HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-04-23, Page 5HOME APPLIANCES E, SEDDON PHONE 605 WINGHAM MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR CO. 1952 Designs Now Being Shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276j, Wingham for Appointment or Write 508 Bathurst Street. Toronto HASEUROVE'S SMOKE SHOP - for - Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS 11" 1951 Sales— Over 500 New and Used Cars and 'Trucks—There must be a Reason! Open Evenings till 10 p.m. nummummounnumumnumaiiimulummumiumunimommuunimin Relieve That Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suff- ering from Foot Ailment, Notice — Change of Dates for this month TUESDAY, APRIL 29th WEDNESDAY Morning, Apr. 30 CALLAN SHOES ( IVIEE.131" CROSSETTOW044,__ NO, THEy'VE NEVER SERACED IT. rr's BECAUSE ear MOT ISN'T GOING Vol) GET NO SYMPATHY FROM ME, 81-313 GET WISE AND TAKE Ii TO THEM eEr-ORE SHAXES ITSELF. T PIECES I VEMSTESPAY/. APHar 23rd 1952 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PACE rxria NEWS OF 13LUEVALE Molesworth Minister Guest Speaker for • Thankoffering At the morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev, Matthew Bailie based his sermon on Toplady's hynin "Rock of Ages. Cleft For Me", which was written during a raging storm. He mentioned lessons to be learned and the power of hymn sing- ing, In the evening the W. M. S. held othe thank-offering meeting, The president, Mrs. Eldred Nichol, presid- ed and was assisted by Mrs, W. G, Mandell and Mrs. Raymond Henning with readings on the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. Rev, R. J. Boggs, B. A. of Molesworth, gave a word picture of visits to Palestine and Jerusalem, while he was a chap- lain during the war. Two films were shown "Christ before Pilot," and "Christ's Entry into Jerusalem." Mrs. George Nicholson sang a solo, "Show Me Thy Face," The attendance was large including many visitors from neighbouring congregations. Mrs. P, S. MacEwan and Mrs. Elsie Lamont entertained a number of friends this week to honor Mrs. Annie Wray of Woodrow, Sask., who has spent the winter with relatives in this district and who left the next day for her home. During the evening music and pinging was enjoyed. A public meeting was held this week in the interests of erecting a build- ing mutable for a public library. In the absence of the chairman, Rev. R. A. Brook was elected to preside. No immediate steps were taken. The vice-president, Marie Johnston piesided for the Easter meeting of the Mission Band in the United Church. All sang "Christ Is Risen," 1950 MERCURY Sedan, black. TRUCKS 1951 FORD, half ton, 12,000 miles. 1949 CHEVROLET three-quart- er ton. (2) 1948 FORD pickups. 1948 DODGE threelton. 1948 MERCURY threeton 1947 FORD one-ton panel. 1946 INTERNATIONAL half- ton. ' DONNYBROOK The Sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed in Donnybrook church last Sunday, Four new members were received into the church. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hardy, Mrs, Bert Moss and Mrs. Morley Johnston. W. A. The Women's Association held a box social on Monday evening. Progress- ive crokinole was played with high scores going to Mrs. Chas. Jefferson and Mr. Harold Woods and low prizes to Mr. N. Thompson and Mrs. Hardy. W.M.S. The Donnybrook W,M.S. held the April meeting on Wednesday after- noon in the church with the auxiliar- ies from Auburn, Brick and West- field as gdests. The president, Mrs. H. Jefferson, was in charge of the meet- ing. Miss Irene Jefferson read the Scripture lesson and Miss Lucy Thompson led in prayer, Mrs. R. Chamney spoke a few words of wel- come, Misses Grace Thompson and Louise Jefferson contributed a duet; Mrs. Gordon IVIcClinchey of Aubiirn, a solo; Miss Eleanor Wightman of Brick, a solo; and a group of West- field girls, a chorus. Mrs. Leslie Wightman of Brick was° guest speak- er, using as her theme' Lord What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do." Mrs, (Rev.) Washington closed the meeting with prayer and a social time follow- ed. Joan and Gerald Doerr of Niagara Falls, spent the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and other friends. Mrs. D. E. Robinson is a patient in Wingham Hospital, following an ap- pendectomy on Saturday morning. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Master Bob Chamney has returned to his home in Owen Sound after spending the holidays here. NEWS OF CORRI.g Councillor Ted Injures Leg in While working in the bush on Wed- nesday of last week, Councillor Ted Newton met with an unfortunate ac- cident breaking both bones in his leg, He was taken to Wingham Hospital where he will be confined for some time. It is especially to be regretted at this busy season of the year, Red Cross Reeve E. H. Strong, campaign chairman for the Gorrie and district Red Cross branch, has received a mes- sage from. the Ontario Red Cross campaign director expressing pleas- ure that Gorrie had reached its quota in the recent appeal. He says in part, "I trust that everyone associated with you will feel rewarded, having done his part in relieving 'the distress of those who can depend on no other help, except that provided through the Red Cross. Please accept and con- vey to your co-workers my congratu lations and good wishes." Your Food and Your Figure Have you noticed how interested people are these days in their weight? Men and women, old and young, al seem concerned. 