HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-04-02, Page 12PAW, TWELVE • KNAVE The 9th Line euchre club met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Arni, Strong on Friday evening ,Seven tables of cards were played with high scores being won by Mr. Clarence Chamney and Gordon Naylor, playing a ladies card, Consolation prizes went to Kay Naylor and John Mason, The last party will be held in the near future in the school house. Mrs, A, M, Perdue attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Wm. Wood at Clifford. Mr Frank Cooper was a London vis- itor on Thursday. Miss Freda Cook is a patient in Wingharn General Hospital, a victim of meningitis. Miss Reta Ogram of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna and family. Mr. and Mrs, Jack McBurney and Grant and Mrs. Jas. Young visited on N Sterling Hayden Arlene Whalen N "Strictly Dishonorable" a ti Monday, Tuesday, April 7, 8 Ezio Pin; Janet Leigh Miss Elisabeth Lapp Remember:- 8:00 p.m. in the WINGHAM Council Chambers on Wednea- "day, April 2, There will be no admission charge and a beatitl- ful chest of Tiffany Cosmetics will be given away as a door prize. TONIGHT Miss Lapp's vocation in life represents a thorough study of women and their many problems. I-Ter experience stems from intensive research in the medical and health fields. Her. findings show that many problems of women originate from their natural striving for beauty. She has found that by improving her appear- ance, a woman gains greater confidence and success in all her So enthusiastic have been the reports of Miss Lapp's lectures to women's groups, that our store has gone to great lengths to obtain her services. ofinormllimminicimmunsiiiimmintimumnitionniniquammilowiiiisisignmiumminiminviniminiiiiitiontur N ii SHOP AT KING'S FOR U N G. Skinn, J. MacDonald, B. Fuller, 4; Clarke, M. McKay, B. Crawford; F. Riehl, J. .:.....1k....0,091.....(1,1•9411.11..1)4.0144.111.W.O.I. Order Your, Potted Plants Easter Lilies and Cut Flowers NOW Lewis Flowers Phone 101 - Wingham .:4 ....1)0111.1....(1...1,44.1411.116,14M4)4011.114001)411W11411.041111.110, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY, APRIL rad. On N N Friday, Saturday, April 4, 5 N N N Wednesday, Thursday, April 9, 10 Walter TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. "Flaming Feather" Pidgeon Audrey Totter "Love Happy,/ SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. The Marx Brothers Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Mc- Burney of Wroxete/7. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon, Mrs. Calvin Robinson and Harris Purdon spent Friday in London. Mrs. Kenneth Cameron is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Cullongh of Seaforth, Mr. Harold Woods is laid up with an attack of pleurisy. Mr, Lloyd Anderson of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wright and Mr, and Mrs Morley Fournie of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Art Scott, Mr. anti Mrs, Levi Bieman and boys visited last Wednesday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKay at Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and George of London, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wheeler. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John E, McCallum when a number of friends and neighbours gathered in honour of their forty-second wedding anniver- sary, on Friday, Several games of euchre were much enjoyed followed by a dainty lunch served for the oc- casion, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones and daughters of London spent the week- end with her parents and were pre- sent for the anniversary event. Palm Sunday Knox United Church, Belgrave, Palm Sunday, April 6th., will be fittingly observed by the reception of new members and Holy Communion at' 11 a.m. Eleven young people will be received into full communion at the morning service. These young people have completed a course in church membership, extending over a period of two months. Following are the names of those to be received: Kenneth MacKenzie, Alan Scott, Donald Coultes, Allen Campbell, Arnold Mathers, Ila Pen- gaily, Elaine Bolt, Lois Goll, Ruth Proctor, Bonnie Adams and Marilyn Moores. Y.P.U. Rev. R. L. Boggs of Molesworth will address the Young, People's Union on his experience as a chaplain in Palestine on Sunday night, April 6th., at 8.15 p.m. Highlights from the High School around The highlight of the parade, however, will be thirteen weary, tired, exhaust- ed forms trudging home with bundles of exam papers tinder their arms, Upon reaching their homes they will close the doors behind them and never again see daylight until those papers are marked, I have given you quite a picture haven't I, Peg? Really it is not like this, Our beloved teachers are very forid of us, and don't mind mark- ing the papers (providing the writing is not too bad.) We really appreciate all that our teachers do for us around exam time, for without them the students of W, D, a S. would be com- pletely lost, Our teachers don't even haw, a holiday to compensate them. They mark papers all holidays while we are taking life easy. Then when the so-called "holidays" are over, they go back to their 300 noisy, unruly students for another term until June exams, Ah, the bright future, glowing with the prospect of June exams! I simply must write to you and tell you all about the exams after they are over (if my writing arm recovers after them.) For the time being, I had better get back to my Latin, Your uncle's cousin, Catherine Keating, 0 - 0 =0 BASKETBALL On Wednesday, Special Commercial and Grade XI played off to determine the Senior Champnionship. At the end of the third quarter the score was 13-4 for Special Commercial. For the last quarter Grade XI girls had two new players, Ken Saxton and Neil Stainton, who we were informed had come all the way from New York just to play this game. These new players, however, did not daunt the Commercialites, who