HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-04-02, Page 5'SPEEDY'', r. Cl OSSIErrciic ton, Mrs. A. V. Robb passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tues- day, March 25th., at the age of 41 hospital since January 12th, but had not enjoyed good health for many months previous. The former Ora May Abbott, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Lorenzo .01304, of Bnriteten, Ontario. On September 13th 1938, she was married to. the Rev. A. Valiance Robb an Toronto, while he was minister of the Bitievale Unit- ed Church, They had resided in Cam- lachie and Courtright and moved to West Monkton in December 1949. She was a member of the United Church. Besides her husband, she is survived NEWS Of 13LUEVALE. Mrs. A. Valiance Robb Passes At London in 44th Year 9 An estemed resident of West Monk- years. She had been a patient in the ........................m.......n.....mmummummum NOTP 0 •••, WELL, ARE COMING LADY. YOU OR _ a .m.. io;-,--, ...,Pf.4..% -.... 1 WANT TO, SWILLY FEET GET \---- WET ii. 0 7-.. , / 1 ::. , ,, „, ..?",, e • f 'C ./.• NO 'THEY WON'T; BEAUTIFuL OH THANK YOU, SIR IT . HOW THOUGHTFUL COMES I WORK AT CROSSETT GIVE " D TTWor 1657 Et E.E1 . 70 4 ,,i'l A1'0, Ft :IVY I 4 E ; to (57:fp.i, NATURAL, ,•;., MAAM '''---7t\.------ - A 1 '/MOTORS I Pil e; ..,• 11. , , 10 . 4 CA', 44 ., f I t \ r. t! I . ‘,/# k , .1 ., ..„, . '? .5'41, - . . I II /y" .4 r----4 ,' tr' -.'''.L.....• I ...... , , ...,,, /1 lE• 7 • , ° •...,. ,,. •. ,„ 0,,,,,,,,,,, eie, .. 1951 MERCURY Sedan, radio and white wall tires, green. 1951 METEOR Coach, radio, ov- erdrive, sun visor, and white wall tires, 10,000 miles. 1951 CHEVROLET Sedan, with, built-in radio, 11,000 miles. 1950 FORD Sedan, radio, sun visor, white wall fires. 1949 METEOR Sedan, blue, nice and clean. 1948 AUSTIN Coach. 1947 MERCURY Coach, green, nice and clean. 1947 MERCURY Coach, blue, motor overhauled. 1940 CHEVROLET, three pas- senger coupe. 1949 GiVIC half-ton pick-up. 1949 CHEVROLET three-quar- ter ton pick-up. 1949 MERCURY three-ton. 1948 MERCURY three-ton. 1917 FORD one-ton panel. 1940 FORD three-ton with 1949 (2) AUSTIN Sedans. 1951 FORD pick-up, brand new, dump box. 1951 Sales-- Over 500 New and Used Cars and .Trucks—There must be a Reason! MOTORS 11.1 NM MED WINGHAM,ONT. • (71.4.44,4S9 Open Evenings till 10 p.m. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111111111111=11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 and Mrs, George T. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs, George Griffiths pf Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A. p, Smith, '5 Mrs. Don Snell and Leslie of Cam- rose, Alta., are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Master Harold Campbell, son of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Campbell, has been in the Goderich hospital for a few days, being threatened with mastoid, WM; NESDAV, ORM 11;1., 1142, 111.11.1111., THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 11.1.1111.1•. IPACiE flVI costume, sang an Irish and Scotch polo, Mrs. 0. B. Moffatt was the plan-' ist throughout the programme. Mrs. Harvey Robertson was convener of the committee in charge and extended appreciation to all who had assisted, Mission Band The president, Verna Wheeler, pre- sided for the Mission Band meeting in the Sunday School room of the United Church. There were nineteen present. Fog roll call, the members repeated a verse, beginning with the letter "C." Birthday greetings were Sung for Sharon Montgomery and Verna Wheeler. Mr, John Gear of Kitchener, spent Kay Johnston read an item on the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Peace and all joined in singing the Chas, Smith and other friends. new Temperance song. The story from the ,study book was told by Mrs. I Mr. Harold Bosman of the flth con- W.c J. Johnston, Joyce Hoffman and cession East Wawanosh, visited on Jean Hall had charge of the Worship !Sund y with his parents, Mr. and 4 Mrs, Maurice Bosman. service. The offering was received by Fay Yeo and Patsy Taylor. The April Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt of Meeting will be held during the Easter 1Holyrood, visited on Sunday with holidays when the band will entertain Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Vint. their mothers and little friends, We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Y.P.U. Douglas Campbell is a patient in Mr, and Mrs. James Johnston open- Wingham Hospital. ed their home this week for the social Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse a meeting of the Y.P,U. of the United and Miss Eva of Brucefield, visited Church. The president, Lloyd Wheeler, on Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Earl conducted the devotional meeting Wightulall• which was followed