'Those who are neither too fat nor too thin, wish to keep their figures. Those who are stout, long for pleasant ways of losing pounds. Everyone seems to be asking questions about overweight. You wil find the answers to many of these questions at a meeting spensored by the Gorrie Women's Institute in the Conimunity Hall, Friday, May 9th., at 2 p.m. All women of the community are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Miss Margaret Meyer, Home Economist of the Women's In- stitute Branch' and Home Economics Dept., of Agriculture, will lead the discussion. Come and bring your friends. New System The staff of the Dominion Bank has just completed the changeover of all Savings accounts from loose-leaf led- ger to a card system. Some of the ad- vantages in the card system are the facility of locating and handling of individual accounts and also making possible a daily balance of accounts in use, Under the previous 'system, balances were effected only once a month. New desk accommodation was the work of Wesley Gallaway.• Tra- ditionally .scratchy pens have been replaced by more modern dip pens. For the lovers of early spring flow- ers, a bed of crocuses on the lawn of Miss Nora Taylor has presented a fine sight. Unnted Church News New Members Thirteen new members were receiv- ed into church membership at the Communion service on Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. Lionel Jonhston on trans- fer from the Listowel United Church and the following on proMssion of faith in Christ; Marylin Mann, Lorne Mann, Marlene Feigel, Shirley Ward, Donna Toner, Howard Toner, Edith Walker, Mrs. Alvin Byers, Mr. Alvin Byers, Mr. Lionel Jonhston, Mrs, Robt. Rutter' and Mr. Stanley Doug- las, Rev. J, R. Watt spoke from the text "And when the hour was come, they sat down and the twelve apostles With Him," Luke 22:14. A dotible men's qttartette sang, Next Sunday morning, Mr. Fred Beck of Harriston will bring the terra, peranee message arid the minister, Rev, R. Watt will 'conduct the service, at II ELM. D. S. T. The Young People's Union have' Miss Irene Jefferson and Miss Lucy Thompson, teachers, spent the holi- days at their homes here. Mr, and Mrs, E. J. Craig of Coder- ich, were Sunday visitors With and Mrs. Chamney and Gordon. Miss Olive Jefferson, Reg, N,, of Stratford, Mrs. Hingleman and Miss Gladys Jefferson, Reg. N., of London, Were week-end visitors at the Jeffer- son home, FORDWIGH Miss Lenore /3eeWitherick spent the Easter holiday week in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Walkom has returned to her home after spending tht winter months at the home of her son, Dan, in Paris: Mrs, Florence Armstrong of Tyner, Sask., is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Hilda Roberts. Willard Reis had gone to Stratford to work with the Hydro Contraction gang for the summer. Miss Maude Harding of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays at her home here.' Birth IVIcALISTER—Mr. and Mrs, James McAlister (nee Esther Harding Jr,) announce the birth of their son, Neil Harding, at Victoria Hospital, April 11th., 1952, A sale was held Saturday of the household effects of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Downey will take up resi- dence in the home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and Mr, and Mrs. Don Wilson were recent vis- itors with Mr. and. Mrs, Harvey Wil- lia,mson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tristram and infant daughter of Nobel, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown, Toronto, were holiday guests of Rev, and Mrs. W, R. Tris- tram, Newton Accident Martha Johnston of Kincardine, Miss Johnston was a daughter of the late Geo, Johnston, who taught school in this vicinity, Her early life was spent in Howick Township. Interment was in Wroxeter cemetery. Mrs. W. J, Gallaher has returned to her home, Her many friends will be glad to learn that she is able to he about, after breaking her hip last October, Her sister, Miss Maude :aig- gine, Wroxeter, is with her for the present. Mrs. F. C. Taylor spent the week- end with Mrs, Clara Scott, Morris Township. Mrs. C. Lawrence is visiting in Brantford, at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Jennings and Rev. Harry Jennings. ' Spraying of cattle to control the warble flies is being carried on in Howick Township, Miss Mary Maguire is spending some time in Molesworth with her sister, Mrs. McLennan. Mrs. A. Toner went to Toronto on Sunday, where she will spend a few weeks. Mrs. A. Dustow is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Vines, Wallace Township, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLennan of Glamis, visited Mrs„ F. C. Taylor on Tuesday afternoon. Misses Grace Edgar, Anna Toner, Donna Toner, IVIaldlyn Mann and Shirley Ward were in Clinton on Tuesday last for the Huron County Homemaking Club Achievement Day. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Doug- las, who marked a 46th wedding anni- versary on April 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mastic, Don- ald and Heather of Toronto, spent a clay last week with Mr. and Mrs. Eitistiansimisamiummium a a a a a a a a •= a a Ken liastie, Mrs. B. Hestia returned here with them and will speed some time with Mr, and Mrs. K, nestle, Mr,‘ and Mrs. Arthur Plant and children of London, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Bertha Plant, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and enild- eon visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon•Krieneter, eels. Billie Austin Jr., returned home on Saturday from Listowel Hospital. Mr. Norman Wade spent Saturday and Sunday in London, where he at- tended the first annual meeting of the Brotherhood of Anglican Church- men. Mr. Fred Gowlett, Noreen and Caro- lyn, of Stratford, and Miss June Gowlett of London, were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hastie, Miss Patsy and Mr. Peter Nelson, Toronto, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edwards. Miss Budsin of Dorchester spent the Easter holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Barnard. Bob Scott of Blyth, visited last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Scott, Miss Shirley Shera who is working in Kitchener, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Harrison, Mrs, W. Lynn end Mrs, Etta Day, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. 'rhos. Hutton, Wingham. Births HAMILTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, April 16th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Ham- ilton, a daughter, Joyce 'Elaine. BUTT—At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, to Dr, and Mrs. W. S. Butt, on April 13th., 1952, a non, James Arthur Gordon. A 1951 MERCURY Sedan, radio, overdrive and whitewall tires. 1951 METEOR Coach, 4,000 miles. 1951 METEOR Coach, green, radio, 15,000 miles. 1950 METEOR Coach, two tone blue and grey. 1950 MERCURY, two tone, brown and tan. 1950 MORRIS OXFORD Sedan, 16,000 miles, like neW. and Birthday greetings for Sharon Thompson and Marie Johnston, Margaret Curtis told the story, "Easter in the Heart", Joyce Hoff- man played a piano solo and Susan Ye° gave a reading, The Scrip- ure lesson was read by Etoile Mof- fatt. Prayer was taken by the prim- ary class. After a closing hymn, games were played and lunch served. The members of the band had their mothers as guests and several small children. Triple qroup Mrs. Archie Messer, Wroxeter, open- ed her home this week for the month- ly meeting of the Triple group of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church. The president, Mrs, Walter Smillle, presided. Eleanor Smith was pianist when all sang "Rock of Ages." Mrs. Burns Moffatt read the Scrip- ture message from the Psalms and Mrs. Lamont led in prayer. Sunshine boxes were distributed to be collected at the end of the year, Eleanor Smith and Etoile Moffatt played a piano duet and Mrs. Bailie gave two Irish readings. The highlight of the afternoon was the Auction sale with Mrs. Gordon Mundell as the auctioneer. Articles sold included home made baking, cream, eggs, jam, candy, aprons, croc- het, glass and china ware. The pro- ceeds of the sale amounted to almost $25.00. Lunch was served. The presi- dent closed the meeting with prayer. Don MacLean spent Sunday in Lon- don with his uncle, Clarence and Mrs. MacLean. Mrs. Edith Sanderson, London, was a week-end visitor with her brothers, Oly and Burns Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and daughter, Linda have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Aitken, and Misses Mary and Ruby Duff. Mrs. Neil B. McEachern and daugh- ter, Louise, of Clifford, spent a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Mrs. Olive Hellyar of Clinton, was a holiday visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Q. B. Moffatt, Robert Shaw, Morris Township, is spending this week with his sister-in- law, Mrs. Mary Robertson. Mrs. William Nicholson and son, Allan, spent Easter week _ with her daughter, Mrs. Hopper and family of Bowmanville. Robert Masters, a member of the Police Force, was a Sunday visitor with his cousin, Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Missee Kay Johnston and Verna Wheeler, visited with Mr. Dobie in Toronto. TIME TO SMILE A cow was crossing the' road, and the speeding motorist rammed into it. Out of the farmhouse ran the owner, shouting angrily. "Now, now," said the motorist. Keep calm. I'll replace your cow." The farmer stopped sud- denly, looked him up and down, and then spat. "Shecks!" he 'said, "Yew can't give milk." 111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111 About 20,000 students are enrolled in ballet schools throughout Canada. Quick Canadian Facts. 