HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-10-29, Page 6• '. .. ,are: . 1'414 WALLPAPER III11IIIIII1 IN1N1111111111INU1111111IU Nothing --at anywhere near can adcl s• much value. Nothing in the way of furnishings is. of No int - t $6th, i 111,.,;, THE SIGNAL, THE ELUSIVE '3y Johnston Abbott , 1,11 rr•ht- rl•. rv4.l I yet conaintt•ntl\• in view oce Upunt or guest. proventent at the price + will give so niuch pleasure to the entire household. Porter's Book Store Square for forty years." tC,uu' frutu last week) "II. t. then young num. 180 1A1.11:16 X14\' 1 that if ,►ttuml,...iod L,: the Mother the .a terse rel left secretly, hermid disappeared. i t Ian Ae t+•,+vtuuts eutrred thtl 1 'l l 131 lies ,t was u t the foot •.t lag -1x41. That Y. M0uttltagt:• it:ls: impressed by . the •!•slobs lu•i.•rt of the occasion was Itur fr,lut .1M .fc1 :Wel formal expres- sion of hi- features; this was out sur- t•t•i.tlh ,•'.,'It One to1l4l.lerl• how in- riatiw.•,1.y was• t1*' ecfden,v already ,.,sen•, Intuhist we, and the • . reeBkle ,..ity be would face should u.y id. 111 ,.., . lees 'confirmed. For M. ce Mal. toiet• 0111. glance was etio11gh : 1 sir Gi: ala/oguized cue In- stlnitlp. --tint ere he could open .his Mouth ill* tIoveruur was speaking, And he f0r..bore• to interrupt him. and fell ill With the evident desire ,ed Y. . r e 1i. 1' serious matter. 1 o)0' ane l 1p )Mair ' peailiuu tit t :*n*t 1111 U. .ttekrttrer-"--vewru' 1 4s1•aid him If h.• was in fact a married mau• mot it .was only after cousfderal,•. ht.tint ton +111.1 ecariou that he 41et14,1 the wuuti11.'. story .111at he was Ater hu.Irtud. .%. she had lakrit itl• r( tl.. fete'. * W1114•1* litter. by a *1trangc..o ci!ee•c, att**.kel hies also) it was t4 eoesib►e to afford Iter au otq.1r- tu11dty to identify. 111111. and 1 allowed the matter to rest. helieviu* it could )setter Ir elearel up tot her rxotcry., In Ilir- wraa114Ue, hi4wece•r. M. de Chat -1110h {fla4ev4 i11 My hands info.• mania. *hid. tended t.. impll.*t4. 31. Broader in a more twit 44a* crime. 31. .1. ('halillon's interest lis thea matter -iF sop - art =#e • stseL_. -in her sea: it .fu[ -the ulissing yieuwte .k4. la Roux. hl- the melte of the )enquiries which he had set un (.411, it came to light that whet. the 1'i*,.mt.• de la Auux. Left Auvergne he was aee4tu)pnniel by the .Ree lteguier who married this w0wau. M. de Chat iBon recut .*ted that the M. Reg - tiler whom we have here had leen asked if 11e knew aught of the Vieoln- tt•--tl.-'-hr--Howtls- noel -mashie--Lw-atttu+1t-t ut -he had known of Milit to 4%11494111w. he had professed entire igliuranet• of his subsequent movements. This .fart, if. he were• il,he-1 the .awe Replier. ole viou.ly /Matted to tool play, and 1 felt . I, It was necessary to halo him arrest.") Nnet lerougli: before. me.. Ile stoutly Sleet that he was, 1144* Matt. Again he- matternested_ tt_-ts1iYl.Ver oI'__Ma the w'umau e-onlet.Wentify him ns • her r,-urreil sfacr husband. Hud 1 scut him to the guard 1 .,•! lir wait it. cn$t�y until tomb 11)14. a• •h, e•lehj.twe. huu.-Tint 1111• litt.uklatt•iv her_ death followed, ' not L.ng after. anti W.'Tilitiu otf4sel baffled.- M.- Begetter ` bpd etffn•s..•d this torr Ines. and' when: :i(1.'r her .le:, h: Ire petitioned 10 Is•'rl•tea....1 ou the :*'!- euc of rn1h 1 evkh n.,• •Hgaln.l hilt: '.a ii 4•,In*. l,, t,ttc llr•{jl. Ikp t JI•sl'i4* 4 11 tii� ul r;f .l. 1tan1 rrntlglht m nod qui-iuw 1 hintn><e• to .r..' ,.