HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-05-07, Page 3r I REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO A meeting was held on Friday night h nd the schedule for the Town League was drafted. The opening game will take place on Friday night, May 10th, and the first ball will be pitched by Mayor Spotton, and the members of the Town Council will preside at the official opening also, The opening game is between the High School and the Banker-Brunswick teams, and it promises to be very interesting. Coun. IVIcKibbon is removing his BURKE ELECTRIC Appliances • Contracting In hospitals and laboratories where intricate electrical life-saving equipment is grasped by skilful hands, there are few to see the miracles wrought. And too, there are few who realize that the heart-beats of electrical power, pulsating over many miles of wire arteries, are watched with such constant care in order that it may unfailingly serve the lives of folk in our neighbourhood. When Hydro service extends a willing hand to the saving of life and assists in attaining a higher level of liming, it kindles new hope in our hearts and minds, We are proud of the part we play in making available to Wingham Utilities Commission 'the miraculous service of electricity. WINGHAM UTILITIES COMMISSION 4111131=1111111111111111111111111,11011111111111111111•11M11111111111.1111111•111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111110111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111611111111113111111. MOFFAT ELECTRIC and GAS RANGES Famous Moffat quality and Canada's Economy-Leader at popular price — designed especially for thrifty-con- scious home owners who want full modern cooking convenience and ef- ficiency. Your Choice of two Elements FAMOUS MOFFAT .REDd SPOT Element — or — NEW MOFFAT FLEX- o- TILT Con-Red Element Canada's Finest "COOK" The New Addison- Norge Automatic Electric Range. This lovely gleaming range will make possible many more leisure hours. The top and bottom "synchronized" oven elements insure roasts and bak- ed goods will come out perfectly cooked. Check all the features of this range and see why Addison- Norge is out in front. I at , Jaininininnioniminnolimmunininwitimiiiminimnixthitommosiammumininainimilicei _ i WE SOLVE, ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS : . giniimitoriminninininomamisitimmovincialinoninuinonamotiningsiimilitinininfoornimiN The of Blectrica Power • i Ill 1951 Ford V-8, Blue, Custom Sedan i 1951 Ford V-8, Green, Custom Sedan 1i 1951 Ford V-8, Maroon, Custom Sedan, with over- drive, low mileage. il is • i 1950 Chevrolet Coach = ii i 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Sedan, Green a a • 1949 Ford V-8, Two-tones Coach 1951 Ford Deluxe 1/2 -ton, Pickup, Blue ii ii 1945 Chevrolet 3-ton Stake t iii i 1950 Ford 8N Tractor i 1 n ii 1949 Ford 8N Tractor i Ili . 1942 Ford Ferguson Tractor — a real snap. i 1 . i 1 All above units completely overhauled and reconditioned. I i HURON MOTORS i Ford & Monarch • Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Win gham • iiiiimilimmusoollowniariluivoimis.1,swahrad.wahoilimaiiiiimiNimiamoF. 1 U kautomponiviumuunsiso U U U U Used Cars and Tractors Help and Hope ...for heavy hearts When hope fails, the heavy heart knows where to turn. For seventy years in Canada The Salvation Army has been the unfailing friend of those brought low by misfortune or misdeed. To these it offers help and hope— the opportunity to start anew on the road to happy and useful living. The Army will mark its 70th Anniversary by a great expansion of its services. It 'relies confidently on YOUR dollars to help make this possible. ss CAMPAIGN OPENED MAY 5th Headquarters — Salvation Army Citadel Edward St., Wingham, Ont. OFFICER IN CHARGE LIEUT. _KIRBY MAN—JIM 11A3III.TON TREASURER— ' . INIdeLEAN 8.2 Wednesday, May 12th., Coronation Day, will be a public holiday. Please note that the stores will be open en Tuesday evening, May 11th., the even- ing prior to the holiday. At 10 a.m. Coronation Day, twelve trees will be planted by Mayor John W. Hanna in the Horticultural Park in commemoration of this historic event. The trees will be planted ac- coidiiig to a plan recently received from the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph, The public arc invited