HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-04-23, Page 10Hello Homemakers! It is a mistake to call rhubarb a "pie plant" when it can lend piquancy to a molded salad or a sherbet. To serve rhubarb as fresh fruit sauce is nothing new—it is about as favorite as applesauce throughout Ontario homesteads. Rhu- barb sauce makes a delectable addi- tion when poured over steamed cake or plain blanc mange or crisp cookies. DRAPERIES SLIP-COVERS FURNITURE WARREN HOUSE MOM now KonOMVIT zlat Vexo. gNfreeekr . Owtefrle,8. „ SPECIAL DIAMOND ENSEMBLE 17 You'll have to turn -back the calendar to equal a value like this —It's an ensemble of rare beauty. Distinctive Bluebird Creations for happiness. MILTON'S WINGHAM - SO YOUR BIROS ARE. HOME. ON THE. RANGE, IACK• HOW ARE THEY MAKING OUT? NOT SO BAD, DOG. BUT THERE'S A LOT MORE. TO THIS RANGE BUSINESS THAN MEETS THE EYE. YOU BET THERE 15, JACK. PROPER HANDLING OF BIRDS ON THE RANGE. MEANS PROFIT OR LOSS IN THE LAYING PEN • (YES, JACK. A GOOD RANGE I5 MIGHTY IMPORTANT— A 000D GROWING MASH 15 JUST A5 IMPORTANT. 5O DON'T FORGET 10 USE ROE Y/TA-GROW. I'M ONE. UP ON YOU THERE, DOC. I ALWAYS USE 147-4-6ROW. WISE. MAN, JACK. HERE ARE A FEIN TIPS. its 'PAGE TEN: WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDISPOSIDAY, APRII; 23rd 3.952:. Central Press Caned:an Canadian cheese producers are faced with a heavy surplus of their products, and possibly lower prices since Great Britain closed out a potential export market for 25,000,000 pounds ($8,000,000 worth) of the industry's 85,000,000-pound output. While some factories foresee reduced operations, top men in the industry are hopeful Britain may be able to buy Canadian cheese later in the year. Canada's Cheese Industry'Fa;es Gloomy Future Then, too, don't forget the way Grand- ma put a rich drop biscuit batter on top of a deep basin of cut rhubarb and while it was baked in a hot oven a custard sauce was made. The cus- tard sauce which was often spiced with nutmeg was poured over each serving—and the serving dishes were the porridge bowls, Molded Rhubarb Salad 1 pkg. cherry gelatine 1 cup hot rhubarb sauce 1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup chopped apples 1 cup chopped nuts Pour cherry flavoured jelly powder into a mixing bowl, and stir hot (sweetened) rhubarb sauce into it. Mix canned pineapple juice into the sauce and add a little lemon juice if too sweet. Cool until the mixture starts to thicken, then fold in apples and nuts. Pour into lightly. greased molds and chill in electric refriger- ator. Serves 6 to 8. Note: May be unmolded into lettuce cups and served with cottage cheese and canned peaches, Pineapple-Rhubarb Sherbet 1:2 cup drained pineapple le cup rhubarb sauce Juice of one orange 3 tbsps. lemon juice 2'3 cup sugar 4:2 cup pineapple juice 1 egg white Mix the drained crushed pineapple and thick rhubarb sauce with orange and lemon juice. Make a syrup of sugar and water, boiling it long enough to dissolve sugar, then cool. Combine syrup with fruit and pine- apple juice. Pour the mixture into a refrigerator tray and partially freeze. Beat egg white until it forms a peak. Fold the partially frozen fruit into egg white and return to freezing unit. Serves 4 to 6. Rhubarb Crisp le cup butter cups sugar 2 eggs tsp. nutmeg le tsp. vanilla 2 cups toast cubes 4 cups cereal flakes 4 cups diced rhubarb Blend butter and half cup sugar. Beat in eggs thoroughly. Stir in nut- meg, flavoring, toast cubes and cer- eal flakes. Spread half the mixture in buttered baking dish; arrange rhu- barb on top, sprinkle with remaining sugar and cover with remaining mix- ture. Bake in electric Oven of 375 for 40 mins, Serve warm with custard sauce or whipped cream. Serves 10. The Question Box Mrs. R. W. M. asks: How do you can finger strips of pineapple Canned Pineapple Start with ripe pineapples and a sharp khife. Cut off the tops. Re- move a piece from the bottom. Slice the pineapple from top to bottom in half-inch slabs. Peel off the cover- ing, cut into half-inch strips and trim to even lengths. Discard the core. Make a syrup of 2 cups water with 1 cup sugar, (This is sufficient for 2 pints). Cook pineapple in boiling syrup for 10 minutes, Pack hot pineapple into sterilized pint jars and fill to within half inch of the top. Seal ,-mason jars. Seal zinc top jars to within a qua rter turn, process in pressure saucepan at 5 lbs. pressure for 15 mins. Mrs. B. S. asks: How much sugar should we mix with rhubarb for a 9-inch pie? Rhubarb Pie Filling Mix 1 cup sugar with 21,3 cups rhu- barb cut in small pieces, 3 tbsps. cornstarch and 1 egg, beaten, for a 9-inch pie. Mrs. T. M. asks: How do you pre- vent a rhubarb pie from boiling over? The baking period should be watch- ed to prevent a boil-over. Place 1 or 2 pies in electric even of 425 degrees for 10 mins,, then reset the thermom- eter to 3,50 and let temperature grad- ually reduce to that point during last 30 mins. baking period or until fruit is tender. Pies should be placed on oven shelves that are % to M distant from bottom element. Wet strips (2 inch) of butter wrap- per or parchment paper stuck to edge of pie plate will prevent boil overs. Bake pies with lattice top or no top crust to prevent boil-overs of acid fruit. Mrs. K. C. asks: Can we make a pie of raw pineapple or do you cook the fruit first? Pineapple Pie Make a filling of 2 cups shredded fresh pineapple, 2 beaten eggs, 1% cups