• 1 ie 1 l nes Yi'l* uU1144a • {•I.. 1 -ill',• of .:41114,1 that fie had 41•1' UI.14 the \l'.utat,• .h I:1 11011♦ :*nil .\tlyrrAne, :fall I w./. df.ir.e1 to e. a:int. Before ,,•thio:: 'hful free. ' Imwr-V4'T t felt hornet freetot.Mlf--41, *ir 1'btt1111itTi -Atl.1- ht=-then-.,on:re err tour conversation rsatioln be r.uaa4 tw1 • that -3T. _,_JJegnirr'44 hors.. slt,nlld be searched. Ter idles augg[estionT nave e.au•cnf, uof, tttt,rrrrr tet-wnt`h tio..-aum�ltmE. t!s for .,ti Moment .-ciwrt111g that alight whited `,rig .lath let TOP to oea4eerl-14;' •\\'Gat t, ynnr 144 as'eud: t• of It. dodge a U*et of nl 1 nt l 4.1tn oft w t rt•a 1 I+ runi4terualfuu "wh,�'vre frntnd turn a -who' 1.011101 ro) ''If peau very complete e•lIee•tlon of all the n4. n ithtiltt re • alri-t .4Ve the calnahles which were left to the Vi. t' J° tett mud'• Is )•..duns w-ltll h eomle de to Itnus after the loss id his 4414"'` eat' tr11h -.ell n Mthhnb estate -among -them fatity Jewels ' fun_ :741. reallzi I •ilial t 4,4111.1 of quite $ntheient value to provide un ','•'! retlr t1 tis orate' with int•-for- 1114r1•ut*1.. for both volilmry and 'Min- der. h lulu the.. , •*+• Pr der. It Was my pros behave M. 1teen0•r one, mere brought Is. foo. .n.1 1 i. nteeult him this most damning evideur.• guilt. When he entered my pree4ene•. I note) 41181 he .eenn•d ill to ease: tetism-in•--Hasid- •--.r•,•r«#-Mti1 twos dl..overed he -trend sp.e. file+). before 144e and present -1y c ;-i.iif. iia�+.l hies 0t)•t*4me la his ::11114. hut' Mail., muisell, rhe f'Matillim * who was Ores. 118 to ide4llly: the belongings of tilt Vteofnk• d,• la limit. in view- of her familiarity with .1 he-illsirillR of bis illus:rima, f:*mil)) le•Iareel he tva.a Ulkru witih fever. Rud i this h pranced to he right._ tressing f.Rterr)• of Atte-avow -resortn light. ar that time. which 1 ma4 IM pardiaiel for mentioning. slice it w14 mite. known h-lries- 4101/14- 1011110,1y,'111:11 rwu= xtR i mettf. 1u11l*4,I7 l fl':1t some 84.•14. oartirr sho had been marnel to him, being lel to thnf' refrfr• hr- her the.+it s tJ t 4. ilte gnnr'inu•liit. of I4)•r uncle. whielt--was bring imts>.ed upon her hi the. courts ure:aT against her will. and seemed 14k)•ly' to materially remark', her 11 betty-' .t1' loos tbnneht Sys v, x11 did that M. i14.011l•r, If .d• no great fatu- ity. was at hale n brave. resourceful nd honest pioneer, aid .he had` ed-aliking .for him Ohm tnr-tttotr holt ,L••,*•IRtI0R for over two year, ,•ontlitinn• sneh no to take him Isilr",to the hest n'tatetaie. 1toni sl nnd�7 tuft h1. i th1n l*at shred 4tf dont It is 111 hien. 1 Irtir lie- lean et Milli_.11; et 4.vpianation thin : but If y.l1�ra•l, 11 114,1 11.4• !hat. there. is. tt t:y.t sXu}. .11wL:-1161?-;110. 3"slluas .Itrold lee • •otduetatl jud1gi44IIN atut1 in -'.rder. "M. );*;rule*.•' .*midi his Exeeltlirilcp. -1 grieve that it la urd•ssrje to im- pose this interview upon you in your present state uf' weakness. 1 bad promised M114'. de l'hatiti on to grant you u *Y•.1"Ir Im1il you 61111 fully re- covered. in consideration not only of ,your hats :lad fa1111fu1 service to Ngw' til le•, b.•r urgent representations uhf -your behalf., 1•i: tib. 11 I learned lo• thence that M. .1. Mai..tiu4ute i. In a Iasi• that tt. 1Lr,w. light Ilp4.e, the matter,. of all T'un •interest 1 u t wet. i 1 .• t i l n 1 felt t u1w1 11: h. .1..uld have -an oprla) �tunlff t, I.• .,, +•1•,r•• letting-Quo-- : ettitta_WW I`ufl.iu_ : • \I 1• \1,.