The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-03-12, Page 4DIAL 980 P 7 DAYS A WEEK ..... lllllllllll llllllllll llllll llllll fieleile11111111,1111,0e.Wel.“0010.11.,,..101,01",",.."'","'"." llllllllll WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE CAMERA FAN IANVILLE HAMMERTON PHONE 199 VIENGIIA111 Chesterfield Suites Occasional Chairs WARREN HOUSE C. C. McKIBBON Wingham 1 Phone 475 (416 irip KRIS KAY " TOPMOST " . . Wabasso PASTEL PASTEL SHADES "Family" SHADES • PRINTS SHEETS . $1.19 yd. i 79c yd. $10.95 pr. We/woo FOR SALE—Piano and Organ, both in good condition. Cheap for quick Inquire sale. Phone 129, 12b 1‘2b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- KREGAR—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, March 6th, 1 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Lester Kreg- ar,Wingham, a daughter. McGLYNN—In Wingham General ti 1952, to Mr, and Mr Western Ontario's WELDLNG, BLACKSMITHING paths. 12b THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE It is a hopeful sign when certain I business organizations ask prospecs I tive employees-115o you use alco- holic beverages" If the answer is in the affirmative the job will re- main open, Even a well-known brewery-magnate makes this regula- tion mandatory for certain positions. Xt would be well for ambitious young people to have in mind this leading question—"Do you drink?" Their Or close !Number One answer will either open rinrsk of onnorttblit,V.. bOtore,,,,1 tIrra, FOR SAT E. Ten table tops. 3x12 ft: fifteen trestles; one blackboard, ap- proximately 3x4 ft, on legs. W. H, Haney, Sec., St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. 1219b FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro-] tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All makes accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb FOR SALE—Six-inch metal lathe with independent chuck, new last year. Would swap for good sewing machine. Phone 368W evenings. 12* FOR SALE — Walnut dining-room suite; china cabinet, buffet, table and 6 chairs. H. P. Carmichael, phone 490. 12b FOR SALE—Deering 13-disc fertil- izer drill. William J. Henry, R. R. 5, Lucknow. Phone 402W3. Wing- ham. 12* CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduced rates from the licensed growing co- operative association from Holstein, 1 Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Here- ! ford, beef and dual-purpose Short- horns. Bolls of top quality. Life' membership, $25.00. Members, $5.00; per cow; non-members, $6.60 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. R.R. 1, Waterloo. For ser- vice contact Len L. Fischer, Mild- may, phone 60r11 before 10 a.m. WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY PEW EQUIPMENT— Ebersol Wonder Electric Hammer and Mill with new type hammer. A complete line of Farm Implements. A full selection of Watt's Rose brand farm feeds made in Palmerston. USED EQUIPMENT— One International W-4. One -International Farman A. One Massey-Harris Model 20 Stand- ard. One Waterloo Model R. One Waterloo Thresher 24 : 48 with shredder. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ont. Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 lief, Druggists sell Cress Bunion SEED FOR SALE—Per bus., Alfalfa, $28.00: Red Clover, $20.00; Timothy, $7.65; White Sweet, $7.50; Yellow Sweet. $5.50. Per lb., Brome, 32e; Orchard, 40c; Meadow Fescue, 40c; White Dutch, 90c; Ladina, $1.70; Montealm Barley, cleaned and treated, $2.00 bus.; Field Peas, $3.50 bus. Prices on some lines are advancing. Get your supply early and save money, R. Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68r3; Paisley, 151r17. rrTF FOR SALE—Ten choice pigs, nine weeks old. .1. G. Gillespie, White- church, phone 404W1. 12b FOR SALE—Two young cows, both mi;king and right every way, Robt, Moffat, R.R. 2, Wingham, phone 632J2. 12* MORE PROBIiS WITH CAPONS— Your roosters will show more profit when caponized between 3 and 6 weeks of age. A capon does not fight or crow. When you sell, cap- ons bring 2c lb. more than roosters and over six months period will average two lbs. heavier on same food as roosters, as well as 50c,n more Milk-fed A's without crating. For information or custom capon- izing phone collect, Walter Ren- wick, 2r11, Delmore. rrtf CARS FOR SAT .F1 Essex 12' ROOMS FOR RENT THREE NICE LARGE ROOMS, up- stairs. side entrance. Phone 642 J 12 12b WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT—by April 1st., a small house or cottage, by quiet, reliable middle-aged couple, no children. Centrally located if pos- sible. Apply Box 119, Advance- Times. 