to attend this ceremony. Band in at- tendance. The Town Council has purchased a supply of Coronation medals which will be presented to the pupils. The medals are very attractive and will he a fine souvenir of the very important occasion of the Crowning of King' George VI. An interesting ceremony in connec- tion with scouting was held at the Armouries on Friday evening, when several boys were invested as Tender- 'foot Scouts, and two received 2nd. Class Badges. Several Wolf Cubs and Scout Proficiency Badges also were presented. Scoutmaster J. R. M. Spittal con- ducted the investiture. Tenderfoot Scouts invested were: Clarence Ham- mond, Alan Williams, George John- son, George Lloyd, Norman Fry, Elgin Loney ,Clarence Ohm and J. Carter. 2nd, Class Badges: Charles Wellwood and Donald Adams. Rev. E. L. Roberts presented the following badges: Wolf Cub, 1st. Star Sr. Swim, Bob Lockridge; Wolf Cub Swimmer's Badge, Alan Williams, George Johnson, George Lloyd; Wolf Cub Athlete's Badge, George Johnson; Scout Proficiency Badges, Musician's badge, Chas, Wellwood, W. Burgman, Marksmen's badges, Lloyd Ellacott, Percy Biggs, John Lamb; Fireman's badge, John Lamb, Percy Biggs, Dar- rell Biggs; Swimmer's badge, Donald Adams ,K. Johnson, W. Burgman; Rescuer's badge, P. Biggs, W. Burg- man, Ken Johnson; Cyclist's badge, John Lamb, Donald Adams, Mac Hab- kirk, Darrell Biggs; Athlete's badge, Lloyd Ellacott, Citizen's badge, Lloyd Ellacott, LIONS INVITED TO PERCH DERBY Wednesday, May 28th., has been set as a special day for district Lions to participate in the Goderich Lions Club's perch derby and invitations will be forwarded to district clubs shortly, Special prizes will be awarded and a banquet will conclude the day's outing. At the Lions Club meeting on Friday night Lion Aim McConnell told of the special Lions perch derby day HASELGROVE'S SMOKE SHOP -for- Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS YOUR fAVOURITf REVERAr.! KIST I IN ALL FLAVOURS! WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th., X952 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ,,• have been publishing this paper we have been with you la your joys, and have sympathized with you in your sorrows, and have Made many warm friends in Wingham and vicinity, and we regret severing the ties that have bound us to each other for so long. The recollection of our many pleasant hours together will al- ways remain fresh in the memories of both Mrs. Smith and myself, no matter how far distant our paths may lead, The Advance-Times learns from close aiends of' Ex-Mayor George Spotton, that he has finally acceded to continuous pressure from all parts of the Riding of North Huron, that he offer himself as a Candidate in the coming by-election, It has been im- pressed upon him that when the Pro- gressive movement was at its height, he ran neck and neck With the late J. W, King, i.t'being so close, that on the recount, Mr. Spotton was given the seat by the County Judge, but this was reversed by a High Court Judge. He has thrown his hat in the ring, and, those who know him, know he will go in after it, regardless of the results, Apparently his friends feel that since the Conservative Party will have no permanent leader, and no new platform, until the Winnipeg Conven- tion on October 11th., that there is no time to he lost. The many friends of Miss Caroline Wellwood will be extremely pleased to know that she has landed safely in Victoria, on her return from China, where she has been a missionary for a number of years. Doubtless 1,liss Wellwood will have some thrilling tales to tell her friends of her exper- iences in troubled China, FIFTEEN YEARS A60 drug stock and furniture to the large double store next to his former loca- tion. The shop has been prepared and fitted up specially for his business, and will be made even more attractive by new furniture and additional "silent salesmen." When everything is completed, the store will'be one of the best outside at the cities. The shop vacated by Mr. VicKilabon will be occupied, by the Business College as an office, A few days ago Prof. Robert Laird M.A., of Queen's University, King- ston, visited,Principal Smith at the High School and gave the students a brief but inspiring address on "Edu- cation." Among other things he said