HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-07, Page 4Coe. Walpole SASH FRAMES CUPBOARDS PITTSBURG PAINTS GLASS STAIRS SCREENS HARDWARE. Custom Woodwork - Carpentry Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham ty, Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings, See Us First, ALL CLASSES OF' MONUMENTS IN STOCK Moat Modern Equipment for Shoo and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. 13rownlie Memorials WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator 'Phone pho 450 Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 4 -androt/ r mot e '4Vf 9 Best engineered, best designed automatic heating equipment sold- The result of more than 25 yPqrs of hear enginrinh experience. • Cleanest, quietest, most dependable automatic oil hearing .obtainable. (Weil-Flame method, of course!) ilk Fuel savings that ire nor just promised, but sa4=-- onteed. in writing! Consistently saves Up to 25r,1, on fuel oil—often morel • Expert insrpliation by experienced Timken Silent Automatic factory-trained mechanics. • Hundreds of thousands of satisfied users have proved in You get =lab more when you buy Timken Silent Automatic heating .equipmentl COAPACT OIL SOMERS pooride cif the 'Oene.Frs ,Of ittatoanotic. heat vier ea„ best. THRIFTY WALL-,FLAKE SURNERS =re ciliamed a =hopes end sizes 71.10 tins boilers- R.ELIAILLE OIL PLER.hiACSS brig s every owner the utmost in complete wir.ter air eoheirldninh. Proudly Sold and. Installed fry HISrLER and SON W G .4 ARM 'Art you satisfied with belme srriz l a haying eastomer?- If you want to get into the show, get into szt 4...:trre is plenty of room for P ta-att, I-,.fethre never tot old to ' take the forst stet, A •zood many of lea: fararres people have gained that If=t, efts:. the age of ff.ihoOr.alter ; 21:6E-1,- have passe d their allotted ti=e.; Ef three same years and ten. Yes there is a part in the 'Ploy We' 'fZr you. You may be the ec=- CoLl.'.7., who makes pwele lahen. Yours rt- be the trago4r ehart, or you toay lahreiy ever after. iciaVe .1,01.1 re- hearsed yoor part? re uu ready to answer the curtain? 'The symbols on the sides of feoreht tars eroOTer to 'case 'history •of the nun Attention Farmers! Dead and Disabled Animals, HoTses for Slaughter PENEEDtP P111:03KF1 LY AM) EFIFICOMIX BRAJB,NCHER Vti -Atr, morniamonstmormanamem The bAotry Siegnaller... The Canadian. Infantryman with his superior training and personal qnplides has won the respect of the world as a fighting man. He is once again proving to be the most important man in the Canadian Army. Vital to the successful operation of Infantry is the man who must maintain lines of communication between the front line and forward headquarters. He is the Infantry Signaller, an important man in keeping the finely balanced team of modern infantry operating smoothly and successfully. Take your place in the front lines of Canada's freedom. Serve with the Infantry. You are eligible if you are 17 to 40 years of age and ready to serve anywhere. Apply now to the Army Recruiting office nearesf your home No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Pork, Sagot Street, Kingston, Ont. Collodion Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Sorrocks, Etirobeth Street, London, Ont. Amy Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Soy, Ont. Amy Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury, 200 Jones St. North, Homilton, Ont. P.errohing Station, Windsor Armouries, Windsor, Ont. At66W-0 Listen to 'Voice of the Army" — Tuesday and Thursday evenings— Dominion Network, h,,...4\ `:.,.;.'*1„...,,I,,...1.-4,,,,,esr \.. \ r • - -'rse 'h,. .. `. • - o . \ \41- \ "‘. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-MRS I WEIONSPAYA MAY Itho 4..........011111•1117111111.11.1111iftlft1 W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST "A Complete Visual Analysis" l OODERICH SEEKS $12;000 FOR ARENA FLOOR Last Thursday marked the opening of the Goderich Li.ons Clubs' cam- paign to raise the $12,000 required to iinstali a permanent floor in the arena. Close of the public subscriPtiOn cam- paign is set for Saturday, June 14,, isince according to the Arena. Com- mission, actual floor laying alterations will have to commence about July let if the floor is to be ready for use dur- 1 ing Old Home Week, August 3-7. A waiting period for hardening of the, floor is required in addition to time Years marry needed for the finishing off process you, after pouring the floor. The absent-minded Mr. Ferguson; ,Ah, With only six weeks remaining in yes and did you? s ES EC atzthweltecl tee! lee at 4OW-Stho HIGHLIGHTS f rom the HIGH SCHOOL ago you asked me to which to raise the money required for 0 - 0 - 0 j the 'floor, an arena floor committee That chicken I just ate was hatched; meeting of the Lions on Tuesday in an incubator all right." !night set up final plans for the cam- "How could you tell?" paign. Lion John Thorpe is chairman 'No chicken that ever knew a moth- of sales. er's love could grow up to be es who is hurt while down-town at noon tough as that" ,. Conunercial Doings , squares to be purchased will be plat- ' This prerniuM was taken out bY and found Jed- on wheels and moved about the the school around Christmas time and Some of the girls in Special Pom- . Square during the campaign. Permis- by Mildred Cook I mercial have left school sion has been obtained from the Town . i seasuit During the spring and isam gabs. June MaeDonald has accepted a Council to do