*" outts-44 ' coutkl*l,. •.1- tl•,t, hate a,rnady hone& -iter-,•*,•n-I--144so-. 11. lisi11•++-a-owou.t. 111..tltu'IK• �a �i .uulmer. • :1:•-l. 11a'.•. resulted iu• Woe - � i • GODEftICH, ONT. tome... all f ')*lift rutrh) to anal LIC. 1 it nut.4.r. the s,• IA Ituuti, tb, wrest * liatlItal►I, ljr••Ills,rvli: th. t,dl\Tirttttt nI`li tb"a' g"ll`l• An. - 'wand de. at Fa !1.11 e • 1II[e tie la li.•II1:111' 1t:*. *t ml' las'll 111 ,t1tT,, 411 L* ...I. ins: au; intolctali form of .elvitui jet \.,4.i kuuw i; ion_ 1,.!. . *• motif th ter uy*lcl, .8.' L Ux• glade Of 'ht,• `e I. *.t 1• c.rm{4 1 tot : I,ri,l(. V01.1 I i . 1lt•t' s carter t , • ^'llu4e at* amity lhiltl: 5uu twutint %suture 0''a• port • *)ti -tic road ":11.11•••••'(' .. 1.. lt!r ht•th hr tt *. if'luc i lu lit u11t I omutpr, head, u,► legend." 1 .ul'tl.,rw\ t)utpwouplace ,wily .b) 1* taH frolu' Ni' ` ult... h> aft u•rmnlptlon, )t tenter. ;0 - I e.il'yr ills' bnuiari n+•luvuf a •. , bur">•e. 'S. l swirl. 1 kuew.�uf uu lejn 1 ir,•. to .4' huhu 1 .,,111,1 WWI w 0111 01'1 .0 tab._ltut_u1.! t' \•r�.Sltou iia+ IU hie Jeatirt-whets ht. hu*L 1 Il who liproceeded on 0'y w1y', not w *' lu'ul th•jtrliuu.'lot 1 hail a gre,(t t 11.11.' 1 •sur Ilm. As 1 0'n bila tavl ou the slim t •r Teresa 1 1*i• 1'. of hi, tare wait uly,uwil a, r•' . el I.\1'CI .i; XI4\ I I „),,,sled oltr,bodn* atom• In tau world. The exiit• :ut•ut thee ..*;I•l0 I tl1*; i elm thought .1lilek me that 1 neigh •,w mbitd1 'le'\ht: ung:lay :tlol Ile •e�`rit. wvirse tleati adopt Iris itniiie,for th. \1.,:.)luaeuit • i,it• d nae , uuwd a •sltgh time. 11..11% alines 11e "-mild a .ant1I ut'u of ft!t'r, ltd. `, dt 110 llillsttmt had nu. •.Je•ti0n 1.1i11:11 ! 1 he Ixeiai .alt •r. -*111,41 1)1 0'y to•i I1 21:u111.',1„ 'Chea au. u•, ', w, 1' 1 a r1.latw•1 tl r/ I I. 1 n a l _.:,w fond"; • u 113.• prIriltgm et tall: -1 ha'. • Igen 31. ile ltteg*l•r from thea I rt ant 11 1> pt atilt ,tic ht. should not 1uty. f thetuo It 1'rllled by \I:t,lellltd+ ,• l0'14.1. and •,•11 wl41.. nnd' u44run- q.+ • 0'j• •:r tti4 , ,,je••'t 440 pity. m) to.a 441,1 rurl,tne haying Ise.11lt ,:1••tue11411y .< h :Ile $L,it) with jt;irtartre +, t ! tes the a•_ '1' _ t tt• tt. 1': , 1t ?..bad! -WA a.:4.t- a • 1'p Q 1,:'., . 1W1 • • nil• into 11 In •i t't *11'ties mr '11` "r hath._ +4,114rs for (*44 a tort,• ttutil the other day. w'hi•u M. lie. Mai - • , *. 14 i. ,:1. Ila utrrp; lu•,,•+cul) -I s.a*11eltre pr•4•Iallluwl my orlgtial ., .. •1.. l t..• ,I'd troll* - sister '1'i•r,•sa. 1 1.1e111tv.'. 1„. rc-wen• u. Y lythe had not 4r44uhle.l ••Itttli Illl,41 M)1.kel*udselI4 ram.•• hl 5a/esiiBct lir all ) SKINTROUBLES _ t. : but ht 1>h0 kuowa lel.l t nmagnificent nif leo lux tit )silt atiw•a oe so b,,.h,•s I ; name aid 1111141491 lr m morning and evening. till and ut 1gtra. -a. `,I mots' tip. resect ine **It the .. atte44tle,• think; 41.8 *earl)' (tart ct my-onrule.e•u„•, hu1 0'130 now Ilk' -•toed a dhslrt• 111 .•ti1l 01.011' fur Mn.• ,'ingratntat4 Inc on 0'y I� ..Ill* We. +*•y 11:11{ �•.ut�rrt' u r 'u : known all a'--yt thus 1 1\11• iuuocehu of the elru: i ,•hnrges 1.* GI ago hist rue by. 31. de' ' ".utllluu. This had nue k•*4x1 effect. .-. that it ma44.eet his popularity -_to •+ago to .*i.%_un extent 4 tat'1i UaF ' t' that .prliiig •. 1 trbnhlel.tttr'-tt.'-tuore.-- Later. be 104* -led a w.•nithr widow it Teter hand• mi.. woman. :41)4 1• no Aflame) lie la A...,**l ' . 11* 4.r• 1 1•;' p.