1949 MURCURY Sedan, green, whitewall tires. 1949 METEOR Sedan, blue, good condition. 1949 AUSTIN Sedan, black. 1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan, a real clean car. 1947 MERCURY Coach, green. 1940 CHEVROLET Coupe. 11931 PIAMOUTIII Sedan, been invited this week, Wednes- day to Dungannon and on Friday to Ethel to put on their play. Last Friday afternoon the Gorrie Tyro Boys and Trail Rangers with their mentors, Mr. T. Edgar and Rev, R. Watt, set out for another Easter holiday hike. Games and lunch were enjoyed by all. The popular play, "Chintz Cottage", by the Londesboro Y.P.U., will be pre- sented here in the Gorrie Community Hall next Tuesday night, April 29th. W.A. The April meeting of the Woman's Association was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. C. King. Mrs. A. Edgar presided for Group 4. Following the, "Call to Worship," the hymn "Rejoice the Lord is King", was sung. The Scripture reading Luke 24:1-12, was read by Mrs. Andy IS Edgar. Mrs. J. Brown offered prayer. A poem', "Easter", was read by Mrs. IT, H. Hyndman. The hymn, "Christ the = Lord is Risen", was sung. Easter II meditations were given by Mrs. L. i Johnston, Mrs. C. Michel, Mrs. Geo. Brown and Mrs. W. King, followed by -; prayer by Mrs. Edgar. The worship = period closed with the hymn, "Jesus Keep me Near the Cross", and Themd Prayer. Mrs. A. Hyndman, President, took charge of the business. The meeting closed with the Lord's prayer in unison, Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. A, Edgar and Mrs. G. Brown. Anglican Church News Service will be held at 2.30 p.m., D.S.T., on Sunday next. The monthly meeting of the How- ick Brotherhood of Anglican church- men was held in St. James' Church Wroxeter - Wednesday, April 16th. Guests at the meeting were the Bro- therhood of Christ Chruch, Listowel. The President, A. E. Weston, gave a fine address followed by other mem- J. hers of the Listowel Brethren. After I the business, a game of whist was E lennejnoye.d by all, followed by Firesh- - ts I fa Rev, G. D. 'and Mrs. Vegan were in London for a few days where Mr. Vogan was a speaker at an A,Y.P.A. banquet on Monday evening. a a a a a a a U a a Si HURON MOTORS Ford & Monarch Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingham 1951 Monarch Sedan, Starlight Green, Demon- strator, only 4,000 miles. 1951 Ford Custom Coach, overdrive, very low mileage 1949 Ford Coach, two tone color - clean through- out. 1949 Ford Custom Sedan, Green Metallic 1945 G.M.C. 3-ton Stock Truck with body 1942 Ford Ferguson 9N—a real buy 1949 Ford 8N Tractor—overhauled 1950 Ford 8N Tractor - overhauled All above used units thoroughly checked over and clean. 1951 Mon'arch Sport Sedan, Blue Used Cars and Tractors New at Old Price Ilkill111111101111111111111111111111111111112 a. a U a a a a a a a U a a a a a a a a a '1111111I111111.11111111111111 1111•111511111111MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIEllinilliliriellill111111HIMIIIIIIIIii1111111111111111111111TE 21..n.111.01•101•1•11• Brian Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dinsmore, was received into the church by baptism by Rev. G, D, Vogan at St, Stephen's on Tuesday, Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bryan, Beverley and Betty Grace of Pickering, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs.. John Montgomery of Milton visited Sunday with the form- er's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Mon-. gomeree Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Metcalfe, Evelyn and Kenneth, Paisley; Miss Berdella Metcalfe, Stratford, and Mrs. John Metcalfe, Paisley, were guests on Sunday of the Misses Einily and Beatrice Potter. Mrs. Frances ha ve and Miss Muriel Lambert have returned after spending the Winter in Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton of Chat- ham, were Week-aid visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anede Galbraith, Mrs, Chas, Gathers and Justin Will Were prize winners at the. L.O.L. euchre, Wednesday evening, This was the final one for the season, Kee Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong, Mrs. a = Frances Strong arid-Mr, Roy Strong attended the ftinetal service is SHELF OILCLOTH . .yd, 30c sardine on Monday of a cousin, MISS - ,i1111111•111114101111311111•1101111411)111111•IiiilligH01141111111MillaillitilithillittlAllik; HOUSE DRESSES = special = each $1.99 Men's Hose A SPECIAL CLEARANCE ctr 39c - 3 pr. $1.00 GET SEVERAL AT THIS PRICE Krinkle Crepe GOWNS . $2.98 Plastic APRONS reg. 69=79c .....each 47c Nylons le, imperfections 98c pr. Special Values Atlantic HOUSE PAINT ..... $1.15 straight-cut, 4 gore, • 1 S one year guarantee $ 'V V is