this. As the square feet %has covered part of our 'basketoall _ are bought up the individual squares rugby , .position with. General Motors in Lon , terms. it will cover baseball, 1 - , don. June completed Upper School last on the chart will be painted to show oeoliey ball and other games. All skinned knees. stre'eed muscles. , year and .Special Commercial this the public from week to week' the „ , must ed to the 'teacher in charge as soon be r*eport.,i,ye,ar. Twoo others have left. Florence actual progress of the campaign at a oroken arms and legs mu-. ;Weir and Verna Showers. Verna has glance. IelOn John Louder le le :.:,:,roe !a job with the London Life Insurance of this part of the earOpaign proiect. -after the maidens as possibte because. the time of the injury must he h„,,,,wo Oompa"y in London. Both June and —Goderich Signal-Star. before the injured student is earniei4 Verna were very active in sports at, school, partieelariy basketball. 'I hey : to insurance. 'played as guards on the Senior girls The school board, staff and stud-', eats of Wingham District High School i team this year. Out of a class of thir- feel that this insurance ill he a teen there are ten still at school who w great asset to the school. We hope, :hope to have pesitions soon, however. for very few or no accidents. Limericks a Following are two of the limericks'] n vrizten reeently by Grade NM Eng- .8 : .11nin a lisle stedents,. MIL-w S: 3 liNtaffinsfieetsiste Irade.rnavi • Make Certain Doubly Sure Yon eancot take it for granted that you have good vision just because you have no immediate diszomfort. Seven out of ten people have eye defects—the great rnaherity without knowing it. You cannot afford to neglect your eyes. Have there examined right now—and once a year thereafter. Around School by Catherine Keating Wingham District High School now has something new in the way of in- surance against injuries to its stud- , eats. All accidents which happen while the class is under the supervision of is teacher, are covered by this insur- iance. This does not help a person Mobile Chart for instance, Students who come to, C - 0 A large chart showing the 12 000 , school or-buses are protected by a special bus insurance. Mill 'I figure quail in my budget, .f or me. coke is 'the answer' Ai asides teeteens 'mode LI:h7,-,7-1771) by 13cAt Carbert There was a young student named • Mabel. The world is full of oddities, we see Who sat on the Science room table. !them every day. There are funny The tableit broke, people with odd stories, there are odd • And Mabel she spoke, people with fehey stories and there - lo sh on my seat Ins not able.” are odd people. yours truly not with- - - 'standing. If you had but the time to Jokes ,settle back, and observe you would find that the world is a three • by Clifford Coultas circus with the clowns. the bar- Mr. Hall: What has been causing you firing Ayers, the hawkers. the sharks, the to miss so much school lately? j= Wylie: I oeelly don't know, sir. 3 k. snakes and the show eeirls. Every one goess- hear so much about it must be rhir, class hatred has his part to -play. Some play their we , Darts well, while others muff their: . 0 - lines. Some are mediocre actors, who' I wonder if you remember me e retain their part in the play, simply because everyone writes his own lin- , es, and there is no room for the other . fellow to take over for you. But then, then your curtain does come, isn't it id how ouickly the great audience forgets about yen? There have been plenty of great successes in the centre ring ,on the . big stage, men and women, who have gained immortality through :their tad- eats, These immortals may have been in the political field, the entertain- merit field, the field of sports. Many have gained their immortality by be-ot ing leaders, leaders in battle, leaders 1 in other walk,— of life, Then there are ose who have ermde their reqrk by ntributing to the betterment of .man—Idnd through medicine. religion' and the arts. We have lots of stars in our scrapbook 'of leoroortals. but f1:1 every star, there are millions of little , people, who have stood in the wings awaiting their turn, which never came, 'There are those who have sat in the , agape erf life, watching the rehreintel review in the centre ring on the main II stage. without ..tPleing part thre-reiva,,,e 1 or ereho.eheg any inclination to do something constractive. They were kf zontent to fritter away the time, drop- zing beset:its andnoneorn on the • 4,75. winghsem heads of those in the boxes below. - o hole_ -hey are. the paylne- customers. ' 'They make thfe show worthwIdie, and n. ET arr ones who supery the big : hand, the °Roond Cf Anolanse". that ' eneherages the Star and the lather- • ahke to give their u tmost in the - drama that erzfolds day s y day The ores: ter.,, Leen 28. "Are Fort enneent hr:th ,:rozr seat in fin, gallery': "Are roe, errotTot with ythre peanota and Lady: Author's Name on Request' iifng E eilcre Sores nir Excise rcees P.'4.! 4 T . Phone DRAPERIES SLIP-COVERS FURNITURE WARREN ROUSE O 0 MeIKEBBON ors tts~.s3 and benefit by present low prices Buy your 'blue coal' now at present summer prices. By taking delivery now, you get rid of a lot of fuel worries. Always buy 'blue coal'—The World's Finest Anthracite Phone us New 'blue coal' SUMMER FILL-UP PLAN ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! on the MacLean Lumber & Coal Phone 64 Wingham, Ont. 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