The Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-03-05, Page 6For those who ap-
th preciate a precision watch e
popular Fontarnes
are your best
choice. See ms the
large selection of Fo ntaine
store. rnodels of our'
oys \-‘t
/rue hec'"W pals
on/ °In a
i'orrnon cr e.
V P:lor
or Ot `ircll -°
,003I;Ai 4
Certified Watehrhaker
LOST—Fox, terrier dog, white with
tan head, answers to "Nipper,"
Henry Pattison, phone 729 W 12.
LOST—Bulova watch, 21-jewel, in
Wingham or on highway 87 be-
tween Bluevale and B-line. Valued
as keepsake, Box 118, Advance-
Times. 5b
JR. ROLLIT PENCIL. Apply at the
Advance-Times. 5b
FOR SALE—Clinton Oats, good
yielders, very stiff straw, also
quantity of dry hardwood. Edward
McBurney, 620W3 Wingham, 5b
FOR SALE--One oil heater, suitable
for a small room, only used a
short time, price reasonable; 1
used Ostermoor felt mattress, for
a small bed, in good shape. Phone
11, Queen's Hotel. 5*
FIND OUT how you can save mon-
ey and get complete insurance pro-'
tection when you finance your next .
car. Phone now and ask Stewart
A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb
FOR SALE—Single Bed, metal wal-
nut finish, like new, H. Wild, Dia-
gonal Rd., Phone 508. 5*
FOR SALE—Cedar Posts, W. Steen-
huis, P. 0. Box 494, Wingham.
HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv-
iced by trained and experienced
men. All makes accepted for re-
pair. Work guaranteed. We pick
up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb
All sizes of New and Used Tractors,
Models R, z, U and G.
Ebersol Wonder Electric Hammer
and Mill with new type hammer.
A complete line of Farm Implements.
A full selection of Watt's Rose brand
farm feeds made in Palmerston.
Belmore Ont.
Phones: Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7
1.99 WINVIA,111
iYlIj,ui,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii ii,Y,Iiifli oeiiieuseaohniaieomoe•iieo%
Advertise Farm Auctions on this Page for Larger Crowds
new posting at Ottawa, Where he will
serve with the Dept, of Army' Devel-
opment at Arrny Hetulquattete. With
Mrs. Dyble and daughter Jill he left
for the capital Oh IrrIclay 'horrible,
REID---In loving memory of a dear
granddaughter, Elva, who passed
away three years ago, March 5th.,
If all the world Were ours to give,
We'd give it, yes and more,
To see the face of Elva dear,
Come smiling through the door,
--Ever remembered by Grandma
and Grandpa McNeil,
GOY—In loving memory of a dear
mother, Jennie Stevenson Goy,
who passed away, March 9th„ 1930.
—Lovingly remembered by her
daughter Mabel (Mrs, John. Moir.)
Popular N.C.O.
Moved to Ottawa
IN THE MATTER of the estate of
late of the Village of Wroxeter in the
county of Huron, Spinster, deepased.
TAKE NOTICE that 'creditors and
others having claims against the es-
tate of the said Charlotte Ellenor
Brown, deceased, are required to file
claims duly verified with the under.,
signed on or before the fifteenth day
of March, A.D. 1952, and that after
the said date the Exedutora will dis-
tribute the estate having regard only
to the claims of whieh they ehall then
have rietice. The 99th Battery lost a Well-liked
DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this Staff member last week when Sgt.-
twenty-fifth day Or February, AI), !Major Phil Dyble left town for his
A. N. MeTaVieli,
Tecswater, Ontario
Selleitet for the uto
does it, Your Druggist sells Cress
Corn Salve for sure relief.
at your faem for dead or dieabled
Horses or Cows. Phone collect,
Witigham, 561J. Stone
Sons Ltd. rb
FOR SALE—One three-unit milking
Machine, Massey-Harris, with pipe
line complete, Priced for quick
sale, $100,00. Robert Golley, phone
743W3. 5*
FOR SALE—Beatty Washer in good
condition, white enamel finish.