•IIJ Kiat 'ft4o ;,1- :11 i Ire, i• $1t 'sir Of et . tt••I* the. In- ter. .1 n, Ili.. ship. Bt. ]44 44,411 :. HL'• g..ce int 1111111)• a \ln u4. It• _t..•r- au•1 :aught hint tftdtt1 zi t trrsx:*vr-tltat-b.-.s o he: trio nes r, ascertain %rhe • .4 teas In felt Rt4se4l at me cowl , .er had go' w 1ud of her nom i cps it: 4 t?i'4' 14'attil.t nasylta*Witer ie The 1 eel onr 1..T -' a .'1 4,44 "C a 1 lig up prospects by Lo ;. " ' tance is the best war -to advertise our "tininess" sl'., Mercb)et QThe tough& prospects yield' Long Distance selling. oat.,11 of - t'w1*. 111y .nal. --W:1.. rot 41thl rea*nu enough for dlsi•l...l**.t ywu•• "It W114 n puxaling problem." 1 *aid. "1 4141 %%holt 1 thought Isst." "110 w' 1I' "Ili, you mot rettl•ntlr•r that when y"4 told we of the object of 3.1114. de. 411111illuu 131 coning to New France. )4444 also Informed Mm that the iodates wi40--who- 1"4""m rE IAtw • tlerW4444 • or--llvi- p,wser+.i4.tt. - .4- IIWL were she to diw•*ver me anti make restitntlon. she would herself I'y that duu1N as hltlr:•i :Is h.' .I••s•rce. to lw•.t Very Jce1 be relue•d M trnnt. nnd M• The Indltlp• •itiou .ot )tudeutot.l Ik, i fared with the a Imi..• of ehh•?Iug *he 0'a.. 1011 te•atl••ulry. and sl'.• wits ride. l'huroh....wringing II. 1141,,r•rl:t*e.sa�whi, h I se1.444ed unwrlcufue. 14Il I1)'**1'u.4,r•.a-- t44 *tum is 441.4 see we 144, trey 111•x1 x•ude.nt on the ,busily ,.f leer relic• day. Nht' l 4401 tet uit�--m l:. aII4111rix. 11 iratld burr 1*A i* :e rtnnlg* »tnv4'd but .:, minute .. t `.•• : kat 1 I relunl f0•r 11er sulk•hudr on my la- bor hair turd I :Illoweal her to:do lull*. "not Illy soon, slit- outwit rein if - knew of M. de la Hous, and con 4A•- PI hrin hey are- 444u11.i.lta....1%111..10. oc1.rh.,k ' ,•' c44r1.'4 up leaf tar .Iroup- iu� hod .'tat marks the presence of an norm,. r. and the pest. whatever ((1 and J.1 could telt frOn.. the l W her�lurka_a1 •1 the nrlglintes. fu eyes that 0'l etrcer she 0'141111 tllhtk of th)• altnnt: :*: it uud .;olid. it ( Wed it. Ib.wever ....silent your In - been. t.' r t:lstr Ih:n1 it MnJI tentiuus. were you Justified it' depslrt- been. lug frour.the truth'!" - 1 fele yU11 some 1444 %leen a ext I did not depart frultt._.tdat:.,,trutli. l,•wls.'and ahrn at last 1 .104. t.. .441 t hail neter wet NI 2•11t; la r and 1 -,*id that I re ah i.s- ce1 Up -- L. - e t i 1. Witt _We _ - � nut Ghat to _. look- tart oY *'n` tv1u�4 0 ' Lt. iii.• bpi 111^ncr Na. tt T -But you said_Lutlling i h ta. ,tht. green t• • m e welcome j0 tie "tn. the contrary. 1 wail that_ tine•t' sight Wase 1 1e:n�n Ant'+f •l i ' 1 hurt uo: heard hi. any •au-t-d_tr..1e aJT:ii a e� K 1.4' _ of tht•--.tpport'', 4 iliteu ane by 1'• 11mj t1aT* i1' •1fl.iitk 404 µh1110.1.11115,411.11:T...il4.- four. W hu lean; • in 10 sit 14•+4hle cur f..r 1 • the .nfdfug 'lust 4o .he • I t' we -. It Iittlr elan,,lte• It way he said that the ••ul:h.-li.4* of f,,*'. -t* i. a *►111,1• ,. b) Is. - 11 t Ish lir lt„ wurtsh IaU•resl. cowpalred ,•lilt the pursuit of fame 44r j wealth or Is.wer: It has this merit,1 11•:it one watts the rewrard o1 hie ef• fort. a• 1:, gats along. au11 114x•1 114.1, strain 118. tendons reaching for hitt. 111414411. ,\• 1 have snldi 1 8,144 .relhel at ease in theshade. and Very pleasant it was. q'auugh I esus srllI weak. 1 -aaa_hut 4al**Id, and with every liat'4• .hart rhr Melon_) her 4 w *4:114 11, look a kit! the Aiow.r With nlrtt•h her .w ha11ds 1uye1t,-*1. 