HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-04-16, Page 9NEW IMPROVED POWER-JET CAR- .BURETION-(with automatic choke in Powerglide models). improved • starting and smoother acceleration are achieved by better fuel flow and a fast acting accelerator pump Occasional Tables WARREN HOUSE C. C. McKIBBON Phone 475 Wingham 1..1.1111111111•11111111 SAVE MONEY by PREPAYING r~OW F1 OP WING HAM Town of Wingham 1952 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1952 taxes up to 90 per cent of 1951 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham NEW e A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Illustrated — Chevrolet Bel Air • ret: • • ... .. . . , : • C. t.ttiZtt, • • • '• • SOFTER, SMOOTHER RIDE-All pas sengers, in both front and rear seats, enioy a much smoother, softer, more comfortable ride, due to new and Improved shock absorber ac- tion, over almost all types of roads, EXTRA-SMOOTH, DEPENDABLE POWERGLIDE.-Combined with .105- Valve•ht-Head Engine With Automatic Choke and Hydraulic Valve Lifters-gives finest no-shift driving. (Optional on De Luxe models at extra cost.) 39-YEAR PROVED VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE DESIGN — Constantly im- proved and refined over the years, it brings you Outstanding perform-ance, reliability and economy; and, at a result, it is setting the trend for the industry. EXTRA-EASY CENTRE-POINT STEER- ING •-• Control is antild between the front wheels instead of behind the left front wheel, This advanced steering geometry Snakes Chevrolet surprisingly easy to steer, manoeu- vre and park, EXTRA-SAFE JUMBO-DRUM. BRAKES -with Dubl-Life, rivetlets linings. They're the largest brakes. In the low-price field. And owners will tell you they're smoothest, safest and easiest operating, as well, C-752B THE. WINGIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES ' 11,MM NIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL letk, leez NEW ROYAL-TONE STYLING—You'l admire the big, bright, benutifu Bodies by Fisher , . . the thrilling new front, side and rear-end design . the longer, lower, snore luxtsrs- ons look of this smartest of all low priced cars. GORGEOUS NEW EXTERIOR COLORS Vivid-fresh-sparkling . , widest choice of rich and beautiful color combinations ... the most wonder- ful array of colors in the entire low- price field. Hello Homemakers; It's not the time nor the grind that we mind dur- ing the housecleaning spree, it's that exhausted feeling. This is usually true of those who are doing so much work by hand. When you think of it, work with a whisk and hand polisher is a lot more laborious than letting the vacuum cleaner and electric polisher do an excellent cleaning job, Full use of these electric appliances is the sec- ret of short cuts in spotless house- keeping,. By the way you May be able to pur- chase the attachments for models you have hoUght as single units. The wall brush, upholstery brush, crevice tool and dexnething sprayer are of special use. And you clean the extra brushes by passing them over the open end of the bare wand while the machine is still turned on. Be sure the dust container or bag is emptied often— :your vacuum won't work efficiently if it's dirty. Most vacuum cleaners and all the polishers do not have to he oiled or greased. $o it's up to you to keep the machine clean, TARE A TIP 1, Hold. the nozzle of the bagless vacuum cleaner and the brush at- tachments firmly In position with- out applying pressure. 2. Dispose of one part of the connect- ing tube for the vacuum cleaner when you are dusting chairs. It will be more convenient. 3. Don't forget that the vacuum clean- er should not be permitted to pick up pins, tacks and sharp objects that may pierce the tube or hag. 4. Make sure the thin coating of wax has been applied twenty minutes before you begin polishing, 5. To clean the brushes of the polish- er, clean with wax remover or car- bon tetrachloride. 6. Dust that collects behind the 'A heel of the electric polisher is readily brushed Out by removing the screw. plate. T. To clean the vacuum cleaner yco may take it to the back door, plug at the nearest outlet, next, slide the bar off the top and hold a 'paper hag over the opening, then turn tile switch to "On" while still aolding the bag. . . . Don't use this method if the bag is full—of course, It should never be half full, Empty once a week. 8. The paper filter of the bagless vacuum cleaner should be renewed frequently and dusted out at this time with a damp cloth. 9. To keep the cords in good con- dition wipe it with a damp cloth every month or So. Then too, wind loosely in a figure 8, around the bars instead of round and round them for a change. Never vacuum or polish over cord, Always discon- nect by pulling plug—not the cord, REQUESTED RECIPES Fried Smelts (Mrs. J. K.) Wipe smelts, split and clean. Re- move heads and tails and cut in half- inch slices crosswise. Cut slices into 2-inch pieces. Arrange slices of fish and bacon alternately on skewers. Brush with salad oil, season with salt and pepper, roll in crumbs, fry in deep fat, or bake in electric oven for 10 mina. at 400 degs. 1Sfot: Have a supply of serviettes on hand. Folk will' need serviettes to hold each end of the Skewer, Frogs' Legs Cut off frog's legs and wash in salty water, Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, beaten egg, and erumbs again, then fry three min- utes in deep fat (375 degs,) and drain. Rice Meat Loaf (Mrs, C. L.) 314 uncooked rice 2 cups chopped, cooked meat 314 cup gravy or stock 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons flour 114 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons chili sauce 1 tablespoon chopped onion Tomato sauce Boil rice in salted water. Mix meat with gravy or stock and salt, Add flour and butter creamed together. Heat to boiling point, add chili sauce and onion, Spread half