Phone 97. 5b
FOR SALE—Collie pups, crossed
Scotch-English; males $3.00, fe-
males, $1,00. Edgar Dane, Wrox-
eter, or Ross Taylor, Belgrave. 5*
CONSULT your Wingharn Singer rep-
resentative for obligation-free dem-
onstration of latest sewing machine
models. Free sewing course with
every purchase. Phone 665. rrb
FOR SALE—Dumb waiter, complete
with weights and pulleys. Height
40", six shelves 22x11. Phone
72132. 5*
FOR SALE—Ten pigs, eight weeks
old. Apply Glen VanCamp, phone
Brussels 33r7.
FOR SALE—Two pure-bred York-
shire, servicable age boars, sired
by half English large Yorkshire
long nose, Phone Wroxeter 8R14,
Wm. Nickel, R. R. 1, Clifford, 5*
FOR SALE—Cow and calf, three
months old. Clarence Golley, phone
743W3. 5*
FOR SALE-200 Barred Rocks and
Sussex pullets, ready to lay; also
400 Rhode Island Reds, 3 week old
chicks, Phone 709W4, Mrs. Harold
Elliott, Blue vale. 5b
FOR SALE—Started pullets, 100
Rhode Island Reds, two weeks old;
200 Rhode Island Reds, three
weeks old; 500 Sussex Reds, one
week old; 150 White Wyandottes,
eight weeks old. Jim Coultes, R.
R. 5, Wingham, 743W2, 5b
FOR SALE—Two serviceable Berk-
shire hogs, apply to Ross Gray,
Wroxeter 16R3. 5b
FOR SALE—Cow due middle of
March, Apply to Fin. McCallum,
Brussels, R. R, 5, 5*
Your roosters will show more profit
when caponized between 3 and 6
weeks of age. A capon does not
fight or crow. When you sell, cap-
ons bring 2e lb. more than roosters
and over six months period will
average two lbs. heavier on same
food as roosters, as well as 50%
more Milk-fed A's without crating.
For information or custom capon-
izing phone collect, Walter Ren-
wick, 2r11, Delmore. rrtf
FOR SALE-1941 Chev. Coach, good
shape, best offer accepted. Mel,
Jermyn, Bluevale phone 33-12,
Brussels, 5*
FOR SALE-1937 Ford V 8 sedan,
in good condition, phone days 770,
evenings, 621J. 5b
WANTED TO RENT—by April 1st,,
a small house or cottage, by quiet,
reliable middle-aged couple, no
children. Centrally located if pos-
sible. Apply Box 119, Advance-
Times. 5rrb
WANTED TO RENT—Two or three
rooms for light housekeeping,
Partly furnished, references sup-
plied. Phone W J. Morris, Queen's
Hotel, noon or after 6 p.m, 5*
ienced girl. Write Eileen Camer-
on, cio Mrs, Ulmont Moore, R. R.
2, Luelchow, 5*
Warren House, Wingham,
rubber, floor-ever, or marboleum
for floors or plastic wall tile. We
supply quality brands, Contact
James Mintz, Formosa. Phone
Mildniay 38r2. 13,20,27,5b
WANTED—As many people asliTs-
sible to discover how quickly a
small Want Ad in this column can
get results, The cost is two cents
per word, minimum 40e. Use the
Advance-Tintes Want Ad column,
Phone them in. The number is 34,
We wish to express sincere thanks
'to our friends, neighbours end rela-
tives for kindnesses shown durieg
Our recent bereave/tent, and for
Cards, messages and floral tributes
Anatol' UcCorniialt and family.
FOR SALE—Six-room cottage, large
lot, modern conveniences, complete-
ly insulated, Located at the corner
of Frances St, and Diagonal Road,
Apply to Wilbert Hodgkingon. Terms
can be arranged. 20rrb
FOR SALE—House, 8 rooms, Insul
Brick Siding, garage and hydro.
Reasonable for quick sale. Apply
S. Ritchie, I..l ower Wingham, 5*
MODERN brick dwelling with built-
in cupboards, garage, Josephine St.