1 puudered each .trarlite relation we bore, to other. tut' :1.14.1 uly.elt what WA. to 10'•• the iw4tl(.We of it. yo Io:e thumped Ilk.. the ',heart of I/ 1.0y. and I Matin dilti.ulty in maintaining 44*t OH "Wow.' 4*m.-argue of v.Wps..urtl. '148 );•n rt•wemt' r when you tir,t� *181114. 10 tu)' gardens. Madcw.1s4•L. , 1 asked. at last -for luck of sumeltatteg lief ler t.. -11y. - ' "ludi,•d 1 Ju.' site replied. 'That Is nearly three years ago." 1: went on. "W have had Interesting adventures together sine• then. and have ;e • to know earl' other well." - otos.-*mildest., -. Meana I Irew l 'n-rts 1'!,4. 111itI�ti:w.hLt* pos....,the. nab ,, 1.-il 1 iii1Ttlg Tui t Yir_me'• 814411 -0'y w*t. 1 Is this. tint 144th 'whiff- `- Elected ilia u Watt almost worth while m t,c ill ;Itnt ane• .night expx•rtrn,1. retls•.0nk": It l In tl.1at cod 11 •raou+ekl� this *•,udertabh• glow of n•turuhlg for Its t ars --._ I ..•l*'1H"tit salt"fa.•tnry •t,. 1,•,111 14f n.,"' ..,milli. I. *1 114,1 satt,fat:tittS t'• )uu that' •� jam, 14 14441111 la, °. tic. ii l s * ** u*. I 1 •)4.11141 .10 els 1 'Inert.' leltsa 'a 1m4 . tiptoe a 1lculigllt ugu. la• haul Buhl he unuk•.l':" sir :1+ked. 0'•44111.1 retluu-ere hag with .3ladrmul-+ rri1r'.4*' 84 .4 rtet111ux = + ' sell)• to di.rtt's Willi the some mutters 1l "Yrtier wlu* .-,•et, touMT ilrlSnweti,•u with the .net.•fer 4*41 4 (( „IH,u,AY, t4at " remain 'as nu7 • Molex. -4 ,. I r!!'{r 04th r-' found iu)•'1r w'.ut+irrtl*g when alit.k4-tii1rlitit•sw' ^1' w mud vow,. . 1 hail n heeling of -ex- 1'lt*4 1M I. - - w'•tatt-y•. ;ews•11 un nu .ret.ouuhle '•)tut 1f 1 r,d-u..• 4o "(clap snth'pr' - 4 , tt�iouY •h,• *1«184[: .meshy', gr•ium► nL:11ec.•r, that 1 shuulll s)•4. t1,1,1•111.41. tioh*!. uud til. tutuLiou Ln,ct"11 "'Chew volr (.1.111 is 4s tinsettttfaC- ,4 sr 1 heard 4 (('untlnue.l tele nage 4. 3 .ors•. �t : In dn4 cur t 11i1•ir volt,- and a, 41144w1•I*t later they'` entered lin- garlltll, -1 ruse t44' atve•l 1icw. wf•l • trplm w file -arm- et. ..td -do -?'- *11411d 0'o .lit eeatwh lout I took 4414:1-' sure 111 st: icing thein that 1 was uud ♦ear rale +u-la•4ttt *lieu.* - i\ het' 1:.: y laid en•t(1friil ailsut' n*> he ld, on,. we luau Il •ll. -e 1 taro.--. 4,1.9111 •nidal ,ttulit.•r. mor -a 41111, 1'. T, 1,.141 pro', • 14441 to, the olrjt•rt of •ile,: vi. it. "''.I. liT u•77--•31. -t 1 tuts: tin .a,. :}131 goat rt ul )r. Mw• ` 11.1 11111• i.0 .before 1 bad •)weird }'o f rv•gethrr, ' 1) +rn': 4*''nsked. 1 o11t Of the,uiatfer. 1.14.0: uwar \\-icy nur.F "'l' , :tint a.- rtrtr lu t'' Mlle, de 1'halillu11�la-iT ��•.lu.'. Ti'` the guarrlhuli- at the fort. and I t\u"1 Mr: 44411* tit" olej."t .•4 11.188 no, 44 u •41'44 )hut 4..11 lint. r a, 1,nmd . pn'1nri111I ti, tell y.ul st111c:tis' good tiin1, :4.414 1 tett tbus it I h44..re tla pi 'haps. it mild he .wore Iec*urtan• t Ii it ay - that New thug: yutl .1i 1101 knots. were nm to gu i4itl. you. to .fir•-1•i:rlid of 1111, 'unliW.k.•d,' it •reutal4. only f.: 1:111gtlw' "It 1+ a pay 0'r a,r y:idewi41I. r• to ,:.rry out the p:i1 aluun• it tlmt I alight 1l' th*:dun maid. ' if pan could ger.- .t►liiih 'MadcLtuYti'llt wouldm ate---zr Ilt•�a•-it Veuelel Wave sand( nr•1 trFttl-lin-«•.,asses-.aL.Lt.r_-0. alert. t l.. yowl la•• 1 lief to ,.t. -*114 11'8 a Int 1 111.•. anti iN r raj p half." �yat1 19:1• it* Iiolr• .hr wuut,i ere "t._ rea- _ • *. .. • ,.'`'t uat4••'•k ttze-rne• floftily o f.ht.i. *Host.. - .,$441 rim r learned- fire` _' "--ht•-`1":'.,t-_,n.I,l1waiksoa.