HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-04-16, Page 4V°4°- -Pomo/nee,. DIAMOND ENSEMBLE You'll have to turn back the calendar to equal a value like this... ft's an ensemble of rare beauty. Distinctive Bluebird Creations for happiness- HAMILTON'S WINGHAM - tirphy ints, ,• , . itiONTREAt Tormiride-: Wititisor Asa:IVAN Own See it in the showroom—compare it on. the street . . . the Big '52 Ford that's completely new! It's the biggest Ford ever built—inside and outside—with longer w heelbase and wider front tread. it's the most beautiful Ford by far with all-new design Coadicraft Bodies and new Hull- Tight Construction that seals out dust' and noise—with new one-piece Curva-Lite Safety-Vue Windshield. It's the most powerful Ford ever built with the new High-Compression Strato-Star 110-Hp. V.8 engine—designed and built by the world's largest manufacturer of V-8 engines—more than all the other makers ofV-8'seombinedl See it . . . Compare it . . . Test-Drive it— for size—for beauty—for performance. You'll find the completely new '52 Ford is designed to. out-go, out-ride, out-look and out-last every other low-priced car! You'll want it for keeps. BIGGEST CHOICE OF DRIVES Fordomatie—Overdrive—Conventional For '52, Ford offers your choice of three great drives—Pordomatic, finest on the road, or Over- drive for greater economy, both at extra cost, or smooth, "Synchro,Silent" Shift as standard. NEW 110-110. STRATO - STAR V-8 Engine '; FORD DEALER HURON MOT 0 RS rum FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCVnMES WRANSig$PAY, APRIL. 16th., Uktat C 11.4112* All around tie house... NARVO For furniture and woodwork, bathrooms and kitchens, easy- spreading, long-wearing NARVO — Canada's .sm artest en am el available in25 delightful shades OLTUde•-• MURPHY EXTERIOR PAINTS ... Outside appearances count for so much. Beautify the exterior of your home with smooth-flowing, long-lastin7 Murphy Exterior Paints that beat the weather year after year. inside... MURPHY PETAL TONE ... 14 charm- ing pastel shades for your own choice of color harmony. Flat and semi-gloss in identical colors, also gloss. RUBBERIZED PETAL TONE SATIN, a scrubbable, durable, fast-drying wall finish . . . velvet-like ir011ieFel smoothness, rubber- - . like in toughness. atepre/e.1.0,-",a 11441a:"" RECENT & READABLE, No matter whether it'a raising live- stock, gardening or home carpentry, you can take the risk out of any ven- ture by reading books on the sub- jeet, These books can be obtained from the Wingham Public Library, This week we are reviewing three hooks on gardening, carpentry and livestock raising. RAISING LIVESTOCK by Walter H. Peters and George P. Deyoe Here, at last, is a single volume giving you all the important phases of the livestock business. with step- by-step directions on how to perform the jobs' that need to be done. The raising of livestock is a business call- ing for all the skill and efficiency of the owner, manager and caretaker. Regardless of size or character, such a business is made up of a series of closely related activities or jobs that must he performed efficiently for suc- cess. "Raising Livestock" is especially designed for the use of prospective and present farmers or ranchers. Written entirely on the basis of act- ivities as farmers and ranchers actu- ally perform them, the most recent developments of importance in live- stock production are here at your fingertips. Specific suggestions for solving pro- blems in producing, handling and managing swine, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, horses and mules, are easy to find with each chapter em- phasizing the major activities invol.- ved. From the opening chapter, "En- gaging in the Livestock Business," to the final chapter, " Preparing and Processing Livestock Products for Home Use," the important steps to take or decisions to make in each activity are -discussed in logical se- quence. New practices of value in selecting improving, breeding, feeding, hous- ing maintaining health are presented in this easy-to-read volume. It should be of equal value to persons making adjustments in existing livestock en- terprises and to persons starting from "scratch," HOME CARPENTRY by Edwin T. Hamilton To the countless number of men and boys who like to "make things" to saw, hammer and contrive new in- genius household articles, this book will be a veritable craftsman's para- dise. In fact, such an enthusiast need only glance at a few of the illustra- tions and wild horses will not drag it away from him. One hundred articles for the home are presented herein, ranging from knicknacks and gadgets, such as a bathtub tray and a trick bed-table, to an ingenious sectional bookcase and a folding workbench. The various articles are grouped conveniently under the room for which they are= intended, workshop, kitchen, bedroom,*etc. All of them are made of wood and each illustrat- ed by a pen and ink drawing