FARMS 25 to 250 acres, many loca-
SEVERAL farms In Brussels district.
50-ACRE farm near Delmore.
GENERAL stores, garages, hotels
and many other lines of business,
W. C, OKE, Real Estate Broker, Sea-
forth. E. THOMPSON, Salesman.
Wingham and Brussels. Phone 83x
FOR SALE Two-storey brick
house in Wingham situated cor-
ner Frances and Patrick Sts. This
house is in good repair and in a
fine location. Furnace nearly new.
House wired in 1948. For particu-
lars, Call Roy Porter, phone 267R,
Wingham. e ;12 :19 :26b
Victoria St., in first class repair.
Living room and dining room with
hardwood floors, kitchen newly
decorated, with cupboards and tile
floor, four bedrooms with clothes
closets, two built-in dressers and
3-piece bath, Write or call 693J,
Mrs. Carl M. Bennett, Victoria St.,
Wingham. 5*
FOR SALE—Frame house in Wing-
ham, seven rooms and -bath, in
good repair. Garage and barn on
lot, hydro and water installed.
Small field for pasture. Priced for
quick sale. Box 113, Advance-
Times. 5*
Two and a half miles east of Belgrave
FRIDAY, MARCH 7th at 1 p.m.
IMPLEMENTS-1951 Ford tractor,
fully equipped; one-way Disc; Ford
Double Disc; Buck Rake; 1934 Chev-
rolet Sedan; M.H. 7 ft. Binder; Hay
Loader, nearly new; National Milk-
ing Machine; M,H. Manure Spreader;
M.H. 13:run Fertilizer Drill; Farm
Wagon; Fanning Mill; Oil Space Hea-
ter; 20 cords maple body wood.
HORSES—Black Clyde Mare, 10
years old.
CATTLE—Brindle Cow, fresh; Ayr-
shire Cow, milking; 3 Durham Cows,
due time of sale; Hereford Cow, due
in March; 2 Durham Cows, due in
April; Durham Heifer, due in July; 6
Durham and Ayrshire Heifers, bred;
2 year-old Holstein Heifers; 9 calves
rising one year old; 3 young calves;
Red Durham Bull, 2 years old.
PIGS-2 York Sows bred; 11 Pigs,
130 lbs,; 7 Chunks, 120 lbs; 9 Chunks
12 weeks.
HAY-25 tons Mixed Hay.
E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk
Applications will be received by the
undersigned for two warble fly in-
spectors for the Township of Howick.
Applicant to state age, qualifications
and wages per hour, Applications to
be in the hands of the undersigned
by 12 p.m., March 12, 1952.
P. L, Durst, Clerk, Wroxeter
27, 5b
GIBSON—Ella and Garry Gibson
are happy to announce the birth
of a baby daughter, Deborah Lor-
raine, a sister for Darryl ,at Vic-
toria Hospital, Victoria, BC., on
Febrile*? 25th„ 1952.
VINCENT In Wingham General
Hospital, on Tuesday, February 19,
1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Vin-
cent, Belgrave, a; son.
McDONALD—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Wednesday, Febru-
ary 27th., 1952, to Mr. and Mrs,
James McDonald, R. R. 3, Tees-
water, a son.
KERR—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Tuesday, February 27th,
1952, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kerr,
Wingham, a son.
KIEFFER—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Friday, February 29,
1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kief-
fer, R. R. 1, Wingham, a daughter.
WALSH--In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Sunday, March 2nd.,
1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Walsh, R. R. 1, Belgrave, a son.
WILLSON—In Guelph General Hos-
pital, on Sunday, March 2nd., 1952,
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willson
nee (Marjorie Gibson) a daughter.
STEURNOL—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, March 1st.,
1952, to Mr. and Mrs. John Steur-
nol, (nee Joyce Sanderson), R. R.
1, Wroxeter, a' son.
The Friday evening previous the
officers and N.C.O.'s of the Battery,
with their wives, assembled at the
Armouries for a farewell party and
to express their regret at hhe de-
parture of Sgt.-Major and Mrs.Dyble.