---,.nen f iwara 11,4(11,1 ,•tend 1 . we to the very last." iii,• Ip*rl. +4.,l ttoing to the. 11 Ir. i- \1i 1411 why di'l run 11'41 111•1.'1 ywhr *hall. 1 I.ld (Ile whole aatr.-r .114 Ott iltir4l44'. halt: u:o'!" h. asked, run laid took your aiT'W 44. - ithen f ';p 114-tl't' _.'To..' 11*y Al •••r.•%' ,4'4 11ito>: t*r+t pilus:, 1 %n- r*Its•taut to wakeat1►nfmur, 111 a4ttrn11slitut�. '.Tun 11iok tarr•rdr •ri 1 tamhu ..:*•..t you ---Aral-y. : 1.....- ...t.... 1 pr ...to,:• le. obtain W) n,..4ir' - .\. 10 ,t. 44tid 1114- pried. "1 un lo•si lld \1'8.1etnoi4elle tilts Rlrelnly ' g:lhnel 719:1 .1-1171111111. "'1ittleel: 1 said. __. "She tel., We that .c hen yew so_ ge.tc1111c , irrl*g4. whp.1* t'e,k Ida, T. -ymr -tortured her yee. w0old raise uo objro•tfen to her trate. f,•r,im, 1,.-r-we04tl+-..,444` 11tu1utt_ 41• lit Rule ' - • 'T spoke --tit' m wet* a. -4#+-4,4'48,o. • u..t :1• chi• %lr..tic.- ,h• L, )tout,: \Vh', 1 8881,1 :a'a . ma; t( .he 1•ett4.-rr+'4 - nue 44r.:1in h•e:.,l authurirc 01 e 1i.. uc1to11- i'0' 1141 1.01 w-4 it 14, .ltd,•t u 1144r i3Ortwin. Nor t 111.8 .4.•k see --•-e4oessise algal-ait:L1 1 1}�:. _ ' -. : - Tim should ll ' twin a law�rci ,,.,.y 1• �pf s,r ...an J fort wt , I.c: arguing ntsint g, 1.*rat prin' 1pli'•• t' *es I+r.k-otn ih1 .it:':ttla. 1 h,*vt het McEwen's Specials t', soot, pet Th. 1Oc. t F resit l.H, I• Aute* M,xt In 11Nn'l a ..,t1. ft .Ihr• fn•sh frit*. \ + :. .. S tnfllm J rr, t• I Ir*tti' •:,,r 2sc. 1)4414 k•a..,'.-Tl1t,.b./4_1:11111r to tsty.4.01.1-11.•447T1111111 1111: - - -- -- 111• ¢rind *he s 1101'• cmffes• Man it. our r1444 (rite milt, g1YtE1 fresh a1.1 ts•-t tti•ffes . . \,•w .*n 1.'. 1*alM,a, bawd this Meel( for il..u• dale etakiell. ba. far 23e. - \f. tint' •llgar in lona. tuuntitii'4 ;Alt 4, rat •A.0. tilt:• alai of as Ili twice. • - 'r -1-1crt'rl'•,tt.m.1i1..t'- \t*•n's IV.o4) Milts..\.,-n't Wool Underwear, SI.71 e1'Ttrr- p, . r 1V.al Itlu11krts and Flanu•,!, n, 1:1 uta., at „¢kt price++. -You did -1tat-isoow-1-watt doing so. i I replied. :'ll'. you. 144.4 r.•*uelulx.r our. • - i4• la 1 tonx 'h, ant, I . to \ .n rf t+ 1 11 1 u101', lits magic ,:tel*•t'%` ••\ly faith: he wafter*'. "What a dollar., i wits:" __ . -Acting Olt your )altlr,tiotl. 1 again aeetemp bell.*& .,,/.all 1111•tsell•'4 and i i +M4 -::...tit g..1 .• due *mil r-4. wt• ret tit 'll4l to I�tn•I.ir. .4.,,v"•d n J•. return ,1.'aa, Sitte'•'1 Mwti4•wni*effe ,vu. tit' 141.41 4.r the- e:o,•d th-. �,."'easity .4 u*ruiug a tit- a.'iimveule•tlt 4-Tlier la1rl4irl•.:7tif11 WW1! dug T A 1 - (Ill R till. 4.f adreutaln•. uu nearer ilio--:sohliio11 of Int' prole - hen nue MO NI triton fnmtty 1`t». A. 4 ,*444'' al4* ' ,._.t41...e tt,ix J. J. rV CEWEN i•;,,s4 1 :. i. • 1 I Wren the prOJezt of rotting 00 elf .1..4 k,rturnt-t limn • 4•••• o NI•W I' :11111. My friend and ser- questionf of a torn au.hip .tall a inn.. l'.• •• Resider. • fell in very fure•d marring.. with M. de t'halitlon. tY t TaT being f4 r•wont• Mud 1 yr 11).4..1 the only alti•nuttite a 11844'? f•I ,a•. her' datthfnl to nes. NI'Iwarl'tl o/ the .terf**( .fine* t1a1Tr• )hough i• •n4. *4, Ix4.lnm .•ntnnglyd •.,.Ihr hal uu reason h,; dfalke lit with 114 I )tad not the least deli. •nate tar. 4i lh0ux. Mill the *Mise n• . - -ma •e e:1ctQ' II, - that 4w•turrc,l 844 Tr7a7i*411.1111 r..a ..t's, •ass to trrt 14Aa1. Ile '.a• ailtuatJlgr's 3'1' 141 n to tt1 '.' whlrtn idea i rri 1 (and. In tact. ?Hi!. 1141*( di.,'la.un• 4,1 lay ide44tfty *.