPERPOWER" 120 HP. V-8 ENGINE CANADA'S HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK CHAMPION Canada's newest Mercury Truck engine—the special "Super Power" 120 Hp., L-head V-8 engine! It's another first for Mercury Trucks! This Heavy-Duty Champion develops its 'astounding horsepower at 3600 r.p.m.— develops 204 pounds foot torque at 1500-2000 r.p.m. Combining power with economy, "Super Power" V-8 engine is available in Series M-5 and M-6, Conventional and Cab-Over-Engines. THREE OTHER MIGHTY MERCURY TRUCK ENGINES "WORLD FAMOUS" 106 HP. This "World Famous" 106 Hp., L-head V-8 has a piston displace- ment of 239 cu. in., compression ratio of 6.8:1—new autothermic pistons to control piston-to-wall clearance—self-cleaning, self- , turning valves! Standard in Series M-1, M-3, M-4. "CARGO KING" 145 HP. Never before have Mercury Trucks offered so much horsepower per cubic inch piston displacement! In this O.H.V. engine Iiiston travel is reduced 20%—engine develops 39% more horsepower through new High-Compression— Low-Friction design. Series M-7 only. "CARGO KING" 155 HP. Most powerful engine ever built for Mercury Trucks! This O.H.V. engine develops 155 Hp., has piston dis- placement of 31.7 cu. in., compression ratio of 7.0:1—saves up to 14% on gas through High-Compression-- Low-Friction design. Series M43 only. PAGE TEN Alinimpormonwrosarminmersmormearnemmmiromerrourarsomoranrwrorrumerres , THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'WEDNESDAY; .MAY"704 An estimate of 2350,000 for the cost of building and equipping the propos- ed new Mount Forest District High school was given by the School Board to a Town Council deputation on Mon- day of last week. The estimate was given to Mayor Ross McLellan and councillors Russell Neal and George Hartwright who came to the board meeting for inform- ation that would help in making up the town budget, following conversa- tion last week in Toronto. Mayor McLellan in turn, informed the Board he estimated the town's tax rate this year at 89.33 mills, without making provision for the new school. This compares with last year's rate of 78 mills. It was the first hint of this year's rate. Previous statements on school costs have made it clear that the provincial government would pay 75 per cent of the cost up to 5330,000. This is based on 11 teaching units at $30,000 each, Mount Forest and six neighbouring townships, Parts of which are in the school district, would share in the balance. Mount Forest's share has been calculated at 31 per cent. Construction Costs $292,000 A letter from the architects estim- ated actual construction cost for a school with 22,500 square feet area at the rate of $13 a square foot.—Mount Forest Confederate. There is a reading room at the Wingham Public Library which is popular spot with both young and old. There a great many magazines and newspapers are twallable for re- f er and your reading enjoyment. For a quiet, comfortable spot to pass some time drop into the reading room of our Public Library. Some of the more popular and bet- ter known of these periodicals are listed here for ready reference, RECENT & READABLE pheasant farms, some 50,000 young birds will be made available this sum- mer to sportsmen's organizations and townships for distribution in the Lakes Huron, Erie and Simcoe, and the Trent, Quint° and Rideau districts according to present Department of Lands and Forests plans, the Minister Harold R. Scott, announced recently, Approximately, allotments will per- mit the Lake Erie district to receive 15,000 day-old chicks and 9,000 poults. These will come from the Norman- dale farm. Normandale will also sup- ply 6,000 chicks to the Lake Huron district, These will be supplemented by 9,000 chicks and 6,000 poults from Codrington to make up the district's quota, Tht Trent district's quota will be 2,500 chicks, and a large number of poults will be divided between that district and Quinte. The Rideau dis- trict will receive some 2,5000 chicks and 500 poults. The day-old chicks will be turned over to the distributing co-operators, the Minister explained, and retained by them for six weeks in brooders. They will then be taken afield and freed by the "gentle-releaSe" system. Food will be set out alongside the re- lease pens for as long as the young pheasants return in search of it, he pointed out. He also declared that about 2,000 adult stock birds that have produced lGiGiJSyi"'scvFifi/fie; ,; 44, Officers again warn that extreme care must be taken with fire in any form by all who go into the forest to Work or for recreation. 0 - 0 - 0 A total of 46 deer have been killed accidentally on the highways and otherwise during January and Feb- ruary in the Lake Erie district ac- cording to records in possession of Lands and Forests officials here. The deer were examined by conservation officers and the information obtained When Service 5' is Required ,on your Lighter or Pipe send it to CAMERON'S BILLIARDS WINGHAM -:- ONTARIO Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1952 taxes up to 90 per cent of 1951 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four .per cent, per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham amendment to the Fish and Game Act passed by the Legislature, Any such' animal or bird, lawfully killed or• pro- cured, "may be Sept during the period cured, "may be kept during the period any year and August 31 in, the next Year unless otherwise provided under the regulations," the Act declares. • learingSale Quart Cans Texaco Outboard MOTOR OIL in 6 can lots .. . each 40c 6 gallon case (qts.) TEXACO regular $8.12 SALE $6.50 2 gallon can VALOR OIL regular $1.95 SALE . . . per can $11.65 DIFFERENTIAL GREASE, (for Ferguson Tractor) 25 lb. Pail Thuban. No. 80 regular $4.48 SALE $3.75 ALL TIRES & TUBES IN STOCK 30% OFF • 15's, 18's, 19's, 20's and 21's still in stock. ALEMITE GREASE GUNS regular $6.95 SALE $4.75 5 gallon KAR=BOUT regular $25.75 SALE $21.50 3/4" 3=ply WATER HOSE ....17c per ft. Murray Johnson & Sons PHONE 62 — Limited WINGHAM Now...4 new mighty 1-z8 engines, 7 great series,11 rugged chassis, Over 80 models from X to 5 tons Raised on Ontario government their quolas of eggs will be released in several areas. Many of these wil, resume nesting after release. "We would like to increase the pro- duction of young birds to improve pheasant populations and hunting in Ontario," the Minister stated, "but we are limited as to space. If sportsmen's associations and townships could ar- range to accept more day-old chicks for rearing to release age, we could provide for increased production cor- respondingly in the freed space." Only an acre of forest was burned! But it was the first forest fire to be reported in Ontario this season. Start- ed by a camper's carelessness in the Kenora district on Sunday, April 13, it indicates that the human factor is still our greatest for'bst fire hazard. Department of Lands and Forests CONSERVATION CORNER SAVE MONEY by PREPAYING WINGHAM INCORe9RAfEt ........ Town of Wingham 1952 Taxes wit atai..;,77 5-i will be used to help determine the age- sex ratios and distribution of deer in the district. 0 - 0 - 0 The period which a deer, moose or bird carcass may be kept by a hunter after the closing of the season has been extended by five months, in an • Another first for MERCURY TRIKK HIGH-COMPRESSION, LOW FRICTION MERCURY ENGINES IN '52 MOVE IV WITH MERCURY FOR LESS . Meteor - Lincoln Mercury Cars - Mercury Trucks Telephone 459 CROSSETT MOTQRS LTD a Wingham, Ont. rl -31