by a period of I Mr. Armond McBurney has returned games and contests. Refreshments, in- home from Michigan where he had eluding ice cream and coffee, were spent the winter. Served by the hostess, assisted by Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Mr. a Mrs. Carl Johnston and Miss Wilda and Mrs. Ross Patterson and Terry o Breckenridge. There was a good at- of Auburn, and Mr. Jack Manning of tendance and a pleasant evening en- Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and joyed. Mrs. Clarence Cox. W. I. Annual Meeting Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harburn and nation and Crucifixion of Christ" was The annual meeting of the Women's family of Hensall, visited on Sunday the theme of his sermon. Suitable Institute will be held on Thursday with Mr. Wm. Walden. hymns were sung. The Sunday School afternoon, April 10th., at 2 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent of Bel- will re-open next , Sunday directly lat the home of Mrs. Gordon Mundell. grave, visited on Sunday with Mrs. after the regular morning service. 'Roll Call, payment of membership J. L. McDowell and Gordon, ; fees: report of conveners of commit- Mrs A, E. Johnston of Donnylarook, Variety Concert a few days with his daughter, I tees; report of nominating commit- tee, The Community Hall was wellelection ofofficers;music. I-los- Mrs, Howard Campbell. filled on Friday night for the Variety tosses, Mrs. George Hetherington, Mrs. Fred J. Cook and Miss Violet Concert under the auspices of the Mrs. W. J. Peacock and Mrs. Alex Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian Corrigan. , 4.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111(11811141111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111 L Church, Rev. Matthew Bailie was the Mrs. Richard Jeffrey spent Sunday US EFFECTIVE 31 MARCH 52 a Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston were • guitar accompaniment and the junior choir girls contributed a number. rie The Western Ontario Motorways Lid r — recent visitors with relatives at Gor- . Readings were given by Mrs. Bailie and Mrs, Gordon Grieg, Mr. Bailie, in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall and two daughters, Lsitowel, were week-end I Fill11111•11111111113111111111111filliilllillAllliallitiallAlllilllitillill111111111111[1•111111111111111111liall1110 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davies, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs, Davies" sister, Mrs. Sellers and Elmer. Jack Adair of Kincardine, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Adair, was a pat- ient in the Wingham General Hospital for a few days this week. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston were: Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and family of Bel- grave, Mr. John McQuillan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillan and two sons, Ivan and Barry of St. Helens. Mervin Craig has moved unto the farm which he recently purchased from Charles Bosman, 2nd, line Mor- ris. Mr. and atrs, Charles Campbell and two daughters of Morris Town- ship, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling. Donald Darling suffered a broken finger while working in Toronto and will spend a week with his parents here. Stanley Darling visited recently with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hardman near Clifford. Rev, Matthew Bailie had the "Church of the Air" service on Tues- „,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 11.11/11/1111Ilti llllllllll 11111t/I1I llllllllllll 4111111111111,11,111.11111111 ttttttt 1018411MIt lllll lllllllllllllllllllllll #11 0004 visittd on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beak of Touclinow. Messrs clward and VVillian't SPiers of Toronto, visited on. Saturday with their brother, Mr, Arthur Spiegelberg and•Mrs. Spiegelberg, Mr. and Mrs, Carl. Deans and date. ghters of Guelph, visited per Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Norman McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightmom and Harvey, visited on Friday with IVtre. H. Mathers of Lucknow. Mr and Mrs. Duncan McNichol and Phyllis of Walton, visited on :etriday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 13osman, Mr, Harvey Wightrnan left on Mon , day for Victoria, B. C. Messrs. Delbert Brown of Tilbury, and George Brown of Ruscom13 visited on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor and family of Auburn, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Emerson Rodger on Saturday evening, when they ecle- brated the birthday of Mr. Everett Taylor and Master Clare Rodger. Born—In Wingham Hospital on Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. C. deHaan, a daughter, Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs Jack Buchanan visited with Mrs Win. Oovier of Blyth on Friday. TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured by one daughter, Mary Wilhelmina, aged 12 years and One eon, Ian Alex- ander, aged 9 years. Five brothers and three sisters nlsg survive, Funeral services were held on Fri- day, March 28th„ from the Heath funeral home at Mitehell. Rev, A, H. Johnston of Main Street. United Church was assisted by Rev. U, Laite of Central T.Inited church, Stratford, Who was a former acquaintance of Mr. Robb while in Newfoundland, and Rev. A. H, Daynard of Staffa, chair- man of the Perth Presbytery, During the service, Mrs. Edward Glick of Mitchell, played the organ and two favorite hymns were sung. Mrs. Harry Roth, West Monkton, sang a solo, ac- companied b.‘ Mrs. Carl Holman also of West Monkton. The pallbearers Were elders from the three churches of Mr. Robb's pas- torate. The profusion of beautiful floral tributes showed the high esteem in which the late Mrs. Robb was held. Temporary entombment was made in Woodland Mausoleum, Mitchell. Mrs. Robb was a niece of the late Mrs. Alexander MacEwan, 1st, line of Mor- ris township, and was employed at the Bluevale Post Office previous to her marriage, Churches At the United Church on Sunday morning, Rev. R. A, Brook continued his Lenten sermons and used as his text, "We Love Him Because He First Loved Us," The morning service at Knox Pres- byterian Church was conducted by Rev, Matthew Bailie. "The Condom- 0. B. Moffatt, Several humorous dia- week-end with his brother, Gordon, a logues and pantomines were well and sister, Mrs, Elliott and Raymond. presented. Mouth organ selections by et Mr*: and Mrs. Donald Street and es six men, accordion solo by Mrs. Don Linda, of Listowel, were Sunday vis- kid Robertson and a duet by Mrs. Rob- on Wingham Kitchener Toronto itors" with Mrs. M. L. Aitken and Miss prp ertson and Mrs, Moffatt were greatly Duff. and Wingham = London enjoyed. Junior boys sang with a chairman, Highland dancing by the with her son, Stewart and Mrs. Jeff-Campbell sisters was the opening ray at Stratford. number with music supplied by Mrs, T0 Harvey Messer, Toronto, spent the Pit et Changes that give it a DI' (daily inspection) and keep it in top flying shape., We take personal pride in the work that we have been trained to do, Our aircraft are ready to fly in defence of freedom.” I'm one of the Aircraft Technicians Mrs. Donakia Davidson, Organist and Choir Director. t. PALM SUNDAY APRIL 6th 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion 7.00 p.m. Evensong THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON J. N. H. MILLS, B.A., L.Th. Thursday, April 3rd LENTEN MID-WEEK SERVICE Church Basement 8.00 P.M. FLT. LIEUT. L. HARDING R.C.A.F. STN. PADRE (CHURCH OF ENGLAND Zaiingbatn IN CANADA) eburtb ,MORE MEN ARE NEEDED NOW IN THE R.C.A.F. TO TRAIN AS AERO-ENGINE • INSTRUMENT • RADIO-RADAR • ARMAMENT • AIRFRAME AIR R TECHNICI S These men have an important job in the operation of Canada's ex- panding Air Force. As a skilled R.C.A.F. Aircraft Technician, you will gain valuable technical and training experience—receive good pay-30 days annual leave with pay—and a pension to be earned. You will play your part in defence against aggression. You will serve Canada—and yourself , ,, day. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ingles were surprised at their home in Elma Township, near Atwood, recently when forty friends sponsored a party to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their wedding, and a real program of social activities was carried out. Mrs. Ingles was a resident of the 4th line of Turnberry before her marriage. George Thomson Jr. of Toronto, was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr, IF YOU ARE BETWEEN 17 AND 40 AND HAVE GRADE 8 EDUCATION OR BETTER . SEE THE RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR AT tHE ADDRESS iN COUPON — OR MAIL THE COUPON skes llllllllll • •••,•0,:,7 'i,;!:•• ll ll lllllllll 74.01.41 11,.C.A.F. RECRUITING , UNIT, ea.) 343 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. PHONE: 3-8394 AGE. . 4 • .4 CAI'./5W C. C. McKliBBON Phone 475 Wingbam DRAPERIES SLIP-COVERS FURNITURE WIN a new FIELDER'S GLOVE or any one of a score of more valuable prizes NOW! Just a few hours work after ri school should be all the time you need ! Fill in coupon and mail TODAY. Wear WM. MOO. WOW VIMMI. P.O. BOX 217, London, Ont. Please let me knew how I call wilt olio Or more Of year volnable prizes, My Nnine •tObiiii to rit•ii Please mail me, without obligation, full particulars regarding enrolment requirements and openings now available in the R.C,A.P. NAME (Please Print) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE Mitres'sr ll • lll Y. • 41.11 11•••••1 4///;•014 L. 4.444•1 16.4. aMeig.