the boiled rice In a well-greased loaf pan, over this spread meat mixture, cover with re- mainder of rice, and press it down firmly. Steam for 40 minutes. Turn out on platter and surround with Tomato Sauce. Dangerous Grass Fires in Spring Much property damage is caused every year in early Spring by grass fires that get out of control, The grass is tinder dry and will burn quickly if a lighted match is accident- ally dropped after lighting a pipe or cigarette, Many landowners start a fire to burn old grass or have a bon- fire to get rid of rubbish. It may get out of control and run in the dry grass, causing damage to fences, buildings, plantations and v*voodlots, Many forest plantations have been ruined by Spring grass fires that have burned over the area and practically all the trees have been killed. There is usually a heavy mat of several years growth of grass that has accum- ulated and a very hot fire results. Spring is the only season that a fire will run through a hardwood bush, as the dry leaves provide €1.1el. Extensive damage results as seedlings and sap- lings are destroyed and it quite often scars the larger trees. The smoker should not throw mat- ches and cigarette butts out of car windows but they should be placed in the ash trays. A match or cigarette butt should be dropped and ground into the earth by the heel of the shoe. It is advisable to plan in advance if the grass or a vacant lot or field is being burned off. Burn the grass when several people are around with shovels or water to keep it under control. The tractor or team with a plow could be ready to plow a furrow as one or two furrows will stop a grass fire. The Canadian Army Active Force needs men willing to serve anywhere in the world. Here's your opportunity,,..if you are between 17 and 40 (trades- men, 45) and can meet army requirements. See RECRUITING QFFICF$ al Wingham ArmourleS Any Week Day 9-12 180 - p,m. Until Noon Sat. JOIN Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Viger What a thrill i Bony limbs 011 out; ugly bollswa fill up' neck no longer scrawny; body loses halt-Starved, Moldy "bean-pole" look, Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, They proud specialely, healthy-looking bodies. hank the vigor-buildthg, flesh-InUldlng tonic, Ostrex, Its tonics, stimulants, invigoratorS, Iron, vitamin Si, calcium, enrich blood, improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting goo fat. Stop when you've gained the 5, 10, 16 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs little. New "get acquainted" size only boo. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all drtggists. MEMORIALS We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT WINGIIAM MEMORIAL SHOP 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton Cee. Walpole SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS • GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork - Carpentry - Building Telephone 403 w 12 Wingham gp. ALLURING NEW INTERIOR COLORS -Upholstery and trim are in two tones of blue, green or gray to harmonize with exterior colors, in all De Luxe sedans and sport coupes fabrics and appointments of ex ceptionalx quality. 7 NEW CENTREPOISE POWER—Bring new smoothness, new freedom from vibration, to low-cost motoring; for the engine now is gently cradled between the mountings and cush- ioned in soft rubber. ti Of Great Importance - To You Today as never before, your health, efficiency, and even your good looks depend on good vision,. Like thousands of others, you may need glasses without knowing it, If so, properly fitted glasses will protect the only pair of eyes you will ever have. Visit your optometrist today. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST "A Complete Visual Analysis" The only fine cars priced so low! Check them over, one by one, all the things you want in your -next car. Then come in, examine and drive this big, bright, beautiful Chevrolet for '52! We believe you'll agree you've found your car; and we know you'll pay less for it than you'd have to pay for comparable quality anywhere else. For here are the only fine cars priced so low. Bril- liantly new in styling . . . outstandingly fine in quality . . and lowest-priced line in their field! Come in—now ! More people buy Chevrolets than any other car! 4101111.11.01....111•011110..m...144..../10.4 WINGHAM MOTORS 111.04 139 CHANGE OF INCOME TAX DISTRICT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING IN HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON COUNTIES • The Counties of HURON, BRUCE and WEL- LINGTON, formerly under the jurisdiction of London or Hamilton District Taxation Offices, have now been transferred to the jurisdiction of the District Taxation Office at Kitchener, On- tario, located in the Dunker Building, 251 King Street West. Accordingly, the records of all taxpayers residing in these three Counties have been transferred from the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamilton, to their new location, and any related correspondence or general inquiries on taxation matters, should be directed to the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. • Remittances of tax by individuals and corpor- ations, and tax deducted at the source by em- ployers resident in the Counties of HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON, should be mail- ed or delivered to the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. • Taxpayers (both individuals and corporations) resident in the above-mentioned Counties, who formerly filed their appropriate Income Tax rettnns and Succession Duty returns with the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamil- ton, will file their returns for 1951 and subse- quent taxation years, with the District Tax- ation Office at Kitchener. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE — TAXATION DIVISION