Lieut, Barry Kay acted as master-of-
ceremonies and Sgt. Bill Grover pre-
sented the Sgt.-Major with a bronze
smoking stand and his wife with a
rhinestone necklace, earrings and
bracelet. The former made thought-
ful reply, expressing his appreciation
of the co-operation which had been
accorded him during the five years
he had spent in Wingham.
Best wishes were extended to him
in the new post to which he has been
Addison Fitzpatrick
Passes in Manitoba
Funeral services for the late Ad-
dison Burton Fitzpatrick, 76, were
held in the Elgin United Church,
Elgin, Manitoba, on Wednesday,
February 6th, at 2 p.m. Rev, A.
Johnston officiated, assisted by Rev.
W, 0. Robertson, a former pastor,
who spoke most feelingly of his
fellowship with the deceased.
The pallbearers were Messrs. K.
N. Macdonald, R. J. Draper, Gordon
Dodds, • W. S. Spratt, V. H. Ander-
son and Herbert Sparrow. Honorary
pallbearers were, Messrs, E. J. Smil-
lie, A. S. Maguire, Alex Grant, John
Spratt, G. D. Ross and J. B. King.
Quiet simplicity marked a very im-
pressive service. Burial was made
in Elgin cemetery.
The late Mr. Fitzpatrick died in
Winnipeg General Hospital, on Sun-
day, February 3rd, after a major
Born at Gorrie;, Ontario, the son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Fitzpatrick of United Empire Loy-
alist' stock, he came with his par-
ents in 1880 to Portage Plains and
later to this district so rightly may
he called a member of one of the
old families. Farming was his life-
long occupation and he built up a
fine home and retired only a few
years ago to live in Elgin. Of quiet
but genial disposition he took his
duties as a citizen seriously, Un-
assumingly he helped in community
building and his home was one of
wide hospitality,
Surviving are his widow, the for-
mer Bertha, Sotheran, of Fordwich,
Ontario; one son, J., Crosby, of Elg-
in; one daughter, Mrs. Win. Scharff,
of Holland; and 'four grandchildren.
Three brothersp also survive, John,
Herbert and Charles, of New West-
minster, B, C. Two sisters, Mrs.
Chesterfield of Vancouver and Mrs.
Cannon of Winnipeg, also survive.
The only soundly Christian approv-
al to strong, drink is abstinence, A
Man is responsible to God and t o
Society to make the best possible use
of his strength and his abilities, The
chances are that he will not do this
if he muddles his brain with alcohol.
Abstinence is one guarantee that he
can measure up to this responsi-
bility. for the, influence he exerts on
others. His example is his Most ef-
fective medium of influence. He may
be able to handle his liquor but In
the company there are so ine who are
fighting a losing battle against liquor
and there may be youiig people who
have never touched it. tf he is con-
siderate and if lie Has siiy conscience
about it he will abstain for their
Sakes. In the 'last •analysis abethience
is the Christian approach to strong
Marion Williamson
Group Holds Meeting
The Marion Williamson Group held
their February meeting at the borne
of Marion Chittick on Tuesday even-
ing last week. The meeting opened
with the call'to worship and the sing-
ing of hymn 742, The Scripture read-
ing I Samuel .15:24-31, was read by
Mary Rae, followed by prayer by
Marion Chittick. 'The roll call was
taken and the secretary's and treas-
urer's reports were given, After a
short business period the collection
was taken. The topic, the sepond
chapter of "Off to Brazil", was read
by Mary Frances 'Currie. A reading
on Brazil was given by Mrs. Douglas
Fry, Donalda MacDonald read a
poem followed by prayer by Helen
Ford. Hymn 796 was sung. After a
work period lunch was served and
the meeting closed with the bene-
Special speaker Sum/ay, at both
services at the Baptist Church, was
Mr. A. H. Wiener a representative of
the Hope of Israel Messengers. Mr.