and at least one plan. There are informative chapters on the handling of tools, the practice ,of carpentry and joinery, workshop methods and all the other practical and theoretical things which go to make up a good carpenter. The author is too well known to need introduction here. In this volume for men and older boys he has called upon all his wide experience to select the best methods of construction. And mennin llllllln llll tuttmittitustilmam lllllll Ism lllllllll ill he has included only new and original articles. Each is characterized by the ingenuity and usefulness which handl- crafters throughout the country have come to associate with all of Harrill- ton's work, Each is explained with a clarity and wealth of detail which will enable even the novice to make the' most elaborate pieces. GREENHOUSE GARDENING FOR EVERYONE by Ernest Chabot Here, for the first time, is a book which answers all the questions about gardening under glass. It describes the kinds of greenhouses, the best and most economical methods of heating, of ventilation and automatic watering. How to determine the location of your greenhouse, How Much time is neces- sary for its care and upkeep, How many kinds of plants you can grow, how to force bulbs into bloom in mid- winter, and how to have a lovelier garden by growing hundreds of husky plants to set in the outdoor garden in spring. Whether your hobby is orchids, chrysanthemums, carnations, geran- iums or vegetables you will find the information on their growing and cultivation In this book, The chapter on insects and plant diseases gives a program for each control. Chapters on soilless culture, soils and fertilizers, garden frames, potting of plants and working facilities add to the enormous fund of valuable information con- tained in this authorative but non- technical book on greenhouse garden- ing. There are also calendars, and tables for planting both in the greenhouse and garden frames, All this, plus ev- erything you need to know to success- fully run your green house makes this DRINK 6_41" BE REFRESH ED 7 the ready reference for all greenhouse Prderiera, Ernest Chabot at Tarrytown, New York, practices all he preaches in Greenhouse Gardening for EvcrYone. Now on tip third greenhouse in ten years, he is having 411 the fun he hopes you will from growing things under glass, nis three-bench, thirteen foot house equipped with automatic controls Is always full of flowers, There are pot plants, bench plants and flats of seedlings and cuttings. Ye t maintenance requires only half a day each week-end and four or five half hours at odd times through the week. Since his -work frequently tak- es him away from his hobby, his greenhouse even carries on healthfully ‘111=0.1.0,1141.0111.1•111114•Mi• by itself for several days at a time, Mr. Chabot delights to Pass on through lectures and articles all that sixteen years of practice and associa- tion with greenhouse IniliderS, flor- ists, nurserymen and professional and amateur gardeners all over the United States have taught him, Ills Pontribu- tIons to Better limes and Gardens, and other leading magazines produced. so many requests for farther informa- tion that lie finally wrote this book, MR. A. RUBIN FAMOUS FUR CO. Smaller animals according to size and condition. WANTED HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER 3c LB. AT FARM. DEAD and DISABLED HORSES and COWS up to $5.00 each. C. BRUBACHER Phone 608w1 R.R. 1, Wingham FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE. SALESMAN Representing Harvey M. Krotz Agency Listowel 13rrb •-• ll ' l l ll l • •v Sf ' • • •••%sx • • • • -• Nursing Home for the Aged Will Accommodate Semi-invalid or Bed Patients, MRS. J. H. McKAY PHONE 103 ,WINGHAM • =:. ONTARIO ..041111,10.04.1.W040.0014141,41M44mm41.0,41.F1 "FAIRVIEW" lllllllllllllllllll $1, lllllllllll lllll gif111,1 lllll Ills lllllll Annual Spring Formal Sponsored by The Kinsmen Club, Wingham will be held Wednesday, Eve'g April 23, 1952 AT THE ARMOURIES Music by Frankie Banks and his Orchestra Dancing from 9.30 to 1 Buffet Lunch COME OUT AND ENJOY YOURSELF a • • Ws designed to OUT-GO, OUT-RIDE, OUT-LOOK AND OUT-LAST EVERY OTHER LOW-PRICED CAR 1952 Designs Now Being Shown Individually fitted and styled. Several fittings at no additional charge. Call 276j, Wingham for Appointment or Write 508 Bathurst Street. Toronto 1 lllllllllllll 14 lllllllllllll iliiIIIIW llllllllll It llllllll COMPLETELY NEN! White.sidovall tires optional at extra coat. TOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PHONE OR VISIT YOUR NEAREST MURPHY PAINT DEALER ANNOUNCEMENT Henry Jensen and Russet Zurbrigg DECORATORS Wish to Announce They are now available for your Decorating work SO YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE CHURCHES HOMES — STORES ETC, JENSEN & ZURBRIGG I••••••... -FORD- and MONARCH DEALER Phone 642-w-12 DECORATORS 'Phone .687aw Telephone 237 Ai D. 'MacWILLIAM 'Ingham, Ont.