5rrb FOR SALE FOR SALE—Four-room cottage on Main St., Wroxeter, good cistern, basement, hydro, large garden. Mrs. Charles Lawrence, Gorrie, Phone Wroxeter 23r18. 12 FOR SALE—Six-room cottage, large lot, modern conveniences, complete- ly insulated, Located at the corner of Frances St. and Diagonal Road. Apply to Wilbert Hodgkinson. Terms can be arranged. 2Orrb PRORESI'LleS FOR SALE MODERN brick dwelling with built- in cupboards, garage, Josephine St. North. FARMS 25 to 250 acres, many loca- tions. SEVERAL farms in Brussels district. 50-ACRE farm near Belmore. GENERAL stores, garages, hotels and many other lines of business. LISTENGS WANTED. W. C. OKE, Real Estate Broker, Sea- forth. E. THOMPSON', Salesman. Wingham and Brussels. Phone 83x Brussels. FOR SALE—Frame house in Wing- hem. seven rooms and bath, in good repair. Garage and barn on lot: hydro and water installed. Small field for pasture. Priced for quick sale. Box 113, Advance-Times. 12. FOR SALE—Pleasant cottage in Pleasant Valley, Wingham. Two bedrooms, living room, dining-room, big kitchen with built-in cupboards. 3-pleee modern bathroom; work- shop for handicraft: hydro, cold and hot water: roofing, insulation and insulbriek siding all new, Nice garden and nice neighbours. Cash, reasonable. Frank Schleicher, Al- bert St. 121926h BOARDERS WANTED BOARDER WANTED--- Respectable young man for room and board. Phone 418, Wingham, 12h HELP WANTED—FEMALE STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned until March 20, 1952, for the above described vacancy. Appli- cants will please state qualifications, experience. Eligible to either male or female applicants. A. H. ERSKINE, Goderich Clerk, County of Huron, 12h WORK WANTED IF YOU HAVE ANY farm machin- ery to he Cut down, including wooden wagons, tractors, manure spreaders, etc., consult A. Porter's Welding Service, Lucknow. Pric- es right, Phone Lucknow 206r4. 12,19,2e WANTSD FREE cash at your farm for dead or disabled Horses be. Covie, Phone 'collect, keii r tifitlikni Atone MISCELLANEOUS SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lockers available to everyone. rrb. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for member of the Wingham Fire Department will be received up to March 30, 1952-0. W. Caslick, Secretary. 1219b CONTRACT FORMS are now avail- able for your seed contract bar- ley. Shipping facilities will be provided at our elevator located on C.N,R., Wingham. If interested, see us soon, as our seed supplies are limited. John Bumstead & Son, phone 455, Wingham, larrb PASSENGERS WANTED— Driving from Toronto to Wingham5 p.m. Fridays; returning Sunday evenings. Approximately 3 hours each way. Call Gordon, OR8208 after 6 on Ad- vance-Times, Box 120. 12916b CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION TENDERS FOR EXTERIOR PAINTG, WEN: GRAM, ONTARIO Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to e contents will be received by the under- signed up to 12 o c_ec noon on Thursday, March 20, 1952, for the ex- terior painting of approximately 48 houses and appurtenances thereto, lo- cated in Wingham, Ontario. Tender forms, specifications, and full particulars may be obtained at the address shown below. Each tender must be accompanied by a security deposit of 5 per cent of !the amount of the tender. A certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as a security deposit. The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. L. C. Gunby, Manager, Central Mortgage and Housing Corp., P.O. Box 940, 343 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. 12b TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will he received by the un- dersigned until Apr. 5, 1952, for the crushing and hauling of approximate- ly 10,000 yards of 5/8 inch gravel. The work to be done by October 1st to the satisfaction of the Road Superin- tendent. Two sets required; con- tractor to strip and maintain pits, Marked cheque for $500 to accompany tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. T. THOMSON. Clerk 1226b . TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Kinsmen Club of Wingham for the construction of an outdoor wading pool up until March 21st. For speci- fications apply Len Crawford. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. 12:19b AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS will be held at the residence of MRS. JOSIAH WELLS, EDWARD STREET, WINGHAM ON SATURDAY, MARCH 15th., 1952, ! commencing at 2 p.m. 2 Chesterfield Suites (3 pieces); • Quebec Heater, Kitchen Range, Rangette, two 50-ft. lengths of gar- den hose, large Cupboard. End. Table, square Table, Chest of Draw- ers, Cabinet Radio, Connor Washer, with tubs; Step Ladder, 2 Coal Scuttles, Floor Covering, Panel Door, quantity of Dishes, Sewing Machine, apartment Refrigerator, 2 Kitchen Chairs, and other articles too numH erous to mention, Mrs. Josiah Wells, Prop., L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer. 12h I CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Eva Finley and family of London wish to thank their many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness extended to them during! their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Howard SUgden of Central Baptist Church, Mr. Harold Victor Pyrn, the pallbearers, those who loaned cars, and for the beauti-1 ful floral tributes and cards of gym- BUILD .NEW CULVERTS The Howick Council met in the 4 Clerk's office, Gorrie, on March 5th, members present. The minutes of Moved by Gibson and Hargrave that we instruct the road superin- tendent to advertise for the con- struction of the Lakelet and Reis culverts, tenders to be in the hands of the clerk, by noon April 4th, 1952. Plans and specifications can be seen at the clerk's office, Gorrie. Moved by Hargrave and Newton that the road accounts as approved be paid. Carried. Moved by Gibson and Hargrave that the following accounts be paid. Relief, $226.79; R. W. N. Wade, SAVE YOUR VALUABLE CALVES WITH NIXON'S SCOUREX Scourex Works Fast! bond rb-fiewal for treasurer, $20.00; R. H, Carson 8; Son, pipes for office, $1.80; Salvation Army, grant, $10,00; Advance-Times, by-laws and adver- tising Wroxeter P. V„ $26.52; Ad- vance-Times, ads for Township, $11.- 70; Wm. Nickel, fox bounty, $2.00; Alfred Herman, fox bounties, $4.00; R. B. Wightznan, fox bounties, $18.00; Albert Dettman, fox bounties, $4.00; Cecil Grainger, fox bounties, $8.00; Lloyd Felker, fox bounties, $12,00; R. H. Carson & Son, repairs for mower for Cenotaph, Forclwieh, $2.75; P. Durst, pt. salary, $90.00, O,A,A, $10.00, Postage $5.80, Tele- gram 68c, $105.68; E. H. Strong, eon- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th., 1952 vention eipenses, Good Roads and. Rural Municipalities $60.00 Arthur Gibson, convention expenses Good Roads $30.00; Edward Newton, con- vention expenses, Good Roads $30.00; Total $573.24. Moved by Newton and Gibson that we purchase Warbicide (warble fly spraying powder) from R. H. Car- son & Son, Carried. Moved by Hargrave and Newton that we do now adjourn to meet again at the clerk's office, Gorrie on April 5th., or at the call of the Reeve. Carried, P. L, Durst, E. H. Strong, Clerk. Reeve. Wingham E. rikOE FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Advertise Farm Auctions on this Page for Larger Crowds BIRTHS a HOWICK TWP, TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of CHARLOTTE ELLENOR BROWN late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having• claims against the es- tate of the said Charlotte Ellenor Brown, deceased, are required to file claims duly verified with the under- signed on or before the fifteenth day of March, A.D. 1952, and that after the said date the Executors will dis- tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this twenty-fifth day of February, A.D. 1952. A. H. McTavish, 11 a.m. Daily MEMO TO MILADY with MARY ASHWELL FOUND FOUND—Lady's wrist watch. at Advance-Times. FOR SALE DAVID CROMPTON JEWELLER 1 1, 11130.01.triwkno FOR SALE—Two Quaker space heat- ers, one medium, one large size: quantity of stove pipes. Price rea- sonable. Phone 418. 1219b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—Ten-inch International TWENTY CHUNKS around 75-80 lbs, Hammer Mill, good as new; I.E.L. - and 40 weanling pigs. Apply Lloyd Power Chain Saw. year and a half Montgomery. phone 743 J 1. old. Wilfred Walker, Belgrave, 12b phone 721J4. 