•(1h 0ec,•r 41 '•d of It until reriil1 . hardly Justify rr.nntweut th he when 4l • •, inrtnn*t4. toffs came til parr ::and should she persist .hc tutu f hl I •114... i1.4etuleht a ,T.•ll1l' *T tfh1,11- - sour' 14141 1:4 LYi T, . {•.•* *.r ' trhi R1111 Aga i*rIans 4, , look *0'$s' ot. This face. Nky. ilk '. ,} - • ,I he *411,1, late left It Is iatl. - -that-Hiss• +: *448 * 4' ' ' 1 ..lid. • r, not a .pI „ r •t. , ,l,* • t - "1'1114 be -"Bt. "d., oat lot n, c 1' intA nal gaga nut! 1 will tell „• r what 1 sli t{l' do. I shall go he. 1vi111 Francois. who *a4* mike the re- turn trip' in at. Meter or .0 Rt t1.•' wort -111111 In elle mea11tinte. If yon so --k a$ argue*, nt. you run argue With y4,Th_4:.. And .wittmrrt-wtttring 144r/i11* 11 114W1•11 hr j Ia•d Io his It•.•? and' hurried array to the loading was _ 1t was a most transparent -J4it'ii e for leaving 11- alone together. Fai densly 1'. Itufonr thought it was .h•sir- able we *tumid settle .certain aspects ''dew'' F'I:i l- to sen rri ) all 71111 1141 over 1111• estates 1 would he ill n she ,i,4•m!n1 1 to 1.. like myself. w•4lil- )rr,vi*tot Another dis- tressing t Mb -dr -Less l._c1wouraged him to im-limn to Insist un Waking I for her. widen oho .ahold la attdi.iiirl :,"•ump:.l) ate. ' li'e mads mer essay to Paris. at.; there 1 first formed the F,I,.:, mf ii--"ntdng some 11:11114' less eoF •ptett.•1t" 1 -•`n my own. for 1 (Mind a A WOMAN'S SUFFU South Side Square (,4 • d• delivered : 11 part. of the town.. Ikr-e-stful night on Lake Erie Motets a plca.ant break in your journec. A g,,,,d 1r'1 in a clean, cool rt.tenwm, a long sound deep and an appetting breakfast in the 'morning. 'terse ��'Sf B1,11'; -;CITY "CITY OF ERIE"-"CIIY OF BUFFALO" Dat(y a 1.1 to November 15th tape Auffslo- 9M P. M.1 F,.nen lless* Clee4Lad-940 P. M. A. ,.-. a Lit ',Ln: '...CA.M.I', Sta*..rd Time Je hut11110-47400A. M. • lanmet "CI tY OP At' FPALO" a res.".' i t- A. 1A. Connection. Pum,, Put ,n-1tar,Tn4edo, Derail sed Maar ental.. Aekt acne tciet *shat et 1101124111 tacft.. t fat ttiek.aa via C 6.13 Lisa. Now o,•/4st Autemahne RateL77.50. Aped f,4. fear ,ettinuat Psetr'CTt1Nr of the timet Myy SLLANIILEC" sad J. r tq ckleb The Cletral.nd S %A,14, Maid Co. Cleveland,O*:n .- Fared $5.50 �1 - Tan 8,.1'11,4," 4 (.o.d en the 1t o,. • SONstRh-- Length SOD feel. Breadth. 96 fait 6 inchaa, c119 Vs* lhtf/mr still stoutly main- metier. and 14 there is our ked me cling 40 the 1:1•• In regarel to hic .Tutt, ten M1 Irl Relieved by Lydia , E. ?ink. Nre*pt wit!IOW sm•ludnl. \\' vunt*al 1m renal 11 a. lily would Ix• a permanent and to taenial wet l elwwlT u . "Thu.- ,Y •'1 1,111 111/41 S141 10 learn. M. le VI- howl-. that pun regard .uch an 4444t< 1'imtf as not -ttin•.mg"WNl.'•- remarked taw.lnld Priest drily. I ref the sltt#t n tw184114 our+* -IV,. Kine I had not kuiocn .,f Reg): nnrt there couhl la• n) Kraal purls..,• n .'r s - *44. a Lr.. t.t se'rrrd ..hT furl her delay-. Yat -tww'. wl*ieh f,A),wtrl were as .1141*•biug tis tint the (t{*p,*'llllllty w'He ptr.r44ted 11 a :I. :M Any 440 n+. 1 owl t to have• -yg,' t (4'0' .liseu4ault 111 net made 0'f 1.% 1,10 111191 „- a as ai11gedr'I, 1i» you k .4.4'18 PIM t0 Mira/Wit the subject. 1117- l- making taa1b„ 11 1111 Wr.sat In .t 11/1111. euM waltt11g for when I •0'a. on the Is fie other :fate' 41 Al tin+ :late a dna has remelted the ore of forty he _should hate learned to keep his emotions reasonably ander control. lout 1 Intel r44nr -w' tba1 011 -t tri. ,xrasiou.