that' it was a deplorable fact that Canadian students did not have the patience which characterized the stud- ents of the old world, and were in great haste to push on to the higher classes before the work in the junior elasses was thoroughly mastered. At the regular monthly meeting of the Council, Messrs, Maxwell and Greer presented the case of the Turn. berry Agricultural Society, asking for an increased grant. The grant was made $35. "Bun" Clark, a, Walkerton boy is getting $3,000 salary for the season, as player on the New Westminster, B. C. lacrosse team, The Mr, Clark re- ferred to is a brother of Mrs. Hayden of Wingham. The watering cart has started its rounds. If it IS dry inside at Lucknow, it will still be kept wet on the out- side, during the coming summer months. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO With this edition of the Advance- Times, we lay down our pen, after serving you to the best of our ability for the past twelve years, and now hand our quill to a more experienced man, who will doubtless give you more efficient service, During the years we How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now have shapely, attractive figures, No more bony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank °arm., It puts flesh on bullies skinny because blood lacks Iron. Peps you up, Leo. P*orn,""s appetite, digestion so kr41) ni(i.)121Y711YTkiffgti4P5T fel.gVtirYd`gtfg or ' get-tic size only 607. Try Ostrex Tonle Tablets tit new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, today, At all druggists. last year and suggested that another one be held this year. Lion "Skip" MacDonald, chairman of the perch derby committee, set May 28, as the date and the meeting agreed on this. Lion MacDemalcl stated prizes were coming in fine, Fine weather grid a large crowd of anglers turned out over the week-end to take part in the derby. Numerous anglers turned in perch to be weighed, —Goderich Signal-Star. NOW is the TIME To Have that Spring Decorating Done WE HAVE THE ° LATEST WALLPAPER SAMPLES AND PAINT COLOR CARDS AVAILABLE. Jensen & Zurbrigg•Decorators WINGHAM Phone 642-w-12 *Phone 687-w GODERICH RATE UP SEVEN MILLS Town Council at a special meeting on Monday, April 28th., approved a recommendation of a committee of the whole council that a tax rate of 57 mills on the dollar be set for Public and Separate School' support- ers for 1952 and that the finance committee be requested to prepare a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures, Seven Mill Increase This represents an increase of seven mills over last year's 50-mill rate. Items chiefly responsible for the add- ed expenditures are said to be about 2Y2 mills each for the levy on the new Collegiate and the construction of the road to the north side of the harbor, which will be paid for out of current revenues, half the cost being met by the Ontario Department of Highways, Lesser items accounting for the increase are said to be: approximately one mill increase in the Public School levy; about three-quarters of a mill to meet the 1951 operating deficit of Alexandra Hospital and an additional mill on the county levy. While the county levy of nine mills is the same as for 1951, the equalized assessment on which it is based has been increased. Last year" it was $4,321,518. This year it is $4,767,283, an increase of $445,765. That is, approximately a million the town assessment. Basic salary raises to the town hall staff effective May 1 are, Clerk S. H, Blake, $300 a year; assessor and tax collector, 0. W. Sturdy, $200; Miss W. Black $100; Miss M. Mackay $100. —Goderich Signal-Star. Dead Stock DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collect Palmerston 123w Durham 998 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED THIS INNER CHAMBER HOLDS AIR WHEN TIRE BLOWS LIFEGUARD CROSS SECTION Prevent Blowout Accidents with GOODAEAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES REAVIE MOTOR SALES PHONE: 241 PONTIAC — BUICK — G.M.C. TRUCKS It; OUTER AIR CHAMBER LOOK FOR 'Mirka SIGN-OF QUALITY ti As the illustration• shows, a tire with a LifeGuard Safety Tube retains air in the inner air chamber even when tire blows. Tire does not go flat immediately, car does not lurch or sway but remains under control. X.,-77,,Ve/MOMA G52 .00'.•*4