Wiener, a converted Jew from Ger-
many, is a talented pianist as well
as dynamic speaker. During his
evening discourse the speaker out-
lined his conversion and the ordeals
in the Buchenwald concentration
camp where he was taken during
the Hitler regime. Mr, Wiener re-
lated how in desperation he cried
to God for deliverance as daily he
saw his countrymen die from tor-
tures at the hands of the Nazis.
Shortly afterwards God answered
his prayer and he was released from
this camp.
Speaking at the morning service
Mr, Wiener chose as his subject
"Three Midnights". We are now in
the midnight hour of this dispensa-
tion and our only hope and Salva-
tion is Christ. Just as at Buchen-
wald concentration camp with its
electric wire fence there was no es-
cape, so today we have the concen-
tration camp of sin, surrounded by
the electric wire of rebellion against
God and by the watch towers of self.
"How I came to Christ" was the
theme of Mr. Wiener's evening sub-
ject. Born in Frankfort Germany
he was a son of Jewish parents. He
was taken to Buchenwald prison
camp November 12th, 1938. To-day
he is out proclaiming the gospel of
Jesus Christ to his own people.
At the Fellowship Hour, Mr. Wie-
ner gave a piano recital playing
such well known` numbers as the
"Victory March," and hymn from
"Judas Maccabaeus" byHandel and
the closing choir and choral from
"St. Matthew Passion" by Bach.
Pastor John Coyle also assisted at
the services with solos.
Baptist Young People
The regular meeting of the Bap-
tist Young People was held on Sun-
day evening. Rev. A. H. Weiner of
the Hope of Israel Messengers gave
an outstanding piano recital. His
first number was the "Victory
March," by Handel, followed by
Bach's "Passion According to Saint
Matthew." Pastor Coyle favoured
with a solo "A Mighty Fortress Is
Our God," accompanied by Rev.
Weiner. A very inspiring devotional
was given by., Ittev. Weiner to the
Young People. He then favoured
with a piano solo, "Who Is On the
Lord's Side", after which Pastor
Coyle closed 'c*ith prayer.
Mrs. A. McCormick
Was Culross Resident
Mrs, Andrew McCormick of Culross
Twp., passed away in the Wingham
General Hospital, on Saturday morn-
ing, February '23, in her 77th year.
Formerly Lucy Jane Lamont, she
was the only daughter of the late
Malcolm and Mary Lamont. Born in
Hibbert Twp., she came to Wingham
at the age of twelve 'years, where
she resided until her marriage in
the year 1905, to Andrew McCormick,
con, 1, Culross.
Surviving besides her husband are
one son, Donald at home and two
daughters, Mrs. Dan (Hilda) Halle-
hen, Blyth, and Katherine, at home.
She also has five grandchildren,
The funeral was held from the
Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, on
Tuesday, February 26th. Requiem
High Mass was sung by Rev, Father
H. R. Brick assisted by Rev. Father
Durand. The pallbearers were John
Sproal, John McKinnon, Percy King,
Ross King, Joseph King and Lloyd
Dawson, Interment was made hi the
Teeswater R. C. Cemetery.
St. Paul's Guild
The regular meeting of St, Paul's,
Ladies' Giuld was held in the primary
room of the church ' Thursday
afternoon with a good attendance.
The meeting opened in the usual.
manner with the General Confession-
and the Lord's Prayer. In the absence
of the secretary, Mrs, Herb Mitchell,
the minutes of the last meeting were
read by Mrs. E. Armitage. The treas-
urer, Mrs. D. D. Porter, gave her
financial report of the Valentine Tea
which was quite successful in spite
of stormy weather, It was decided
to purchase five long tables. Some
necessary decorating in the rectory
was discussed and the work approved.
The business being concluded, Mrs.
Lancaster pronounced the benediction
and a delicious lunch was served by
the committee.
Bishop Addresses
(Continued from page one,)
great purpose. He asked if the parish.
was not already organized, that it he
done immediately and without fur-
ther delay so that every family in the
Diocese will now be invited to con-
tribute a gift of money—as well as
their prayers for the success of the
Bishop Luxton expressed the hope
that the Campaign would be entirely
successful, so that in the fall the
new College might be consecrated.