- I' Jell lamentably. slim • as 1 )raked ate en•rr, oil the rare ., McLachlan Business College STRATFORD. ONT Th.. leading coital 4i s•h'. 4 • • \\'..tent l)ntwno. 'J:� t n.-ncel ir- �rnle}•r.;.in%ing tbor ,;I nr., - 4,r...hop s pr'c.d u, i :4- \Vrit.• tor .•,:r fr.r - _ 1)..\. 11 ! 11W. 111111 de - *tear. -and nt off enlighten - ham's Vegetable Compound hp; N'e were, nt,•rrnpte'd.--and 1 ifi)•ltihe fe•(11' seated my mrmth.-•tont now 1 have told Sou all about it. and Ver'ditn, Montreal, Quebec. - "1 am F1.11 ,•all milk* Al clear to 11*.h•moi- one of thous:1111 who have fallen Lydia sotto. 1 hop•/she will forgive tae; far - E. 1'inkham a Vegetable Compound an i i 0'y neti1s•n q:' 1 have great faith in it. 1 can safely !That 1y'a matter whirls yin, will t rhtni(.io7; i;. of say it has relieved my troubles and i I:ur.• to take 111) wish h.r ynnr.eiL Nit' ht• has told tip n) ghat! never b* without a bottle of it in •on.': said 1'. 1)11 III' . mybents*. Since mylast bob t'as * I1.\I''I'I:It XL\'.Ii .torr. and if R fromd backache st qq rt", 1 444,,4 been takmt he K Medicine., - carried 4,444 ,_44,44,..,,,, ", 114 1'ot) born 1 suffered pa1441 an - xttx h.• --arra wottla-teet so tired 1 could not do . i r t 111 Illy g irder ill 1111 ens\ r l: ," , nn 'i 14 r .• any thin in my hams. Since I have it -fl„- -•1+,+.1.4. of -..a maple tree whose \'r rbh14' Compound urarn h •s 0',•r, stirred fly' ll'. lig!.,, 04 10 SI 111111`11111W 111'411 • 1 „mt.' art Inv friend. rod hope it will cure other..t the heat of tbs. ear4 afternoon son.. . v,,,frien who are InitTering front the troll. .4.4, L ...I'21 Evelyn Street, Verdun. Montreal, i ! Lydia E Pinkham'a Vegetable Com-. I - --,,., •••• t••• look Int 44•!Prowns‘c -of w mother. It ill prepared from root* a P1141114. t6ritiloi8 no hlirmful drugs- tVlif 11 relkh or vigor. aryl my erred% and can be ta."en by the nursing mother. ! ii-ii.1 al v• 11-17111•1. 171 /1-14.1.‘nrrir 14,10 of Its worth iii restoring the mIt her to i hogs. •I kn. Wherein I ipii......1 I. rolti normal bealth and strength in told :wain ' 144" ass -Plant. and did_ nothing more and agaition "ist such letters as Mrs. artionnts than piek off art ovvitsiolital Gardner w'r,e:. I w 11 rtu ot. 'reef 14, , t Int r threat etted loaf the_ Vegetal.. Compound Abc,ws that that roses Are hard to grow hy rett.on A teem" ovneo of women noel, or Mei. • Thor.. ore those who 'manilla h. g; mit ure, ry 100 women tekin ttni Of sloe _foes. which prey upon them. farther nife• Write Mid 111 os go. Such evidence en- Plato thent awl take no fnether 10'1 think of her medicine are berm, te y . . am Iss titles us titIl it 'dependable medieine save to admire theni from a distanee ter women. It is tor sale by druggiata , and ottwr Illnwenv. from them in *ea- ? 4f .4 •rwrikorqk c rim. soldlora gatber* ought hut 'thew - 1 It Iron that ink who thinks t,C 11110 SPECIAL SALE OF CHILDREN'S DRESSES NOW ON Miss S. Noble British Exchange Block - In another year, how different that boy or Kir4. of yours will look -but photographs of the (hi dren never grow up. - Let us hap you keep a rete record of their ebildbeei. J. T. FELL ' Telephone 187 WARM. . Hot Point:Stoves :: Sunnysuds Washers ININIMOr Radio Sets and1Supplio ROBERT WILSON -WIZ, Y:-Flarris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street. Godericb, Ont. lload .40114441114. ....a/444m Waal 0111 1