kept on fighting and came up with a score of 23-10. The Senior and Junior Champions played on Friday, with Special Com- mercial winning by a score of 26-5. The Juniors, who perhaps, haven't had too much experience, certainly have the fighting spirit and deserve 'to be congratulated for 4 well played game. June MacDonald Squirts Defeat Goderich 635 The Wingham Squirts squirted six goals Into the Goderich net last Thursday night to win a close game by one goal, A small crowd, which more than made up for its lack of numbers in enthusiasm, was on hand to watch the pint-sized battle, Robinson scored all five of the Goderich tallies and was easily the best player on the ice. Red-headed Jim Wild and Pete Carmichael each scored twice for the Wingham Squirts, Other goal-getters were John Fry and Wayne Nichol. It was a pretty even contest with the Wingham boys having the edge by far in passing and checking and they kept the play in Goderich territory, Coach Percy Stainton of the Stain- ton Spitfires had a gleam in his eye as he looked over some of the lads, who are already showing some real hockey savvy, The boys all played the sort of game which must have made many .)1cl,;r players blink in astonishment. If these lads keep coming along at the rate they are and somebody takes the time to coach them properly, Wingham won't have to worry about importing hockey players ten years from now. Merkley, Doug. Lock- ridge, Dave Carr, Pete Carmichael, Jim Wild, Wayne Nichol, John Fry, ErHEATRE THE SALVATION ARMY Edward St. Wingham Lieut. & Mrs. K. L. Kirby (Commanding Officers) SUf DAY, IL 6 — 7 p.m. — Re=Opening of Newly-Decorated Hall REV. J. POLS. C Guest Speaker ALSO SPECIAL MUSIC Plan to Attend This Outstanding Service! MI111111111 ttttttttttttttt 1,11,11111 1111, Friday, Saturday, April 11, 12 "The Sellout" • a N U U N N N U • U N N U U U N N few travelling by mule train and dog 111111111.1114.1111111111•1111111111111111111LICUIKICE051,1.1,T!'41:1:1-141111111iiiiililiiililililiiiilliIiIiiillg team, going home after the exams. WINGHAM PHONE 199 By Catherine Keating Dear Peg: Well, exam time has rolled once more and here we are with about as much in our heads as you could put in a thimble. We are studying but we seem to be "getting nowhere fast." By the way, Peg, did you know that the Cerebellum is part of the brain sit- uated at the back of the head? Per- sonally I never knew there was such a thing. Are your exams over in Rockville? Ours are a little different this year, They are going to start on Wednesday and last through till the following Wednesday. The jinx of the Wednes- day is that they start today for Upper School. We in Lower School don't start until tomorraw and then . . . • I hate to think of it, Let's look at the bright side of it now. Well, that didn't take long did it? Have you bought your new Easter, bonnet yet? Do you have an Easter Parade in Rockville? In Wingham, the parade is going to be held a little gong to be the Wednesday before _ earlier than usual. This year it is IANVILLE HAMMERTON i Easter. It will angst of students on 1 buses, on foot, in cars, taxis and a Make your appointment today. "Iappy Easter„ FROM THE HEART with your Photographer SAY McKIBBON'S REXALL DRUG STORE INVITES YOU TO HEAR Miss Elizabeth Lapp ON THE SUBJECT Skin C » re and Personal Make-Up 8:00 P.M. IN THE WINGHAM COUNCIL CHAMBERS .00liti lllll iiI181 llllll 111111,11111111111 I lllll 111,111111111110 llllllll lllllllll I llllll I llllll I lllll o PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS ALL DAY THURSDAY, APRIL 3 Miss Lapp has been kind enough to agree to spend all day Thursday, April 3, at our store in Wingham. She Will be pleased to give you a free personal consultation on Your beauty problems. *Ulu ll iiiiiiiiiiiiIIII11111111$11.1 iiiiilltitillitiltlit ll 1111111111101i llllllll lllllllllllll Our spring '52 collection of suits are bigger and better than ever. Whether you prefer a soft, detail laden dressmaker suit, casual with the look of the open air, or a semi-tailored style, you will find King's display an inspiration and a safe guide to a wonderful Easter. Our fine stock of gabar- dines, pic and pie, barathee etc., is Priced from $29.50 to $59.50 Most men like to look their best in the Easter Parade. You can make your choice from some of the finest stock suits you've ever seen. You'll agree they are tops in quality and tops in style. Single and double breasted models in this season's most popular shades. from $49.50 up • Att• ..hk. Nip, N N U N N N N N N n a , N O Fa I I N N U U U 1 N N N N U All signs point to the mood of spring and with Easter so close at hand it's time you were thinking about that smart new suit, coat or hat from Kings. LADIES' WEAR SUITS.. COATS.. Set the pace for Spring with a new coat from King's Ladies' Wear. Soft fleecy fabrics in pastel shades and dark tones,, in Tricotine and gab- ardines, styles that emphasize new treatment on the sleeves and button trim. Priced from $20.00 to $65.00 HATS.. To complete yo,ur Spring ensemble choose a straw hat with matching or contrasting flowers. Sailor bonnet or tam shape, in all the leading spring shades. Price $3.50 to $8.50 MEN'S WEAR SUITS.. TOPCOATS even though spring is here you will still need the protection of ' a topcoat. Kings are prepared to outfit you with a fine Rnglish wool gabardine, or the ever popular "Cava- twill" in a shade that will blend perfectly with your new suit. Priced $49.50 up HATS.. Let us assist you in choosing a new hat from our stock of fine fur felts. Snap brim styles with narrow or medium narrow band. Popu- lar shades of pearl, heron and birch,' Price $4,95 to $7.50 11 • - • • • • • • . • . • l l Witt i iti 10010 ii I ll llll l 1 it!' 111 lb til 11111 OM OM itil itOt it ti ifto p iii tiff filth ito g '11111 it I it itii i ll lll l lll Matibbon's Rexan Drug Store • King ept. Store ( hint P. McKibben ) “The Friendly Store" WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 53 tu n ,