He explained that the College has
been dedicated to God's service in the
meantime, but only a debt-free build-
ing may be consecrated and set.
apart as God's property, sacred and
inviolate. In September of this year,
the General Synod of the Church of
England in Canada is meeting in.
London, Ontario, when the Primate ,
of all Canada, the Archbishops and
Bishops, and many Clergymen and.
laymen of the 28 dioceses across Can-
ada (about 350 strong) will meet for
a week early in the month, and there
is a possibility that the Archbishop
of Canterbury, together with the
Dean of St. Paul's in London, Eng-
land, may also be present, which.
would provide a most fitting time
and setting for the Consecration of
the new buildings.
The Bishop closed his talk by stat-
ing that the response of the people
of the Diocese of Huron during this,
month of March to the appeal for
$375,000.00 to clear Huron College of
debt, will be helping in the establish-
ment of the truth as it is in Jesus ,
Christ, on the firm foundation of
manhood in every community of the-
Diocese of Huron,. in Western Ont—
ario, and elsewhere in God's World
where our young people may be call—
ed upon to labour for the extension
of the Kingdom, "Together, by God's
grace, we shall continue that which
we have begun unto a successful end—
until the task be finished—and we•
shall yield the true glory to Him,
to Whom we shall consecrate the new
and COWS up td $5.00 each.
Smaller animals according to size.
and condition.
C. Brubacher
Phone 608w1 R.R. 1, Wingham
lifittis to is
Radio & Electric
" Serving You Since 193." "
Anyone confined to bed at home
may have the added comfort of an ad.,
justable, hospital-type bed. This free
service is made available by the
Wingham Kinsmen Club. Your doc.,
tor can arrange for a bed on short
notice. 28rrb
All persons having claims against
the estate of Andrew Adams, late of
the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Farmer, who died
on or about the fifteenth day of Jan-
uary, A.D. 1952, are notified to send
to the undersigned on or before the
eighth clay of March, A.D. 1952, full
particulars of their claims in writing,
Immediately after the said eighth
day of March the assets of the said
testator will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
executrix shall then have notice.
DATED this thirteenth day of Feb,
ruary, AD, 1952.
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executrix
Tenders will - be received by the
Board of Managers, for re-decorat-
ing the auditorium and entrance of
Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue-
vale. Work to be completed by May
31st., 1952. Tenders to close March
20th., 1952. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
M. Olive Scott, Secretary, Bluevale
Dog taxes for the, year 1952 are
now due and payable at the police
office, Town of Wingham.
Chief Constable Irwin. 5b
Poultry the Co-op way and for your
convenience we have all your Co-op
'Feeds available at the right prices
at the Maitland Co-op Creamery.
Lockers available to everyone.
News from Our Churches
CONTRACT FORMS are now avail-
able for your seed contract bar-
ley. Shipping facilities will be
provided at our elevator 'located on
C.N.R., Wingham, If interested, see
us soon, as our seed supplies are
limited. John Bumstead & Son,
phone 455, Wingham. 13rrb
I wish to express my sincerest
appreciation for the beautiful floral
offerings, cards and words of sym-
pathy and kindness shown to me
by my neighbours and friends in my
recent sad bereavement by the loss
of a beloved wife, Frances Richey.
Clarence Richey and Boys.
SPARLING—In loving memory of
a clear husband and father, Alonzo
Sperling, who passed away March
6th., 1947,
—Ever remembered by his wife and
family. 5*
ROLPH—In loving memory of Pear-
son Rolph, wine passed away on
March 6, 1950.
The depths of sorrow we cannot tell,
Of loss of one we loved so well,
And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep,
His memory we shall always keep,
—Ever remembered by his daugh-
ters and grandchildren.
REID—In loving memory of a dear
daughter and sister, Elva, who
passed away three years ago,
March 5th., 1949.
Her memory is a keepsake
With which we will never part,
Though absent, she is ever near,
Still loved, still missed, and ever
--Always remembered and sadly
missed by Mother, Dad, Sisters
and Brothers.