12b models. Free sewing course with CHEAP—For quick sale, every purchase. Phone 665. rr12. sedan. Phone 663M. All sizes of New and Used Tractors, FOR SALE—Seven room stucco Models R, Z, U and G. house, modern conveniences, gar- ' age, good location on Frances St. Phone 331-W. 12b justable, hospital-type bed. This free Salve, wear stylish shoes soon, service is made available by the KINSMEN HOSPITAL, BEDS 1 FREE Anyone confined to bed at home + may have the added comfort of an ad-. Hospital, on Thursday, March 6th, Reeve B. H. Strong in the chair. All Wingham Kinsmen Club. Your doe-$, Thomas Mc-, the last regular and special meet- Glynn tor can arrange for a bed on short ! ' ings were read and on motion of notice. 23rrb SANGSTER—In Wingham General! Gowdy and Hargrave were adopted ! Hospital, on Thursday, March 6th„! as read. Carried. TENDERS WANTED 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sang- Moved by Newton and Gibson COURCHESNE—In Wingham Gen- Tenders will be received by the ; ster, Wingham, a daughter. I that we instruct the road superin- Board of Managers, for re-decorat- tendent to order 5000 bags of cement 1 ing the auditorium and entrance of : eral Hospital, on Saturday, March, for the Newbridge bridge, Carried. Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue- ! 8th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moved by Gowdy and Gibson vale. Work to be completed by May Courchesne, Brussels, a daughter. that we accept the tender of Joe Kerr for crushing and hauling gray- 31st., 1952. Tenders to close March ANDERSON—In Wingham General el in the Township of Howick for 20th., 1952, Lowest or any tender not Hospital, on Saturday, March 8th., the year 1952. Carried. necessarily accepted. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander- Mson,R. R., , Olive Scott, Secretary, Bluevale 5, Wingham, a son. Moved by Hargrave and Newton that we accept the tender of R. H. 5:12b ROBINSON—In Wingham General Carson & Son for diesel oil, gasoline Hospital, on Saturday, March 8th., and hydraulic oil for the year 1952. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Mason Rob- Carried. inson, R. R. 1, Belgrave, a daugh- ter. McDONALD—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, March 9th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Donald, R. R. 2, Lucknow, a son. HALLAHAN—On Thursday, Febru- ary 21st., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hallahan, of Blyth, a son, (,Thomas Andrew.) Teeswater, Ontario err's Drug Store 27512b. Solicitor for the Executors, K CARD OF THANKS I would like to extend thanks to Dr. McKibbon, Mrs. Morrey and staff and all who sent cards, flowers and treats and those who visited me dur- ing my stay in the Wingham Hos- ! pital. — Mrs. 3. J. Tiffin, White- = I church. 12* CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the many people who sent me cards and gifts when I = was in the Wingham Hospital. I also want to thank the nurses and doctors who were so kind to me. — Mary Lou Hallahan. 12* = CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends and neighbours for their lovely cards, treats and flowers sent to me during my stay in Clinton Hospital; also to all who sent letters and cards of con- dolence on account of the death of my mothers—Mrs. Hilda Hallahan. 12"A IN MEMORIAM FULLER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father Frederick Charles Feller, who passed away March 11.11 1950. Love's nrea .est gift—Remembrance. —Mrs. Elibzabeth Fuller, Herb and = Peg. 12b IN MEMORIAM GOY—In loving memory of a dear mother. Jennie Stevenson Goy, who passed away March 9th, 1930. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly In death we do the same, Lovingly renTembered by her ' daughter Mabel (Mrs. John Moir). 12* PRINTS and SHEERS We think it is the finest Spring range ever New styles, new fabrics, selected with an eye for Spring into Summer wear. We suggest you see these early while the range is complete. Sizes 11 ,to 19 - 161/2 to 261/2 Phone 414 "Quality and Service'' 111111111ifillilimiiiiii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H111111111111111111111111 Suits forSpring Stunning new styles in Gabardines, Pic and Pies and Celanese fabrics. You'll want one of these"for your Spring Wardrobe. See them this week Priced fi.Orn $29.95 to $55.00 see how lovely you wit/ look in our 1.10.0% •••••••3 Mame ••••••, .+ProtIrl aws•••• •••0•••• ••••••••. 1.•••••T matlI 0•1004, wri•••• ••••••••• mosmdie ••••••01 ••••••111 ea.* ms0a. mama.. Oa, ••••••ar •••••.1. Ow,* V.* MI* vokeia• .0mm ••••10r1 001111•111 1•11111=11. seele• 1•••••••11,