sugar, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. butter. Mix and fill 9 inch pas- try-lined pie plate. Moisten edges and seal on a top crust. Bake in electric oven of 450 degrees for 10 mins. and reduce temperature to 350 degrees for 35 mins. • The 11060 Mill by Bob Culbert Not too long ago, I was attending a meeting here in Western Ontario, where farmers ,made up the bulk of the attendance. Some of these fellows were late in coming, late in making does not have those, "Hands you love to touch," He is rough, inexperienced, reckless, and Bessy expresses her in- dignation with a well aimed hick that deposits the pail, midway be- tween the milker and the stable wall. The inevitable results. The, human element bursts forth in an instant The farmer lifts Bessie's right foot from his left one, wipes the milk from hip glasses, and proceeds to break the milking stool, his knuckleS, and his New Year's resolutions, in a sudden fit of anger, He chases away the cats that have been lapping up the spilt milk, pushes the dent out of the pail, wipes it off, and sits down again, this time a little farther back from the scene of action, this time on the alert for the first move, the first ripple of Eessie's muscles, What happens? You guessed it. Bessy does-' n't want to play any more, she re- fuses to give down her milk. The school boy who used to nave to milk a half dozen cows before and after school is an oddity today, In modern dairy farms the cows now come to the milker, instead of the milker being carried to the cow. In many of these 'establishments, the farm hand needn't even carry the milk, it's piped direct to the milk cans, in the cooler. Think of the upset that can be caused by a hydio cut-off. No lights, no power, no water from the pressure system, no feed from the grinder, no hot water for the cream separator, and milk pails. We sure have advanced our methods, in recent years, One of the farmers who was late for the meeting, I mentioned earlier, said that he had a teen-age daughter, who had never lit a coal oil lamp before. There are thousands of farm girls like her, thousands of farm boys who have never milked a cow, despite the fact that there are dairy cows on the farm. Who was it said that the farmers were "a bunch of hicks?" Who was It that said they were living in the yesterdays? Our farmers are modern in every respect, Farming has made fully more ad- vancements than industry in the nast generation, even the past decade. If you don't believe this, ask Bessie the cow, she'll tell you. "This generation of farmers are darned poor milkers." Business and Professional Directory DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 09 HURON STREET TORONTO ritkav CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Banisters, Solicitors, Ett., Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C. R. S. HETHERI^mTON. K.C. J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham K. M. MagLENNAN Veterinary 'Surgeon Office — Minnie St. PHONE 196 Office Hours: 3 to 5 p.m. daily except • Sunday and Holidays Wingham, Ontario am, S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service MODERN FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 106 Night 189 WINGHAM ONT. Soup—So good with re-Iiquefled milk powder. Sprinkle powder on lukewarm water, blend with a rotary beater. Prepared pudding mix—Blond pow- dered milk wish dry ingredientsi then stir in water far tasty desserts. their appearance, an the chairman, apologized with the remark that there had been a Hydro cut-off, and the farmers were busy getting their chores done by hand. Like the old saying, "you never miss the water till the well runs dry," these farmers never appreciated t,h e hydr o, or their milking machines till there was a cut off, and they had to rum- mage around for milking stools, milk pails and lanterns. Hands ,unaccus- tomed to the squeeze and pull of hand milking, have to be put back into action, and they soon become tir- ed and very painful, Bessy, the Hol- stein, long since accustomed to the comforting suction of the milking machine, now finds that her master C. C. MeHIRBON Phone 475 Wingham Mi.161•66.11.666616.11 Let Coke join your gay circle of friends. Serving ( Coca-Cola serves hospitality ... adds to the occasion. 6 Bottle Carton 3 C Including Federal Sales and Excise Faxes ESBECO LIMITED 658 ERIE STREET, STRATFORD, ONT. PHONE: 78 l!Cokent p registered trade-mat Plus depuit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. There's nothing like giving folks what they want 10211 A. II. IlicTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. 0. Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company 4st. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Health-giving milk in a new form—powdered for added con- venience. Keep Powdered Milk on your shelf against emergen- cies. Add it to your favourite recipes to pack extra milk solids into family meals at low cost. Recipe booklets—For Powdered Milk recipes write Dairy Foods Service Bureau. "Down Dairy Lane"—Listen to this program on • Thursdays 1:4.5-2:00 p.m. E.S.T, over the Trans-Canada Network pf C.B.C. pure milk always on hand :kW:, K•A *,,, A • . ANL the By Roe Farms Service Dept' ree Two Ways to Bigger Egg Ii•ofit5 A GOOD RANGE 0.04, 1?0 * 0-01r15i1 000 51. 101'14P/4 sibRoW ril P1°6 Howson & Howson, Wingham Beleave Co-op, Belgrove Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevolo J. C. Scharb,achi Teeswater , • re., 6 06 466 6